True Health Physical-Mental-Spiritual Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. 215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061 THIS IS YOUR MEMBERSHIP NEWSLETTER VIA THE INTERNET True Health August 2003 Physical-Mental-Spiritual Written by David McMillin Ulcerative Colitis Grape Therapy Ulcerative colitis is a particularly distressing form of bowel dis- In addition to being a tasty and nutritious ease that afflicts an estimated 250,000 Americans. As the name food, grapes can provide wonderful therapeutic implies, ulcerative colitis manifests as an inflammation of the colon benefits. Grapes are rich in phosphorous, potas- (colitis) in which ulcers (tiny open sores) develop, causing pus, sium, and vitamin A. Grapes contain polyphe- mucus, and bleeding. The inflammation makes the colon empty nol, a heart-protective chemical. frequently, causing abdominal pain and diarrhea. As I said, it is a Grape seed extract, a currently popular herbal distressing illness! treatment thought to improve vision by increas- Ulcerative colitis patients also may suffer from fever, nausea, ing blood flow in the eye’s capillaries, is touted by fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, and loss of body fluids and alternative medicine practitioners as a treatment nutrients. Severe bleeding can lead to anemia. Sometimes patients for macular degeneration and cataracts. also have skin lesions, joint pain, inflammation of the eyes, or liver disorders. The risk of colon cancer increases in patients with se- Cayce’s Grape Therapy vere ulcerative colitis, especially if the colitis exists for many Concord grape juice was suggested by Cayce as a dietary years. supplement to aid in reducing weight in cases of obesity. Grape Medical science provides little understanding of how bowel monodieting was also sometimes recommended for internal disease can produce problems elsewhere in the body. The Cayce cleansing. readings explain these systemic manifestations as a form of auto- Edgar Cayce sometimes prescribed grape therapy for abdomi- intoxication – toxins from the bowel nal discomfort associated with bowel disease (see companion ar- are absorbed into the system. The ticle). In such cases, Cayce often recommended that Concord va- resulting internal pollution causes riety grapes be eaten, drunk as juice, and used in abdominal poul- pathology to numerous organ tices. Although he never prescribed grape seed extract, he in- systems. With regard to cancer, sisted that the grapes contain the seed. He said the action of the the readings cite chronic irritation tartaric acid in the seed is desirable. as an important contributing fac- The regimen for grape therapy in colitis varies depending tor. upon the condition of the individual. Including quantities of grapes and grape juice in the diet is encouraged. The grape poul- Diagnosis tice should be used at least once each week. For acute condi- Categorized as inflammatory bowel tions, the poultice may be used almost continuously until relief is disease (IBD), ulcerative colitis is distin- achieved. Here are some tips for making the grape poultice: guished from the other major form of IBD (Crohn’s disease) by * Use Concord variety grapes with seeds. the location of the pathology. In ulcerative colitis the inflamma- * Crush the grapes and use the hull and pulp. tion tends to be restricted to the surface layers of the colon. In * Place about 1 to 1 1/2 inches of grape hull and pulp be- Crohn’s disease the pathology affects deeper layers of the bowel, tween layers of gauze. including the small intestine, which is rarely involved in ulcerative * Use the poultice over the whole abdomen from the stomach colitis. to the caecum. Colitis continued on page 2 * Leave the poultice on until it is dry and warm. 2 True Health . August 2003 turbed due to the toxic build up in the co- RE: pH of processed fruit juices - My understand- lon. Thus the various systemic problems ing is that processed fruit juices (including frozen) are associated with ulcerative colitis (which acid-forming as a result of pasteurization, and this is baffle medical science) were traced to the not the case with processed vegetable juices. Does toxins picked up and circulated throughout pasteurization or other processing turn naturally alka- the body by the lymphatic system. line-forming fruits into acid-forming juices? Here is an excerpt from the readings I have heard differing opinions on this issue, so I have done some experimenting that describes the aftereffects of infection on myself. By measuring my own urine pH I have found that for me it doesn’t seem on the colon and lymphatic system: “In to make much difference whether the juice is freshly squeezed or pasteurized in so this body we find there has been the after far as pH is concerned. I haven’t tried frozen juices. Citrus juices in particular have effect from a condition existent some time a strong alkalizing effect on my urine. For breakfast I like to drink a large glass of or- back, when there was an attack of what is ange juice with some lemon squeezed in for a little extra zing! Edgar Cayce recom- commonly called flu. This at the time mended this combination as a preventive for colds. settled or produced greater inflammation Beyond the pH issue, it is important to keep in mind that fresh food is almost al- through the alimentary canal, and the in- ways better for you than processed. From a general nutritional standpoint, I would flammation has caused the areas, through suggest eating fresh foods as much as possible. Also keep in mind that fruits (espe- which lymph flows for the colon activity to cially fruit juices) are rich in sugar, which can be a problem for some individuals. have a form of colitis.” (5091-1) Since Edgar Cayce encouraged people to test urine and saliva pH to monitor Another common pattern described by acid/alkaline balance, I would encourage you to do a little personal research by test- Edgar Cayce traces the cause of colitis to ing the pH question on your own body. The way your individual body handles problems further up in the digestive sys- foods may make a significant difference in whether a particular food is acid-forming tem. For example, improper functioning of or alkaline-forming for you. This will also give you a little reality check on all the ex- the stomach, small intestines, or liver can perts who can never seem to agree on such issues. D.M. produce a toxic load on the lower intes- tines. “Overacidity” was common in such instances. Colitis cont’d from page 1 Medical Treatment In other readings on colitis, the cause Treatment for ulcerative colitis de- was linked to pressures on spinal nerves Ulcerative colitis is distinguished from pends on the seriousness of the disease. that govern the digestive system. Im- irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) because IBS Anti-inflammatory medications are the proper digestion and assimilation in the does not involve inflammation or bleeding. most common treatment. In severe cases, upper digestive system led to inflammation In making a diagnosis, the doctor may do a surgery may be required to remove the in the colon. Spinal adjustment (manual colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, which in- diseased colon. therapy) was usually included in the treat- volves the insertion of a long, flexible, When dietary triggers can be identi- ment plan in such instances. lighted tube (endoscope) into the anus to fied, elimination of these foods from the Whether a virus or other factors pro- see the inside of the colon and rectum. diet can help control the condition. duced the colitis, Cayce’s treatment recom- This procedure allows the doctor to see Highly seasoned foods, raw fruits and mendations were consistent in emphasiz- any inflammation, bleeding, or ulcers on vegetables, and milk sugar (lactose) are ing the need to address the whole diges- the colon wall. common dietary triggers for ulcerative tive system as well as the colon itself. Causes of Ulcerative Colitis colitis. Each person will experience the Specific therapies for symptomatic relief Although a specific cause of ulcerative condition differently; so individualized were also usually included. Here is a typi- colitis has eluded medical science, many treatment planning is desirable. Since cal treatment plan: researchers believe that a primary factor stress can trigger episodes of ulcerative * Diet: Cayce focused on keeping a may be some type of virus or bacteria. Nu- colitis, emotional and psychological sup- proper alkaline/acid balance while avoiding merous studies have linked ulcerative coli- port is important. foods that produce toxicity and drain the tis to common infectious agents including Some alternative practitioners have system. The diet needs to be tailored to measles and Epstein-Barr virus (associated claimed good results with dietary restric- each person, especially if certain foods with chronic fatigue syndrome). tions, nutritional supplements, and herbal One of the most interesting viral agents remedies. However, the National Institute Colitis continued on page 4 is the cytomegalovirus (CMV), a member of of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney the herpes virus family that has the ability Diseases (a division of the NIH) recog- Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.) to remain alive, but dormant, in the body nizes diet as a potential triggering factor 215 67th St, Virginia Beach, VA 23451 for long periods of time. CMV is a common for ulcerative colitis flare-ups but not as a www.edgarcayce.org virus that infects more than half of the primary cause. 1-800-333-4499 Copyright 2003 by the A.R.E., Inc. population. It rarely causes major illness in Cayce on Colitis This newsletter is one of the monthly benefits to A.R.E. mem- adults with healthy immune systems, but Edgar Cayce gave numerous readings bers.
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