Laurus Labs Limited Corporate Office 2""Fioor, Serene Chambers. Road No.7 BanJaro Hills. Hyderabad- 50003L., Telongana, India LAURUS Labs T +91 L,O 3980L.333/23L.2 0500 I 501 F +91 L.O 3980 L.320 Knowledge . Innovation . Excellence Hyderabad, September 25, 2018 To To The Corporate Relations Department The Listing Department BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited 1 Phiroz Jeejeebhoy Towers, 25 h Floor, Dalal Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Street, Mumbai- 400001 Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051 Code: 540222 Code: LAURUSLABS Dear Sirs, Sub: Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) read with Regulation 6(2) of SEBI (PIT) Regulations 2015 With reference to the above subject, we have received the attached communication from some of our Key Managerial Persons and Employees_ The same is being sent herewith for your information and records. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, For Laurus Labs Limited \ Registered Office: Plot No:21, Jawoharlal Nehru Pharma City, Porawada. Visokhapatnam - 531021, Andhro Pradesh, India. CIN : L24239AP2005PLCOL.7518 T +9 1 891 3061222 F +91 891 3061270 E [email protected] W lauruslabs.com LAURUS Generics LAURUS Ingredients LAURUS Synthesis ActiVe Pharmaceutical Ingredients & Intermediates Speoalty lngedients lor Nutraceutical & Allied Industry Contract DeYelopment & Marufactlri1g Services FORMC Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation!, 2015 [Regulation 7 (2) read with Regulation 6(2)- Continual Disclosure Name of the Company· Laurus Labs Limited ISIN of the Company: INE947QO IOIO Details of change in holding of Securities of Promoter, Employee or Director of a listed company and other such persons as mentioned in Regulation 6(2) Name, PAN No., CIN/DIN, & address of Promoter/ Category of Securities held proor to Secunties acquired/Disposed Securities held post Date of allotment Date of Mode df Employee I Director with contact nos Person acquisitiOn/disposal acquisition/d1sposal advice/acquisition of intimation to acquisttion/dispo (Promoters/ shares/sale of shares company sal (on KMP / specify market/pubhc/rog Directors/ hts/preferential immediate offer/off relatives/ others market/inter-sc etc.) transfer, ESOPs etc.• ) Type of No. and%of Type of No. Value Transaction Type of No. and % From To security (For shareholding security (For type secunty (For of e.g.- Shares, e.g. - Shares, (Buy/Sale/Pie e.g. - Shares, shareholding Warrants, Warrants, dge/Revoke/1 Warrants, Convertible Convertible nvoke) Convertible Debentures Debentures Debentures etc.) etc.) etc.) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 14 Dr Srecnivasa Rao D Employee Equity Shares 23,693 Equity Shares 24,000 1,04,50,800 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 47,693 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AANPR3503Q Allotment Villa No. 268, Apama Palm Meadows, Off. Gundlapocharnpally Road, Kompally, Hyderabad- 500014, Telangana. 8978038383 Narasimha Rao DVL Employee Equity Shares 1,05,393 Equity Shares 10,000 43,54,500 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 1,15,393 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AFFPD8271E Allotment 02, Bhagawan Residency, Vijayanagar Colony, VVN Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072, Telangana. Srinivasa Rao S KMP Equity Shares 1,26,680 Equity Shares 10,000 43,54,500 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 1,36,680 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AGQPS4083D Allotment Flat No. 304, Defence Officers Quarters, Ki rlampudi Layout, Vtsakhapatnam - 530002, Andhra Pradesh. B V N S Siva kumar Employee Equity Shares 6,300 Equ1ty Shares 5,000 21,77,250 Buy - ESOP Equtty Shares 11 ,300 20/09/2018 24/0912018 ESOPs ABXPB9684P Allotment MIG-296, Balaj i Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072, T elangana 9963994802 KMP Equity Shares 5,394 Equity Shares 15,000 65,31,750 Buy-ESOP Equity Shares 20,394 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs Dr.Uma Maheshwar Rao Allotment AANPV3407H 45 , Park V1ew Enclave, Manovikas Nagar, O ld -=- Bowenpalh, Secunderabad - 500011 , Telangana_ ,,;P ...,f'B.s . / ~;~ yderabad ( ~ Praveen Kommana Employee Equity Shares 44,116 Equity Shares 8,000 34,83,600 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 52,116 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESOPs ATRPK9087F Allotment H No 11 -20/ 14-5, Teegala Bazar, Hanuman Peta, Kanchikacherla- 521 180, Andhra Pradesh. Srinivas Rao BVRKS Employee Equity Shares 4, 143 Equity Shares 7,500 32,65,875 Buy- ESOP Equi ty Shares 11,643 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESOPs BSIPS4569P Allotment 502, Green City Heights, Green City, Vadlapudi, , Y1sakhapatnam - 530046, Andhra Pradesh. 8978978904 Prasad YNY Employee Eq ui ty Shares 3,893 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy -ESOP Equity Shares 6,893 20/09/2018 24/Q9/2018 ESOPs AFBPYI230M Allotment Krishna Res1dency, Flat No.l04, Kasam Kousalya Colony, Ncar Volvo Serv1cing Centre, Bachupally- 500090 Sumeet Sobti Employee Equity Shares 3,394 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 6,394 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESOPs APFPS8143C Allotment f- 11 6, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi - II 0027. 9350805212 Nilkanth Mahajan Employee Equity Shares 3,005 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 6,005 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AGKPM4428J Allotment 606, Sapphire, My Home Jewels, M1yapur. Hyderabad - 500049, Telangana_ Dr.Prafulla Nandi Employee Equity Shares 3,988 Equi ty Shares 6,000 26,12,700 Buy -ESOP Equity Shares 9,988 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs ACLPN8663P Allotment Flat No. 606, Shreya Tower, Sree Yensai ProJects, Kompall y, Hyderabad Telangana. Srinivasa Rao S Employee Equity Shares 56,700 Equity Shares 5,000 2 1,77,250 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 61,700 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESOPs AITPS2405G Allolment D. No. 242-1 5/23, Flat No. 504, SSV Royal Apts, Sector-ll, MVP Colony, Yisakhapatnam - 530017, Andhra Pradesh. Bhaskaraiah M KMP Equity Shares 1,0 1,2 41 Equity Shares 5,000 2 1,77,250 Buy - ESOP Eq uity Shares 1,06,241 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESOPs AGMPM5324R Allolmenl 8-3- 1027-1 , Flat No. 403, Bhanu Residency, Snnagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500073, Telangana. Ve nkata Ramana Rao Ch Employee Equity Shares 80,000 Equity Shares 5,000 2 1,77,250 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 85,000 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs ADLPC9963A Allotment H. No. II, Preslige Park, Near GVK EMRI, Gundlapochampally, Medchal Highway, Malkajgiri Dist, Hyderabad, Telangana. Sita Ramaiah Ch Employee Equity Shares 68,500 Equi ty Shares 5,000 2 1,77,250 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 73,500 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs ADJPC9621P Allotment Flat No. 405, Sokeo Towers. Phase - V, KPHB, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072, Telangana_ Babchand N Employee Equity Shares 55,929 Equity Shares 5,000 21 ,77,250 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 60,929 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs ACHPN5607P Allotment --=-- Flat No. 2 102, Manjeera Trinity Homes. KPHB Colony, Hvderabad - 500072, Telangana. £~s ''~--\~ H;uere:b3dJ~I)~ '~t~A-, /./~ ~ -er:--~\ / "0 Dr Shashank G Potdar Employee Equ1ty Shares 4,000 Equ1ty Shares 4,000 17,4 1,800 Buy- ESOP EqUity Shares 8,000 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs ASKPP7828H Allotment F-705, NCL Sindhu, Near Dandamudt Enclave, Pebashecrabad, Hvderabad- 67. Veeraiah G Employee Equity Shares 2,000 Equity Shares 4,000 17,4 1,800 Buy - ESOP Gq01ty Shares 6,000 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AKKPG7310D Allotment Flat No.403, Lakshmi Shell Serenity Apartments, Plot No.28/l, Mayun Nagar, M1yapur, l lyderabad- 500049 \ 9885404655 Girish K Employee Equity Shares 19,994 Gquity Shares 4,000 17,4 1,800 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 23,994 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AMCPK5849H Allotment 10 1, E-Block, Palace Heaghts, SivaJi Nagar, Kurmanna Palem, V1sakhapatnam - 530046, Andhra Pradesh Radha Krishna Sunkara Employee Equity Shares 11,930 Equtty Shares 13,000 56.60,850 Buy- ESOP EqUity Shares 24,930 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AQXPS9561R Allotment Flat No.402, Sai Pavan Resadency, Road No.3, Sathavaha Nagar, Kurmannapalem, V1sakhapatnam 530046 K Jagan Mohan Rao Employee Equtty Shares 35,000 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 38,000 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AHWPK6939N Allotment Flat No.201, Sreevihar Apartment, Safilguda, Hyderabad- 500056 Srini vas Simhadri Employee Equity Shares 4 1,893 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 44,893 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs APMPS3989R Allotment Flat No.205, Bhagwan Residency, Vijaya Nagar Colony, Vivekananda Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072 Giridhar Mukkamala Employee Equity Shares 32,23 1 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy -ESOP Equity Shares 35,231 20/09/2018 24/09/2018 ESOPs AGCPM9470G Allotment Flat No.303, Door No.9-364/9, Mourya Plaza, Visalaksht Na!!ar, Vtsakhaoatnam- 530043 Employee Equity Shares 3,900 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 6,900 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESDI's Allotment Suresh Kumar Kanakala AQXPK4552G Srivarshtm Ananda Nilayam, Satavahana Nagar, Kurmannapalem, Visakhapatnam- 530046 Phone no.8978779186 Sridhar Ayapilla Employee Equity Shares 2,000 Eq uity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 5,000 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESOPs AEDPA76 18F Allotment Plot No.l 8, JNPC, Parawada, Visakhapatnam - 53 1021 Tel: 9704688529 Murali Mohan Parvatham Employee Equity Shares 2,050 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy- ESOP Equity Shares 5,050 20/09/20 18 24/09/2018 ESOPs AlFPP492lJ Allotment Flat No.402, DeviSat Enclave, GaJuwaka, Visakhapatnam - 530044 Phone:9989550698 - ,6'-ABs ( .:) / ~'3 Hyde<abad ~~~ 6.: ~~ Avinash Goyal Employee Equity Shares 1,894 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy-ESOP Equity Shares 4,894 20/0912018 24(0912018 ESOPs AKDPG3786G Allotment 312, Varuna Block, Myhome Navadweepa. Madhapur, Hyderabad- 500081 Mudit Singhal Employee Equity Shares 1,500 Equity Shares 3,000 13,06,350 Buy - ESOP Equity Shares 4,500 20/09120 18 24/09l2018 ESOPs BMSPS1669G Allotment
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