UNITED NATIONS THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR ,.’ th MEETING: 1 AUGUST 1982 NEW YORK CONTENTS Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2386) . , , . 1 Expression of thanks to the retiring President . , . ,. 1 Adoption of the agenda , , . , . , , . , . , . , . 1 The situation in the Middle East: ((I) Letter dated 4 June 1982 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/15162); (h) Letter dated 28 July 1982 from the Permanent Representatives of Egypt and France to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Secu- rity Council (S/15316) ,,,.*,,..,..*.,.......*......,t..*.*,........* 1 SlPV.2386 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters corn- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol SI. .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions und Decisions qf the Security Comcil. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. 2386th MEETING eld in New York on Sunday, 1 August 1982, at 12.30 p.m. Prr.sidcnt: Mr. Noel DORR (Ireland). 2. The PRESIDENT: In accordance with decisions taken at previous meetings on this itetn [237dth, Pwwnt: The representatives of the following States: 237Sth, 2377th md 2384th rnr~~ti~~~ys], I invite the repre- China, France, Guyana, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, sentatives of Lebanon and Israel to take places at the Panama, Poland, Spain, Togo, Uganda, Union of Council table: I invite the representative of the Pales- Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great tine Liberation Organization (PLO) to take a place at Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of Amer- the Council table: I invite the representatives of Egypt ica, Zaire. and Pakistan to take the places reserved for them at the side of the Council chamber. Provisional agenda (SIAgendal2386) 1. Adoption of the agenda 2. The situation in the Middle East: 01) Letter dated 4 June 1982 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Secu- rity Council (S/15162); 3. The PRESIDENT: This me’eting of the Council (A) Letter dated 28 July 1982 from the Permanent has been canvened at the urgent request, made during Representatives of Egypt and France to the the night, of the representative of Lebanon in view of United Nations addressed to the President of the new and serious outbreak of fighting in and around the Security Council (S/l53 16) Beirut. I should like to thank the members of the Council. On their behalf, I should like also to express warm appreciation to the members of the Secretariat and the various services for the promptness with which Expression of thanks to the retiring President they responded, at very short notice, to the request for a Council meeting which I as President had to call 1. The PRESIDENT: At this first meeting of the in the early hours of this morning. Council for the month of August, as I take the Chail as President, I should like on behalf of the Council 4. Members of the Council have before them dacu- and on my own behalf to pay the warmest tribute to ment S/15330, which has been prepared in the course my precedessor, Mr. Noel Sinclair, the Permanent of the Council’s consultations. Representative of Guyana, who presided over the Council during the month of July. We are all in agree- 5. I should like to draw the attention of members of ment that he showed the greatest diplomatic skill, tact the Council to the following other documents: S/15322, and courtesy in conducting the business of the Council containing the text of a letter dated 29 July from the last month, and I would ask the representative of representative of Cuba to the President of the Coun- Guyana to convey our thanks to him. cil: S/l5324 and S/15326, containing the text of letters dated 29 and 30 July, respectively, from the repre- Adoption of the agenda sentative of Lebanon to the President of the Council; and S/15328 and S/15329, containing the text of letters dated 30 July from the representative of Jordan to the President of the Council. The situation in the Middle East: (a) Letter dated 4 June 1982 from the Permanent 6. Members of the Council have also received photo- Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations copies of a letter dated I August from the represen- addressed to the President of the Security Council tative of Jordan to the President of the Council. It will (S/15162); be issued as a document of the Council this afternoon (b) Letter dated 28 July 1982 from the Permanent under the symbol S/ 15332. Representatives of Egypt and France to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security 7. As I have already mentioned, representatives Council (S/15316) have before them document S/15330, dated I August, which is a draft resolution that has been drawn up from west Beirut lscc S//5329, ~lnnr.\-1. we were following consultations earlier this morning. It is my surprised by a ferocious Israeli attack. understanding that the Council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution. Unless I hear an “Our already bleeding city was attacked from objection, I shall put the draft resolution to the vote land, sea and air. Unprecedented destruction was now, and allow those representatives who wish to caused and death was again pursuing the tortured speak to do so after the voting. innocent citizens who were trying to flee with their children from street to street and house to house, 8. Before we proceed to the vote, I should point out a small error in the text, which will be corrected in “Our people are all asking one simple question: the definitive copy of the draft resolution. This is the Why? omission from operative paragraph 3 of five words that were, as I understood it as President, agreed in the “Why the renewal of this vicious, ferocious consultations this morning. The words omitted are shelling, which comes while 600,000 Lebanese have “as soon as possible and”. The difference is not a been trying to survive without water, electricity substantive one, but the text should include those and food, for no crime they committed save their words. I call now read out the correct version of oper- belonging to a civilized homeland whose history ative paragraph 3: testifies to its faith in moral values, the principles of international law, the Universal Declaration of “RP~LWS~S the Secretary-General to report back to Human Rights’ and the Charter of the United Na- the Security Council on compliance with this reso- tions as an instrument that should govern the future lution as soon as possible and not later than four of nations, particularly the smaller States such as hours from now.” Lebanon. 9. The Council will now vote on the draft resolution “I am addressing you this morning in the name of in document S/15330. the people of Lebanon, the men and the women, the aged and the children, who were all surprised. by the spectre of death at sunrise. “I am addressing all the peoples of the world. I am addressing this appeal to the heads of State and Government, to the Secretary-General of the 10. The PRESIDENT: I now call on the represen- United Nations, to the President and members of tative of Lebanon, at whose initiative we are meeting the Security Council, asking them all to come tO here today and who has asked to make a statement. Lebanon’s rescue and to save an aggrieved people besieged in its own capital city, devoured by the I I, Mr. TUENI (Lebanon): I congratulate you, Sir, Israeli war machine, despite Security Council reso- on your assumption of the presidency for this month. lutions calling for a cease-fire, a lifting of the block- We would have preferred not to have you begin your ade and the withdrawal of all forces. duties at such an early hour. Members are aware that I awakened you shortly after you had gone to bed, “What is now needed is an act of deliverance, It is and I think that the marvelous way in which you re- asked from each and all, particularly from the United sponded and have taken action has already produced Nations in accordance with its principles, as our results, Your country is a friend of my country and last resort. your valiant soldiers have been in Lebanon ever since the establishment of the United Nations Interim Force “The people of Lebanon is today the victim of an in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Some have been martyred in unprecedented tragedy. Lebanon has been for se the cause of peace, and we hope that under your long the arena of various regional and international presidency the Council will steer this whole issue to confrontations. Let Lebanon’s case be today a a fortunate conclusion, victory for rights and a vindication of human values and the worth of human lives.” 12. Although I should address my thanks to you and to all the Council members for having voted in favour The appeal is signed by Chafik Al-Wazzan, Prime of the present resolution, I have not asked to speak Minister, President of the Council of Ministers of the for that purpose, but merely to read an appeal issued Lebanese Republic.
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