100 years of diplomatic service of the Republic of Azerbaijan Firdovsiyya AHMADOVA PhD in History FOREIGN MINISTERS OF THE AZERBAIJAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC ammadhasan Jafargulu oghlu H. Hajinski said in a letter sent to M. H. Hajinski from Tiflis that he was (1875-1931) served as the first foreign minister sending him the text of the cable about the declaration Mof the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR). of Azerbaijan’s independence in Russian and French due M. H. Hajinski started his diplomatic activity prior to to various obstacles that stood in the way of sending it. his appointment as minister of foreign affairs. During The telegram on Azerbaijan’s independence was the talks held with representatives of the Ottoman state expected to be the first document to be signed by M. in Batum, Hajinski joined effort with Mahammad Amin H. Hajinski in the capacity of foreign minister and he Rasulzade to secure an outcome that would meet the was authorized to do so by Prime Minister Fatali Khan interests of the Azerbaijani people. The Seim’s Muslim Khoyski. Hajinski was to send the telegram from Batum faction in Tiflis was making decisions in accordance with to Istanbul directly via radio and onward to other recipi- their suggestions made as a result of the Batum discus- ents. The newly established state, which had to select sions. Since the Ottoman Empire had a final say on mili- a temporary capital for itself, was in need of foreign aid tary affairs in the region, this state played a key role in and support. From this point of view, the cable sent to determining the fate of the Caucasus nations. For this Ottoman Foreign Minister Ahmed Nesimi Bey could be very reason, representing Azerbaijan at the negotiations considered the first document signed by the foreign with Ottoman representatives was a great responsibility minister. Requesting that Turkish embassies undertake and vesting this mission in M. A. Rasulzade and M. H. Ha- the task of housing Azerbaijan’s representations in Euro- jinski was not a mere coincidence. Thus, M. A. Rasulzade pean capitals, Hajinski wrote in a confidential cable sent chaired the Transcaucasian Seim’s Muslim faction, while from Batum that the technical capacities of the newly in- M. H. Hajinski acted as its deputy chairman. The Azer- dependent Azerbaijan Republic for pursuing its foreign baijan Republic was proclaimed in Tiflis as both of them policy were extremely limited. The minister requested continued holding talks in Batum. M.A.Rasulzade and Azerbaijan’s representation in all European capital cities M.H.Hajinski were the Batum-based representatives in where Turkish embassies were based, including Mos- charge of sending consultative letters regarding these cow. Hajinski also asked the Ottoman Foreign Ministry developments. Taking into consideration their mission to broker recognition of Azerbaijan’s independence by and their status in the Muslim faction, M. A. Rasulzade Russia and European countries. was appointed Chairman of the Azerbaijan National The first intergovernmental agreement of the Azer- Council, established on May 27, 1918, while M. H. Hajin- baijan Republic was also signed by Foreign Minister M. ski was named Foreign Minister in the first government H. Hajinski with Turkey. The friendship treaty between of the Azerbaijan Republic, which was declared by the Azerbaijan and the Ottoman Empire, inked in Batum on Council, in the absence of Rasulzade and Hajinski. June 4, 1918, was a substantial outcome of the talks held Fatali Khan Khoyski, the head of government, vested there by M. H. Hajinski and M. A. Rasulzade. In keeping his first assignment in the foreign minister on May 29. with Clause 4 of the treaty, Hajinski and Rasulzade re- Following the proclamation of the Republic, F. Khoyski quested military assistance from the Ottoman state for 32 www.irs-az.com 2-3(39-40), 2019 Mammad Hasan Hajinski the Azerbaijani people, who faced a massacre commit- ted by the Armenian Dashnaks. On June 4, a number of international documents were also signed. These included a deal among the Ottoman, Azerbaijani and Georgian governments on operating the Baku-Batum oil pipeline and an agreement among the Ottoman state, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia on dividing the South Caucasus rail lines. Foreign Minister Hajinski faced crucial objectives regarding the future destiny of the Azerbaijani state. These goals included declaring the liberated Baku the capital city, efforts aimed at international recognition of the Azerbaijan Republic, resolving territorial issues with the country’s close neighbors, securing foreign aid for meeting the essential needs of the newly established state, etc. In a bid to precisely define the borders of the South Caucasus republics, Hajinski suggested establish- ing joint commissions to the Georgian and Armenian governments. However, first and foremost, it was piv- otal to focus on liberating Baku, which necessitated not only countering internal rivals but also waging struggle internationally. The “Baku issue” was of international im- portance. The newly independent Azerbaijan Republic had to become involved in tough rivalry for this cause against the Soviet Russia, Britain and Germany. Though Minister of Roads K. Malikaslanov, on July 14, 1918. Ha- military power was a deciding factor, prompt diplomat- jinski regularly maintained formal communication with ic efforts were crucial as well. the head of the Azerbaijani delegation in Istanbul, M. A. Certainly, sparing no effort to solve the “Baku issue” Rasulzade. Rasulzade consistently informed Hajinski of prior to eliminating other imminent threats would have the meetings and negotiations he was holding in Istan- been inappropriate. During the first month of the post- bul. Hajinski, in turn, informed Rasulzade of the situation independence period M. H. Hajinski had to issue numer- in the Caucasus and Azerbaijan and consulted with him ous protest notes on behalf of the Azerbaijani govern- regarding pertinent issues, and also tried to provide the ment in the wake of territorial claims put forward by the Azerbaijani delegation with important documents and ADR’s close neighbors. The issue of delineating the state other content. borders among the South Caucasus republics had not The investigative body, established on the foreign been comprehensively resolved until the fall of these minister’s initiative, was of great importance not only states. However, the Foreign Ministry put forth a clear- for the period of its existence but also for the time that cut stance from the very outset with regard to the af- came a century thereafter. On July 15, 1918, he stated in filiation and future fate of the Azerbaijani territories. M. an appeal to Prime Minister F. Khoyski that it was neces- H. Hajinski, who signed the credentials granted to the sary to establish an emergency investigation commis- Azerbaijani delegation by the government along with F. sion to scruitnize the mass killings perpetrated by the Khoyski to attend the conference due in Istanbul, sought Armenians against Turkic-Muslim civilians. to normalize the challenging situation facing Azerbaijan As battles raged over Baku Hajinski frequently visited by forging military, financial and economic coopera- the frontline area. Following the liberation of Baku, Ha- tion with other countries. On behalf of Azerbaijan, M. jinski continued to serve as foreign minister in the gov- H. Hajinski co-signed the agreement with the Ottoman ernment that was relocated to the city from Ganja till military railway and seaport administration, along with October 6, 1918. Until that date Hajinski also temporarily www.irs-az.com 33 100 years of diplomatic service of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fatali Khan Khoyski Memorial plaque on the house in Baku where Fatali Khan Khoyski lived held the position of Minister for State Control. After- Although Hajinski did not serve as foreign minis- wards, Hajinski acted as ADR’s Minister of Finance un- ter in the subsequent administrations, he essentially til the opening of parliamentary sessions, i.e. until the worked in this field. One of the key tasks facing the resignation of the second cabinet. Taking charge of the republic was to achieve its international recognition. republic’s financial well-being over two months was a The delegation that headed to the Paris Peace Confer- daunting task. That time period saw crucial changes in ence for this purpose also included Hajinski, who was the region and throughout the world. The British military, a government official and member of parliament. Dur- which represented the winners of World War I, oversaw ing the Paris peace talks Hajinski and A. Topchubashov the South Caucasus. Therefore, it was quite challenging had meetings with the leaders, officials and diplomats to carry out state administration under the command of of the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Iran the British troops entering Baku. During this period the and other countries, informing them of the Azerbaijani Azerbaijan Republic not only pursued a policy aimed at people’s quest for independence, the country’s facing peaceful co-existence with its neighbors but also pro- a severe economic situation and its rich oil reserves. vided them with political and moral support, as well as Hajinski also co-signed an agreement in Paris on Sep- financial assistance. In accordance with the agreement tember 16, 1919 -- along with A. Topchubashov – on it concluded with the Mountainous Republic of the appointing M. Robinov, a US citizen, a financial consul- Northern Caucasus (Mountain Republic) on November tant of the Azerbaijani delegation. While in Paris, Hajin- 28, 1918, Azerbaijan allocated interest-free bonds worth ski also contributed to the drafting of a bilateral agree- 10 million Rubles to its northern neighbor. The docu- ment between the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic ment was signed by M. H. Hajinski and B. Javanshir on (ADR) and the Mountain Republic. behalf of Azerbaijan. Following his return to Azerbaijan, Hajinski left for 34 www.irs-az.com 2-3(39-40), 2019 Adil Khan Ziyadkhanov Memorial plate on A.
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