THURSDAY J LOCAL NEWS INSIDE ■ Town’s liability in drilling checked. ■ Proposal to limit PAC contributions. Support ■ Town charter change is approved. our ® Shelter plans for renovations. troops! Local/Regional Section, Page 7. What's Your Hometown Newspaper Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper News Newsstand: 35C - Home: 30C Jan. 31, 1991 r: Saudis say n Banks sue lawyer Harding HARTFORD (AP) — Two Iraq plans Connecticut banks have filed separate lawsuits against a prominent lawyer in an effort to recover about $700,000 in loans the banks say are in default. huge attack Preston F. Harding, was named in a lawsuit brought by Connecticut Valley Bank of By FRED BAYLES nants of an Iraqi armored column Cromwell. The lawsuit concerns The Associated Press were cornered and under siege by a $500,000 deal with auto parts U.S. artillery. At midaftemoon, a " 'I and boating entrepreneur Gary DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia — Saudi military spokesman said S. Blonder. Saudi troops backed by U.S. Khalji been “completely liberated,” A separate suit by the Bank of Marines today took back the coastal though Marines suggested that some East Hartford said Harding has town that saw the Persian Gulf Iraqis probably remained and would defaulted on a $200,000 loan it War’s first sustained ground fight­ have to be flushed out in door-to- made to him. ing, the Saudi military said. But door searches. front-line commanders said they The spokesman said a “large suspected the Iraqis were planning number” of Iraqis were taken Photo catches prisoner and a large portion of their an even larger attack. jogging vandal By mid-morning today, the rem­ Please see GULF, page 6. BETHEL (AP) — After a rash of minor vandalism to his For good taste front yard in December and early January, homeowner Billy Bolton board Michael set a photographic trap MARINES IN ACTION - Above, a U.S. Marine lilts a 155mm shell as he pre^SlSTo'loa^ for the suspect. howitzer near the Saudi border town ol Khalji. Below, two Marines fun for ^ v er during a Knowing the damage was usually done in the early morn­ in weddings. r J a ! " ? '"“ riiirig Iraqi artillery at Khalji Wednesday. Allied lorces spokesrnen ing, Michael set up a video reconsidering said today that Iraqi forces had been driven out of the previously-abandoned town. camera and a still camera on tripods inside his house. Peering through the window, I- Michael’s wife, Rosaly Donofrio, saw a jogger just Large or small, The Buckboard will K-12 project U before 6 a.m. The video camera caught his figure as he entered make your wedding day or evening special meeting Wednesday night the property through the fence By DAVID LAMMEY and pushed over a lamp post. He Manchester Herald was renovating the Center School, which was to be abandoned under then continued jogging. truly memorable and distinctive. Using two different cars with BOLTON — In the wake of the original plan, and separating the K-8 and the high school plans into lights off, Michael and his Choose the privacy and serenity Monday’s school building projects cousin, David Bonadio, fol­ referendum, in which both projects two different referendum questions. The board will meet again with > n lowed the jogger to his home were rejected by voters, the Board and confronted him. of an intimate room... or the School Superintendent Richard of ^ucation has decided to drop the According to Bethel police, auditorium project and reconsider Packman later this week to discuss a new or revised project. The board the jogger. Jay Eaberman, 49, excitement and gaiety of a the K-12 project, leaving no doubt admitted on Thesday to pushing there will be a second school project will then submit its request for a second referendum to the Board of over a cedar fence post on three Grand Victorian Ballroom. referendum. separate occasions. He denied killing flowers, knocking over Among the options discussed m a Please see BOLTON, page 6. Hr '" the lamp post or pulling pickets Your choice of setting and t off the fence. menu are always in good taste SMART MONEY Plea bargain at The Buckboard. How * in Jogger trial bear market last? NEW YORK (AP) — Call us today. Durations of or downturns in stock prices, are difficult Prosecutors plea-bargained with to predict. An averag^HMr maifflitt would mean that the current the sixth and last teen-ager We’ll be happy downturn in pricesshouToencflbiflQptober. charged with rape and attempted Lengths of bear markets i 11960s: murder of the Central Phrk jog­ 1961-’62 ger even though they said his at­ to help you complete tack was the most brutal. 1966 After the surprise deal, Steven your wedding plans. Tha Assoclatad Prass Lopez, 16, pleaded guilty to rob­ 1968-’70 bery Wednesday, the first day of 1973-’7 4 _______ ______ jury selection in his trial at State Supreme Court. He waived his Call today 633-5225 1976-’76 H I H H i H H H H H I H • Ryan nominated director right to an appeal. 1980-’82 j to reserve your 2941 Main Street Israelis, Arabs 1987 ■■■ I I - |------------ 1----------------- 1 by Dems to replace DiRosa fight in Lebanon special day. Glastonbury MONTHS 0 5 10 15 20 TYRE, Lebanon (AP) — SOURCES: S&P Outlook: Changing Times magazine Arab guerrillas and Israeli gun­ Says serious human relations problems plague town ners fought shelling duels in Copley News Service/Ken Marshall south Lebanon for a third day, and Israeli-backed Lebanese By RICK SANTOS He is currenUy a regional manager for Ffet Inc., a militiamen killed three Arabs Manchester Herald major food distributor. today in Israel’s self-proclaimed Residents denounce Before Wednesday s nomination, Ryan was selected security zone. MANCHESTER — Thomas M. Ryan, the Democrat from six applicants who came before the party’s Police said Arab fighters un­ nominated Wednesday night to replace town Director nominating committee, which is chaired by Anthony F leashed a barrage of about 30 Peter P. DiRosa Jr., considers the budget, public safety, Pietrantonio. Katyusha rockets at Israel’s sewer assessments and human services as the three most significant issues Pietrantonio said the decision was difficult because all self-proclaimed security zone in facing the town. of the applicants were qualified. south Lebanon at daybreak and By SCOTT B. BREDE decided to base 60 percent of the as­ The budget, said the 47-ycar-old Ryan, is obviously It is expected that Ryan will be appointed to Board of sessments on front footage and the the Israelis responded by shell­ Manchester Herald one of his top priorities because of tough financial times Directors at the start of Tuesday’s meeting. He will need ing Palestinian targets. remaining 40 percent on acreage of that the town has entered. the support of at least five board members including at MANCHESTER — North Main land. He docs not have any specific ideas about the budget least two Republicans. Street-area residents objected to Under that formula, homeowners yet, he said, because he has not had a chance to review The Republicans have amiounced they like Ryan and tlicir sewer assessments Wednesday on North Main Street and Tolland departmental requests with the budget sca.son just under will not obstruct his appoinmicnt to replace DiRosa. night, arguing that their bills were 'Himpike, where the sewers were in­ way for directors. DiRosa — in his farewell speech — said he feels Inside Tbdc^... ba.scd on land they would never stalled, are being charged $62.68 per rewarded to have served with many of his Democratic Regarding human services, Ryan said he believes tlie build on. front foot and $2,654.81 per acre of colleagues. “I even served with some good Republicans Many of the nearly 30 residents property. Residents will also have to need for support in that area is growing steadily as the town is plagued with “very serious” problems. me,” joked the one-time mayor, who was a 20 pages, 4 sections who attended the public hearing to pay $1,157.31 for laterals extending Republican when appointed to the board. TTie town’s public safety departments, which have a discuss sewer assessments for the from the main sewer line to their He also used the speech to respond to criticism properly line. solid reputation, provide a level of services that Ryan Business___ $960,0(X) Nortli Main Slrccl sewer recently levied on him by Republican Deputy Mayor Classified___ project al.so quibbled with the Eigh- Richard Lombardi, the engineer said must be maintained. A former member of the Planning and Zoning Com­ Ronald Osclla. Osclla said he is glad DiRosa is resign­ Com ics____ tli Utilities District Director over a of the sewer project, said the deter­ Discover___ mission, he has lived in town for virtually all of his life. ing because his bickering has served only to obstruct the petition for the project that they said mination to base the assessments process of government. I F<x:us______ “In one of my jobs, I u-avcllcd all over die counu-y, they never saw. Referring to four Democrats and five RcpublijLns Local_____ _ In October, the district directors and I never saw any place that 1 wanted to go to or come Lottery_____ Plea.se sec SEWERS, page 6. back to except Manchester,” Ryan said. on the board, DiRosa said; “It’s not that four arc impeui- Nafion/WDrId ments. It’s that five cannot lead.” Obituaries__ Opinion__ _ Sports______ Serving The Manchester Area For Over 110 Years - Call To^ay for Home Delivery 647-9946 S ta te _______ Television 1 » N 2—MANCHESTER HERALD, Tliursday, Jan.
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