USENIX Association Proceedings of BSDCon ’03 San Mateo, CA, USA September 8–12, 2003 THE ADVANCED COMPUTING SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION © 2003 by The USENIX Association All Rights Reserved For more information about the USENIX Association: Phone: 1 510 528 8649 FAX: 1 510 548 5738 Email: [email protected] WWW: http://www.usenix.org Rights to individual papers remain with the author or the author's employer. Permission is granted for noncommercial reproduction of the work for educational or research purposes. This copyright notice must be included in the reproduced paper. USENIX acknowledges all trademarks herein. Using FreeBSD to Render Realtime Localized Audio and Video John H. Baldwin The Weather Channel Atlanta, GA 30339 [email protected], http://people.FreeBSD.org/˜jhb Abstract data to the STARs out in the field including local observations, thirty-six hour text forecasts, daily ex- tended forecasts, radar images, and severe weather One of the largest selling points for The Weather alerts. In addition, TWC can send software updates Channel (TWC) is the ability to generate localized and other non-weather-related data over the satel- content for its subscribers, specifically local weather lite. forecasts. To facilitate this localized content, TWC deploys smart devices in cable head ends. These For example, every hour thousands of automated smart devices are called STARs (Satellite Transmit- observation stations all over the United States sam- ter Addressable Receivers) and are responsible both ple the weather conditions at their location and for collecting weather data and displaying the data transmit this data to the National Weather Service to the user in an audio and video presentation. (NWS). Most STARs in the field are assigned an ob- servation point. TWC receives this data from NWS TWC decided to produce a next generation STAR and then sends it over the satellite where it is re- that was more flexible than the current generation ceived by each of the STARs. Each STAR saves as well as cheaper. FreeBSD was chosen as the any data that is relevant to its configuration and platform for these devices. Although FreeBSD was discards the rest. The STAR may then display those largely suitable for this application, a few modifi- observations either on top of the national feed in a cations were required and several workarounds were small bar at the bottom of the screen, or it may employed. The end result is a PC built mostly of off- render a full-screen presentation. the-shelf components that is able to render broad- cast quality audio and video in realtime. Currently TWC broadcasts its feed as an analog NTSC signal for the core network. TWC has started migrating to a digital MPEG signal to meet the de- mands of the cable industry as it begins the mi- 1 Introduction gration to digital. As part of this move, TWC is deploying a next generation STAR device known as the IntelliStar. Most cable channel operators provide national or re- gional feeds from a single source to cable head end operators across the country and world. These feeds are transmitted via satellite from the broadcasters to the head ends. The head ends then distribute 2 What is an IntelliStar and What these feeds to viewers over cable. The Weather Does It Do? Channel is a unique broadcaster in that part of its presentation to viewers is localized to provide local weather observations and forecasts. It is not feasi- An IntelliStar must perform two major tasks con- ble to generate the content of these local forecasts at currently. First, it must collect weather data from TWC and then distribute them over satellite to each the satellite feed and store the data relevant to the of the head ends. There is just not enough band- location it is configured for. This data includes width. Instead, a smart device known as a STAR is current observations, radar images, satellite images, deployed in each head end. In addition to a national and several different forecasts. Second, the device audio and video feed, TWC sends weather-related must display this weather data to viewers at broad- cast quality that compiles with FCC regulations. field over the one-way satellite feed. The final de- This includes rendering both full screen video as well cision on the OS for the IntelliStar was made in as being able to render graphic objects on top of a the summer of 2001. Prior to that, the develop- live video feed. When a box is down, it can not ment platform was Red Hat Linux 7.0. FreeBSD deliver local content on the analog output and can was chosen over Red Hat 7.0 for three primary rea- not deliver any digital output, so down time is very sons: stability and maturity of the virtual memory visible to customers and must be avoided. subsystem, a current and working tool chain, and a complete and self-consistent distribution from one In addition, since other networks do not deploy de- source. vices to head ends to generate localized content, an IntelliStar must operate as a “black box” from a ca- ble head end technician’s perspective. For example, 3.1 VM Stability head end technicians are accustomed to using the power button to turn things off, so the device must handle powering off via the power button gracefully. As mentioned before, down time is very noticeable. Also, the device must operate without having a key- If a box is down, then thousands of viewers may not board, mouse, or monitor connected. Finally, the receive their local forecast. At the time of the plat- device should not require any interaction from a form decision, TWC knew that the development of head end technician beyond using the power but- the IntelliStar would take some time. Thus, TWC ton to power the device on and off. wanted an OS branch that was stable and mature but would not be obsolete by the time the IntelliS- In addition to these requirements, TWC wants to tar was deployed. The 2.2.x Linux kernel series was take advantage of recent technology innovations. nearing its end of life cycle as the 2.4.x Linux kernel The current generation of STARs, known as the series was just ramping up. However, the virtual WeatherSTAR XL, are built from SGI boxes run- memory subsystem of the early 2.4.x series had se- ning IRIX with additional proprietary hardware. vere stability problems. In addition, Linux changed The IntelliStar, on the other hand, is built largely over to an entirely new virtual memory subsystem from commodity PC hardware with limited propri- during the early 2.4.x series. FreeBSD, on the other etary hardware. This has resulted in a cheaper and hand, employed a mature, stable, and well-tested more compact device that is easier to upgrade in the virtual memory subsystem in its 4.x branch. TWC future. For example, the actual rendering of video developers noted that even on the Linux developer content is done using the hardware acceleration of mailing lists, FreeBSD’s virtual memory subsystem an off-the-shelf AGP graphics adapter. Should the was held up as the benchmark to test the new Linux need for more rendering horsepower arise in the fu- subsystems against. As a result, TWC developers ture, the graphics adapter can be replaced with a were much more comfortable with FreeBSD’s virtual newer adapter without any changes needed in either memory subsystem than with Linux’s. FreeBSD 4.x proprietary hardware or software. To accomplish was also not nearing its end of life cycle during 2001, this goal, much of the realtime requirements for au- so TWC developers were not worried about having dio and video have been offloaded into proprietary to perform major OS upgrades in the middle of their hardware. development cycle or immediately after the initial deployment. 3 Why FreeBSD? 3.2 Compiler For the software platform on the IntelliStar, TWC The software in TWC’s STAR group largely con- also wants to stick with largely off-the-shelf soft- sists of multithreaded C++ applications, and TWC ware. The main device needs a stable and reliable required a compiler toolchain that would work with general purpose OS that is easily maintainable. The these applications. The compiler that shipped with TWC applications are written in a mixture of C++ Red Hat 7.0 was version 2.96 of the GNU C Com- and Python and are multithreaded, so decent sup- piler (gcc). This version of gcc was not an offi- port for those platforms is required. Finally, TWC cial release of gcc by the GNU Project. Instead, needs a platform that can be easily updated in the it was a snapshot of the 3.0 development branch of GCC with additional fixes from Red Hat developers. lease of FreeBSD including customized installation Out of the box this pre-release compiler was unable scripts. TWC currently maintains a small set to compile simple multithreaded C++ applications. of local patches. Using the LOCAL PATCHES and Numerous patches were required from Red Hat be- LOCAL SCRIPTS features of FreeBSD’s release pro- fore the compiler could compile this simple test case. cess as detailed in [release.7], TWC is able to build Other Linux distributions used releases from the gcc a full release with these patches that can be installed 2.91 series which were unable to compile TWC’s either from a CD or over the network like any other applications due to their more limited C++ sup- FreeBSD release. By using PXE network booting port. FreeBSD, on the other hand, shipped with and FTP install over a LAN, the installation of a supported releases from the gcc 2.95 branch.
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