Term 2020.3 (Apr. 2019~Sep. 2019) Outline of Financial Results Meadowood Mall (Reno, Nevada) August 17, 2019 open! Analysis of consolidated operating results ① Apr. 2019~Sep. 2019 Actual [Year-on-year] (Unit ¥bn) ※Figures below ¥10 million have been truncated. Percentage is rounded off to one decimal place. ① Term 2019.3 Actual Term 2020.3 Actual [Differ in number of stores] Unit Differ(%) Japan (103 stores): 3 store closings (2018.4~2018.9) (2019.4~2019.9) The USA (34 stores): 9 store openings Total stores at the end ② [Ordinary income] of the term ① Store 131 137 +4.6 Stores No. of months total Term 2019.3 2nd Q Actual Ordinary income ¥4.51bn stores operation Month 768 818 +6.5 Bowling 11.59 12.05 +3.9 Japan Ordinary income & loss +¥1.17bn [Breakdown] Increase in sales +¥1.84bn Amusement 23.99 27.08 +12.9 Karaoke Decrease in rent fee +¥0.10bn (including other sales of the USA) 5.14 5.66 +10.0 Increase in interest exp. ¥(0.25)bn Spo-cha 6.67 6.81 +1.9 Increase in lease fee ¥(0.20)bn Others 1.44 1.58 +9.4 Increase in Depreciation ¥(0.19)bn Total sales Increase in promotion exp. ¥(0.14)bn 48.86 53.18 +8.8 (Due to amusement merchandise exp. increase) Cost of sales 42.73 45.69 +6.9 Others +¥0.01bn Gross profit 6.13 7.49 +22.3 The USA Ordinary income & loss +¥0.03bn [Breakdown] Increase in income due to increase in P / L S.G.A. expenses 1.47 1.68 +14.4 No. of months total stores operation +¥0.44bn Operating income 4.66 5.81 +24.7 Decrease in existing stores sales ¥(0.38)bn Non-operating income & expenses (0.14) (0.11) +24.9 Decrease in initial investment +¥0.04bn Ordinary income ② 4.51 5.70 +26.4 Others ¥(0.07)bn Ordinary income margin 9.2% 10.7% ― Other areas Ordinary income & loss ¥(0.01)bn Extraordinary income & loss ③ (0.31) (0.29) +6.7 Term 2020.3 2nd Q Actual Ordinary income ¥5.70bn Net income before tax 4.19 5.40 +28.9 ③ Corporate tax 1.19 1.69 +42.6 [Extraordinary income & loss breakdown] Term 2019.3 2nd Q Actual Extraordinary loss ¥(0.31)bn Net income 3.00 3.70 +23.5 ・Loss on sale of fixed assets, etc. ¥(0.07)bn ・Loss on disposal of fixed assets, etc. ¥(0.24)bn Term 2020.3 2nd Q Actual Extraordinary loss ¥(0.29)bn ・Loss on disposal of fixed assets, etc. ¥(0.29)bn -1- Analysis of consolidated operating results ② Apr. 2019~Sep. 2019 Actual [Actual and Plan] (Unit ¥bn) ※Figures below ¥10 million have been truncated. Percentage is rounded off to one decimal place. ① [Ordinary income] Term 2020.3 Plan Term 2020.3 Actual Unit Differ(%) (2019.4~2019.9) (2019.4~2019.9) Term 2020.3 2nd Q Plan Ordinary income ¥5.53bn Total stores at the end of the term Store 137 137 - Stores No. of months total Japan Ordinary income & loss +¥0.71bn stores operation Month 818 818 - [Breakdown] Increase in sales +¥0.24bn Bowling 12.21 12.05 (1.3) Decrease in lease fee +¥0.32bn Amusement 27.42 27.08 (1.2) Decrease in supplies exp. +¥0.12bn Karaoke (including other sales of the USA) 5.82 5.66 (2.8) Decrease in utilities +¥0.08bn Spo-cha 6.77 6.81 +0.5 Decrease in depreciation exp. +¥0.05bn Others 1.44 1.58 +9.5 Insurance payment receivable +¥0.05bn Increase in commission fee ¥(0.16)bn Total sales 53.68 53.18 (0.9) Others ¥0.01bn Cost of sales 46.47 45.69 (1.7) The USA Ordinary income & loss ¥(0.52)bn Gross profit 7.21 7.49 +4.0 [Breakdown] Decrease in sales ¥(0.73)bn P / L S.G.A. expenses 1.54 1.68 +9.3 Decrease in expenses etc. +¥0.21bn Operating income 5.67 5.81 +2.5 due to sales decrease Non-operating income & Other areas Ordinary income & loss ¥(0.01)bn expenses (0.14) (0.11) +20.3 Ordinary income ① 5.53 5.70 +3.1 Term 2020.3 2nd Q Actual Ordinary income ¥5.70bn Ordinary income margin 10.3% 10.7% ― ②[Extraordinary income & loss breakdown] Extraordinary income & loss ② (0.20) (0.29) (49.2) Term 2020.3 2nd Q Plan Extraordinary loss ¥(0.20)bn Net income before tax ・Loss on disposal of fixed assets, etc. ¥(0.20)bn 5.33 5.40 +1.4 Term 2020.3 2nd Q Actual Extraordinary loss ¥(0.29)bn ・Loss on disposal of fixed assets, etc. ¥(0.29)bn Corporate tax 1.80 1.69 (5.6) Net income 3.53 3.70 +5.0 -2- Term 2020.3 Original Plan and Revised Plan (Consolidated/Japan/the USA) (Unit ¥bn) ※Figures below ¥10 million have been truncated. Consolidated Original Plan and Revised Plan Percentage is rounded off to one decimal place. 1st half 2nd half Term Original Plan Actual Differ(%) Original Plan Revised Plan Differ(%) Original Plan Revised Plan Differ(%) Total sales 53.68 53.18 (0.9) 55.62 54.45 (2.1) 109.30 107.64 (1.5) Operating income 5.67 5.81 +2.5 6.20 5.99 (3.2) 11.87 11.81 (0.5) P / L Ordinary income 5.53 5.70 +3.1 6.07 5.89 (2.8) 11.60 11.60 ― Net income before tax 5.33 5.40 +1.4 5.27 4.45 (15.5) 10.60 9.85 (7.0) Net income 3.53 3.70 +5.0 3.37 2.71 (19.3) 6.90 6.42 (6.9) Japan Original Plan and Revised Plan 1st half 2nd half Term Original Plan Actual Differ(%) Original Plan Revised Plan Differ(%) Original Plan Revised Plan Differ(%) Total sales 43.25 43.49 +0.6 42.65 42.65 ― 85.90 86.14 +0.3 Operating income 4.55 5.20 +14.5 4.79 4.97 +3.9 9.34 10.18 +9.1 P / L Ordinary income 4.48 5.19 +15.9 4.72 4.90 +4.0 9.20 10.10 +9.8 Net income before tax 4.58 4.99 +9.1 4.32 4.11 (4.8) 8.90 9.10 +2.4 Net income 2.98 3.41 +14.5 2.67 2.46 (7.8) 5.65 5.87 +4.0 The USA Original Plan and Revised Plan 1st half 2nd half Term Original Plan Actual Differ(%) Original Plan Revised Plan Differ(%) Original Plan Revised Plan Differ(%) Total sales 10.43 9.69 (7.0) 12.97 11.80 (9.0) 23.40 21.50 (8.1) Operating income 1.12 0.58 (47.6) 1.41 1.03 (26.4) 2.53 1.62 (35.8) P / L Ordinary income 1.05 0.52 (49.6) 1.35 0.97 (28.1) 2.40 1.50 (37.5) Net income before tax 0.75 0.42 (43.5) 0.95 0.32 (65.7) 1.70 0.74 (55.9) Net income 0.55 0.31 (43.4) 0.70 0.23 (65.7) 1.25 0.55 (55.9) ※ Original Plan indicates the plan announced on May 8, 2019. -3- Term 2020.3 Basis for Plan Revision ※Figures below ¥10 million have been truncated. 【Japan Ordinary income ¥0.90bn increase Major factors】 ◆ Revision in Sales ¥0.24bn increase [Original Plan ¥85.90bn ⇒ Revised Plan ¥86.14bn] Increase in Sales of the 1st half is reflected. No revision in the 2nd half plan has been made. ◆ Revision in Cost of Sales ¥0.62bn decrease [Original Plan ¥74.21bn ⇒ Revised Plan ¥73.58bn] Decrease in Lease Fee ¥0.52bn and other expenses 【The USA Ordinary income ¥0.90bn decrease Major factor】 ◆ Revision in Sales ¥1.89bn decrease [Original Plan ¥23.40bn ⇒ Revised Plan ¥21.50bn] Year-on-year existing stores sales has been revised from (1.1)% to (6.1)%. 【Consolidated Net income before tax ¥0.74bn decrease Major factor】 ◆ Revision of Impairment loss ¥0.64bn increase [Original Plan ¥0.60bn ⇒ Revised Plan ¥1.24bn] Booked for 2 low profitability stores (Stonecrest, Jefferson). -4- Term 2020.3 Consolidated plan store openings and closings, P / L ※Figures below ¥10 million have been truncated. Percentage is rounded off to one decimal place. Term 2019.3 Term 2020.3 Unit Consolidated Japan The USA Consolidated Japan The USA③ Revised Revised Revised Actual Actual Actual Plan Differ(%) Plan Differ(%) Plan Differ(%) Store openings and closings Store +8 (3) +11 +8 ― (2) +33.3 +10 (9.1) No. of total stores (at the end of term) Store 137 105 32 145 +5.8 103 (1.9) 42 +31.3 【Break down】 Own stores Stores (land & building and building structure) Store 21 21 ― 21 ― 21 ― ― ― ① Leased stores (interior structure only) Store 116 84 32 124 +6.9 82 (2.4) 42 +31.3 No. of months total stores operation Month 1,560 1,265 295 1,660 +6.4 1,241 (1.9) 419 +42.0 Bowling ¥bn 24.29 22.14 2.15 24.97 +2.8 22.25 +0.5 2.71 +25.8 Amusement ¥bn 49.68 38.79 10.89 53.94 +8.6 39.49 +1.8 14.45 +32.7 Karaoke (including other sales of the USA) ¥bn 10.94 7.65 3.29 12.02 +9.9 7.68 +0.5 4.33 +31.8 Spo-cha ¥bn 13.46 13.46 ― 13.66 +1.5 13.66 +1.5 ― ― Others ¥bn 2.92 2.92 ― 3.03 +3.9 3.03 +3.9 ― ― Total sales ¥bn 101.31 84.97 16.34 107.64 +6.2 86.14 +1.4 21.50 +31.6 P/L Operating income ¥bn 11.44 9.76 1.63 11.81 +3.2 10.18 +4.4 1.62 (0.6) Ordinary income ¥bn 11.22 9.68 1.53 11.60 +3.4 10.10 +4.3 1.50 (2.0) Ordinary income margin % 11.1% 11.4% 9.4% 10.8% ― 11.7% ― 7.0% ― Extraordinary income & loss ② ¥bn (1.13) (0.59) (0.53) (1.74) (54.0) (0.99) (66.2) (0.75) (40.5) Net income before tax ¥bn 10.08 9.09 0.99 9.85 (2.3) 9.10 +0.2 0.74 (24.8) Corporate tax ¥bn 2.92 2.66 0.26 3.43 +17.2 3.23 +21.5 0.19 (25.7) Net income ¥bn 7.15 6.42 0.72 6.42 (10.3) 5.87 (8.6) 0.55 (24.5) (Note) ① Term 2019.3 Actual: Openings (1 store in Japan, 11 stores in the USA), closings (4 stores in Japan).
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