NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL August Schedule (ET) Thursday 2013/08/01 Friday 2013/08/02 Saturday 2013/08/03 日曜日 2013/08/04 (ET) 400-430 04:00 Doomsday Preppers「#8 04:00 Doomsday Preppers「#9 04:00 Journey into Amazonia 04:00 Journey into Amazonia 400-430 It's Gonna Get Worse」 Close The Door, Load The 「Waterworlds」 「The Big Top」 430-500 Shotgun」 430-500 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) 500-530 05:00 Dog Whisperer S2 05:00 Dog Whisperer S2 05:00 Journey into Amazonia 05:00 California's Wild Coast 500-530 #17 #18 「The Land Reborn」 530-600 (SUB) (SUB) (BIL) 530-600 (BIL) 600-630 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 Dog Whisperer 6 06:00 Dog Whisperer 6 600-630 #4 #6 630-700 06:30 Wild Detectives「Bear() 06:30 Wild() Detectives (SUB) (SUB) 630-700 Meeting」 「Humpback Whales」 700-730 07:00 Winged Seduction: Birds 07:00 Mystery Gorilla 07:00 Dog Whisperer 6 07:00 Dog Whisperer 6 700-730 of Paradise #5 #7 730-800 (BIL) (SUB) (SUB) 730-800 (BIL) 800-830 08:00 Megacities「Sao Paulo」 08:00 Megafactories 08:00 Tiger Queen 08:00 80s: The Decade That 800-830 「Pyrotechnics」 Made Us[#6 Super Power] 830-900 (BIL) (BIL) 830-900 (BIL) (BIL) 900-930 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 Sumatra's Last Tiger 09:00 80s greatest[Football 900-930 Moments] 930-1000 09:30 80s greatest[Gadgets]() 09:30 80s greatest[Sporting() (BIL) 930-1000 Icons] (BIL) 1000-1030 (BIL) 10:00 Tiger Man of Africa「#1 10:00 80s greatest[Gadgets] 1000-1030 (BIL) Mating Game, The」 1030-1100 10:30 Animal Autopsy 10:30 Animal Autopsy「Whale」 (BIL) 1030-1100 「Crocodile」 (BIL) 1100-1130 (BIL) 11:00 Tiger Man of Africa「#2 11:00 80s greatest[Sporting 1100-1130 (BIL) Baby Steps」 Icons] 1130-1200 11:30 Doomsday Preppers「#8 11:30 Doomsday Preppers「#9 1130-1200 It's Gonna Get Worse」 Close The Door, Load The (BIL) (BIL) 1200-1230 Shotgun」 12:00 Tiger Man of Africa「#3 12:00 80s greatest[Tragedies] 1200-1230 (BIL) Growing Pains」 (BIL) 1230-1300 12:30 information 12:30 information (BIL) 1230-1300 (BIL) 1300-1330 13:00 Air Crash() Investigation 9 13:00 Air Crash() Investigation 9 13:00 information 13:00 information 1300-1330 「#1 Hudson River Runway」 「#3 Plane That Flew Too High, 1330-1400 The」 13:30 80s: The() Decade That 13:30 Hitler's() Lost Battle Ship 1330-1400 (BIL) Made Us[#6 Super Power] (BIL) 1400-1430 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 (BIL) 1400-1430 「#2 Disaster Runway」 「#4 Split Decision」 (BIL) 1430-1500 14:30 80s greatest[Football 14:30 Inside:Super Carrier 1430-1500 (BIL) (BIL) Moments] 1500-1530 15:00 Megafactories 15:00 Make ME A Dino (BIL) 1500-1530 「Pyrotechnics」 (BIL) 1530-1600 (BIL) 15:30 80s greatest[Gadgets] 15:30 Big, Bigger, Biggest: The 1530-1600 (BIL) Aircraft Carrier 1600-1630 16:00 Winged Seduction: Birds 16:00 Forbidden Tomb of (BIL) 1600-1630 of Paradise Genghis Khan (BIL) 1630-1700 16:30 80s greatest[Sporting 16:30 Inside:Super Carrier 1630-1700 (BIL) (BIL) Icons] 1700-1730 17:00 Wild Detectives 17:00 Wild Detectives (BIL) 1700-1730 「Humpback Whales」 「Turtles」 (BIL) 1730-1800 17:30 information 17:30 information 17:30 80s greatest[Tragedies] 17:30 Japan's Secret Weapon 1730-1800 1800-1830 18:00 Dog() Whisperer S2 18:00 Dog() Whisperer S2 (BIL) (BIL) 1800-1830 #18 #19 1830-1900 (SUB) (SUB) 18:30 information 18:30 information 1830-1900 1900-1930 19:00 Mystery Gorilla 19:00 Gorilla Murders 19:00 Incredible() Human 19:00 Drain ()The Great Lakes 1900-1930 Machine 1930-2000 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) 1930-2000 (BIL) 2000-2030 20:00 Megacities「Mumbai」 20:00 Megacities「New York 20:00 Rise of Black Wolf, The 2000-2030 City」 2030-2100 (BIL) (BIL) 2030-2100 (BIL) 2100-2130 21:00 Doomsday Preppers「#9 21:00 Doomsday Preppers「#10 21:00 Dog Whisperer 6 21:00 Dog Whisperer 6 2100-2130 Close The Door, Load The Disaster Doesn't Wait」 #4 #6 2130-2200 Shotgun」 (SUB) (SUB) 2130-2200 (BIL) (BIL) 2200-2230 22:00 Generals At War 22:00 Generals At War 22:00 Dog Whisperer 6 22:00 Dog Whisperer 6 2200-2230 「Midway」 「Stalingrad」 #5 #7 2230-2300 (SUB) (SUB) 2230-2300 (BIL) (BIL) 2300-2330 23:00 80s greatest[Sporting 23:00 80s greatest[Tragedies] 23:00 Maya Underworld: The 23:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest: The 2300-2330 Icons] Real Doomsday Bridges 2330-2400 (BIL) 2330-2400 (BIL) (SUB) (BIL) 2400-2430 24:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 24:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 24:00 Air Crash Investigation 24:00 2400-2430 「#4 Split Decision」 「#6 Munich Air Disaster」 3「African Hijack」 Megafactories[Supercars: 2430-2500 Lexus LFA] 2430-2500 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) 2500-2530 25:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 25:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 25:00 Air Crash Investigation 25:00 2500-2530 「#5 Breakup Over Texas」 「#7 Turning Point」 4「Miracle Escape」 Megafactories[Supercars: 2530-2600 Gumpert Apollo] 2530-2600 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) 2600-2630 26:00 Generals At War「Battle 26:00 Generals At War 26:00 2210: The Collapse? 26:00 Finding The Next Earth 2600-2630 of The Bulge」 「Midway」 2630-2700 (BIL) (BIL) 2630-2700 (BIL) (BIL) 2700-2730 27:00 80s greatest[Gadgets] 27:00 80s greatest[Sporting 27:00 Monster of the Milky 2700-2730 Icons] Way 2730-2800 (BIL) 2730-2800 (BIL) (BIL) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL August Schedule (ET) Monday 2013/08/05 Tuesday 2013/08/06 Wednesday 2013/08/07 Thursday 2013/08/08 Friday 2013/08/09 Saturday 2013/08/10 日曜日 2013/08/11 (ET) 400-430 04:00 Doomsday Preppers「#10 04:00 Doomsday Preppers「#11 04:00 Doomsday Preppers「#12 04:00 USS RONALD REAGAN 04:00 Incredible Human 04:00 AMERICA'S DEADLY 04:00 Asia's Deadliest Snakes 400-430 Disaster Doesn't Wait」 I Suggest We Run」 Extreme Prep Edition」 Machine OBSESSION: SNAKES 430-500 (BIL) (BIL) 430-500 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (SUB) 500-530 05:00 Dog Whisperer S2 05:00 Dog Whisperer S2 05:00 Dog Whisperer S2 05:00 Dog Whisperer S3 05:00 Striker! 05:00 World's Deadliest Snakes 500-530 #19 #20 #21 #1 530-600 (SUB) (SUB) (SUB) (SUB) (BIL) (BIL) 530-600 600-630 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 Dog Whisperer 6 06:00 Dog Whisperer 6 600-630 #8 #10 630-700 06:30 Wild() Detectives 06:30 Wild Detectives「Monk() 06:30 Wild Detectives「Bear() 06:30 Wild Detectives「Lions」() 06:30 Wild Detectives「Penguin() (SUB) (SUB) 630-700 「Turtles」 Seals」 Bandits」 Adventure」 700-730 07:00 Gorilla Murders 07:00 That Shouldn't Fly 07:00 Croc Ganglands 07:00 Crocs() of Katuma 07:00 When Crocs Ate 07:00 Dog Whisperer 6 07:00 Dog Whisperer 6 700-730 Dinosaurs #9 #11 730-800 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (SUB) (SUB) 730-800 (BIL) 800-830 08:00 Make ME A Dino 08:00 Hunt for the Giant Squid 08:00 I Didn't Know That Goes 08:00 Oliver's Seahorses: 08:00 Megafactories「Lego」 08:00 Gorilla Murders 08:00 Hunt for the Giant Squid 800-830 Green Wanted Dead Or Alive 830-900 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) 830-900 (BIL) (REG) 900-930 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 Mystery Gorilla 09:00 I Didn't Know That Goes 900-930 Green 930-1000 09:30 80s greatest[Tragedies]() 09:30 Empire() Wars「#1 Philippi」 09:30 Car SOS[#1() Cosworth In 09:30 America's() Lost 09:30 Wicked() Tuna[#1 Bite Is (BIL) 930-1000 Crisis] Treasures [#1 Los Angeles] On, The] (BIL) 1000-1030 (BIL) (BIL) 10:00 Croc Ganglands 10:00 Oliver's Seahorses: 1000-1030 (BIL) (SUB) (BIL) Wanted Dead Or Alive 1030-1100 10:30 Britain's Greatest 10:30 Empire Wars「#2 Actium」 10:30 Car SOS[#2 Beetle 10:30 America's Lost 10:30 Wicked Tuna[#2 (BIL) 1030-1100 Machines With Chris Barrie Mania] Treasures [#2 Santa Ana] Payback's A Fish] (REG) 1100-1130 「1980s The Future Has (BIL) 11:00 Crocs of Katuma 11:00 Megafactories「Lego」 1100-1130 Landed」 (BIL) (SUB) (BIL) 1130-1200 11:30 Doomsday Preppers「#10 11:30 Doomsday Preppers「#11 11:30 Car SOS[#3 Phoenix 11:30 America's Lost 11:30 Wicked Tuna[#3 (BIL) (BIL) 1130-1200 Disaster Doesn't Wait」 I Suggest We Run」 Jeep] Treasures [#3 New Orleans] Weekend Warriors] 1200-1230 12:00 When Crocs Ate 12:00 Bizarre Dinos 1200-1230 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (SUB) (BIL) Dinosaurs 1230-1300 12:30 information 12:30 information 12:30 information 12:30 information 12:30 information (BIL) 1230-1300 (BIL) 1300-1330 13:00 Incredible() Human 13:00 Air Crash() Investigation 9 13:00 Air Crash() Investigation 9 13:00 Air Crash() Investigation 9 13:00 Air Crash() Investigation 9 13:00 information 13:00 information 1300-1330 Machine 「#7 Turning Point」 「#9 Hiding In Plane Sight」 「#11 I'm The Problem」 「#13 Invisible Plane, The」 1330-1400 13:30 Storm() Worlds「Deadly 13:30 Apocalypse:() The Second 1330-1400 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) Dust」 World War「The Aggression」 1400-1430 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 9 1400-1430 「#8 Bad Attitude」 「#10 Desert Inferno」 「#12 Nowhere To Land」 「#14 Sioux City Fireball」 (BIL) (BIL) 1430-1500 14:30 Storm Worlds「Alien 14:30 Apocalypse: The Second 1430-1500 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) Wind」 World War「Crushing Defeat」 1500-1530 15:00 Hunt for the Giant Squid 15:00 I Didn't Know That Goes 15:00 Oliver's Seahorses: 15:00 Megafactories「Lego」 15:00 Bizarre Dinos 1500-1530 Green Wanted Dead Or Alive (BIL) (BIL) 1530-1600 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) 15:30 Storm Worlds「Cosmic 15:30 Apocalypse: The Second 1530-1600 (BIL) (REG) Fire」 World War「Shock」 1600-1630 16:00 Gorilla Murders 16:00 That Shouldn't Fly 16:00 Croc Ganglands 16:00 Crocs of Katuma 16:00 When Crocs Ate 1600-1630 Dinosaurs (BIL) (BIL) 1630-1700 (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) (BIL) 16:30 Hubble’s Final Frontier 16:30 Apocalypse: The Second 1630-1700 (BIL) World War「World Ablaze」 1700-1730 17:00 Wild Detectives「Monk 17:00 Wild Detectives「Bear 17:00 Wild Detectives「Lions」
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