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Khrushchev Is Real Boss .lpNDON-AP - The .fall 5 · MOSCOW-AP-Defence Minister Nikolai Bulganin, an army marshal, reo . .At om Race.. of Soviet Premier Georgi. urprlse placed Georgi M. Malenkov as prime minister of the Soviet Union Tuesday, MOSCOW (AP) -Foreli:n Min~ Mal~nkov. ,brought uneasy OTTAWA (CP)-Canadlan dlplo' The change wallo coupled "'ith a slatement of foreign policy criticizing the hter Molotov has accused the forebodings to western Eur· mats were surprised and astounded United States as an aggressor, upholding Communist China's claims ,to Formosa United States of openly threatening qpe capitals ruesday night. by the sudden resignation of Gcorgl and representing a picture of possible hydrogen bllmb warfare, which communism ('ommun~5t China with war over Prime Minister ChurchUl told the Malenkov and the elevatlon of De. alone would survive•. , . Formosa and the Pe5cadores and House of Commons: "The future fenCe Minister Bulgan Into the So- ltd h L.'l U S be be Is veUed In obscurity." That was I hi While Bulganin became prime Jected by oppN!ssed peoples," new agricullural program with 10 line t at e . ,may, • his answer to calls for a· state, prem ers p. minister; the drama that unfolded In view of the tenor of Molotov's strcss on mechanizatiM and th' hInd the SOI'iet Union In atomic ment.· . "I haven't the slightest Idea what before too Supreme Soviet (parlia' remarks-obviously to be taken as e:;ploilation of virgin lands ol weapons de,'elopmenl. ,We,sl Ge~man Oban~llor Konrad It Is all about," said Health Min· ment) turned thc spotlight on Nik' a major statement of foreign pol, Siberia and central Asia, H~ Molotov made a wlde,ranglng Adenauer viewed the Moscow· de- Ister Martin, vice-chairman of the ita S, Khru&.'Jchev, head of the So· icy-Western diplomats noled with sparkcd the driVe for concentratlori. 2\;.-hour foreign affairs speech to vel~pments, however, as. a boost Canadian de~gation' to the Unlted viet Communist party, It strongly particular Intercst that a mall as· oi !teavy industry. Russia's Supreme Soviet (parHa· for the Bonn governinent's policy Nations,' . underscored Soviet concentration sociaterl with the military harl b~· Malenkov had been associated menllin the gr~at Kremlin palace, to,rearm West Germany within tm "I was drinking my coffee when on heavy industry (arms) produc· come the new prime minir.ter, since August. 1953, with a drive capping an evenUul day that saw North AtlaDtic Treaty Organlza, I heard the news on the radio," , tiM for which Khru.shchev has been There was some speculation here to increase light industry produe. Georgi M. Malenkov resign as pw tion.· . '. ~e said. "My reaction? 1 went on the chi\!f advocate, that it meant a stronger role for tion for consumer goods-a pro. mler and Marshal Nikolai ,Bul· .Hesald Malimkov's fall dealt a drinking my coffee. CONFESSES }'AILURE the armed forC2S in Soviet internal gr3m which Kllrushchev per-son· ganin elevated to succeed him. devastating blow to anti, rearm a, "I don't think anYMe here can Malenkov resigned at a morning and exlernal affairs, even thoug.11 ally discr:!dited before last month'. The veteran foreign mlnist\!r de, ment groupS In the republic. which tell till what this' m'l!ans, but we .session of the Parliament, confess· Bulganin Is 'not a career militarY central committee meeting. elared that Formosa alld the Pes· are headed by the' Socialists. The are trying to find out," he added. • ing himself a failure in ,the field of man but an old Communist admin· Khrushchev's role In· foreign af. cadores "without mentioning other timing, he. told a mass m\!ellng of OFFICIALS SURPRISED . agriculture and an inexperienced Istrator. fairs,· through the emphasis on Islands adjacent to .Chlna, areUD' his Christian Democratic party In In the East Block, a hlghly-plae· hand in the affairs of gov()rnment. This current session of the Suo heavy industry, was detected by do"b{ed .Chinese territory.'" Frankfurt, could not haVe been bet· ed' external affairs department of· Bulganin was nominated for the preme Soviet approved a new 1955 observers here in L.'la budget state; SEIZED BY U. S. ter ··to assure' ratification. of the rielals told a newspaperman. premiership at the afternoon ses· budget which increas~d Soviet mil· ment of Finance Minister ArsenJ "In spite of all this," he' said, Paris accords. "We are as much at sea on this sion by Khru&l1chev. who received itary spending by 12 per cent com- Zverev beCore Parliament. Zverev "t.'J:se Islands have' now been In Paris, former French premier swift tum of events as you are, a significant s tan din g ovation. pared with la,st year and laid the said emphasis on money [or arma ~I%ed by the U. S. A. who main. Georges Bldault laid: "The de. This came very much as a sur· Shortly thereafter Foreign Min- heaviest of stress on heavy in, ment was n~cessary because thert lalll there, at their expense, the parture' of Ma}ankov sbould MOW prise, Th, surprise Is that Malen· Ister Vyaschelav Molotov w()nt to dustry production. had been no lesselling of inlerna- criminal lang of Chiang Kal·shek the world that' the Instability of kov was allOWed to Nslgn Instead I the rostrum in the Kremlin palace, NOT STRONG LEADER tional tensions, that was eltpelled from China. pre· which France Is accused' also ex· of being lIqlddated," G . }JII ill I k I and w,lJile diplomats listened in the :.The white· bearded, handsome l\Ialcnkov's resignation climaxed paring with .the lid 'of' his hired isis in a totalitarian regime." At the Soviet embassy there was .eorgr,. • "t l( en OV Ipacked and tense galleries, grimly 8ulganin at 59 Is six years older monlhs of speculation concerning (orces an aUaek agalDst China ... · Italian Premier lIIarlo Scelba DO comment. An official Ihere s·Bld ,outlined the Soviet idea of what t-!Jan Malenkov, During the Second his role in l~e party and govern, As tba· two' branche.s of Parlla' told reporters ·In Rome: "1 can that Ambassador Dmltlr Olluvahln ~ would come from a hydrogeJ1,bomb World War he lI'as the Communist ment leadership, Soma Western ment-Ihe .Soviet' of thil' union alid oaly. eXpress my hoPe that .~lalen. had nQ' comment on' the Russian ,. ""ILES·T· ONES· IN i war, official directly in charge of the diplomats 5aw in it the elld of the the SOvlef of natlonalltles';;'liste-ned tov'.s'·.subsUtution' wlU ·.not m~an shufne. The official', voice was flat' ; iU . ! Molotov said Russia has de~ armed' services, . immediately be· "collectil'c leadership" or commit· quietly; !tIo.1. 0 to V d;cvel~Ped' his ,th~ worsenl\IJ .. JIf_:a:'lK>liCJ".under. ~nd·,unenthuslasUc.. .._'"'' . " -'-*"'., .. -'" ,,,:'" .... , velbpedhydrogen ' b (, mbs with neal,l] Stalill: Khrushchev said Bul· tee rule whiCh' took -'over after- charge of 'IIres~ion' by the United tit8·' molto: . 'Always more ,can- "Prilll'a Minister SI. Laurent and '. ".*..; "such success that the United ganin was the unanimous choi~ o[ Stalin's death, Slates ailinst ·Cbbil onr" For· nim.~,"" ,: i; , :, .. ' ,. '. External AffalrsMlnLster Pearson SOVfET HISTOR'T J States could appear backward," thc Communist party ccntral com, ~lalenkQv's statem·~nt said he 1l0~a.. ., , ,'. The'London.stock exchange dip- were ableDt In London wben the 1 Hc said a compari.son of Ihe true miitce and the council o[ ministers saw the nccessity "of strenglhening Molotov declared·tmi RlIsslanw ped.s1i&btly rin news of the Soviet news broke. ,Thcy were due to re, ' strength of t.h~ United States and for the premiership, The ccntral the I~aders·hip of Ihc council ot conslrler "the auresslve actions of chaDge •. The nus~lan embassy ans· turn Wednesday from th2 Com, lUli-nevolution SWCllt Russia, the Soviet Union would show that committees met Jan, 25, . ! minislers and thc nced to M,'c at the .U. S. h, and its."tlireat,s.'of l\'er~d'all tel~phoneeal\~ with: "We monwealth prime mlnls~~rs' confer, Russia. Is not the "'caker pa1'l)', It Wa, not clear whether Bul.jthe Pllst of the c.1lalrman of the ",ar" as "all agilrcs~lon· whlc.lJ have nothing 10 say," Foreign Sec. ence. Snl'lels establlshcll gl'vcrnmcnl with Sikolai J.enin as! II Thc Soviet Union wanls 10 com, ;:,min r~tains the defence ministry, council oC ministers anothcr com~ must be. un con d IUri nil. ly retary Eden· took. the news'll! a Meanwhile, Canadian diplomats prtmlcr and Lenn Trolsk~' commlss,1r oC rorci~n alfalrs, pele with Ihe Uniled Stales in Some diplomatic quarters spcc, rmle with greater experience in condemned by the.Unlteil Nations, meetin, 'or-Commonwealth prime huddled on the moves and wires JlIgcph 'Slalin becamc a memher nf Ihe Communist !"tomie matters only "in using uldcd tnat Bulganin 1I'0uid be 11 slatc work,", ' J( It I'Rlnes Its authority." .
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