THE MISSION STATEMENT We, the members of Divine Savior Parish, called in Baptism by the Holy Spirit to be a people grounded in Word and Sacrament, strive to reach out to all peoples. Through collaboration and sharing of talents and gifts we are dedicated in prayer and in the works of justice to making the Kingdom of God CONTACT US MASS SCHEDULE Website: WWW.Divinesaviorparish.net Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Address: 6700 Main Street, Saturday: 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. Downers Grove, IL 60516-2799 Sunday: 8 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p. m. (Spanish) Phone: 630-969-1532 Fax: 630-969-1724 Holy days: Check the bulletin or website E-mail: [email protected] BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS STAFF Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Fr. Agustin Ortega, Pastor, ext. 124 Friday 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Deacon Paul Newey, Pastoral Associate, ext. 125 Closed on Weekends and Holidays [email protected] Deacon Mike Januszewski, Deacon, ext. 121 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION [email protected] Phone: 630-969-1673 Tim Horneman, Music Director, ext. 134 Fax: 630-969-0201 [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phyllis Burns, Parish Secretary, ext. 121 Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. [email protected] During classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays Lupita Plazola, Parish Secretary, ext.121 [email protected] JOIN THE CHURCH! Maureen Januszewski, Director of Religious Education, ext. 132 [email protected] Are you interested in becoming a fully participating Katie Porter, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, ext. 130 member of the Catholic faith? Contact Deacon Paul in the [email protected] parish office. The RCIA journey begins in September. Kellie Linsey, Bulletin Coordinator [email protected] JOIN THE PARISH! Frank Mampreian, Custodian Stop in the parish office during business hours to register. COMMUNION FOR THE QUINCEAÑERAS HOMEBOUND Cualquier persona interesada en la celebración de una Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to Quinceañera debe comunicarse con la Sra. Plazola al the homebound. Please call the parish office. menos 6 meses antes la fecha deseada. Todas las familias deben ser miembros activos dentro de la parroquia y las señoritas deben haber recibido el sacramento del Bautis- BAPTISMS Once a month at a Baptism service. Arrangements must mo, la reconciliación, la primera comunión y el sacramen- be made one month in advance. Parental preparation to de la confirmación o estar asistiendo en nuestra clases/ requires registration in the Parish, active Saturday or programa de Confirmación por 1 año antes de la Quincea- Sunday participation in Parish Worship and attendance ñera. Horas de servicio y un retiro se requerirán también. at a Baptismal Preparation meeting. Please call the BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS office to make arrangements. Please e-mail submissions to [email protected] MARRIAGES or Bulletin Editor at [email protected] at least Arrangements for celebration of marriage must be made 10 days before the publication . with the pastor at least six months in advance. Weddings are not scheduled on Sundays. Did you know that Divine Savior is on CONFESSIONS Facebook? Check us out Wednesday ONLY: 10:00 a.m.— 11:00 a.m. @DivineSaviorParishDG and make sure 7:00 p.m.— 8:00 p.m. to click LIKE! July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 We Need Your Help!! Divine Savior Parish has moved forward in opening our church. We are still in need of many volunteers in order to proceed. If you are interested, please contact: Coordinator 1: Coordinator 2: Marie Borowski 630-465-7044 Jaime Alegria 630-432-5426 [email protected] [email protected] Ushers: Captain: Ed Ritzert 630-220-3761 [email protected] Greeters Captain: Marie Borowski 630-465-7044 [email protected] Brad Brost 331-214-1510 [email protected] Cleaning Captain: Juan C. Casillas 209-649-0445 [email protected] Thank you and bless you for considering your services to volunteer! July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4 Our Office is Open! Divine Savior Parish office is now open to our parishioners. You may come into the office to register, make baptism arrangements, Mass intentions, weddings and quinceañeras. Our office hours are: Monday through Thursday 8:am to 4:pm Friday 8:00am to 12:00 noon Please call our parish office at 630-969-1532 TO OUR PARISHIONERS … If you’ve been waiting for Fr. to hear your confession please call us. If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you may do so by calling the Parish Office at 630-969-1532 and leave a message with your name and telephone number. By doing so, your name will be placed on a list and you will be contacted. Confessions will be heard on Wednesdays’ from 10:00am-11:00am and 7:00pm-8:00pm. Thank you for your cooperation. Fr. Agustin July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 Music and Song As Christians , music is our way of worshiping and expressing our faith. We sing songs in church that bring us joy. Regardless of the composers failures and imperfections of a human being, the creators of music were inspired to write words that for generations will bring closer to God!!! We need music and songs in our lives. Please continue to check our Website & Facebook page for Updates https://www.divinesaviorparish.net/ https://www.facebook.com/DivineSaviorParishDG/ July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 8 Saint of the Week: St. Anthony Zaccaria At the same time that Martin Luther was attacking abuses in the Church, a reformation within the Church was already being attempted. Among the early movers of the Counter-Reformation was Anthony Zaccaria (1502-1539). His mother became a widow at 18 and devoted herself to the spiritual education of her son. He received a medical doctorate at 22, and while working among the poor of his native Cremona in Italy, was attracted to the religious apostolate. He renounced his rights to any future inheritance, worked as a catechist, and was ordained a priest at the age of 26. Called to Milan in a few years, he laid the foundations of three religious congregations, one for men, one for women, and an association of married couples. Their aim was the reform of the decadent society of their day, beginning with the clergy, religious, and lay people. Greatly inspired by Saint Paul—his congregation is named the Barnabites, after the companion of that saint—Anthony preached with great vigor in church and street, conducted popular missions, and was not ashamed of doing public penance. He encouraged such innovations as the collaboration of the laity in the apostolate, frequent Com- munion, the 40 Hours devotion, and the ringing of church bells at 3 p.m. on Fridays. His holiness moved many to reform their lives, but as with all saints, it also moved many to oppose him. Twice his community had to undergo official religious investigation, and twice it was exonerated. While on a mission of peace, he became seriously ill and was brought home for a visit to his mother. He died at Cremona at the age of 36. His feast day is July 5. St. Anthony Zaccaria, pray for us! Information from Franciscan Media (franciscanmedia.org) Santo de la Semana: San Antonio Zaccaria Al mismo tiempo que Martín Lutero estaba atacando abusos en la Iglesia, ya se estaba intentando una reforma dentro de la Iglesia. Entre los primeros impulsores de la Contrarreforma estaba Anthony Zaccaria (1502-1539). Su madre se convirtió en viuda a los 18 años y se dedicó a la educación espiritual de su hijo. Recibió un doctorado médico a los 22 años, y mientras trabajaba entre los pobres de su Cremona natal en Italia, se sintió atraído por el apostolado religioso. Renun- ció a sus derechos a cualquier herencia futura, trabajó como catequista y fue ordenado sacerdote a la edad de 26 años. Llamado a Milán en pocos años, sentó las bases de tres congregaciones religiosas, una para hombres, otra para mujeres y una asociación de parejas casadas. Su objetivo era la reforma de la sociedad decadente de su época, comenzando por el clero, los religiosos y los laicos. Muy inspirado por San Pablo —su congregación se llama los Barnabites, en honor al compañero de ese santo— Anthony predicó con gran vigor en la iglesia y la calle, llevó a cabo misiones populares y no se avergó de hacer penitencia pública. Animó innovaciones como la colaboración de los laicos en el apostolado, la comunión frecuente, la devoción de las 40 horas y el timbre de las campanas de la iglesia a las 3 de la noche de los viernes. Su santidad movió a muchos a reformar sus vidas, pero al igual que con todos los santos, también movió a muchos a oponerse a él. Dos veces su comunidad tuvo que someterse a una investigación religiosa oficial, y dos veces fue exonerada. July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 Wednesday 8:30a Judith M. Glomski Thursday 8:30a Joe Zelenka Friday 8:30a Nelly Sabado Saturday 4:00p Leroy, Anne, & Noreen Finn 6:00p People of Divine Savior Parish Sunday 8:00a Roy Putlack 9:30a Beth Heide 12:30p Jose Estrada & Socorro Arellano July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 10 Registration for the 2020-2021 Religious Education Year is now available online! Check out www.divinesaviorparish.net/98 For our interactive registration form! July 5, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 11 Dear Friends of Caring Network, In the last number of years, your church has been faithful in supporting the life giving services of Caring Network Illinois, (formerly CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage) by holding a Baby Bottle campaign Mother’s Day through Father’s Day.
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