Antonius Orth & Ein Teil Seiner Möglichen Nachkommen

Antonius Orth & Ein Teil Seiner Möglichen Nachkommen

Antonius Orth & ein Teil seiner möglichen Nachkommen Sonderdruck für Arndt Richter Stand 14.04.2020 (wird fortgesetzt) Inhaltsverzeichnis Nachkommenliste von Antonius (Donges) Orth ............................................................................................. 2 Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 244 1 Antonius Orth 1 Antonius (Donges) Orth 1425 - 1507 .... +Marg. v.Saasen - 1497 2 Joh.I Orth 1464 - 1532 ..... +Eyla Snieder v.Endbach 1470 - . 3 Catharina Orth ....... +Virgilius Schwan 1562 - . 3 Elisabeth Orth ....... +Johann(es) Blanckenheim 1489 - . 3 To. Orth ....... +Hermann Schwan . 3 Jacob Orth 1495 - 1560 ....... +Anna Weigel 1500 - 1522 .. 4 [1] Heinrich Orth 1519 - 1575 ........ +[2] Catharina NN. .. *2. Ehefrau von [1] Heinrich Orth: ........ +[3] Charitas Kraft 1525 - .... 5 Katharina Orth 1545 - .... 5 Friedrich Orth 1545 - .... 5 Agnes Orth 1545 - .......... +Konrad Andreas - 1586 .... 5 Conrad Daniel Orth 1558 - 1610 .......... +Magda. Merckel .. 4 Christina Orth 1520 - 1588 ........ +Christo. Spitzenberger .... 5 To. Spitzenberger .......... +Philipp Crato 1557 - .. 4 Anna Orth 1522 - 1551 ........ +Joachim Matthaeus - 1573 . *2. Ehefrau von Jacob Orth: ....... +Catharina v.Petershain 1505 - 1585 .. 4 Israel Orth .. 4 Kind Orth .. 4 Virgilius Orth .. 4 [1] Heinrich Orth 1519 - 1575 ........ +[2] Catharina NN. .. *2. Ehefrau von [1] Heinrich Orth: ........ +[3] Charitas Kraft 1525 - .. 4 Franz Orth 1523 - .. 4 Gertrud Orth 1523 - 1588 ........ +Weigand Tebes - 1586 .. 4 Marg. Orth 1525 - 1551 ........ +Conrad Matthaeus 1519 - 1580 .... 5 Christine Mathaeus 1545 - .......... +Georg Sohn 1551 - 1589 ..... 6 Albert Sohn 1575 - ........... +Anna ....... 7 Joh. Sohn 1595 - ........ 8 Joh. Sohn 1615 - .......... 9 Balthasar Sohn 1635 - ................ +Brigitte Anckel ........... 10 Jacob Niclas Sohn 1654 - ............. 11 Barbara Sohn 1687 - 1758 ................... +Leonhard Arnold 1681 - 1759 .............. 12 Anna Joa. Arnold 1719 - 1791 .................... +Mic. Überrodt 1712 - ................ 13 Maria Barbara Überrodt 1745 - 1783 2 Antonius Orth ...................... +Joh. Georg Rettig 1739 - ................. 14 Maria Magda. Rettig 1775 - ....................... +Michael Krämer 1774 - ................... 15 Anna Marg. Krämer 1809 - .................... 16 Magda. Krämer 1823 - .......................... +Peter Ohin 1825 - ...................... 17 [175] Catharina Ohin 1856 - ............................ +[174] Jacob Vetter 1856 - ....................... 18 Philipp Vetter 1889 - ............................. +Marg. Neuser ......................... 19 Georg Philipp Vetter 1910 - ............................... +Edith Hof 1911 - .......................... 20 Erich Philipp Vetter 1934 - ................................ +Gisela Maria Arnold Unbekannt - ............................ 21 Kind Vetter .... 5 Charitas Mathaeus 1545 - .......... +Joh. Fischer .... *2. Ehemann von Charitas Mathaeus: .......... +Friedrich Molitor 1540 - ..... 6 Joh. Daniel Mylius 1561 - .... 5 Elisabeth Mathaeus 1545 - .......... +Abraham Sauer 1545 - 1593 .. 4 Ursula.I Orth 1528 - 1585 ........ +Heinrich.I Heydwolff 1514 - 1586 .. 4 Philipp.I Orth 1528 - 1586 ........ +Marg. v.Biedenfeld 1541 - 1604 .... 5 Anna Orth .......... +Georg Rüdiger .... 5 Gertrud Orth .......... +Jost Lösken .... 5 Elisabeth Orth 1561 - .......... +Heinrich Markolf 1557 - 1620 ..... 6 Agnes Markolf 1587 - ........... +[31] Joh. Honsdorf 1585 - 1659 ....... 7 Catharina Ursula Honsdorf 1620 - ............. +Joh. Caspar Weinheimer 1614 - ........ 8 Joh. Adam Weinheimer 1651 - .............. +Maria Deibel 1656 - .......... 9 Catharina Weinheimer 1697 - ....... 7 Anna Apollonia Honsdorf 1622 - 1676 ............. +Conrad Happel 1617 - 1676 ....... *2. Ehemann von Anna Apollonia Honsdorf: ............. +Joh. Conrad Happel 1617 - 1676 ........ 8 Joh. Georg Happel 1645 - .............. +Eva Catharina Kreuzer 1657 - .......... 9 Christian Friedrich Happel ................ +Maria Catharina Reicheisen 1688 - ....... 7 Georg Nikolaus Honsdorf 1624 - 1692 ............. +Maria Elisabeth Meyer 1628 - 1691 ........ 8 Veronica Marg. Honsdorf 1669 - 1726 .............. +Joh. Nic. Fabel 1663 - 1712 .......... 9 Joh. Karl Ludwig Fabel 1691 - 1731 ................ +Maria Catharina Gladbach 1701 - 1760 ........... 10 Maria Catharina Fabel 1715 - ................. +Georg Wilhelm Haberkorn 1703 - 1785 ....... 7 Barbara Catharina Hundsdorf 1626 - 3 Antonius Orth ....... 7 Gertrud Hundsdorf 1627 - ............. +Joh. Hermann Schmalenberg 1634 - ....... 7 Johannes Hundsdorf 1630 - ....... 7 Joh. Jeremias Hundsdorf 1636 - 1682 .... *2. Ehemann von Elisabeth Orth: .......... +[60] Hartmann Scheibler 1561 - 1634 .... 5 Zeitlose Orth 1564 - .......... +Otto Gualtperius 1546 - 1624 ..... 6 To. Gualtperius 1584 - ..... 6 Aegidius Konrad Gualtperius 1590 - 1634 .... 5 Anna Catharina Orth 1565 - 1639 .......... +Hermann Nikolaus v.Biedenfeld 1555 - 1592 ..... 6 Magda. v.Biedenfeld 1587 - ........... +Heinrich Wilhelm v.Hatzfeld 1579 - 1645 ..... 6 Jost v.Biedenfeld 1592 - 1659 ........... +Maria Hedwig v.Winter.z.Bromskirchen - 1650 ....... 7 Philipp Moritz v.Biedenfeld 1629 - 1701 ............. +Anna Catharina v.Knobloch 1643 - 1696 ........ 8 Joh. Daniel v.Biedenfeld 1661 - 1725 .............. +Anna Helene v.Hatzfeld 1679 - ........ 8 Maria v.Biedenfeld 1675 - 1744 .............. +Joh. Georg.I Bichmann 1678 - 1743 .......... 9 [59] Philipp Adam Moritz Bichmann 1713 - 1784 ........... 10 Maria Flo. Bichmann 1747 - 1821 ................. +Walrab Werner ............. 11 Wilhelmine Werner ................... +NN. v.Düring ............. 11 Helene Caroline Werner 1791 - 1836 ................... +Heinrich Raabe 1781 - 1847 .............. 12 Sophie Raabe 1817 - 1896 .................... +Ludwig Best .............. 12 Karl Heinrich Raabe 1820 - .................... +Catharina Elisabeth Krach 1825 - ................ 13 August Raabe ................ 13 Helene Raabe 1850 - 1908 ...................... +Andreas Kraft 1837 - 1878 ................. 14 Karl Ludwig Kraft 1874 - ................. 14 August Kraft 1874 - ................ *2. Ehemann von Helene Raabe: ...................... +Ludwig.IV Kraft 1845 - 1894 ................. 14 Heinrich Ludwig Kraft 1884 - ................. 14 Luise Kraft 1889 - ....................... +Ludwig Stamm 1888 - ................... 15 Paula Stamm 1912 - ......................... +Ernst Friedrich Klas 1908 - .................... 16 Margot Klas 1932 - 1975 .......................... +Rolf Otto Ambrecht 1919 - 1969 ...................... 17 Chr. Ambrecht 1963 - ...................... 17 Su. Ambrecht 1967 - ................ 13 Catharina Raabe 1851 - ...................... +Philipp Best ................ 13 Luise.II Raabe 1861 - 1947 ...................... +Wilhelm Kröck 1862 - 1938 ................. 14 Karl Wilhelm Kröck 1888 - ................. 14 Helena Carolina Kröck 1888 - ................. 14 Maria Kröck 1888 - 4 Antonius Orth ................. 14 Carolina Elisabeth Kröck 1888 - .............. 12 Eleonore Raabe 1825 - 1877 .................... +Caspar Rühl 1820 - 1872 .............. 12 Luise Raabe 1828 - 1919 .................... +Andreas Koch 1832 - 1905 ................ 13 Luise Koch 1861 - 1950 ...................... +Jacob Schmitt 1857 - 1920 ................. 14 Luise Schmitt 1884 - 1969 ....................... +Georg Schmitt 1884 - 1915 ................... 15 Gustav Schmitt 1908 - 1943 ......................... +Frieda Schmitt 1908 - 1983 .................... 16 Margot Schmitt 1933 - .......................... +Willi Stahl 1932 - ................. 14 Catharina Schmitt 1886 - ....................... +Karl Bernhardt 1882 - 1914 ................... 15 Karl Herbert Bernhardt 1913 - ......................... +Amanda Gack ................. 14 Heinrich Schmitt 1899 - ....................... +Wilhelmine Tröller 1902 - ................... 15 Ilse Wilha. Schmitt 1928 - ......................... +Ernst Otto Becker 1927 - .................... 16 Horst Becker 1950 - .......................... +Renate Ohly 1950 - ...................... 17 Björn Becker 1974 - ...................... 17 Lars Becker 1978 - .................... 16 Klaus Becker 1955 - .......................... +Ursula Wagner .................... 16 Marina Becker 1960 - ................... 15 Marianne Schmitt 1937 - ......................... +Hans Gabriel 1934 - ................ +[58] Eleonore Christine Rainer 1717 - 1792 ........... 10 Georg Christo. Wilhelm Bichmann 1740 - 1809 ................. +Joetta. Christina Neurath 1744 - 1817 ............. 11 Georg Wilhelm Theodor Bichmann 1774 - 1825 ................... +Dorothea Strack 1777 - 1850 .............. 12 Ludwig Wilhelm Theodor Bichmann 1803 - 1875 .................... +Eleonore Chr. Ph. Bernbeck 1800 - 1867 ................ 13 Hermine Bichmann 1838 - 1926 ...................... +Emil Breunlin 1833 - 1871 ................. 14 [11] Meline Breunlin 1865 - 1957 ....................... +[10] Ludwig Karl Heinrich Draudt 1859 - 1928 ................... 15 [17] Luise Draudt 1903 - 1964 ......................... +[16] Paul Clotz 1898 - 1948 .................... 16 Ludwig Adolf Clotz 1938 - ................ 13 Hermann Bichmann 1845 - 1916 .............. 12 Joette Caroline Bichmann 1809 - 1903 .................... +Karl Ludwig Hunzinger 1810 - 1870 ................ 13 Theodora Hunzinger 1860 - ...................... +Christo. Nies

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