The celestial sphere, the coordinates system, seasons, phases of the moon and eclipses Chapters 2 and S1 The celestial sphere and the coordinates system Chapter S1 How to find our way in the sky? Let’s start with the Earth Coordinate System Latitude: N-S of the equator, Longitude: E-W along equator From Earth to Space The Celestial Sphere • The Celestial Sphere: An imaginary sphere of infinite radius centered on Earth. • The extensions of the Earth North Celestial Pole North and South Pole define the North and South celestial poles. • The projection of Earth equator defines the Celestial equator. • Celestial Sphere can then be divided into a grid, just like North celestial poleNorth the Earth is divided into a grid of latitude and longitude. Equator Celestial South Celestial Pole The Celestial Sphere: Motions • Stars, planets and Sun are “attached” to this imaginary sphere. • As the Earth rotates, the celestial sphere (with the stars attached to it) appears to rotate in the opposite direction. • To explain the daily motions of the sky you can imagine the sphere rotating once in 23 hours 56 minutes (using a star as reference). Celestial Sphere: Measuring Angles Longitude (E – W along Equator) Right Ascension (RA) Latitude (N – S of Equator) Declination (Dec) The celestial coordinate system North Celestial Pole RA, measured in hr, min, sec (0 to 24 hours) 1 hour = 60 min 1 min = 60 sec (1 hour = 15 degrees of Earth rotation) orth celestial poleNorth Dec, measured in degrees, arcmin, arcsec (0 celestial equator, +90 north hemisphere, -90 south hemisphere) Equator Celestial 1 degree = 60 arcminutes 1 arcminute = 60 arcseconds South Celestial Pole The use of RA and Dec to locate objects in the celestial sphere There are two coordinates that allow to locate an object in the sky: Azimuth and Altitude. Their value depends in the location of the observer Azimuth: Use as reference the north direction (close to Polaris) and the range of values is from 0 to 360 degrees. 0 degrees is N, 90 degrees E, 180 is S and 270 is W. Altitude: Use as reference the horizon. The range of values is from 0 degrees (horizon) to 90 degrees (zenith) Locating the star Vega and the Sun in the celestial sphere Ecliptic: Apparent annual path of the Sun in the celestial sphere The Sun crosses the celestial equator on March 21 (Spring equinox) and on September 21 (Fall equinox) The Sun reaches a declination of +23.5 degrees on June 21 (Summer solstice) The Sun reaches a declination of – 23.5 degrees on December 21 (Winter solstice) Locating Polaris (North star) in the celestial sphere Locating Polaris: RA: 0h 31m 49.084s Dec: +89d 15’ 50.79” Using two stars in the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) constellation called the Pointers” Angular Size Angular size of an object depends on two parameters The physical size of the object The distance to the object Angular size is measured in units of angle (degrees, arcmin and arcsec) Physical Size Angular size = Distance More specifically (See page 30, Mathematical Insight 2.1) Angular Size = Physical size 360 degrees 2 x Pi x distance Angular size = Physical size x 360 degrees/ (2 x Pi x distance) Example: Physical size of the Moon Angular size = 0.5 degrees Distance = 380,000 km Angular Units Estimating angular sizes Practical Measurements • The Moon and the Sun, coincidentally, have nearly the same angular size, about 0.5 degrees. • The Moon is about 380,000 km away but only 3,300 km diameter • The Sun is 150,000,000 km away and about 1,400,000 km diameter Celestial Sphere and the Observer Horizon: flat plane where observer stands Zenith: the point directly above an observer Nadir: the point opposite to the zenith An observer can see only half of the celestial sphere from any location on Earth Apparent Motion of Stars Earth rotates from W-E celestial sphere seems to rotate E-W. Depending on our location, we’ll see some stars rising on the east and setting on the west. Depending on our location, some stars never set. Those stars are called circumpolar stars. For someone standing at the equator, all stars rise and set. For someone standing at the poles, all stars are circumpolar. Observer located at the equator Orientation of the sky relative to Rotating the diagram make it the celestial sphere, for an easier to visualize the local sky observer at the Earth’s equator at the equator Meridian: The circle that passes through the zenith and the two celestial poles Observer located at the north pole Observer located at latitude 40 degrees N Rotating the diagram so the zenith is The latitude is the angle from the zenith to up make it easier to visualize the the Earth’s equator. “Up” point to the circle local sky. on the celestial sphere with declination +40 The blue scale along the meridian degrees shows altitudes and directions in the Notice that the south pole is below the local sky. horizon and invisible for an observer located Notice that the altitude of the north at 40 degrees N latitude celestial pole is 40 degrees which correspond to the latitude of the place How can we estimate our latitude? Remember that the angle between the horizon and the object is called altitude The altitude of the north celestial pole, give us our latitude. Polaris is close to the north celestial pole. By estimating the altitude of Polaris we can estimate the latitude of the observer. The path of the sun on the equinoxes and solstices at latitude 40 degrees north (Latitude of Gainesville is about +29.65 degrees) The path of the Sun on the equinoxes and solstices at latitude 0 degrees ( Observer at equator) Apparent Daily Motion of the Sun Solar day: 24 hours The Sun: Rises in the east Sets in the west Travels on an arc across the sky Solar and Sidereal Days Solar day (relative to the Sun): It is the average time between two consecutive passes of the Sun through the meridian. It is on average 24 hours Sidereal day (Relative to stars): It is the time between two consecutive passes of a star through the meridian. It is on average 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.1 seconds Why is the Solar Day Longer? The reason: Earth rotation on its axis + orbital motion around the Sun The Earth has to travel an additional angle to have the Sun at the same position each day. 1 orbit = 1 full circle = 360 degrees Earth takes 1 year = 365 days to complete 1 orbit. additional angle Earth has to rotate: 360 degrees/365 days = 0.986 degrees/day How long does it take the Earth to cover ~ 1 degree? It takes 1 day to rotate 360 degrees on its axis 1 day = 24 hrs = 1440 minutes 1440 minutes/360 degrees = 4 min/degree Solar day is 4 minutes longer Apparent Annual Motion of the Sun Because of Earth orbital motion, the Sun position relative to the stars is different every night. Apparent Annual Motion of the Sun The Sun apparent path relative to the stars is called the ECLIPTIC The Sun moves eastward relative to the stars on celestial sphere It moves ~ 1 degree per day. Why? The 12 constellations through which the Sun moves are the constellations of the ZODIAC What is a constellation? A constellation is a region of the sky limited by lines of RA and Dec. The ancients attached a figure to a constellation. The IAU defined 88 constellations that cover the celestial sphere An example of a constellation: Orion the Hunter The stars form the figure of a Hunter but the stars are located a different distances. The stars in a constellation are not physical related to each other The Zodiac constellations (All the Zodiac constellations lie along the ecliptic) ZODIAC CONSTELLATIONS • There are actually 13 (NOT 12) zodiac constellations (Ophiuchus) • Sky has changed since Babylonians came up with the signs of the zodiac (Earth precession later) • For example: August 4th is not Leo anymore, but Cancer • The Sun spends different times in different constellations (they are not all the same size!) • Scorpius only 7 days • Virgo 47 days The seasons Chapter 2 Section 2.2 Why do we have seasons? Question TRUE OR FALSE? We have seasons because the Earth is closer to the Sun in summer and farther from the Sun in winter. Question TRUE OR FALSE? We have season because the Earth is closer to the Sun in summer and farther from the Sun in winter. Hint: When it is summer in America, it is winter in Australia. TRUE OR FALSE! Earth is closer to the Sun in summer and farther from the Sun in winter. Actually it is the opposite: Earth is closer to the Sun during the north hemisphere winter and farter during the north hemisphere summer (see another slide later) • Seasons are opposite in the N and S hemispheres, so distance cannot be the reason. • The real reason for seasons involves Earth’s axis tilt. What causes the seasons? Seasons depend on how Earth’s axis affects the directness of sunlight. Earth’s rotation axis is tilted by 23.5 degrees compared to the direction perpendicular to the Earth’s orbital plane 23.5 The sun crosses the meridian higher during the summer. In the winter the sun crosses the meridian lower in the sky. Seasons Summary: The Real Reason for Seasons • Earth’s axis points in the same direction (to Polaris) all year round, so its orientation relative to the Sun changes as Earth orbits the Sun.
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