Pt. 74 10 CFR Ch. I (1–1–21 Edition) TABLE H–1—MINIMUM DAY FIRING CRITERIA 1—Continued [see footnotes at end of Table H–1] Number Weapon Stage String 2 3 Distance of rounds Timing Position Scoring 46 1 100 yards 4 25 seconds............. Standing in low ready position, move to prone (weapon in half- load configuration) two maga- zines each loaded with 2 rounds, fire 2 rounds, reload with 2nd magazine and fire 2 rounds. Footnotes: 1 This day firing qualifications course is to be used by all TRT members, armed response personnel, and guards. 2 A string is one of the different phases within a single stage. 3 Security personnel will be timed as shown. 4 Stages 5 and 6 are to be used for .30 caliber or larger rifles. TABLE H–2—MINIMUM NIGHT FIRING CRITERIA Weapon Stage Distance No. of rounds Timing Position Scoring Lighting Handgun 1 7 yds .............. 12 ................... 35 seconds ...... Standing-no ar- Minimum quali- For all courses (Rev.). tificial support. fying = 70%. 0.2 foot- candles at center mass of target area. 2 15 yds ............ 12 ................... 45 seconds. Handgun 1 7 yds .............. 2 + clip ........... 30 seconds ...... Standing-no ar- (Semi- tificial support. ). 2 15 yds ............ 2 + clip ........... 40 seconds. Shotgun 1 25 yds ............ 2 rifled slugs .. 30 seconds Standing-strong Rifled slug hits = (Load 2 shoulder. strike area on slugs—cham- target (10, 9, 7). ber empty— Time starts— Commence firing). 1 15 yds ............ 5 Double 0 10 seconds Standing-strong Double 0 Buck- buckshot. (Load 5rds shoulder. shot: Hits in Buckshot— black = 2 pts chamber, (5rds × 9 pel- empty—Time lets/rd × 2 pts = starts—Com- 90) Minimum mence firing). qualifying = 70%. Rifle ...... 1 25 yds ............ 1–5rd mag ..... 45 sec .............. Standing-barri- Minimum quali- cade. fying = 70%. 2 25 yds ............ 1–5rd mag ..... 45 sec .............. Standing. 3 25 yds ............ 1–5rd mag ..... 45 sec .............. Kneeling. 4 25 yds ............ 1–5rd mag ..... 45 sec .............. Prone. Note. All firing is to be done only at night. Use of night simulation equipment during daylight is not allowable. Use of site spe- cific devices (i.e., laser, etc.) should be included in the licensee amended security plan for NRC approval. [58 FR 45785, Aug. 31, 1993] PART 74—MATERIAL CONTROL 74.7 Specific exemptions. 74.8 Information collection requirements: AND ACCOUNTING OF SPECIAL OMB approval. NUCLEAR MATERIAL Subpart B—General Reporting and Subpart A—General Provisions Recordkeeping Requirements Sec. 74.11 Reports of loss or theft or attempted 74.1 Purpose. theft or unauthorized production of spe- 74.2 Scope. cial nuclear material. 74.4 Definitions. 74.13 Material status reports. 74.5 Interpretations. 74.15 Nuclear material transaction reports. 74.6 Communications. 596 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:07 Aug 27, 2021 Jkt 253031 PO 00000 Frm 00606 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253031.XXX 253031 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR Nuclear Regulatory Commission § 74.2 74.17 Special nuclear material physical in- nificance, special nuclear material of ventory summary report. moderate strategic significance, and 74.19 Recordkeeping. formula quantities of strategic special nuclear material are included. Require- Subpart C—Special Nuclear Material of ments for the control and accounting Low Strategic Significance of source material at enrichment fa- 74.31 Nuclear material control and account- cilities are also included. ing for special nuclear material of low (b) The general conditions and proce- strategic significance. dures for the submittal of a license ap- 74.33 Nuclear material control and account- plication for the activities covered in ing for uranium enrichment facilities au- this part are detailed in § 70.22 of this thorized to produce special nuclear mate- rial of low strategic significance. chapter. [50 FR 7579, Feb. 25, 1985, as amended at 56 Subpart D—Special Nuclear Material of FR 55998, Oct. 31, 1991; 67 FR 78144, Dec. 23, Moderate Strategic Significance 2002] 74.41 Nuclear material control and account- § 74.2 Scope. ing for special nuclear material of mod- erate strategic significance. (a) The general reporting and record- 74.43 Internal controls, inventory, and keeping requirements of subpart B of records. this part apply to each person licensed 74.45 Measurements and measurement con- under this chapter who possesses spe- trol. cial nuclear material in a quantity of Subpart E—Formula Quantities of Strategic one gram or more of contained ura- Special Nuclear Material nium-235, uranium-233, or plutonium; or who transfers or receives a quantity 74.51 Nuclear material control and account- of special nuclear material of one gram ing for strategic special nuclear mate- or more of contained uranium-235, ura- rial. nium-233, or plutonium. The general re- 74.53 Process monitoring. porting and recordkeeping require- 74.55 Item monitoring. 74.57 Alarm resolution. ments of subpart B of this part do not 74.59 Quality assurance and accounting re- apply to licensees whose MC&A report- quirements. ing and recordkeeping requirements are covered by §§ 72.72, 72.76, and 72.78 of Subpart F—Enforcement this chapter. 74.81 Inspections. (b) In addition, specific control and 74.82 Tests. accounting requirements are included 74.83 Violations. in subparts C, D, and E for certain li- 74.84 Criminal penalties. censees who: (1) Possess and use formula quan- AUTHORITY: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 53, 57, 161, 182, 223, 234, 1701 (42 U.S.C. tities of strategic special nuclear mate- 2073, 2077, 2201, 2232, 2273, 2282, 2297f); Energy rial; Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 202 (42 (2) Possess and use special nuclear U.S.C. 5841, 5842); 44 U.S.C. 3504 note. material of moderate strategic signifi- SOURCE: 50 FR 7579, Feb. 25, 1985, unless cance; otherwise noted. (3) Possess and use special nuclear material of low strategic significance; Subpart A—General Provisions or (4) Possess uranium source material § 74.1 Purpose. and equipment capable of producing (a) This part has been established to enriched uranium. contain the requirements for the con- (c) As provided in part 76 of this trol and accounting of special nuclear chapter, the regulations of this part es- material at fixed sites and for docu- tablish procedures and criteria for ma- menting the transfer of special nuclear terial control and accounting for the material. General reporting require- issuance of a certificate of compliance ments as well as specific requirements or the approval of a compliance plan. for certain licensees possessing special [67 FR 78144, Dec. 23, 2002, as amended at 73 nuclear material of low strategic sig- FR 32463, June 9, 2008] 597 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:07 Aug 27, 2021 Jkt 253031 PO 00000 Frm 00607 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253031.XXX 253031 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR § 74.4 10 CFR Ch. I (1–1–21 Edition) § 74.4 Definitions. Beginning inventory (BI) means the book inventory quantity at the begin- As used in this part: ning of an inventory period, and is the Abrupt loss means a loss occurring in reconciled physical inventory entered the time interval between consecutive into the books as an adjusted inven- sequential performances of a material tory at the completion of the prior in- control test which is designed to detect ventory period. anomalies potentially indicative of a Bias means the deviation of the ex- loss of strategic special nuclear mate- pected value of a random variable from rial from a specific unit of SSNM (i.e., the corresponding correct or assigned a quantity characterized by a unique value. measurement) introduced into a proc- ess. Calibration means the process of de- termining the numerical relationship Accessible location means a process lo- between the observed output of a meas- cation at which SSNM could be ac- urement system and the value, based quired without leaving evidence of the upon reference standards, of the char- acquisition, i.e., without tools or other acteristic being measured. equipment to obviously violate the in- tegrity of the containment. Category IA material means SSNM di- rectly useable in the manufacture of a Act means the Atomic Energy Act of nuclear explosive device, except if: 1954 (68 Stat. 919), including any amendments thereto. (1) The dimensions are large enough (at least two meters in one dimension, Active inventory means the sum of ad- greater than one meter in each of two ditions to inventory, beginning inven- dimensions, or greater than 25cm in tory, ending inventory, and removals each of three dimensions) to preclude from inventory, after all common hiding the item on an individual; terms have been excluded. Common terms are any material values which (2) The total weight of an encap- appear in the active inventory calcula- sulated item of SSNM is such that it tion more than once and come from the cannot be carried inconspicuously by same measurement. one person (i.e., at least 50 kilograms gross weight); or Additions to material in process means: (1) Receipts that are opened, except for (3) The quantity of SSNM (less than receipts opened only for sampling and 0.05 formula kilograms) in each con- subsequently maintained under tam- tainer requires protracted diversions to per-safing; (2) opened sealed sources; accumulate five formula kilograms. and (3) material removed from process Category IB material means all SSNM for nonconformance with chemical or material other than Category IA. physical specifications that is subse- Commission means the Nuclear Regu- quently reprocessed, measured for con- latory Commission or its duly author- tained SSNM, and reintroduced to ized representatives. process. Continuous process means a unit proc- Alarm Threshold means a predeter- ess in which feed material must be in- mined quantity of SSNM calculated troduced in a systematic manner in from the specified probability of detec- order to maintain equilibrium condi- tion for a given loss and the standard tions.
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