www.ukrweekly.com СВОБОДАХЗУОВООА Ж УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОЛ,ІННИК ^Ч0рР иЛЯАІНІІЬПАІІ^ І ажгч Ukrainian Weekly і w– PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC., A FRATERNAL, NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION : voi. LXXXVIII No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, i98i 25 cents ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ - CHRIST IS BORN .r"– Jacques Hnizdovsky's depiction of the traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve dinner. Patriarch,hierarchs issue Christmas message Soviets sentence four for ROME - in their Christmas ing that Jesus Christ came primarily pastoral letter released here, Patriarch not to the chosen few of society, not posting Solidarity Day leaflets Josyf and the hierarchs of the "Po– to the powerful, but to the down- misna" Ukrainian Catholic Church trodden, the persecuted, the for– NEW YORK - Four persons were " Mr. Naboka - of writing and urged Ukrainians throughout the gotten. "For each person, the Nati– sentenced by the municipal court disseminating "slanderous" poetry and world to come to the aid of the vity of Christ brings a special bless– in Kiev, Ukraine, to three years each in articles; persecuted Church and their suffer– ing: for sinners it brings salvation; for Soviet prison camps for posting leaflets ' Ms. Lokhvytska and Ms. Cher– ing brothers and sisters in Ukraine. the suffering it brings hope; for the urging their countrymen to mark the niavska - co-authoring an article titled The pastoral also focused on the dying it brings eternal life," the Day of Solidarity with Ukrainian "Charter"; importance of a Christian outlook on hierarchs wrote. Political Prisoners which falls on Ja– " Ms. Lokhvytska — writing articles life and stressed that this outlook is The pastoral letter went on to note nuary 12 each year. titled "The future of our society" and essential to family, parish, commu– that through His birth, the Savior News of the trial which took place on "Choose freedom," keeping a diary nity and professional life. entered the history of mankind, and June 25-29 has just reached the West, titled "Notes of a radio listener," orally The hierarchs devoted much atten– made it a history of salvation, a reported the press service of the Ukrai– praising the activity of the Solidarity tion to the family as "the basic and history of God's Kingdom. He proved nian Supreme Liberation Council (a– trade union, and holding a negative most important unit in society, the that the Lord loves all mankind, is broad). opinion of the presence of Soviet troops state and the Church." concerned about the whole person, The four defendants - Serhiy Na– in Afghanistan; The pastoral letter begins by .:^t– (Continued on page 3) boka, a journalist born in 1955; Leonid " Mr. Naboka and Mr. Miliavsky for Miliavsky, a translator born in 1951; disseminating literature; Larysa Lokhvytska, a mathematician (Continued on page 3) born in 1954; and inna Cherniavska, an "Let us love one another... endocrinologist born in 1954 — were Christmas pastoral letter of the earth that we might dwell in heaven. charged with "slander of the Soviet Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy in the He who was rich became poor for our state" (Article 187 of the Criminal 1NS1DE: United States. sakes. Great is the love of Your heart Code of the .Ukrainian SSR). Ш Remarks by the U.S. delegation for us, Jesus, glory to You!" They were accused of posting leaflets chairman at the Madrid Conference very Reverend Fathers, venerable The Nativity of our Lord is a feast carrying the simple message "Country- - page 5. Religious and beloved Faithful, May of God's love, it is out of love that men! January 12 - Day of the Ukrai– В Commentary by Andriy Maday the peace and blessings of the Lord God becomes man; it is out of love nian Political Prisoner. Observe it." on The Weekly's architecture series be upon you! that the "Eternal God is born that all They were also accused of preparing a - page 6. people might be saved," out of love "Manifesto" about the USSR's internal Ш Sen. Paul Yuzyk on the expan– Christ is born! He endured hunger, cold and great policies, a document titled "Perspec– sion of the Russian Orthodox Church in our liturgy for the Feast of inconvenience, in the stable of Beth– tives on filling the spiritual vacuum of among Ukrainians in North America Christ, the Lover of humankind, we lehem we have one of the most Soviet society" and also of writing and to 1918 - page 7. powerful sermons about God's eter– turn to Christ our Savior with the attempting to disseminate a leaflet Ш Sounds and views by Roman nal love for humankind. This love is words: "Let us fall down before about the boycott of the Moscow Sawycky — page 8. carved not on tablets of stone, but in Christ laid in a manger! He became Olympics. Ш Christmas Panorama by Helen the heart of the Divine Child, in the in addition the foursome, which was Perozak Smindak - page 9. small that we might mature. He was Old Testament the Lord appeared on arrested on January 11, the day the Day Ш ihor N. Stelmach's Ukrainian bound in swaddling clothes that we Mt. Sinai amidst thunder and light– of Solidarity leaflets were posted, were pro hockey update returns - page might be freed of death's chains. He ning and so the lsraelites were awed bv lay in a manger that we might dwell individually charged with the following 10. in a heavenly mansion. He dwelt on (C on,.r. jed o:i page 16) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20,1981 No. 51 Amnesty international appeals Szczecin workers appeal to world NEW YORK - A strike committee freedom, despite the draconian orders at the Polish Baltic port of Szczecin of martial law, despite the attempt to for Shumuk, Nikitin fetter us with fear, hundreds of thou– informer. When he refused, Mr. Shu– issued an international appeal on De– ELL1COTT C1TY, Md. - Amnesty cember 14, one day after the imposition sands of Polish workers and patriots international has recently issued calls muk was rearrested in 1957 and sen– of martial law in Poland, calling for went on strike, voicing the following lor "urgent action" in defense of impri– tenced to 10 years in a labor camp for demands: that the declaration of a state soned Ukrainian Helsinki monitor "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda." worldwide support for the Solidarity free trade union. of war be revoked; that all those arrested Danylo Shumuk and Aleksei Nikitin, a be freed; that all democratic and union mining engineer and labor leader who The appeal was issued at a time when Released in 1967, he spent the next thousands of Solidarity leaders are rights won by the nation in August be has spent nearly a decade in Soviet five years writing his memoirs. Four years reported to be in official custody and all restored. psychiatric institutions, reported the later, they were confiscated by the KGB lines -of communication, both within "We appeal to you; support us in our Smoloskyp information Service. and in July 1972, he was convicted of struggle with mass protests. Support us Mr. Shumuk, who will be 67 on "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" Poland and to the outside world, have been cut. with moral aid. Do not stand idly by December 28, has spent nearly 34 years and sentenced to another 10-year term while democracy in the heart of Europe in prisons under different governments. to be followed by five years' internal The text of the brief appeal follows. "To all nations and people of good is in danger of being stifled at birth. Be in 1933 he was arrested by the Polish exile. with us in these difficult moments. administration in western Ukraine for Mr. Shumuk, who is reportedly ill will who value the cause of democracy, freedom and workers' rights: Solidarity with Solidarity. Poland has being a Communist. He was amnestied with ulcers, joined the Ukrainian Hel– not yet perished." in 1939 after the Soviets gained control sinki Group in the summer of 1979. "At the risk of their lives and personal of western Ukraine, but was arrested Much less is known about Aleksei again in the spring of 1941. Nikitin. A mining engineer who led a New strikes reported in Ukraine in a penal colony when the Germans workers' protest in Ukraine 10 years invaded the Soviet Union in the summer ago, Mr. Nikitin has reportedly suffered by Dr. Roman Solchanyk According to the document, instructors of 1941, Mr. Shumuk was automati– serious eyesight impairment as a result of raion party committees who were cally transferred to the front, where he of heavy drug doses administered by A document that has recently become charged with explaining the Central was captured by German forces. He Soviet psychiatrists since he was de– available in the West through samvydav Committee letter at these meetings spent 18 months in a German POW tained in January after talking to channels reports that workers at the argued that "difficulties" could be camp before escaping. Western newsmen about working con– Kiev Motorcycle Plant conducted a overcome if panic could be averted. in 1943, Mr. Shumuk repudiated ditions in Soviet mines. one– to two-day strike at the end of The instructors are also said to have communism and joined the Ukrainian Mr. Nikitin has been associated with August to protest cuts in piece-work stated that authorities intended to partisans, in December 1944 he was the dissident Free Trade Union Asso– rates and bonuses. According to the stage show trials of clerks found to be arrested by the NKvD and sentenced to ciation, which was formed in 1977 by document, the workers refused to talk selling food above established norms death, later commuted to 20 years in a viadimir Klebanov, also a mining with an official delegation sent to and that "criminal sanctions, including labor camp.
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