Washington County News SEASON COVERAGE Page.A3 Saturday, JUne 26, 2010 www.chipleypaper.com Volume 87, Number 20 50¢ For.the.latest. breaking.news,.visit CRA plans CHIPLEYPAPER.COM alleyway Community revitalization BRIEFS project JAY.FELSBERG Blood drive Managing Editor CHIPLEY — A blood [email protected] drive open to the WatermelONS smaller, but SWEETER community will be CHIPLEY — The Chipley Community Redevelopment held Sunday, July 11, for this year’s festival Agency is looking at a new from 8:30 a.m. to approach at revitalization 1 p.m. at St. Joseph — alleyways. There was the Worker Catholic wide-ranging discussion of Church on 1664 Main JAY.FELSBERG the subject at Wednesday’s St. in Chipley. More Managing Editor regular meeting at the Wash- information is available [email protected] ington County Chamber of by calling 638-7654. Commerce. Mass will still be held at CHIPLEY — The melons were rolling The concept is to provide 11 a.m. on July 11. grant funding to turn alley- in — literally — on Thursday as this ways into yet another attrac- weekend’s 54th annual Watermelon tion for downtown Chipley. Varnum reunion Festival in Chipley drew closer. The initial project could be the alleyway on South Rail- CHIPLEY — The annual Washington County Extension Service Agronomist Collin Adcock said that road Avenue between State Varnum Reunion will be Road 77 (Main Street) and held July 3 at Chipley 45 entries already had been delivered 5th Avenue. Ideas considered First Methodist Church. on Thursday for today’s watermelon included lighting, cobblestone All family members and auction. walkways, planters with drip- friends are invited and “There’s usually a rush at the last minute,” system irrigation and murals encouraged to attend Adcock said Thursday morning. of historic Chipley. and enjoy a time of As the alleyway would So far, the melons are a bit smaller this season become a public walkway, it fellowship and sharing because of the extra rainfall, but word is that they would be eligible for a CRA of good food and are sweet and good to eat. The largest melon facade grant to fund renova- good times. Bring your tions. Such a project would be favorite covered dish entered by 9 a.m. Thursday was 44 pounds, and Adcock said that while a 60-pound-plus done in multiple phrases. and join us for lunch. The CRA board also ap- Don’t forget to bring you melon could be turned in before the auction proved the warranty deed to recipes for “The Varnum at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, smaller melons transfer the Sangree park- Cook Book.” For more offered an advantage. ing lot at the corner of State information, call Jerry or “You can actually eat them,” 77 and U.S. Highway 90 to Wendy Varnum at 784- Adcock said. “The huge ones are the City of Chipley, and ap- 0411 or Nita Varnum at proved funding the striping really not very good to eat.” of the parking lot. The CRA 773-2648. Bigger melons are often turned purchased the lot and turned in as late as possible so they can it over to the city to ensure Finch-Curlee remain in the field as long as downtown parking. possible to gain every bit more of The board also tabled Reunion three requests for facade size that could make for a winner SUNNY HILLS — The grants to improve the exte- Saturday. The largest melons get rior of buildings from Sassy Annual Finch-Curlee prizes for the growers. Scissors at 705 7th St., the Reunion will be held owners of Sapp Jewelers at on Sunday, June 27 at The melon auction, conducted by well-known local auctioneer David 845 Main St., and the Salva- the Gap Pond Church tion Army store at 841 Main in Sunny Hills. Lunch Corbin, is a major fundraiser for St. The three projects for a will be served at the annual Watermelon Festival, total of $30,000 were tabled so 12:30 p.m. so bring a said Festival Chairman Colby that more details of the proj- well-filled basket and Peel. Better-than-usual response is ects could be obtained from enjoy a day of family expected this year as it is an election the applicants. fun and fellowship. For There was a great deal of year, and political candidates usually spirited discussion about the information, please strongly support the auction. three projects and the appli- contact Margaret Riley cation process, ending with at 850-260-1323 or JAY FELSBERG | Washington County News a decision to use a checklist riley1830@bellsouth. ABOVE: Early entries for today’s watermelon to make sure each applicant auction already totaled 45 melons by Thursday understands the application morning. process and the options avail- able. "" ! STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY CANDIDATES The following are the assets million, Arrow Consulting $4,384.85; Capitol City Bank, •Net Worth: $137,000 and financial interests for Services, $49,000; HHH & $3,806.33 total •Assets: Real estate and Company, $100,000 •Income: grass cutting and building, $37,242; vehicles, $5,500; Get your free candidates in Washington County elections as f June 23, •Liabilities: Community detailing cars, $15,100 livestock and trailer, $4,700; copy now 2010: South Credit Union, $135,000; household goods, $2,500 Peoples South Bank, $125,000, Todd Abbott •Liabilities: First National INSIDE Chrysler Credit, $10,000 •Net Worth: $1.186 million Acceptance Co., $44,078; John COUNTY COMMISSION •Income: Arrow Consulting •Assets: Real estate total, Deere Credit, $6,078 DISTRICT 4 Services, $105,000; HHH & $497,000; vehicles, $124,000; •Income: Washington County INDEX Company, $20,000 Interstate Commercial Services School District, $41,765 (ISCS), $532,000; Carpet Masters, Sheldon Peel Classifieds.....................Page.A4 Scott Waldrip $145,000; Community South Eddy Holman •Net Worth: $335,000 •Net Worth: $47,170.04 Credit Union, $47,201.39; Peoples •Net Worth: $260,000 •Assets: Real estate and •Assets: Mobile home and South Bank, $3,261.33; Capitol •Assets: Real estate and building, $105,000; JD Tractor property, $70,000; vehicles, City Bank, $8,111.12; Regions buildings, $180,000; vehicles, and equipment, $25,000; J&M $20,500; mobile home, $2,500 Bank, $3,654.29; Wachovia Bank, $35,000 Testing Lab, $175,000 •Liabilities: Community $3,200 •Liabilities: Bank of America, Phone: 850-638-0212 •Liabilities: Volkswagen, South Credit Union, total •Liabilities: Regions Bank, $12,978.30; Ameri Credit, Web site: chipleypaper.com $24,000 $11,701.51; Green Tree, $39,128.45 $192,322.18; Community South $22,025.81 •Income: J&M Testing lab, Fax: 850-638-4601 •Income: Washington County Credit Union, $57,637.71; Citizens •Income: Washington County $42,640 Public Works, $26,707 Bank (RI), $21,408.37 Board of County Commissioners, •Income: ISCS (President/ $27,532.15 Marsha Hayes Bryant Sewell CEO), $123,000; Carpet Masters •Net Worth: $1 million •Net Worth: $0 (President/CEO), $41,000 Wes Fischer •Assets: Household good •Assets: None listed $75,000; real estate total $1.07 •Liabilities: Wachovia Bank, Banian Josey See.CANDIDATES.A2 A2 | Washington County News Local Saturday, June 26, 2010 CANDIDATES from page A1 •Net Worth: $21,250 $28,306.75; Joel Pate Union interest, $2,178.19 $475,000; household goods •Assets: Various Rentals (co-owner), $98,000; 401k T. Rowe Price, household goods, $7,200; $9,406 SCHOOL BOARD $43,941; Wachovia Bank REQUEST FOR QUOTES home equity, $23,000 •Other business various accounts, $7,500; The Chipola Regional Workforce •Liabilities: Real interests: Joel Pate Farm DISTRICT 5 vehicle, $26,000; FRS Development Board (CRWDB) is estate and building loan, (owner-manager), Chipley Investment, $13,873 $41,000; Commerce Bank, Florida (co-owner) Susan Roberts •Liabilities: Mortgage currently accepting bids for the $11,300; Nissan Motor •Net Worth: $364,519 Chase Home Finance, cleaning of the One-Stop Center and Acceptance, $12,600 Albert “Sunny” Davis •Assets: Real estate $281,915; Wachovia Home the Administrative Office located in •Income: Copy of tax •Net Worth: $1.546 and residences total, Equity, $41,090; Wachovia return filed million $191,979; stock market Bank loan, $65,900; Chase the Rim Plaza, 4636 Highway 90 in •Assets: Household total $5,540; IRA Guardian Auto, $19,800 Marianna, Florida. To receive a copy COUNTY goods, $75,000; real Insurance, $99,222; TSA, •Income: West of the Bid Specifications please call estate and residences Guardian Insurance, Point Home, $130,000; Lisa Wells at 850-718-0456, ext. COMMISSION total, $978,701; vehicles, $28,611; life insurance total, Washington County School DISTRICT 2 equipment and farm $25,070 Board, $25,135 101, or go to our website located at equipment, $85,000; •Liabilities: Tyndall www.onestopahead.com and clock cattle, $20,000; Wells Federal Credit Union, SCHOOL BOARD Joel Pate Sr. Fargo stocks, $23,256; $31,751; Wells Fargo Home on the link - Request for Quote •Net Worth: $1.407 Office Cleaning. Sealed bids should Community South Credit Mortgage, $62,417 DISTRICT 1 million Union money market, •Income: Florida •Assets: Residence, be submitted to the CRWDB by July $112,053; Wachovia Bank Retirement Service, Vann Brock equipment and building, 8, 2010 at 3:00 P.M. (CT). EOE/Drug money market, $92,080; $27,477; Washington County •Net Worth: $410,000 $575,000; commercial Wachovia Bank checking, School Board, $23,181 •Assets: Real estate Free Workplace/Minority Owned building, $600,000; $1,105.16; Peoples South and residences total, Businesses Encouraged to Apply. The McLochlin Mortgage, Bank CD, $102,747.87; $400,000; stocks, $50,000; $86,967; Valic Retirement SCHOOL BOARD CRWDB reserves the right to reject Regions bank money ABC Fence Systems, Fund, $190,211 market, $51,391; Peoples DISTRICT 4 $200,000; Cypress Creek any and all bids.
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