E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE105 CONGRESS, FIRSTSESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1999 No. 94 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. contentiousness of this program, and My bill will not force a mother to f that is why we need this bill. give up her child. Nor will this bill Women today are increasingly pro- force family planning clinics to provide MORNING HOUR DEBATES life. A recent survey found that 53 per- adoption services. Rather, it will state The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the cent of the females that responded that Federal policy is to allow and en- order of the House of January 19, 1999, thought abortion should be allowed courage adoption as a choice for family the Chair will now recognize Members only in cases of rape, incest, and to planning. from lists submitted by the majority save the life of the mother. This figure The Federal Adoption Service Act of and minority leaders for morning hour is up from 45 percent in 1996. We must 1999 is a rational solution offering debates. The Chair will alternate rec- offer these women the option of shar- women another option. I hope my col- ognition between the parties, with each ing life. leagues will join me in cosponsoring party limited to not to exceed 30 min- My bill would amend Title X of the this sensible proposal. utes, and each Member except the ma- Public Health Service Act to permit f jority leader, the minority leader or federally funded planning services to DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ECONOMIC the minority whip limited to not to ex- provide adoption services based on the SECURITY ACT ceed 5 minutes. needs of the community and the ability The Chair recognizes the gentleman of a clinic to offer these services. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. BALLENGER). Under the Speaker's an- from Florida (Mr. STEARNS) for 5 min- Adoption is a wonderful solution for utes. many loving parents unable to have nounced policy of January 19, 1999, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT) f children and for many expectant moth- is recognized during morning hour de- ers who feel incapable of providing for bates for 5 minutes. FEDERAL ADOPTION SERVICES their child. The Federal Government ACT OF 1999 Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, in No- should be instrumental in helping vember of 1996, Linda Stone was fatally Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, I will make this option available for all shot by her abusive husband in the soon be introducing an important pro- mothers. parking lot of Austin's Oak Hill Motor- child bill, the Federal Adoption Service Congress has repeatedly shown itself ola plant. Her death was tragic for Act of 1999. This bill is offered as a to be supportive of adoption. With tax more than the simple reason that it oc- companion bill in the House to the bill credits and Adoption Opportunity curred unnecessarily. offered in the Senate by Senator JESSE grants, we have taken the stance that Linda Stone was employed at that HELMS, S. 42. adoption is a wonderful option and one Motorola plant; and, on the day of her The Federal Adoption Service Act of that should be made easier for all. death, she was en route to make extra 1999 corrects a serious omission from Mr. Speaker, it is unimaginable that security arrangements with her em- Title X services, adoption. Adoption there has never been a specific adop- ployer because of new threats from her has been called the ``loving option.'' It tion provision for federally funded fam- husband. This occurred in a commu- offers mothers who are using Title X ily planning clinics. Congress has nity that has been a leader in domestic services the choice of life. taken an active role in encouraging the violence assistance and prevention for No woman, Mr. Speaker, should be adoption of foster children, yet it over- over two decades. given only partial choices by a clinic, looked the needy Title X clinics. I think Our Safe Place enjoys broader especially a federally funded clinic. Recently, my home State of Florida community support than any public Every woman in America should know took a bold step by creating a ``Choose service organization in central Texas. about the option of adoption. Let me Life'' license plate. This plate's pro- But since stories such as Linda are be- repeat. Every woman in America ceeds will go to not-for-profit agencies coming all too commonplace, I am in- should know about the option of adop- supporting adoption. I am proud that troducing a bill today that will give tion. the organization that promoted this new options to those unfortunate vic- Planned Parenthood clinics have plate and gathered the needed petition tims who face danger in the workplace. been confronted time and time again signatures is based in my home State The Domestic Violence Economic Se- on this floor because they seem to be in Ocala, Florida. I applaud the curity Act will provide that no State promoting an abortion and contracep- ``Choose Life'' organization for their shall deny unemployment assistance tive agenda. The very fact that this hard work and dedication. Thanks to solely because a victim has left work federally funded program does not offer their efforts, adoption agencies in Flor- due to a reasonable fear of domestic vi- adoption as a choice proves the ida will benefit. olence. This approach to the problem b This symbol represents the time of dayduring the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typefaceindicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member ofthe House on the floor. H4995 . VerDate 26-APR-99 09:38 Jul 27, 1999 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\PICKUP\H29JN9.REC atx006 PsN: atx006 H4996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 29, 1999 was originally suggested to me by my Too many victims across our country During his time in the Marine Corps, friend, Texas State Representative face a daily struggle of needless work- Stanley demonstrated his great love Sheri Greenberg, who sponsored a simi- place violence. This bill assures them a for his country and his fellow Marines. lar measure in the Texas legislature, safe avenue to self-sufficiency. However, his accomplishments did not got it passed in the House, though it f end with his military career. Perhaps did not finally make it through the his proudest legacy remains with the TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT Texas Senate at the conclusion of our strong relationship he held with his COLONEL STANLEY WAWRZYNIAK legislative session. wife Adaline, his two daughters, Berna- We recognize that each year six-and- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under dette and Paula, and his sons Michael, a-half million acts of violence are per- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- Andrew and Stanley. petrated against women, and nearly a uary 19, 1999, the gentleman from With a career that, although distin- million of these occur in the work envi- North Carolina (Mr. JONES) is recog- guished, would have strained even the ronment. Victims attempting to escape nized during morning hour debates for strongest of family ties, Stanley took these abusive relationships often find 5 minutes. the time to mend the relationships themselves most vulnerable where they Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. that were most important to him. spend the most time, and that is at the Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to Mr. Speaker, shortly after his retire- workplace. In fact, 96 percent of domes- a truly outstanding Marine, Lieuten- ment and until the time of his death, tic violence victims report that they ant Colonel Stanley ``Ski'' Stanley's two youngest sons were liv- have had some type of problem in the Wawrzyniak, a native of Gary, West ing in the Swansboro, North Carolina, workplace as a result of abuse or their Virginia. area and working in the building abuser, ranging from threatening calls Although Lieutenant Colonel trades. He went to work as a foreman to unwanted and harassing visits. Wawrzyniak passed away in 1995, his with the same contractor who em- For victims who are financially de- legacy is still felt in the ranks of the ployed his sons. This gave him the op- pendent on their job, avoiding violence Marine Corps, particularly in the Ma- portunity to accomplish two things in the workplace can be extremely rine community of eastern North Caro- that were very important to him. challenging. A victim manages to es- lina, where he made his home. First, he was able to work side by side cape the relationship at home and His courage and discipline as a duti- with his sons and rebuild relationships move out. But giving up a job is an- ful Marine served as an inspiration to with them that had suffered during his other thing and even more difficult to all that knew him. Even now, his cour- long service-related separations. Sec- change. age under fire, fighting expertise, and ond, he was able to build homes. For a The resulting harassment, of course, leadership skills are widely remem- man whose entire life had been spent at hurts both the employer and the em- bered and respected. war in foreign countries, he felt a great ployee. At least 94 percent of corporate Stanley's 35 years in the Corps and sense of accomplishment from building security managers have reported that his record of valor distinguish him as a homes.
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