,, , ~ .... , YosemiteSentinel YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK Published by YosemitePark and Cu~’ry Co. in the interest of its employees and local residents. FRIDAY, JANUARY5, 1945 DECEMBERSNOWS BUILD UP SKI SLOPES With eight inches of fresh snow on top of t.he old pack, skiing at Badger Pass over the WITH THE ARMED FORCES Holidays was excellent. Crowds dotted the slopes daily and we were glad to note a large Wave Catherine Lally recently phoned her proportion of Service men and women Mother from New York that she had fin- among the skiers and spectators. Fortunate- ished her basic training in the Waves and i ly, only a few bruises resulted from early was one of the two members of her entire season skiing. class to pass an examination permitting her Congratulations to Mary and Fred Sharpe to take a Specialists Course in First Aid, for their efficient management of the ski Psychology, Physiology, etc., etc. Catherine house. And a bouquet to Jane Archer and also had the happy experience of meeting Tex Niles, those two devil-may-care hostesses Jimmy Gann in New York and together they who can always recommend the wrong wax spent a pleasant evening with District At- at the right time. torney and Mrs. Lee of the Bronx. Mr. and Responsible for the cafeteria were Helen Mrs. Lee visited The Ahwahnee several and Yvonne Meister, with Ralph Meyers years ago so you can imagine the subject of lending a helping hand. And Jules Fritsch their conversation. was b~ck at his old stand repairing equip- ment and offering advice to the novice. AmosNea] sent Christmas Greetings to all Syd Ledsen and his gang running the Up- his Yosemite friends from "somewhere in the Philippines." ski on schedule, and Marion Carruthers, re- turned from his honeymoon, seemed to be everywhere. Harold Whittington, former YTS driver, Then, of course, we have with us that pop- who has been with Air Corps Engineers in ular skier, Otto Stciner who is doing a right the South Pacific for the past year, sent his good job of instructing. ’~ greetings from the Marianas -- saying he’]] And all this under the watchful eye of probably freeze to death if it’s winter when Charlie Proctor. he gets home. Another Yosemite old-timer, Lilly Midgett, CHURCH SERVICES housekeeper at Glacier Point Hotel for sev. Roman Catholic Rev. Frances Walsh eral summers sent edible greetings to the Mass in the Chapel 8:30 a.m. Sentinel Staff in the form of a fruit cake full Protestant Rev. Alfred Glass of "good spirits." Lilly is now at the Arizona Church School 9:45 a.m. Inn, Tucson and says she enjoys reading the in the School House Sentinel. Morning Worship ]1:00 a.m. --Florence Morris i/ in tl~e Chapel, Old Village ~X A cordial invitation is extended to all to FOR A GOOD TIME attend these services. "I was glad when they ATTEND THE NEXT SQUARE DANCE At the Camp Curry Cafeteria ~h said unto me, ’Let us go into the house of the Lord.’ " Friday, January 5 and Friday January 19 YOSEMITE SENTINEL i_ THE YOSEMITE SENTINEL FROM HERE AND THERE Editorial Staff otto Brown, former NPS ranger, has re- Bab Godfrey Lois Nordlinger cently been commissioned Captain and his Vickie Otter Ethel Spurgm latest address is APONew York . Ardeth, Ralph Anderson Avonelle and Denny Brown were guests of Circulation Mgr. Florence Morris Mary During over the New Year. For the Supervisor Harold Ouimet present they are staying with Ardeth’s mo- Editor Jack Greener ther in Jacksonville, Calif.. :. Lt. Eugene Drown, also a former ranger, has been trans- ferred to the Philippines . .. Ralph ’Ander- son will remain in Covina for practically the whole month of January as Mi]lie expects to undergo an operation in the near future. Bar- bara Jean has started to school downthere. It was a real case of the "blues" when all the housewives in the valley found that they had lost so many blue points. Now Gus Eastman tells one about compar- ing Yosemite with Chicago. A big 6-foot sail- or on Sunday Dec. 30--"Hey, ranger! Ain’t that beer joint goin’ to open up today?" Up- on being informed that it was a Sunday, he remarked that "in Chicago, youse can buy it anytime." by Spur-Lo-Vik Sorry--No recent bear stories. Evidently they’ve gone to bed for the winter. It’s amazing how rapidly one can forget Of special interest and good news in the appendectomy when skiing seasol7 comes ranger department is the arrival of the new around--isn’t it, Mr. Proctor? Also amazing U. S. Commissioner, Leo Wilson. is the ability of the younger genei’ation at the sport. Doris Hewitson and Jimmy Ouimet Ranger Billy Merrill reported for duty on took the Chinquapin Run Sunday and came January 2 after 2½ months’ leave recuperat- downthe stretch beautifully, but the last we ing from a hernia operation. saw of Mr. Ouimet, Sr., was Whenhe tangled Everything happens to Ranger Danner. with somebrush. A nice.looking trio on skis: The other night be was called about smoke Betty Plumb, Lenore Oehhnann and Sally coming out of a building. Uponinvestigation Knowles. he found a party breaking in a new Christ. mas pipe. A word to the ladies: The Beauty Shop will be closed from January 13th to the 22nd DID YOUKNOW that there are 32 inches of snow at Badger and slding is good; that In. inclusive. come Tax Advisor Harold Calvert will be at the Administration Bldg. on January 6; that Jim Taylor is hard at work again after car license plates will be issued by the Call. having spent a fine vacation at his home in fornia State Auto Club on January 9 at the Santa Monica, during which time he attended the Rose Bowl Game. Rangers Office from 10:30 to 5 p.m. Vickie Otter spent New Year’s week-end ~Bab Godfrey with Wendell and had a wonderful time dining and dancing at the Officers’ Club of BUNCO PARTY which he is in charge. 8:30 p.m., Friday, January 12 Mr. Morgenson has the ski bug--and bad. AT THE CLUBHOUSE But friend wife prefers to skate. Well, varie- Prizes awarded to winners ty is the spice of life! Score cards~10c YOSEMITE SENTINEL _ ii m. ,. .. 1 MAP.IPOSA AGAIN TRIPS UP YOSEMITE In a hotly contested return game, the Mari- posa Grammar School football team again took the measure of the local Grammar School team by a lopsided score. This second game, played at Mariposa on December 9th, was largely a repetition of the game played at Yosemite. The Yosemite defense proved somewhat more stubborn but was still un- able to compete with the weight advantage of the Mariposa backfield. Yosemite played its’ usual heads.u.p game and capitalized on every possible break, in- cluding a successful on-side kick to open the Nowthat the rush of the holidays is over second half and the recovery of MarJposa’s we would like to have more of you join in one fumble. The Yosemite attack again cen- the activities of the Clubhouse. The enthusi. tered around the running of Captain Stewart asm shown at the beginning cooled with the Cramer and Left Half Jack Williams, though first snowfall. There is need for everyone to Dick Klein was called back frequently to contribute part of their time towards making make that essential yard or two that just had our club a permanent institution. to be made. Cramer saved Yosemite from a With this in mind, we call upon the Enter- shut-out by scoring a lone touchdown in the tainment and Recreation Committees to put second quarter. on their thinking caps and "cook up" some- Joe Rhoan played Right End with almost thing good. copy-book perfection. Working with Tackle How about an "Amateur Night" or a "Gay ,::’!, Pete Robinson and Right Half Bob Lake, Joe Nineties" jamboree? Or maybe "Romeo and proved that "the bigger they are, the harder Juliet" with a High Sierra setting. they fall." The Dance Committee is doing a good job Captain James Klumpp of the USNCHat and have their Square Dances on schedule. Yosemite was referee for both games. His So see your chairman now and let’s get work was greatly appreciated by the teams. rolling[ Florence Morris is starting out with a YOSEMITE LINEUP: Bunco Party on Friday, January 12 to begin RE--Joe Rhoan at eight.thirty sharp. There will be prizes RT~Pete Robinson and score cards will cost you a dime. Every. RG~Paul DePfyffer body should join in this hectic evening of C ~George Murphy, Mike Adams wholesome entertainment. LG~Jerry Mernin, Charles Castro LT~Larry Hoyt LE--Ted Phillips MOUNTAIN MUMBLINGS QB~Dick Klein There’s something in the wind at the RI-I~Bob Lake Gigglers’ table during the breakfast hour. LH~Jack Williams "Let’s in on the secret, Lois. FB~Stewart Cramer (C) Is someone trying to rush You into a wonderful romance? Score by Quarters: My, my. What a beautiful blush." Mariposa 14 7 14 7 ~42 Yosemite 0 6 0 0 -- 6 New Year’s Day Quotes~ "Never again." Yosemite Scoring: "What’s your cargo, Skipper?" Touchdown~Cramer "Could I borrow a cigarette?" "No more, thanks!" (Who said that?). BLESSED EVENT New Year’s Day Birthday Greetings To~ Olga Schomberg, E. T. Carpenter, and Bob Born to Mr. and Ml’s. Win. Herbert Cm’r, 9’ Jackson~all of the Maintenance Dept. a daughter, Catherine Mary, on Dec.
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