US 2013 003 6654A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0036654 A1 G00se (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 14,9 2013 (54) FISHING LURE WITH Publication Classification MECHANICALLY ACTUATED LOWER FREQUENCY TONE GENERATION DEVICE (51) Int. Cl. AOIK 85/01 (2006.01) (76) Inventor: Larry D. Goosey, Farmington, MO (US) (52) U.S. Cl. ...................................................... 43/42.31 (21) Appl. No.: 13/635,830 (57) ABSTRACT (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 25, 2011 The present invention is related to an fishing lure (10) having (86). PCT No.: PCT/US11A3OO13 a mechanically-actuated tone generation device (15, 25) S371 (c)(1), which produces one or more lower frequency tones alone. (2), (4) Date: Sep. 18, 2012 Additionally, the tone generation device (15, 25) may also O O generate a higher frequency tone through mechanical actua Related U.S. Application Data tion (15, 50) and/or may be combined with a separate (60) Provisional application No. 61/318,004, filed on Mar. mechanically-actuated higher frequency tone generation 26, 2010. device (1185). 1165 1105 1175 1110 1145 Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 1 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 5 O 4 O 10 15 25 45 20, 21 Z) (, CQSSECs O - a 30 50 FIG 1(a) FIG 1(b) ". FIG 10) FIG 1(g) Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 2 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 3 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 Orº(6)0(01-J 099 (e)ººI-J Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 4 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 ºy-º087~)-,! (1)ySÐI-J G/7 017967087 007 Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 5 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 9/9 Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 6 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 : i S. Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 7 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 760 705 725 IG 7(b) O Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 8 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 09 (0)9SÐI-J Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 9 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 S. 3 S. \, S. : S. : s S. Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 10 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 1000 1010 l? 1045 -Y 100 1940so of Y1015 FIG 10(a) 1050 -F DF-S1 to 1045 1055 FIG 10(b) 1000 . C-IE COc FIG 10(c) 1070' 1060' to FIG 10(d) Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 11 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 s VN Y. O U s s O d CC N. rer v were ver Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 12 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 D O CN s var s s Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 13 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 1330 1320 FIG 13(b) 1315 1320 1340 1320 1325 1310 FIG. 13(c) FIG 13(d) Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 14 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 (q)yl'91-' O §), | CN |() Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 15 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 NZ NSSeas DEas O-2Ae Goe 1510 FIG 15(b) FIG 15(c) FIG 15(d) FIG 15(e) Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 16 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 1605 a FIG 16(a) W. t YNXyAl S. FW N O 1635 1620 1620' FIG 16(d) FIG 16(e) Patent Application Publication Feb. 14, 2013 Sheet 17 of 17 US 2013/0036654 A1 0)/| 90]], 0€/| (o)ZISÐIH 00/| (q).ZISÐIH 00|| 0|| (e)ZISÐIH GZ1), US 2013/0036654 A1 Feb. 14, 2013 FISHING LURE WITH 0008 What is needed, therefore, is a fishing lure which MECHANICALLY ACTUATED LOWER emits mechanically-actuated lower frequency Sound waves to FREQUENCY TONE GENERATION DEVICE attract fish, or emits both higher frequency Sound waves and lower frequency sound waves to attract fish. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0001. The present application claims priority to U.S. Pro 0009. The present invention is related to an improved fish visional Application No. 61/318,004 filed on Mar. 26, 2010, ing lure. In embodiments, the fishing lure includes a mechani the disclosure of which is expressly incorporated by reference cally-actuated tone generation device which produces one or herein in its entirety. more lower frequency tones alone. Additionally, the tone generation device may also generate a higher frequency tone BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION through mechanical actuation and/or may be combined with a separate mechanically-actuated higher frequency tone gen 0002 1. Field of the Invention eration device. 0003. The present invention is related to a fishing lure that 0010. In embodiments, the tone generation device includes a mechanically-actuated tone generation device. includes a tone generator (e.g., one or more springs, or tension 0004 2. Discussion of Background Information elements arranged to vibrate upon actuation) and a striker that 0005 Fishing lures come in many sizes, shapes and colors. periodically strikes the tone generator and actuates the tone Sophistication among fishing lures varies greatly ranging generation device. from a simple hook and sinker to Sophisticated spinner 0011. With the present invention, some “bled off energy, arrangements, all designed to attract fish in their own way. for example, produced by the diving bill of e.g., a crank bait, The purpose of any fishing lure is to attract a fish by imitating is harnessed to power, for example, a side-to-side travelling a creature that is a part of the normal diet of the fish, Such as, device (e.g., striker). The side-to-side motion may be pro for example, a worm, an amphibian, or a smaller fish. vided by a diving bill, a walk-the-dog style retriever, a 0006. Some lures are configured based on the theory that “wobble scoop.” and/or “wobble bills.” in addition to a different types of fish are attracted by different colors. For manual wrist Snap type motion. example, numerous lures of different, and sometimes quite 0012. In embodiments, the striker may be, for example, a exotic, colors may be used, depending on the type of fish sphere, a pendulum, a cylindrical piece, or any type of Suffi desired to be attracted. Some lures are designed based on the ciently heavy object, that will travel side-to-side, up and down theory that fish are attracted by bright or shiny objects. For and/or rotationally, upon retrieve (e.g., winding the fishing example, lures of various configurations may be designed to string in and/or trolling). As the striker travels from side-to reflect sunlight and to attract the attention of fish visually, by side, up and down and/or rotationally, the striker impacts a interplay of motion and light reflectance. Often the fish free end of one or more springs to energize the spring or appear indifferent to the visual stimulation of these prior art springs, thus producing a low(er) frequency sound in con lures and refuse to go after them. Moreover, by the nature of junction with a high(er) frequency “click or rattle.” For their environment, fish cannot see very far. When the water is example, this higher frequency click or rattling may be pro not very clear, the shiny reflection or bright colors of the lure duced by the traveling device, e.g., striker, Striking the sides are ineffective to attract the attention of the fish since they are of the placement hole or chamber in which the striker unable to see them. Therefore, an improved scheme to attract traverses as it passes (e.g., back and forth) over the free end of fish is necessary. the one or more springs. Additionally, the higher frequency 0007 Some lures are designed based on the theory that tone may be replaced and/or enhanced by use of a rattle fish are attracted by sound. As is well known, fish have a nerve chamber elsewhere in or on the lure or bait. system that is stimulated or activated by their lateral line 0013. In embodiments of the present invention, the travel response signals. The fish senses and picks up sound waves of the striker may be up and down, (vertical), fore to aft, and high and low frequency vibrations by their lateral line, side-to-side, or at an angle. Moreover, in embodiments, the one of which is located on each side of their body, i.e., running travel of the striker may also be achieved rotationally, from behind the gill to the base of the tail. These lateral lines amongst other contemplated motions of travel. Additionally, roughly correspond to human ears. While it is understood that in embodiments, the tone generation device may also be Such organs do not hear sounds in exactly the same manner as configured as an attachable device (which could be attached humans, it is well known that such organs are sensitive to to a lure) as well as in or on the lure, e.g., within sloped/ Sound waves, particularly Sound waves transmitted through concave faces of a lure. the water. Likewise, as is well known, water provides an 0014. In accordance with further aspects of the invention, excellent medium for the transmission of Sound waves. in embodiments, different springs may be utilized to tune a Numerous lures have been designed that include pieces and lure to, for example, attract a specific species of fish. For accessories that are positioned to physically contact each example, springs are manufactured to produce a tone at very other and emit sounds with lure movement.
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