CONTENTS DATA MYOUT SECTION ONE WARD CODES SECTION lWO vS4 ON TM? ICL 2900 Fonrat lqi3q S&m I Title: IAuthor: Irate: Isheet: 1 I ‘lLmm VS4 I OFWUSEC I SKP 1988 I oNMuNEI’Ic TAm I I I CcmwrER TAPE FILE sPEcrFIcATTm ***** ***************************** This pap de9mibee the intent ad fozmatof the megnetictape verelon of table VS4. I All erquiriescOnzermng the contentof the tebleeor arrerqeuents dietrilution”shcmldbe,a~ to: VlTf3L ST/W5TICS cu~I=Q C+L ICES Officeof Fqulation Cenewes an5 Sumeye Tltd.field Hante m15 5RR Tel: TiHield (0329)42511X305J3 ~lf ic emquuaee omcernwg -W ~ my be altermtiwly addresed to: cDstete Grulpu MR5 S ~EwJANE Tel: Titd_field(0329)42511 x342I Accpyof thewholetapewilllx providedbmstcmws. ‘13u6eonly ted in W will receivethe whole tape, ani ehmld mke their mm ~ for extractingthe :zequheddata. The magnetictepe will k in a formatsuitablefor ~ixJ on ICL (1900or 2900 s-e-rise)or H mahfram madbee. Title: IAuthor: Imte: Imeet: 2 { TAmE VS4 I oKs/aslK SEP 1988 I oNMAaa3rIc TAPE / / / ! KGICAL m SIFUCNJRE I The magnetictape v-ion of the tape will be set cat ae if the tables hadhenprapared using the OFCS tahlaticm utilityTAUerdtheta~ had / been writtenueiru the W utiliiwALCZNSAVEwhi~ savesteblee h a format I suitablefor data-intercimge. - This mans that the ffle is @ysically a file of fhed kqth 80 &aracter remzd.emth a logicalhierarchyof: Fm.E !mBL-5 ARE?+ Textuallabelswill be proviW &m to the ame lwel (naxrative daacriptim of the file,table identi~, area mme.s)hz tstubardmlmn labelseni explanatcq w will rxJtbe imll.kid. If ~ hevethe TAUeoftwareamiwiah tiuseit tiperfozm further analyeesof thedata, than they may baabletousethe~ utilitytoreadths dataintotha TAUsys&n. Tmdothk, user9 will m acqyofa TWldxaryfile ~ - em=Pr~te ~ fio-tl~ to enable furthersmiLyw2sto he made. This edditimal file will have on it interelia the a~riate sbb ard wlmn text labels,W mly h a fozm euiteblefor pnxeas -Wm. me lcgim.1Sblchxe Oftharecords mule main tipe will he; FIIEHEmERr9mzd TM3LE ~ read for T&.le 1 SDU?I’OF!I?JJEXRtPIT~ reccmdfor ‘hble 1 mU~CN~ for ‘hble 1 Seelwtelbelcw END OF TAU DEXRPTICN mrde for Table 1 ARElmzd fmaxealofl’’able 1 ~mmrdsfor srealofhble 1 See.rnte2balc%? AFCd?iracozdforarea20f Table 1 CU.TN15remrde forerea20f Ta.ble1 (AREA erd CWNIS-rderqeetmtil theerd of Table) END OF’TAEIEremrdfor’Rble 1 ‘IA13L&HEiUXR rewrd for Table 2 (Thbleremz dsetrepeate ddcxmtierd of Table7) END OF KUEmrd . l.. There aretm TATJdeecripticm~ inthiemetance 2. Thecxx.ntsinthe+ableearecm a=iesof 80&a.ractar ram-, eadlarhhlJg 5crmt fielda0f15charS lemJHlwithtideta right justifi~,lead-g zerces~. Zeru fieldeprhted as !.!~1 zero.The.radar of the b fieldeis specifie5 mlerleef. — . 2 I Title: Iluthor: Imte: [sheet: 3 [ ITAELEVS4 I om/czsE!c .sEP 1988 I Im MAGNEITc TAPE I I I I mamas I I ‘here are 35 cmnts for eeti ward held in the follmiq otier: I I UxJNrl I W3NT2 LIvE8mms MaIzs I cm??I’3 I I Uxn?r4 !mTAL I axNr5 MAIFS I (3XNI’6 FbmL&3 I Cml?r? ?oTAL CCXJNI’8 MALES CUNI’9 CSm?r 10 0FATHS<28WS lwAL CuNl u DEATHS<28WS MAIEs I CXUNI’12 OFXl?E< 28 ~YS axl?r 13 Dm!lHScl YFAR TwmL I CUNI’ 14 LIFATHS<l YFAR FmIzs CsxlNr15 OEATl?<l YEAR OXIW 16 0EA3HS1-4 YFAm mLEs I OxJNI’17 IDxELS5-14 YEWS MAEs I ~ 18 OFA’E3S15-24YEAE5 MAus CU.NT 19 OEWIiS25-34 WARS EmIE5 Oxll?l’20 DEATHS35-44YEAW ~ I amn’ 21 OFAn’3s45-54YEARS m CIxlNr22 QFA!E3S55-64Y’EIE MALES I (DJNl!23 OEATHS65-74YEAFG I.mus I -24 DFA!EiS75-84 YEARS m I tIXN1’25 DU43HS8% YEARS MAT.Es I CUM? 26 LExTHS1-4 YEAm I -27 lEMUE 5-14 YEWS C!ZNT 28 DFATHSE-24 X??.W -29 JXATZiS25-34 !LEAFS Cul?T 30 DEUHS 35-44Yl%Am Clm?r 31 12EAmS45-54YFAm CIXiNl?32 tEA!EiS55-64YEARS axn?l’33 DEA!EiS65-74YE!R Cs.xm 34 0EA3W 75-84 YEAW I axn?r 35 0E?#lS8W YW+FS I / I I I 3 I Title: Imte: Isheet: 4 ITABLEVS4 RR&c SS!?1988 ~m MKNErIc mm I I I TAm’uTIclJs m mmc—mK8 FILE TEX31NICALsPKmmxrIcm I l. MAGNErtc’mm amAmmEmcs Nuuber of treck: 9 Inter-block~p: 0.6 irdes Record@ density: 1600bits per h Wcozdrq rcde: ~~ Farity: ResoIdtype: fixed -Kd length: ICL”2900 80 by-b29 m 80 bytes Blcdc size: IUI 2900 8192 bytes m 2400- Cflarscterade: ICL 2900 ~IC Im EBCDIC Labels: ICL 2900 2900 s&mi?ud lakds IEM Lmlebella I I I I I 2. GlaRAcrERSET I I All fieldewiti thesxcepticmof~sreanan eewillbelti~ to the &sm.cters: 0-9 A-Z epe02 Someree nsueewillamt=ml ‘ dlsla.cters: I &’-/(),. I FILE SIZING mEmllm?r alsNrRFmPm CulNx’mcmni Pm ARFA PERARm PER FTIE VS4 35 7 9295 ● 7 = 65065 / I I Rr@erel No. I (ICL2900) Imte: SEP 1988 Isheet:5 I File 11/01F/SI Fik!a.me ]FQJl Ik5cripticm Imwp?murq ref. I IP=PI —---l —!—/ !—/ L/-/-— II I vS4mPE19yy Ill mHJLATICFJSm _l_l_l l.~ - l_l_l_ NO oflS.lccklNo of I File O’LKL&— 1~~ ReelsISize ICcpiesI 1 I 23281 I iRenmsuitee AcYx&AcYF I —1-l—l 1 -—- File Stm&ure: IASEUXO ICI.2900E13COIC(LA8ELSHAVE 87 8YTES) KECDRD3ARE FTXEOIJN21H,80SYTES FOR FILE S7DlUCIURE FOR DATA S-lTuJ~’sKE GENERAL Rw4PlG SEILx. Retsntion P31icy: REEmEDFoR2YEAFs I ANYcrH’S FcRmP31SRUxJEWm Axtmr-usm WIILMET8Y IEaEMnGm FxIE. I Recad Description P.wwm. ofl-=t-; l(W=01=C4N 0.\ I 80 I 1 16 !m81z PamRo I 80 1 1 17 ‘mu mscRImIcN I 80 I 2 113 END OF’IAU~CN I 80 I 1 Is AREA REDXD I 80 I 9295 ] 9 culNIsRMImD I 80 I 65065 I 10 E?JOOFTAETERECDRD I 80 II t 10 END OF FTLE~ I 80 11 I U PAtDm RExxlRO I 80 I <48 I 11 ~ P.Enlerke:WmYJmRE Is: FILE mBI.E AR?.?+ ARFA ClxJNISetc END OF TABLE TABLE etc EN30F FILE Fornnre deteilsseetextcul sheet 2. 5 I INene:VS4 TABIX Imthor: om/cBm I I ~ sPKmmxTIcN I (1~ 2900) Imte: SE@ 1988 Isheet: 6 I i—=— I Imfti lResoti=ipticn iFile Ref I IPlan I I‘hblel FILE EEM3ERFKfmJI I IRef/DFRl 111/mLl I I i-i i-i 1 IStart ISizeIl?ataILevelIAlignl&xmx IData Nenk+Cescription i-e of cctk ~ lFQm I In’wl I I I I .— —l— — —l—l—1 1 I !1 Illclll IRECDRDTYPE 111 i2 141CIIIIREKDRDNUMPE+ I NWmRIc I 16 141 CI II ICR?ATQROF EATA I IOKSI I i 10 1711CI I ] IDF5C2UPTICNOFH I I I 10 141C1211 I .scUKEmoE ‘qy~ Ill Ill I (yy = datiyear) ! -1 / 14 111 C12111FTLLER I SPACE 1 , ,~1 i 15 181C1211 I FTIEcmATIcWmmE I I 23 111C12111FTLZES I SPACS I i 24 157~C12 IL I I NmIWmJEDmmlPrIm IW3TIAL I Ill I OF MTA [SmrIsrIa m I I I 1=: OFCSI I I I I I Ill Ill I I I I I I I lNeme: WI TABLE lAuthor:OFfS/USK I mKnRD smaFKATIcN I (ICL2900) Imte: SEP 1988 Isheet: 7 / I 1~1 Imrt[ IRecord DeLri@ion IFile Fef IPlen I ITableI I ‘mBLEHFADERRHrRD I IRef/Dq In/EQLl l— / Istart ISizelmh ~= ~Alignl@xxr~mta Neme/mscripticm lRarqeof ades I Il%sn I Iml l——— —l— —1 1 l!l!C!I / I mmRD TYPE 121 I 12141CIII I REmR13NUKE!ER 1 NmlERIc / 16 18~Clll I, TAH. EN2ME 1~ 1111 1 (mm; ! I -/ I 14 141CIIIIFIUER ] SPACES j M 15p I I I NO.OF~CELEIN I NuMERIc, I I TABLE (PERAREA) lIUGHrJIJsrmm Ill Ill I =yEs ~ Ill I !Ill I I (eeemte2) I i 23 131CIII I CCUIWCELLSI~ I I / 23 121C1211 I ~WOFCX?WS I 9 I I 25 111C12111 DK334ALmOFGlARS 15 I i 26 14~clll I IK)OFCUJNTRFOJRE I NuME2uc, i Ill I PmAPm lRIQKr JusmFmO I ImDmzmx! / / / / / I I ~. I Ill Ill I (eaemte3) I j 30 1511CIIIJFIIUR I SPACFS I j N3TXS: 1. Table mm ie ‘VS4! I i 2. Noofaunt cells perareepr tile h35. / 3. Noofcumt remxdeperaree pertableie7. I ! i’ I INaue:VS4 TASLE Imthor: OKS/C3XB2 I RHzJm smcrFIcATIcl? I I (ICL2900) ]mte: SEP 1988 Isheet:8 iz 14[CIIIIFTLLXR I sPAcm i6 1211CJ I j 1, STAm NESsKE I ‘ST?JO?OF OFSC- Ill Ill I KtPrIcN’ I 271541CI 111~ I SPACES I IN?oE:VS4 ~ lAuthor:oFcs/clY3Bc I REmRD sPEcIFxcATIm I (ICL2900) Imte: SEP 1988 Isheet: I I I lore15J IRecozdDJcriptical IFile I?ef !=1 I‘lhbleI I ~OFTAU IPJef/DFRl [n/SX3Ll DEsaUmIm Rm3RD I l— IW ~sizelmte~Xevel\Alignl~~mta Name/Mecription ~Raqe of ccdee ~ IRml I ~T’W I I I l——— —1—l—l I I l!llcllll F.Ecmm TYPE ‘8~ i 25 1561CIIIIFTLUR I SPACES I 8 I INare: Wi4 ~ [Author:OFCS/Cl15x / [ FmmP.O sPEmFImm I (ICL2900) Imte: SEP 198 Isheet:9 I i—==1 Itmfti IRemzd De&iptkm iFLle Ref i IPlen I ITebleI I AFxAKEmPJJ IRef/Dml In/mLl I I iz 141CIII I REmRDNuMEIER I NUMERIC I 16 141CIIII ARE+ mxmmca mm I 0101-6820 I 10 12 ICI 1’ WAPsJ mm I 01-51 I 1.2161CI I !IFIHER j 0000 I —- l– I 18 1401CI I I I AREANME I ~c I Ill Ill I a-d S’-/(),. I / [ 58 1231 Cllll~ I SPACES I 9 iz 141CIII I RKKIRDsEuJmcENa. I 0001—> I .— -- 6 l15\cl I 151mcuJNrclIm I Im.dlcumt cell cnntehe I I I I A 1- Slm ~. I 9 dare of whole =. I I I I I 5ckrefornc6 after I en inplieddecimal I I I I point. I I I I me mmL picblreis I S9(9)W (5)* I I lNere:VS4 TASIX lAuthor:oPcs/cmm I I RBmRO sPEcrFIcATIa I [ICL2900) Imte: SEP 1988 Isheet: I i6 1131CI I I I END OF WMESSAGE l’EN130FTABIE’i i 19 1621CIIIIFILUR I sPAcm I I I I I 1“ IName:VS4 TABG% IAuthor:oFc3/cmm I sPEcrFIcmIa’J I I (ICL2900) Irkk.e:SEP 1988 I.Sheet:11 I--- / 1 I 1P !:I Imaftl IRec01K3Liptim IFile P.ef IPJ ITableI I RJDOFFIU~ lRa ml Ir@JL\ } / 1--’ --! l—l 1 1 is% ;Sizel Cata ILevel Il+lignl Cccurl Ikta Nan@kecripticm Ip.arqe of cedes i lFc - Iwwl I l–” J- — —/— !—l 1 -/ Il!cllllmml TYPE 164 —! /‘-2 ‘-141c11/lFTLmR ] SPACES —.
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