In This luue EcU&ortals I-F Council Changes Rush Rules • The New Power Plant ... Praise ... Heating Plant's Features Re­ to the Collegian . Challenging vealed . Literary Contests . W r ling-tum t the "Shine" Clubs . z 171 By the Students, For the Students VOL. XLI WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1938 NUMBER 60 ~ $1200 Total EachHouseToHaveThreeMen Dickey Reveals J t £ t •t C •1 To Be Given In Interfraternity Ball Figure HeatingPlant's n er ra ernt y ounct Basic Features Ch R h • R 1 Best Themes Coun!!•!:a:n~::t;:·~isg:p~:::~::.~~: Will New W-LStructure Will anges us tng u es Dr. Moffatt Announces 2 Paid Fee Due For Figure Continue Red Brick , *No Breaking Of Dates National Contests For Three representatives from ev- Nlcrosi. A. H. Carmichael, and C. Theme Without Consultation ery fraternity wlll be in the In- P. Reed; Phi Epsllon Pi: Paul La- -- Second Edition Of Co//egtan C 0 nege Stu d ents terfraternlty Ball Figure this year. vletes, Fred Moran. and Sydney RAILROAD SIDE-LINE nL . " n l' Of All Parties officials of the Interft·atemlty LeWis; Phl Kappa Sigma: Will Carries On zterary .ro tC11 ANTI-FASCIST WAR Councll announced this morning. Rogers, Bob Arnold. and Max BRINGS COAL DIRECT -J ONE EVENING DATE The Ball will be held the second Bt-ecklnrldge; Pi Kappa Alpha: IN SPAIN IS TOPIC W. S. Self, J. R. Howard; and Bob ... EXTENDED TO 11:00 night ot the Finals set, Thursday, Thomas. Completion of $1 00,000 ~~mofant~ir~:::~ t~~;!~ ~~~~cb~:s ~l~~es~r:ezygo!~y~ :~: turned up in post officet boxes yes- mor"-atlll very obviously dorm- -- June 9. Pi Kappa. Phi: George Meyers, Building Expected Early terday morning, marking the sec- ant after an overdose of germicide. Fint Contest Closes July 4, The list of participants follows : Hany Carey, and Beth Baker; Big­ Rushees Will Be Picked In September ond appearance of the now simon- In an effort to substitute the U Second Deadline Is Alpha Tau Omega: Thomas ma Alpha Epsilon: Spence Ker­ pure literary magazine since a re- "popular" for the "naughty," the P At Rooms December, 1938 Martin, Ernest Williams, and Wen- kow. Mike Tomlin, and Ed Met- Basic features in the plans of forming Washington and Lee ex- OoUertan continues its policy of Only dell Stoops; Delta Tau Delta: T. call; Sigma Chi: Ed Surles, H. T . the new central heating plant, now ecutlve committee pulled a. "Car- carrying the "popular" article, and Two literary conteats are belnl H. Clarke, T . H. Baker, and Vance Dickinson, and George Bauer; Slg- under construction in the ravine rie Nation" in December and sent this time It's "swing." Harold Fen­ Several changes of major im­ sponaored amo01 collep and hlch Funk; Delta Upsllon: Bill Saun- ma Phi Epsilon: Ja.y Reid. Rob- behind the Chemistry bulldlng, it to the cleaners for a thorough ton. weaving a suftl.ciently compli­ portance In the 1938 fraternity school students durbll the next ders, Charles Skinner, and George ert Hllton, and Sam TYler. Sli· were announced today by Dr. R. going-over. cated amount of musical ~rmln - rushing rules were adopted last few montha, It wu announced to- Wickerham : Kappa Alpha: Alton rna Nu: Ben Anderson, Bill Jenks. w . Dickey, professor of physics True to his promise , Ed1tor ology into his discussion of ''Swing night at the final meeting of the day by Dr. J . 8. Moftatt. bead of S&rtor, 'lbornton Beale. and Lew- and Edgar Basse; Zeta Beta Tau: and faculty consultant on the proJ­ James Wilson Fishel, recently re- Versus Cacophony," succeeds in Interfraternity Council. The new tbe Wub.ll\ltOD and Lee Enil18h Ia Calll8on; Kappa Sigma: Blll James Fishel. AI Pollack, and appointed by the publication board getting very close to the heart of rules pertain to the breaking of department. Posters concerning Buxton, Jim Parkey, and Ralph Chester Schept. ec~e plant housing the new heat­ to bead the emasculated Collerlan, the matter, turning out a compre­ dates, the extension of the time of these cooteata are belnl placed on Wllklnson Smith. The $30 fee required from every lng unit will be o! red brick to has kept up the standards he set bensive diagnosis of a much-dis­ one date, a miniature duplicate or the Enallab bulletin board in Payne Lambda Chi Alpha: Jock Suth- fraternity befo1·e entering the ball conform to the other buUdlngs on at the beginning of his tetm In cussed subject. the date card for fraternity usage, Hall. erland, Charles Hart, and Dan was paid last night at the meeting the campus. It will contain three producing a second "purely liter- For weightier reading Stanford and an important "gentleman's Prizes amount.inl to $1000 are Wilkinson: Phi Delta Theta: John of the Interfraternity Council. large rooms. At present two 150 ary" magazine. From the candid Schewel lets the student body of agreement" among the fraternities beinl aiven by the League of ---- -------- - -- to solve the dlfftcultles of picking American wrtters in co-opera- horsepower bollers will be located photograph on the cover, taken by Washington and Lee have the Weidmann Chosen Head in the boiler room. There is also Sam Ames, Norfolk freshman, to manuscript that Larry Watkin's up rushees after chapel meetings. Uon with the American Student Peace C0UDC il su.fftclent space for the installa- the colored cigarette ad on the agent returned to blm as being Although not an official rule, Union and the Friends of the Of IRC For Next Year; tton of two additional boilers tn final page, the reJuvenated Soa&b- "too deep." Titled "Death to the the "gentlemen's agreement" pro­ Abraham Lincoln Battalion. En- Maps Program D v I w the future if necessary. The boll- ern Collerlan presents 32 pages of Blind," Schewel's short story, vides that all rushees will be pick­ trant.a may submit stortes, poetry· r · e te as Speaker ers were constructed by the Union decidedly "literary" poesy and which mingles modern reallsm ed up in their rooms after the acenarioa, and radio scripts on A inf 1 h b Iron Works. The·y are equipped prose. with a good old-fashioned record chapels and president's reception, the "antlfaaclat atruc1le in Spain n orma speec Y Dr. F . M. The much-debated quality of of macabre goings-on, Is a study rather than in front of the chapel today and Ita relation to the gen- Plans Speeches To Adver- Velte, and the election of officers with Detroit Stokers, automatl- as was previously done. eral welfare of the American cltl- for next year were features of the cally fired. This automatic control "humor," still conspicuous by its for those who like the deep and aen of tomorrow." tise Movement To ftnal meeting of the International on the stokers maintains a con- absence, Is recalled in the editor's psychological. Dat.ea End At 10 p. m. bop-skip - and - jump commentary "The Moon Is a Big Balloon," by An extension of the time of Lhe The contest closes July 4. Plrst 1938-39 Frosh Relations Club for the current stant steam pressure of 100 prble will be $500 and four addi- school year. The meeting was held pounds. on hls magazine's content, of Latham Thigpen, simple phantasy evening date after the president's tlonal awards of , , , S'l5, Plans for next year's program in Washington Hall last Tuesday A railroad siding w111 be extend- which Ernie Woodward's facettow concerning a moon-struck moron, reception lrom 10 :30 to 11 :00 was 250 u25 and t&O will be made. were discussed at the ftnal meet- evening. ed over the concrete coal bln which "Gaudy Night." written In a com- Continued on pap tour also passed. All other evening No l..eaaibJ BefaalnJDeD&a lng of the Washington and Lee Homer Weidmann of Belleville, connects with the boiler room. To dates, however. wlll continue to Manuacripts submitted may be Peace Council last Wednesday Illinois, was elected president to one side of the ~ller room will be terminate at 10:30. of any leDith and may bear any night in the Student Union lounge. succeed Edgar Shannon. and Phlllp the pump room which Will house Woodward Is Appointed A new rule pertaining to the Library Contest breaking ol dates states that no title that concerna the 8panlah Most Important topic consider- Yonge of Pensacola, Florida. was the remainder of the machinery. Assimilation Committee war and ita relation to future ed was a plan tor present1n1 the chosen to succeed Morton Kelsey The heating unit wlll be of the dates may be broke.n or changed American citizens. However, only work of the Council to incoming at the post of vice-president. hot water type, steam in the boll- President For Next Year Ooses May 25 before all parties concerned are consulted. one entry will be accepted from freshmen. Arraneements we r e Charlie Hobson of Frankfort. ers being used to produce hot wa­ Fielden Woodward, a law stu­ eacb contestant. made with Saxby Tavel. head Kentucky, was chosen to succeed ter in large heating tanks. This dent ft·om Louisvllle, Kentucky. Another rule permits the rushee to pledge a fraternity on or after Manuacript.a and inquiries from councllor of the 1938 Freshman Blll Burner as secretary, and Hen- heated water Will be pumped wlll be chah·man of the Freshman Only One Student Has east of the M1aslsalppi River should camp, to Include on the ~~erles of ry Taylot· of this city was elected through an undel'ground main to Assimilation Committee next year, 5:00 p.
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