11 R. I. JE"/i l 3H i: I ST0 :1 1CAL ASSOC. 209 AllGELL ST . PROV • o, R • I • World Jewish Population Now 12,915,000; U. S. Figure 5 Million NEW YORK - The World Uruguay, about 50,000. Another Jewish Congress has Just com­ 14 countries house communities pleted a statistical survey of between 5,000 and 20,000, while Jews all over the world, finding Jewish populations of between that there are 12,9 15 ,000 Jews 1,000 and 5,000 live In 18 lands. THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. living In 122 lands. Jews In numbers ranging be­ -- - The survey, carried out by the tween Just a few and several VOL. XLIX No. 43 JANUARY 4, 1963 12 PAGES WJC's Institute of Jewish Af­ hundred live In 64 countries and fairs, reports that 10 ,000,000 regions. Jews live In three countries; In announcing completion of 5,500,000 In the United · States; the new statistical ,survey, Dr. 2,200,000 In Israel and about Soviet Government "Scapegoat" Policy Nehemiah Robinson, Director of 2,300,000 In the Soviet Union the Institute of Jewish Affairs, according to figures available said that no basic changes had following the 1959 Russian cen­ occured in the geographic dis­ Pin-Pointed In London Study sus. tribution of the Jewish people in With the recent Influx of Jews 1962, with the exception of a from North Africa, particularly move on the part of North Afri­ Trials Involve Algeria, France has moved can Jews into France. ahead becoming the fourth lar­ Providence To Observe gest Jewish community in the Algerian Jewry was reduced Fifty Jews from an old-established, pros­ world with a population of 500,- LONDON - or 90 citizens of 000 Jews. Next are Argentina perous community of about 130,- 25th UJA ~nniversary 000 to between 10,000 and 15,- Judge Frank Licht, a vice the USSR sentenced to death and Britain, 450,000 each; Can­ for "economic crimes" since the ada, 250,000 ; Rumanla, 150,000; 000 . There were also reductions president of the General .Jew­ In the number of Jews in Mo­ ish Committee, has been named death penalty for such offenses Brazil, 140,000 ; Morocco 125,000 was reintroduced by the Soviet rocco and Tunisia, many of chairman of the Providence ., .• .. and the Union of South Africa /'r,;s .• ,,,· Government a year and a half 110,000. whom, with Algerian Jews, Committee for the observance of moved to France, boosting that the 25th anniversary of the ago, 50 were Jews, the Sunday The eleven largest communi­ Telegraph stated here In a ties, in which 12,175,000 Jews country's community to become United Jewish Appeal. the fourth largest in the world. The appointment or Judge summary of recent anti-Jewish live, comprise 93.7 per cent of actions In Russia. the total world J ewish popula­ Except for Jewish Immigrants Licht was announced by Joseph . Characterizing the number tion. There are communities of from North Africa, some of W. Ress, GJC president, and /g'_ ..., between 20,000 and 'ess than whom went to Israel, Jewish mi­ Merrill L. Hassenfeld, general of Jews executed during the 100,000 In 14 lands, t.. .~1llng in gration was on a minor scale In campaign chairman. Soviet campaign against "ec­ • .. .... ·'-' all 570,000 the largest being 1962, involving only modest Providence w!Jl be Joining -. onomic criminals" a point of Iran, about 80,000; Hungary, movements of Jews from East­ scores of other communities -:-.v "significance," the newspaper 75 ,000, Australia, 70,000 and ern Europe to Israel. throughout the country In pay-_ \ ~ called the facts a reflection of Ing tribute to the UJA which, "a deliberate policy of making since 1939, has given direct as­ the J ews the scapegoats for Other Campaigns sistance to three million persons .··.~i :J widespread embezzlement and Sees Need For and rescued and resettled a mil­ profiteering." Interfere With lion and a half people In free Recent examples of the man­ lands, including Israel and the ner in which Jews are chosen US-UJA Drive Central Body United States. J for treatment much harsher NEW YORK - Nahum Gold­ Other members of the 25th than that accorded other So­ JERUSALEM Separate UJA anniversary ProvidencP. viet citizens were cited by the J ewish fuw.1-ralsing campaigns mann, President of the World Zionist Organization, asserted Committee will be announced Judge Frank Licht Sundd.y Te!egrapl-\ i.:. COJ.1nec­ In the United States are "serl- that the American Jewish com­ soon. tlon with trials held at Kish­ meet the unprecedented chal­ JI/ . ously · interfering" with the munity suffers from "a harm­ inev and Chernovits, where 10 J , United Jewish Appeal's drive in Judge Licht said that during lenge posed by the forces of persons were executed-all of ' America, Aryeh Pincus, treas­ ful decentralization" as any the mlllenial history or the central body or platform from the Nazi era, the American Jew­ them J ews. urer of the Jewish Agency J ews, few periods have been as ish community united to form which the great problems of filled with tragedy and such Another Instance noted by warned here at a meeting of one strong fund-raising agency the newspaper was the case of the agency executive. He re­ American Jewish life are being swift recovery as has been the to rescue and resettle victims discussed and clarified." He al­ case in the last 25 years. To a man named Tespuro, a non­ turned recently from a visit to of oppression. Jewish director of a state farm the United States. so charged that there is "a Jack of understanding in the com­ at Irkutsk, who was tried and Urging an "immediate solu­ munity for the great historical convicted for "numerous of­ tion" of the problem, Mr. Pin­ dangers facing Jewish survival Separated 50 Years, fenses." Tespuro was given a cus said that some of the Amer­ in the 20th century, with the 10-year prison sentence, but ican drives competing with the reduction of the central prob­ his subordinate, a Jew named UJA are being conducted "with lem of J ewish life concerning Brother, Sister Meet Yudln, was sentenced to death. approval coming from Israel." the relations between the Dias­ CHICAGO - O'Hare Airport were united when an 8 P.M. He stated that the current UJA pora (lands outside of Israel> was the scene of " heartwarm­ plane landed from New York. drive Is facing "difficulties" be­ and Israel to the lowest com­ ing reunion last week. Riva Ehrlich left Berchever, cause UJA campaigners "are Judge Blames mon denominator · of tl.nanclal A brother and sister who near Kiev, In the U.S.S.R. about unable to divulge full details help in various forms.'' were separated for 50 years. two years ago and was brought Parents For about the Influx of Immigration to the Jewish State by the Is­ into Israel, thus being unable to rael government. Once there Son's Thievery • provide the full background of she sought the aid of American the needs." Hadassah Event On Tuesday JERUSALEM - "You have newspapers to tl.nd out if her failed In the education of your At the same meeting, Aaron brother, Ben Shulman, was Zlsllng, head of the Agency's Headed By Mrs. Benj. Glasser children.'' Juvenile Judge David alive. Relfen told the parents of six Immigrant absorption depart­ Luckily, someone noticed the ment, reported that the cur­ Mrs. Benjamin Glasser has teenagers who pleaded guilty to been named chairman of the story and called his West Rog­ car accessory thefts In J erusa­ rent housing budget would not ers Park home. Letters began meet the needs to be felt dur­ Annual Donor Event of the lem. Providence Chapter of Hadas­ to flow between Chicago and ing the coming year. Israel, and friends of the Shul­ The parents, " well-to-do edu­ sah to be held Tuesday at Tem­ cated people, veterans in the ple Emanu-El beginning with man family began dropping In on the Erllchs when they would country" - In Judge Relfen's Vets To Conduct a champagne hour at 12 fol­ In travel to the Jewish State. Were words -<,ach turn had risen lowed by a 12: 30 o'clock lun­ and tried to answer the JIJllge's Insurance Seminar cheon. it not for these intermediaries, brother and sister would have Insistent question, "How do :,011 Malcolm A. Tarlov, National Lenore Siegel, dramatic sopra­ explain It? had ~ hard time recognizing Insurance Officer of the Jewish no, will present the musical "These are all homes where War Veterans, w!Jl conduct an each other, since Riva was only program. two when 20 year old Ben left one could expect children to be insurance seminar to be held Proceeds from this function "I do not know how my sister brought up properly and Imbu­ Monday at 8 P.M. at the De­ will go to the Hadassah-Hebrew escaped from the Soviet Union, ed with decent values. These partment of Rhode Island University Hospital In Israel for and I do not ask her,'' Shulman were not the type of youngsters Headquarters at 100 Niagara research in cancer~ excitedly told a Sentinel re­ who generally appear In this Street, It has been announced Mrs. Glasser's committee in­ porter. "I thought I · didn't have court with backgrounds of pov­ by Harold N. Pansy, Depart­ cludes Mesdames Abraham Ber­ any family,'' he said, but his erty." Judge_ Reiten said he ment Commander. man, Benjamin Brier and Sam- · sister brought an added sur­ could not understand the par­ The National Insurance pro­ uel Michaelson, co-chairmen; prise.
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