*** The AVALUN HILL THE GENERAL PAGE 2 14 w AYA&N 5d @ER?ER.ML . a laing vrnturc published bi-monthly, pretty The Avalon Hi// Philosophy-Part 9 dose M rlu first day of Janrrsrg, Mnrc6, May, Jdy, Scprembcr amd Novcmbcr. Contest #24 asking wargamers to "To de-escalate now would reveal a The Gdis tdited and publid by The present their solutions to the Vietnam blatant disregard of the propoaed rea- kvalon Hill Compny almtwt soMy far rhr cui- war received considerable response. sans auppprting U. S. involvement in mral cdificatha d ad& gam$g. (It also helps to &5% favored some sort of escalatign ihe cmnflict, and could only serve ta dlAvJon HiIl products. toon (significantly higher than for the eoun- escalate North Vietoamese aggression, Ardch+from suhcrWs arc considtrtd fox try Aa a whole), 15% favo~edds-escr- wbereaa a well-executed inwaeion of the pubifcation on a g& con&tory bash. Such lation. North would pl+e the military idtiative -tick must be typewrhcn and not exceed 700 In regards a the alternatives of- in U. S. hands, and force the enemy in- -A. Examples and di- that accompy fered for each course of action, 45% to a precarious defensive stance, " such arridcs must be dmwn h Mack i& ready favored step-up of Bobek (Chicago, re- fox repradudiow No notkc an be given r-r- a aerial bombard- John IIlino'is) ding acwptamc of wridcs for pUblhi0h ment of major cities. 50% advocated jected ail offered alternatives by draw- a compIete blockade of dl enemy sup- ing big X's aver the contest form and M back Lr9uca, exctpr Votl, NanI. & 4 which ply ports. 50% favored destruction of to Vietnam. uc out of d,zrc av*ilablc at $1.00 per irtuc. stating: "Does not apply all conven- Pull-yc~r&tptioaa B $4.98. enemy supply ports, with 50 words are far to few to deacxibe tional aerial bombardment (35461, guid- Vietnam, 1st alone defend and state a 1 1368 The Avalon Bill Conlpanp, Wthorc, ed miesiler (3011, and/or nuckar waa- plan for victory. Iu Suggestions fallow- MaryIand printed in USA pons (only 3%]. An all-out invasion of iqin his lewr included: ''Hippies, North Viehamwas favored by Z2%, with draft dodgers, and conscientious ob- a-e sugge~tinga limited or token in- jectors should be drafted as l1pbace vasion. 6% wanted a nuclear attack on ambassadors1 and parachuted into M. selected milimy targets with warning. Vietnam. U.S. bombers should in- COVER STORY: OnLy 7% of wargamers favored use of crease the bombing of Haiphangnot with THE GAME DESIGNER nuclear weapons in any capacity. bombs, but with garbage. This demon- For de-escalation, oaLy 1% favored strates U.S. strength wfiiIe complying current policy. 5% favored a continu- with the N. Vintnamase demand fox a ation of gradualism coupled with a slow lmmbing halt. Hanoi shuld also be withdrawal of U. S. troops. 2% said go bpmbed, but with the bodies of ded This month we salute the unsung to the conference table atany cost. 3% Gong and N. Vietnamese regulars; a hroeb of the gaming world those - favored a forced ultimatum from the gruesome reminder of Communist ag- imaginative free lance dealgne*~whose U. N. by whose decision we would abide, pression. Key cities in the North should cfeatioqs far outnumber the industry's and about 6% said we should just pull be bombed with psychedelic drugs, such ability to market their ideas profitably. out altoge thar. as LSD and STP. You can't fight a war By no means are game designera a Follawing are some of the more in- when you're 'fxwned rml." We edited vanishing breed. To the contrary, aas teresting and representative plans of- out his comments that seemed a bit the game indu8txy grow8 bo do the num- fered along with reaspma given in their far out. bers of free lance designers increase. support. Frank BarieUo (Springfield, Pa.) Ia fact, this over-supply ia the game Dennis Graven (Madiaou, Wisconsin) advocated forcing anultimatumfrom the industry has actually hurt the enter- advbcabd all type8 of escalation cm the U. N. and abiding by its decision. "A prising individual who came up = check list with the exception of nuclear war ia S.E, Asia cannot be won by a with an original idea only to hve the weapon8 in. any aapacity. uuMobilize. single nation even great as the U. S. industry say, "sorry, we're all full as Make it perfectly clear to the world Wheaer we won in Vietnam or not, the up. " that &e U. S. , the most powerful nation Reds would certainly try again in an- Tbe fuU-time game designer who is on earth, will no longer tolerate Com- other country. Therefore we need to employed by the manufar trrrer i B a tKiog munist aggression. No doubt this war show our concern f~rworld order and of the past. Today, most professional is being proloilgad because Ho Cbi Minh law by to A war in designers work for daeign corporations taking it the U. N. believes he can win. Peaceaiks and S.E. Asia can only be fought by the who broker their ernplo~esscreations our graddist policies are now doing If to 3rnau~acturera. Thus the free Asians. the free world wants to help, much to nourish thi~belief. We need it must be the free nation*, not just lace desig-~ris *tow very much at a all to make it understopd usiq military one.I1 We feel, however, that it is dlsadvanta~e,even tho~hhe may have and psychol~gicalmeans. tha.% we are doubrful that the U. N. is capable af excellent design capabilities. going to stop tKis aggression before it making a decision on Vietnam, and even A case ia point is S/Sgt. Louis eventually stops us. " if it did, how could it be enfarced? Zocchi. shown on our cover deep in thought over a Chancellorsville game, Gary Saiser (Milwaukee, Wisconsin): Jamea M. Gibson, Jr. (Dover, New And when you consider that Chancelbrs- "For six months stop bombing North Jereeyj: "Hold On for another six ville has been ob$alere for four yeara, Vietnam to try ta initiate peack tdks. months to am year, while setting you hwbow long husbeen deep in If no reply, then blockade enemy poxts hidden supply dumps and training the bought. Not, too long, however, ta and supply bales. Use conventianal best of the South Vietnamese army in have takea the time to design his ~wn weapons only. *' It is our opinion, haw- guerilla warfare, We should then pull aerial warfare game. Zocchi's crea- ever, that a last concantra-d effort at out and after the Communists have tion had been two yeara in the making - peace talks before any serious escala- setfled down, staTt a guerilla war which prover that game ideas don't tion of the war seems a seasihle move, against them. Meanwhile WE should develop ove~night. Undaunted by re- but six months is too long, If Hanoi definitely put what experience we have jections from major game publishers, has intentions of talking, they can do to uae in Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia Zocchi became one of the fortunate tew a lot to fortify thslr positions in that (while we can). l1 time, Perhaps the mo rt knowledgeable Charlsr Hoch(SanDiego, CaIifornia): statements Came from Professex J. E. THE GENERAL Pqur~aIle,(Shdio Ciw, GaUo~niajwho indicated that &e ilwfr~lw war aa fts strategy ig very com$le;rr; far mQxe SQ than your rditorid might indicate. And far ha much so b be answered in fiQty Weds pren for six dollars in pr;ieea,I1 Never thda~~,the profesaarl~ vexy valid cbmnientary did earn him his 6 buaks, excerpta of ~Zlichwe: I1Wkax Maps of the Coal ' AE~Man - a1 LCenemy do? Whiat hd do that. k Emtt dolag nW? China hq~mb miIi- War dprssbabd mo~tof the planet Wry p~wer,at least ao* for the pzes- EazW. firkg my shrdy d the area a. To* a their tough Mkthey act By Dr. Mark Baay that waspnce the middle perrtot af North rathex aa&otwly. h 24 buxs ane comr Amerlw, f came: acxos s some .extrs~ely hat WiQgof B-52's cadd redvw China T&B repart will attempt to explah crude m'ap~'Sornb of the cbaractezi9tice tq the stone agm. Of df opfta-r sub- ~e xaasner in which the Coal Age Earth are lietqd bdaw: Pe ?nan (homo idiotus) pzoduccd gedogica2 : Tiiiaed, perhapa p*efe.sso+ summed 1, Tb pmr is extremely thick, 1&vpbhst by stating; I1&Xy plan i8 suTveyIs. ab6W 2 Wllfmeters. d&slgned k ccsaviwe the enemy that the Tbe study of hmb idiotua b bben 2, They appear to be irrfour se&Sons I i= to say. The' abmlut& etremely difficult because The Great as. there that muht be placed to$&her on a flat requirement of internal war is ta surface so tbaf it GW be used. dbavince imth the enemy yumr ars'L- 3, Generablp #eg.earo fwnd btha wWa .allies that you will. not ahandwn Poll& ((lawest] level d the Living uaif B. be pa* frienaq.. .atherwise yo= fix 1t would theselore appear that the ig- 'fx to The above csncL&es a ,~apabh>8W- fi?W leu& danzmltted y~u. met- npsant ham0 idioti to~klimb interest lyour pw~aophy,professor. vey of wargamef~h~lution~tq the Vietnam wax. It ema at as to be sesn In geography.
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