M oim Rodzicom - za wszystko EUGENIA GAWOR-BIEDOWA THE ALBIAN, CENOMANIAN AND TURONIAN FORAMINIFERS OF POLAND AND THEIR STRATIGRAPHIC IMPORTANCE Contents Page Abstract 4 Introduction 4 Acknowlegernerrts 5 General Part Lithologtcalcharacterdstica of the deposits under study 6 A comparison with foraminiferal assemblages of France, Germany and the platform part of the U.S.S.R. 10 Systematic Part General remarks . 12 Genus Spiroplectammina Cushman, 1927 18 Genus T'extularui Defrance, 1824 . 19 Genus Gaudryina d'Orbigny (in de la Sagra, 1839) 21 Genus Spiroplectinata Cushman, 1927 23 Genus Tritaxia Reuss, 1860 25 Genus Verneuilinoides Loeblich & Tappan, 1949 28 Genus Dorothia Plummer, 1931 29 Genus Eggerellina Marie, 1941 33 Genus Plectina Marsson, 1878 34 Genus Pseudotextulariella Barnard, in Barnard & Banner, 1953 34 Genus Quinqueloculina d'Orbigny, 1826 . 35 Genus Marginulina d'Orbigny, 1826 38 Genus Planularia Defrance in de la Blainville, 1826. 40 Genus Saracenaria Defrance, in de la Blainville, 1824 44 Genus Vaginulina d'Orbigny, 1860 . 46 Genus Neobulimina Cushman & Wickenden, 1928 54 Genus Praebulimina Hofker, 1953 55 Genus Bolivina d'Orbigny, 1839 55 Genus Tappanina Montanaro-Gallitelli, 1955 56 Genus Conorbina Brotzen, 1936 58 Genus Valvulineria Cushman, 1926 59 Genus Guembelitria Cushman, 1933 60 Genus Heterohelix Ehrenberg, 1843 61 Genus Bifarina Parker & Jones, 1872 62 Genus Globigerinelloides Cushman & Ten Dam, 1948 63 Genus Schackoina Thalmann, 1932 .. 64 Genus Hedbergella Bronnimarm & Brown, 1958 67 Genus ClavihedbergelZa Banner & Blow, 1959 72 Genus Praeglobotruncana Bermudez, 1952 73 Genus Rotalipara Brotzen, 1942 . 78 Genus Globotruncana Cushman, 1927 86 Genus Globigerina d'Orbigny, 1826 87 Genus Eponides de Montfort, 1808 89 4 EUGENIA GAWOR-BIEDOWA Genus PlanuHna d'Orbigny, 1826 . 90 Genus Cibicides de Montfort, 1808 91 Genus Pleurostomella Reuss, 1860 93 Genus Globorotalites Brotzen, 1942 96 Genus Gyroidinoides Brotzen, 1942 98 Genus Anomalina d'Orbigny, 1926 99 Genus LingulogaveHnella Malapris, 1965 101 Genus Gavelinella Brotzen, 1942 . 116 Genus Epistomina Terquem, 1883 134 References 140 Abstract. - Foraminifers from the Upper Albian, Cenomanian and Turonian deposits, found in 16 boreholes of the Szczecin, Mogilno and L6dz Troughs and of the fore Sudetic monocline (North-West and Central Poland) have been studied by the author. Here are described 100 species, including the following seven new ones: Verneuilinoi­ des gorzowiensis n.sp., Quinqueloculina kozlowskii n.sp., Globorotalites polonica n.sp., AnomaHna gorzowiensis n.sp ., Lingulogavelinella pazdroae n.sp., Gavelinella (Berthe­ linia) lodziensis n.sp ., and Gtroetinetta (Gavelinella) varsoviensis n.sp. The subspecies Lmaiuoaavetineua asterigerinoides arachnoidea n.subsp. has also been erected. Studies on all representatives of the family Anomalinidae Cushman, 1927 has allowed the writer to extend the knowledge of the microstructure of their wall, of the alternation of generations and of the position of proloculus in the test. The results of these studies contributed to, among other things, an accurate determination of the sides of test. Almost all the species of planktonic foraminifers found have been elaborated by studying the relationships of the area discussed to the Mediterranean belt. They permitted also to establish a fine stratigraphy of the Cenomanian deposits. The ag­ glutinated Ioraminifers enabled the determination of the age of the beds in which the calcareous foraminifers either do not occur at all, or are very rare. Comparisons have also been conducted between the assemblages of foraminifers of Poland under study and other assemblages cited from France, north-western Germany and the platformic part of the U.S.S .R. Lithological characteristics of this area have been presented, with particular attention paid to the dependence of the occurrence of foraminifers on the type of deposits. INTRODUCTION The result of palaeontological and stratigraphic studies on the assem­ blages of the Upper Albian, Cenomanian and Turonian (mostly Lower) foraminifers in the Szczecin, Mogilno and Lodz Troughs and the fore-Su­ detic monocline are shown in the present paper. All the species ofi the family Anomalinidae found in these areas are here described, along with the representatives of selected genera of other families. A total of 100 species, including seven new ones and a new subspecies, are described. Many of these species, distributed the world over, occur both in the boreal and Mediterranean regions. Most attention has been paid to the represen­ tatives of the family Anomalinidae, whose dynamic development starts as late as the Albian, despite its representatives being known since the Triassic. Evolutionary series, started in the Neocomian, terminate on the ALBIAN, CENOMANIAN, TURONIAN FORAMINIFERS 5 boundary between the Lower and Upper Turonian, closing the first phylo­ genetic cycle of this family's development. The microstructure of wall and the alternation of generations have been studied in the species of this family . The planktonic foraminifers have also been studied almost as a whole in order to find the relationships of the area under study to the Mediterranean region. Due to their stratigraphic importance the agglu­ tinated foraminifers have been elaborated in the deposits in which a de­ creased amount of calcareous foraminifers is observed. The distribution of foraminifers has been correlated with macrofaunal horizons on the basis of Cieslinski's (1959, 1960, 1965) and Blaszkiewicz's (1970) works. The results of the writer's stratigraphic studies, here given in an ab­ breviated form, will be more extensively presented elsewhere. The author's studies were enabled by abundant materials coming from deep borings made in the Polish Lowland by the Geological Institute and the Oil Enterprise in 1955-1964. Altogether, foraminifers from 430 samples were elaborated, coming from the Upper Albian, Cenomanian and mostly Lower Turonian deposits, found in 16 boreholes (Fig. 1). The assemblages of foraminifers from individual tectonic units are made up in Table 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to extend her heartfelt thanks to the promoter of the present work, Professor O. Pazdro, Polish Academy of Sciences, Insti­ tute of Geological Sciences in Warsaw, for her guidance of this work and for her friendly advices during the writer's studies. Likewise, the writer feels indebted to the reviewers of the paper, Professor K . Pozaryska, Po­ lish Academy of Sciences, Palaeozoological Institute, Docent S. Geroch, Jagiellonian University, Department of Geology, Cracow and Docent S. Radwanski, Geological Institute, Warsaw for their valuable, critical re­ marks which enhanced the standard of the paper. The writer also wishes to express her profound gratitude to Professor R. Kozlowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Palaeozoological Institute, for reading the manuscript, his valuable remarks and help which he always lavishly gives to those asking his advice. The writer's gratitude is also due to the management of the Geological Institute in Warsaw, that is, to Professor R. Osika, Director-in-Chief; Dr. J. Czerrninski and Dr. A. Jelinski, the Directors of the Institute; Dr. S. Cies­ linski, head of the Department of Stratigraphy and Dr. O. Styk, head of the Micropalaeontological Laboratory, for making possible the prepara­ tion of the present work and, in particular, for subsidies necessary to pre­ pare the illustrations. The writer also thanks Dr. M. Harapinska-Depciuch for an aid in stu­ dying the microstructure of the walls of foraminifers, as well as to Mrs. 6 EUGENIA G AWOR-BIEDOWA E. Gadomska and Mrs. J . Oleksiak, all from the Geological Institute in Warsaw, for drawing the figures and taking the photographs of foramini­ feral sections. GENERAL PART LITHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DEPOSITS UNDER STUDY The foraminifers here elaborated come from the following 16 boreholes : Maszkowo II, Oswino IG-I, Szczecin IG-I, Chociwel IG-I and Choszczno IG-I from the area of the Szczecin Trough; Recz 1, Wagrowiec IG-I, Pa- o 100km I t F ig. 1. - A sketch map showing the distributi on of borehole from which Foramini­ fera were examined. Szczecin Trough: (1) Maszkowo II;(2) Osw in o IG I; (3) Chocivel IG I ; (4) Choszcz no IG I; (5) Szczecin IG 1. Mogilno Trough: (9) Wagr owiec IG I ; (10) Recz 1; (12) Murczyn IG I; (13) Pagorki IG I; (14) Slazew o 5. Mog ilrio Tr ough (15) L6dz 4a ; (16) L6dz 5a. Fore-Sudetic monocline: (6) Gorz6w Wkp. IG I; (7) Miedzychod IG I ;(8) Lusowo IG I ;(11) Marzenin IG 1. Acta Palaeontoloqica Polonica, vol. XVIIIl E. GawoT-Biedowa, Tbl. 1 To b Ie ASSEHBLAGE OF THE CRETACEOUS FORAHINIFERA FROM THE NORTH -WESTERN AND CENTRAL POLAND SZCZECIN TROUGH MOGILNO TROUGH ioo: TROUGH FORE SUDETIC MONOCLINE ALBIAN CENOMANIAN TURONIAN ALBIAN CENOMANIAN ~IRJMV ALBIAN CENOMANIAN ALBIAN CENOMANIAN 7lJ1011M U 1 11 L. U. U 1 II 111 L U. 1 11 In U. 1 11 In L Spiroplectinola amectens I--- 1--- - Arenobulimana sabulosa I--- ~"'" ~ Quinqueloculina antiCfJO I--- ~!--- - I --- Quinqueloculina kozlowskii n.sp. I-- ~ Marginulina jonesi Marginu/ina aequivoca --- --- Planularia cenomana ~-- -- --- ~-- Planularia cristellarioides --- --- ~ Saracenaria bononiensis - - -- ~ Vaginulina off. paucistriala - 1--- -1--- I--- Vaginulina procera --- - ~ Vaginulina tenuistriata --- ----- Vaginulina biachei I----------- - I-- ',bginulina strigil/ata bettenstaedti --- -- --- Valvulineria gracillima I-- -- ~~ Heterohelix washitensis I-- ~ GlobigerineUoides bento"."sis ~-- - - ~ Hadbergella
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