foOOOOOOs' OttoEFft Slate oi Ohio Environmental Protection Agency PO Box 1049 1800 WaterMark Dr • • vsj; " Columbus. Ohio 43266-0149 Program November 5, 1987 Cupper? Scdlcn Richard F Celeste Uove" Re: Coshocton Landfill ARARs Anthony Rutter, Project Manager Waste Management Division EPA Region 5 Records Ctr. U.S. EPA Region V 230 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60604 242458 Dear Mr. Rutter: .»<<- This letter 1s meant to serve as amplification of my August 18, \Wa7, letter which Identified applicable or relevant and appropriate state requirements (ARAR's) for any remedial action to be taken at the Coshocton Landfill, Superfund site 1n Coshocton County, Ohio. Based on a review of the July, 1987 draft Feasibility Study, special emphasis should be given to the following applicable or relevant and appropriate state requirement for hazardous waste: 3745-50-10(A)(26) "Facility" or "hazardous waste facility" mean all contiguous land, and any structures, other appurtenances, and Improvements on the land, used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous waste. 3745-66-ll(A) A hazardous waste facility shall be closed 1n a manner that minimizes the need for further maintenance. 3745-66-11(8) A hazardous waste facility shall be closed 1n a manner that controls, minimizes, or eliminates, to the extent necessary to protect human health and the environment, post-closure escape of hazardous waste, hazardous waste constituents, leachate, contaminated rainfall, or waste decomposition products to the groundwater or surface water, or to the atmosphere. m5-50-10(A)(45) •Landfill" means a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste 1s placed 1n or on land and which 1s not a land treatment facility, a surface Impoundment, or an Injection well. 3745-68-10 Closure and post closure of a hazardous waste landfill. 3745-54-92 Groundwater protection standard. Hazardous waste constituents under rule 3745-54-93 of the Administrative Code entering the groundwater from a regulated unit must not exceed the concentration limits under rule 3745-54-94 of the Administrative code. •*+•• 3745-54-93 Hazardous constituents. 3745-54-94(A)(1) The concentration of hazardous constituents must not exceed the background level of that constituent In the groundwater. ;j745-54-94(A)(2) For any constituents listed 1n Table 1 concentration of that constituent In groundwater must not exceed the concentration value for that constituent given 1n the Table. The ARAR's given 1n this letter are not necessarily complete and are based on information provided to date. As remedial alternatives are further evaluated, It may become clear that additional ARAR's should be Included. If you have any questions or would like additional Information please contact me at (614) 385-8501 or Roger Hannahs, CAS. DSHWM at (614) 481-7215. Sincerely, Marilyn Zumbro Southeast District Office, OEPA MZ/RWH/lz ** cc: Dave Strayer, Ohio EPA/CAS Roger Hannahs, Ohio EPA/CAS 3745-50-10 EPA Regulations Disposition of the permit pursuant to the (34) "Hazardous waste" means a pan B permit requirements, unless the di- hazardous waste as defined m rule rector determines it is practicaole to re- 3745-51-03 of the Administrative Cooe. cuire the waste management unit to meet trie nazaraous waste facility standards (35)"Hazardous waste rules' means the rules set forth in Chapters 3745-50 chapters. 3745-51, 3745-52. 3745-53. 2745-54 (26) "Facility" or "hazardous waste 3745-55, 3745-56. 3745-57. 3745-62 facility" means all contiguous land, and 3745-63. 3745-65. 3745-66, 3745-67. structures, other appurtenances, and 3745-68 and 3745-69 of the Administra- .mprovements on the land, used 'or tive Code. treating, storing, or disposing of hazard- (36)"Inactive portion ~,eans that ous waste. A facility may consist of portion of a facility wmcn is not several treatment, storage, or disposal operated after April 15. 1981. (See also operational units (e.g.. one or more land- 'active portion" and "closed portion".) 'ills, surface impoundments, or com- binations thereof). (37) "Incinerator" means an enclosed device using controlled flame combustion i27V' Federal agency" means any that neither meets the criteria for classifi- aeoartment. agency, or other instrumen- cation as a boiler nor is listed as an indus- tality of the federal government, any in- dependent agency or estaoiishment of trial furnace. the federal government including any (38) "Incompatible waste" means a government corporation, and the hazardous waste which is unsuitable government printing office. for: (28) "Food-chain crops" means tobac- (a) Placement in a particular device co, crops grown for human consump- or facility because it may cause corro- tion. and crops grown for feed for sion or decay of containment materi- animals whose products are consumed als (e.g., container inner liners or tann sy humans. walls): or (29) "Freeboard" means the vertical (b) Commingling with another Distance between the top of a tank or waste or material under uncontrolled surface impoundment dike, and the sur- conditions because the commingling 'ace of the waste contained therein. may produce heat or pressure, fire or explosion, violent reaction, toxic ( 3) "Free liquids" means liquids dusts, mists, fumes, or gases, or flam- which readily separate from the sond mable fumes or gases. Demon of a waste under ambient temperature and pressure. (39) "Individual generation site" means the contiguous site at or on (31) "Generator" means any person, which one or more hazardous wastes by site, whose act or process produces are generated. An individual generation hazardous waste identified or listed in site, such as a large manufacturing Chapter 3745-51 of the Administrative plant, may have one or more sources of Code or whose act first causes a hazard- hazardous waste but is considered a ous waste to become subject to the single or individual generation site if the Hazardous waste rules. site or property is contiguous. (32) "Ground water" means water (40) "Industrial furnace" means any of below the land surface in a zone of the following enclosed devices that are in- saturation. tegral components of manufactunng proc- (33) "Ground Water Protection Rules esses and that use controlled flame de- vices to accomplish recovery of materials means the rules set forth in Chapters or energy: 3745-54-90 to 3745-55-02 of the Admin- istrative Code. (a) Cement kilns; '386-2 GENERAL HAZARDOUS WASTES RULES 3745-50-10 (b) Lime kilns: (43) "Inner liner" means a contmous (c) Aggregate kilns: layer of material placed inside a tank or container which protects the construc- (d) Phosphate kilns: tion materials of the tank or container (e) Coke ovens: from the contained waste or reagents used to treat the waste. (f) Blast furnaces; (44) "International shipment" means (g) Smelting, melting and refining fur- the transportation of hazardous waste naces (including pyrometallurgical de- into or out of the jurisdiction of the vices such as cupolas, reverberator fur- United States. naces, sintering machine, roasters, and founary furnaces); (45) "Landfill" means a disposal facili- ty or part of a facility where hazardous (h) Titanium dioxide chloride process waste is placed in or on land and which oxidation reactors; is not a land treatment facility, a surface (i) Methane reforming furnaces; impoundment, or an injection well. (j) Pulping liquor recovery furnaces; (46) "Landfill cell" means a discrete (k) Combustion devices used m the volume of a hazardous waste landfill recovery of sulfur values from spent sul- which uses a liner to provide isolation of func acid: and wastes from adjacent cells or wastes. Examples of landfill cells include, but ** (I) Such other devices as the adminis- are not limited to, trenches and pits. trator may, after notice and comment, add to this list on the basis of one or (47) "Land treatment facility" means a more of the following factors: facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is applied onto or in- (i) The design and use of the de- corporated into the soil surface: sucn vice primarily to accomplish recovery facilities are disposal facilities if the of material products; waste will remain after closure. (ii) The use of the device to burn or (48)"Leachate" means any liquid, in- reduce raw materials to make a mate- cluding any suspended components m rial product; the liquid, that has percolated through (iii) The use of the device to bum or or drained from hazardous waste. reduce secondary materials as effec- (49) "Liner"' means a continuous layer tive substitutes for raw materials in of natural or man-made materials, processes using raw materials as beneath or on the sides of a surface im- principal feedstocks; poundment, landfill, or landfill cell, (iv) The use of the device to bum or which restricts the downward or lateral reduce secondary materials as ingre- escape of hazardous waste, hazardous dients in an industrial process to waste constituents, or leacnate. make a material product; (50) "Management" or "hazardous (v) The use of the device in com- waste management" means the sys- mon industrial practice to produce a tematic control of the collection, source material product; and separation, storage, transportation, pro- cessing, treatment, recovery, and (vi) Other factors as appropriate. disposal of hazardous waste. (41) "In operation" refers to a facility which is treating, storing, or disposing (51) "Manifest" means the shipping document U.S. EPA Form 8700-22 and. if of hazardous waste. necessary, U.S. EPA Form 8700-22A origi- (42) "Injection well" means a well into nated and signed by the generator which which fluids are injected. (See also contains the information required by Chap- "underground injection".) ter 3745-52 of the Administrative Code. 1986-2 79 MANAGEMENT OF HAZARDOUS WASTES 3745-54-93 ground water protection rules must conduct 'Adopted July 30.
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