(19) TZZ _5B_T (11) EP 2 294 215 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: C12Q 1/68 (2006.01) G01N 33/53 (2006.01) 16.01.2013 Bulletin 2013/03 G01N 33/574 (2006.01) (21) Application number: 09747388.8 (86) International application number: PCT/US2009/043667 (22) Date of filing: 12.05.2009 (87) International publication number: WO 2009/140304 (19.11.2009 Gazette 2009/47) (54) TESTS TO PREDICT RESPONSIVENESS OF CANCER PATIENTS TO CHEMOTHERAPY TREATMENT OPTIONS TESTS ZUR VORHERSAGE DER ANSPRECHRATE VON KREBSPATIENTEN AUF CHEMOTHERAPEUTISCHE BEHANDLUNGSOPTIONEN TESTSPOUR PRÉDIRE UNE SENSIBILITÉ DE PATIENTS ATTEINTS DE CANCER ÀDES OPTIONS DE TRAITEMENT DE CHIMIOTHÉRAPIE (84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Ellis, Katherine Elizabeth Sleigh AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR Williams Powell HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO PL Staple Court PT RO SE SI SK TR 11 Staple Inn Buildings London, WC1V 7QH (GB) (30) Priority: 12.05.2008 US 52573 P 29.05.2008 US 57182 P (56) References cited: WO-A1-2006/052862 WO-A2-2005/100606 (43) Date of publication of application: WO-A2-2007/085497 US-A1- 2006 275 810 16.03.2011 Bulletin 2011/11 US-A1- 2007 105 133 US-A1- 2007 134 669 US-A1- 2008 085 519 (60) Divisional application: 12195318.6 • IVANOV OLGA ET AL: "alpha B-crystallin is a novel predictor of resistance to neoadjuvant (73) Proprietors: chemotherapy in breast cancer", BREAST • Genomic Health, Inc. 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EP 2 294 215 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) EP 2 294 215 B1 Description TECHNICAL FIELD 5 [0001] The present disclosure provides genes and gene sets, the expression levels of which are useful for predicting response of cancer patients to chemotherapy. The disclosure further concerns tests using such molecular markers, arrays and kits for use in such methods, and reports comprising the results and/or conclusions of such tests. INTRODUCTION 10 [0002] For many patients with cancer, treatment may include surgical resection of the tumor, hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy. A range of chemotherapy choices are available. Ideally, the choice for an individual patient takes into account both the risk of cancer recurrence and the likelihood that the patient will respond to the chemotherapy chosen. [0003] One critical issue in treatment of breast cancer is the identification of which patients are likely to respond to a 15 standard chemotherapy (e.g. an anthracycline and a cyclophosphamide) and which patients are less likely to respond to standard chemotherapy and should therefore be considered for more aggressive chemotherapy (e.g., a chemotherapy regimen that includes a taxane). Currently, no satisfactory tests are available for identifying patients more likely to respond to standard chemotherapy as opposed to treatment with a taxane-containing treatment regimen. 20 SUMMARY [0004] The present disclosure provides methods and compositions to facilitate prediction of the likelihood of respon- siveness of cancer patients to treatment including a taxane and/or a cyclophosphamide. [0005] The present disclosure provides methods of predicting whether a hormone receptor (HR) positive cancer patient 25 will exhibit a beneficial response to chemotherapy, where the method involves measuring an expression level of a gene, or its expression product, in a tumor sample obtained from the patient, wherein the gene is selected from the group consisting of ABCC1, ABCC5, ABCD1, ACTB, ACTR2, AKT1, AKT2, APC, APOC1, APOE, APRT, BAK1, BAX, BBC3, BCL2L11, BCL2L13, BID, BUB1, BUB3, CAPZA1, CCT3, CD14, CDC25B, CDCAB, CHEK2, CHFR, CSNK1D, CST7, CXCR4, DDR1, DICER1, DUSP1, ECGF1, EIF4E2, ERBB4, ESR1, FAS, GADD45B, GATA3, GCLC, GDF15, GNS, 30 HDAC6, HSPA1A, HSPA1B, HSPA9B, IL7, ILK, LAPTM4B, LILRB1, LIMK2, MAD2L1BP, MAP2K3, MAPK3, MAPRE1, MCL1, MRE11A, NEK2, NFKB1, NME6, NTSR2, PLAU,PLD3, PPP2CA, PRDX1, PRKCH, RAD1, RASSF1, RCC1, REG1A, RELA, RHOA, RHOB, RPN2, RXRA, SHC1, SIRT1, SLC1A3, SLC35B1, SRC, STK10, STMN1, TBCC, TBCD, TNFRSF10A, TOP3B, TSPAN4, TUBA3, TUBA6, TUBB, TUBB2C, UFM1, VEGF, VEGFB, VHL, ZW10, and ZWILCH; using the expression level to determine a likelihood of a beneficial response to a treatment including a taxane, wherein 35 expression of DDR1, EIF4E2, TBCC, STK10, ZW10, BBC3, BAX, BAK1, TSPAN4, SLC1A3, SHC1, CHFR, RHOB, TUBA6, BCL2L13, MAPRE1, GADD45B, HSPA1B, FAS, TUBB, HSPA1A, MCL1, CCT3, VEGF, TUBB2C, AKT1, MAD2L1BP, RPN2, RHOA, MAP2K3, BID, APOE, ESR1, ILK, NTSR2, TOP3B, PLD3, DICER1, VHL, GCLC, RAD1, GATA3, CXCR4, NME6, UFM1, BUB3, CD14, MRE11A, CST7, APOC1, GNS, ABCC5, AKT2, APRT, PLAU, RCC1, CAPZA1, RELA, NFKB1, RASSF1, BCL2L11, CSNK1D, SRC, LIMK2, SIRT1, RXRA, ABCD1, MAPK3, DUSP1, ABCC1, 40 PRKCH, PRDX1, TUBA3, VEGFB, LILRB1, LAPTM4B, HSPA9B, ECGF1, GDF15, ACTR2, IL7, HDAC6, CHEK2, REG1A, APC, SLC35B1, ACTB, PPP2CA, TNFRSF10A, TBCD, ERBB4, CDC25B, or STMN1 is positively correlated with increased likelihood of a beneficial response to a treatment including a taxane, and wherein expression of CDCAB, ZWILCH, NEK2, or BUB1 is negatively correlated with an increased likelihood of a beneficial response to a treatment including a taxane; and generating a report including information based on the likelihood of a beneficial response to 45 chemotherapy including a taxane. [0006] The methods can further involves using a gene expression level to determine a likelihood of a beneficial response to a treatment including a cyclophosphamide, wherein expression of ZW10, BAX, GADD45B, FAS, ESR1, NME6, MRE11A, AKT2, RELA, RASSF1, PRKCH, VEGFB, LILRB1, ACTR2, REG1A, or PPP2CA is positively correlated with increased likelihood of a beneficial response to a treatment including a cyclophosphamide, and wherein expression of 50 DDR1, EIF4E2, TBCC, STK10, BBC3, BAK1, TSPAN4, SHC1, CHFR, RHOB, TUBA6, BCL2L13, MAPRE1, HSPA1, TUBB, HSPA1A, MCL1, CCT3, VEGF, TUBB2C, AKT1, MAD2L1BP, RPN2, RHOA, MAP2K3, BID, APOE, ILK, NTSR2, TOP3B, PLD3, DICER1, VHL, GCLC, RAD1, GATA3, CXCR4, UFM1, BUB3, CD14, CST7, APOC1, GNS, ABCC5, APRT, PLAU, RCC1, CAPZA1, NFKB1, BCL2L11, CSNK1D, SRC, LIMK2, SIRT1, RXRA, ABCD1, MAPK3, CDCA8, DUSP1, ABCC1, PRDX1, TUBA3, LAPTM4B, HSPA9B, ECGF1, GDF15, IL7, HDAC6, ZWILCH, CHEK2, APC, 55 SLC35B1, NEK2, ACTB, BUB1, TNFRSF10A, TBCD, ERBB4, CDC25B, or STMN1 is negatively correlated with an increased likelihood of a beneficial response to a treatment including a cyclophosphamide, and wherein the report includes information based on the likelihood of a beneficial response to chemotherapy including a cyclophosphamide. [0007] The chemotherapy can include an anthracycline. The anthracycline can be doxorubicin. Where the chemother- 2 EP 2 294 215 B1 apy is a taxane, the taxane can be docetaxel. [0008] The methods can accomplish measuring of the gene expression level by quantitative PCR. The methods can accomplish measuring of the gene expression level by detection of an intron-based sequence of an RNA transcript of the gene, wherein the expression of which correlates with the expression of a corresponding exon sequence. 5 [0009] The tumor sample can be a formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FPE) or a frozen tumor section. [0010] The methods of the present disclosure includes methods of predicting whether a hormone receptor (HR) positive cancer patient will exhibit a beneficial response to chemotherapy, the methods involve measuring an expression level of a gene, or its expression product, in a tumor sample obtained from the patient, wherein the gene is selected from the group consisting of ABCA9, ABCC1, ABCC10, ABCC3, ABCD1, ACTB, ACTR2, ACTR3, AKT1, AKT2, APC, APEX1, 10 APOC1, APOE, APRT, BAD, BAK1, BAX, BBC3, BCL2, BCL2L1, BCL2L11, BCL2L13, BID, BIRC3, BIRC4, BUB3, CAPZA1, CCT3, CD14, CD247, CD63, CD68, CDC25B, CHEK2, CHFR, CHGA, COL1A1, COL6A3, CRABP1, CSNK1D, CST7, CTSD, CXCR4, CYBA, CYP1B1, DDR1, DIABLO, DICER1, DUSP1, ECGF1, EIF4E2, ELP3, ERBB4, ERCC1, ESR1, FAS, FLAD1, FOS, FOXA1, FUS, FYN, GADD45B, GATA3, GBP1, GBP2, GCLC, GGPS1, GNS, GPX1, HDAC6, HRAS, HSPA1A, HSPA1B, HSPA5, HSPA9B, IGFBP2, IL2RA, IL 7, ILK, KDR, KNS2, LAPTM4B, LILRB1, LIMK1, LIMK2, 15 MAD1L1, MAD2L1BP, MAD2L2, MAP2K3, MAP4, MAPK14, MAPK3, MAPRE1, MCL1, MGC52057, MGMT, MMP11, MRE11A, MSH3, NFKB1,NME6,
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