Acronyms from Future-Based Consultancy & Solutions "Translation" of some Business, Finance, ICDT acronyms (including several SAP ones), initialims, tech term oddities and techronyms, loaded words and buzzwords to ease the reading of courses, books, magazines and papers: see "anacronym", "ASS" and many others ... (third main version since 1997) ( www.fbc-e.com , updated & corrected twice a month. Release 02-10-2009) " Who controls the vocabulary , 6170+ controls the knowledge " George ORWELL in "1984" Instruction To ease your researches , we are inviting you to use the " search " function within the Menu " edit " Pour faciliter vos recherches, utilisez la fonction " rechercher " disponible dans le menu " Edition " Information Underligned names are identifying authors, editors and / or copyrighted applications ©, ®, ™ FBWPA Free Business White Page Available (www.fbc-e.com ) Acronym Rose salmon is related to acronyms and assimilated terms and concepts. IL / InLin Internet Lingo also called " PC talk" Intelligence Light green color is related to intelligence, business intelligence ( BI , CI ) FBC>s Yellow color is related to FBC>s concepts and methodologies (more on www.fbc-e.com ) Finance Deep blue color is related to Finance and Accounting ( FI ) Note: BOLD acronyms KM Deep green color is related to Knowledge Management ( KM ) and texts are "translated" HR & R Lemon green color is related to HR and recruitment in the list. Mobility Light blue color is related to mobile communication ( MoMo ) Security Red color is related to security and risks management ( RM ) Note : US spelling Virtual Pink color is related to virtual / virtuality ( VR ) & ampersand $$$ temporary files Feel free to copy and distribute this "computer-babble *.001 Hayes JT Fax translator" provided that it is distributed only in its 0 Day FTP server supposed to be moved within original and unmodified state with our name, address, the next 24 hours to another IP . phone, fax and email. No charge for doing it. Anyone 10BaseT Ethernet spec handling up to 10 Mo /sec willing to charge a fee for the distribution of our 100BaseT Ethernet spec handling up to 100 Mo /sec translator must have our written permission. Without 3D 3 Dimensions (see D3D , 4D ) which the distributor is guilty of a copyright violation. 3Dfx 3D special effects Don't publish it on another site as it won't be updated ! 3DO 3-Dimensional Optics ( T. Hawkins ) Simply use the Internet link ! 3DPA 3D Positional Audio 3DS 3D Studio (format) 3D-TV seeing TV in Three Dimensions (sometimes spelled 3-D TV) 4D 4 Dimensions ( 3D + Time : JIT , Real-Time , Change / CM , TTx ...) 2G 2nd Generation 3G 3d Generation 4G 4th Generation 3GIO 3d Generation I / O (Bus, Interface) 1GL 1st Generation Language (machine instructions) 2GL 2nd Generation Language (Assembler) 3GL 3d Generation Language (C/C++, Fortran, Cobol) 4GL 4th Generation Language. Ex / i.e.: ABAP , SQL 5GL 5th Generation Language 6GL 6th Generation Language 3GPP Third Generation Partnership Projet (see PM , PMI , PMO ) 3LH 3d Level Hierarchy 3MF Multi Media Multi Format (mini chip : it will decode the AVC ) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Page 1 FBC>s / Dan C. Renson 2/10/2009 3PLs Third-Party Logistics (providers) 3PCC 3d Party Call Control 16CIF 16 times Common Intermediate Format (Picture Format) 16QUAM 16-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 2W 2-Wire 3P People, Planet, Profit: UN Commission on Sustainable Development (a sort of triple bottom line) 4P outdated marketing mix model (McCarthy in the 60ties): product, place, price, promotion (see SIVA ) 7S A McKinsey model for consultants & managers: strategy, structure, system, skills, staff, style, shared value 7QC The 7 Quality Control Tools (Kaoru Ishikawa from the JUSE in the 60's) 8nergy http://bizz-exert.blogspot.com : business & corporate philosophy "41" 41 interacting cases to initiate the CM / change management ( FBC>s methodology) 802.11 a standard developed by the IEEE for WLAN 802.11a idem with a range up to 30 meters, operating at 5GHz, providing 54Mbps ( aka WiFi5 ) 802.11b idem with a range up to 100 meters, operating at 2.4GHz, providing 11Mbps (see WEP ) 802.11g idem with a range up to 100 meters, operating at 2.4GHz, providing 54Mbps 802.11i security standard using 128-bit encryption keys for more privacy and security (see WPA ) 802.11n 300 Mbit/s on a theoretical base (DRAFT 2.0 version) 802.15.6 around the human body network (see BAN ) 24 fps 24 frames per second (a movie usually runs 24 pictures per second) 8 bit PC move data in 1 Byte Chunks 16 bit PC move data in 2 Byte Chunks 32 bit PC move data in 4 Byte Chunks 64 bit PC move data in 8 Byte Chunks 360° very shortly said : peripheral SNA made as from each participant of a group or enterprise 404 The "famous error 404: URL not found" qualifying a "disconnected or glazing person" A Note : FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available A ampere (unit of electrical current) A0 841 x 1189 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) A3 Adaptive Application Architecture (a Gartner reference model) A3 297 x 420 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) A4 210 x 297 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) A5 148 x 210 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) A2A Application-To-Application (link in between internal applications) A2A Asia-to-America (see ACP ) A2E Asia-to-Europe (see ACP , EMEA ) A2Q Answers To Questions (see FAQ ) AA Anti-Aliasing AA Assets Accounting (sub-ledger module to FI ) AA Auto Answer ( Net ) AAA ASP Application Aggregator AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (framework to control the PC resources access) AAAAAA Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms (see Asinine ) AAAI American Association of Artificial Intelligence (see AI ) AAAS American Assn for the Advancement of Sciences, 1848 ( http://www.aaas.org/aboutaaas/ ) AABB Axis Aligned Bounding Box AAC Advanced Audio Coding (has developped mp4 providing more efficient compression than mp3 ) AACR-2 Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules AACS Advanced Access Control System : DVD protection AACS Asynchronous Address Communication System AADA Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis ( www.worldscinet.com/aada/aada.shtml ) AAF Advanced Authoring Format AAFID Autonomous Agent For Intrusion Detection AAGR An Average Growth Rate AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AALL American Assn of Law Librarians AAMC American Assn of American Colleges AAMS Aircraft Actuation & Management Systems (see MRO ) AAP Application Access Point AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol aaS as a Service ( see ASP , Cloud Computing , DaaS , Grid Computing , HaaS , IaaS , PaaS , SaaS , …) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Page 2 FBC>s / Dan C. Renson 2/10/2009 AAS Auto Area Segmentation AASIS Arkansas Administrative Statewide Information System: an interesting fi nancial security doc www.legaudit.state.ar.us/AuditReports/InfoSys/2003/AASISApplCntrlsOct2003.pdf - AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time. Fr .: Temps d'accès moyen (see TBC & the TTx collection: TTC , TTM , ,,,) AATP Authorized Academic Training Program ( Microsoft ) ABA Activity-Based Accounting (see ABC , ABCM , TCA ) ABAC APEC Business Consultative Council Abacus ancient calculating device used for centuries by the Chinese and some other cultures ABAF Anti-Bribery Anti-Fraud ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming ( SAP lang ./4th generation) ABB Activity Based Budgeting ( accting mgmt)(see ABA , ABC, TCA , ...) abbr/abbrev abbreviated, abbreviation (used in dictionary abbreviation) ABC Activity Based Costing , a useful "push model" when conducting a BPR ( see ABA , ABB , ABCM , TCA , TDABC ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations ( www.accessabc.com ) (see ABCi ) ABCi ABC Interactive: independent 3d party for verifying online activity (see ABC ) ABCM ABC Management (see ABC , ABA , TCA ) ABCP Asset-Backed Commercial Papers (emitted mostly by the SIV ) ABEL Advanced Boolean Expression Language ABEND(S) ABnormal END(s) ABI Administration/Application Binary Interface Ability to execute evidence of sustained good results ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System ABM Activity Based Management (acc. mgmt )(see ABC , TCA ) ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABMD (Fr ) Association Belge du Marketing Direct ( www.abmd.be ) ABPL Advanced Business Programming Language (see BPML , UML ) ABR Available Bit Rate (see CBR , VBR ) ABR Area Border Router ABS Adaptive Business Solutions ABS Asset-Backed Securities (see CDO , RMBS ) ABS-QE ABS Quality Evaluations : accredited by EMA (Mexico), ANAB and IATF (US), Immetro (Brazil) and RvA (Holland) and has agencies in more than 100 countries (see EFQM , QA , QC , QI , QM , TQM ) AbSD Appliance-based Software Delivery ABSSS Creation of Agent-Based Social Systems Sciences ( www.dis.titech.ac.jp/coe/index_eng.htm ) ABTC APEC Business Travel Card (see ABAC , APEC )( www.businessmobility.org ) AC3 Dolby Digital (from Dolby Labs ™) AC Alternative Current AC Analog Computer AC Accounting - General ( R/3 Business Application Area) ACC Association of Communication Companies (see CCB , UMA ) ACCA Assn of Chartered Certified Accountant (250.000 members & students in 160 countries/London) Access sophisticated flexible DB maker, an application being part of Microsoft Office Acct(ing) Account(ing). Procedure: you need an Acct Group for creating an Account Account determination to separate gain or loss from payment difference is based on 3 criteria : debit, tax code, reason code Account groups / groupe de comptes Collection of properties of accounts (see master record). Fr : Entrée obligatoire: caractéristiques de classification au sein d'une fiche compte général avec définition des zones pour les saisies. AS = Assets. Fr : Immobilisations CASH = Liquidity. Fr : Liquidités GL = General Ledger. Fr : Grand Livre / les comptes généraux MAT = Materials. Fr : Gestion des articles PL / P&L = Profit & Loss. Fr : Comptes de résultat / Pertes et Profits Account type Code indicating the belonging accounting area of an account. Determines whether the G/L or one of the subledger is used. Specifies generic names such as … A Assets. Fr : Immobilisations D Customers. Fr : Clients K Vendors. Fr : Fournisseurs M Materials.
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