St. Mary on the Hill Catholic Church Second Sunday of Advent 'HFHPEHU ORDAINED MINISTERS PARISH MISSION '(&(0%(5+<016 Fr. Mark Ross, Pastor St. Mary on the Hill Parish, a Catholic 3URFHVVLRQDO+\PQ Fr. Vernon Knight, Parochial Vicar community, is committed to caring for God’s Fr. David Arnoldt, retired people through stewardship. We are bound Offertory Hymn 504 Fr. Thomas Healy, retired Recessional Hymn 495 Fr. John Markham, retired together by the Eucharist, directed by the Gospel teachings and the teachings of the CHURCH STAFF Deacon Jason Lanham Church, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and Deacon Ken Maleck Administrative Assistant Deacon Donald McArdle are committed to sharing in the ministry of Martha Kearns Deacon Al Sullivan Jesus Christ. As stewards, we will proclaim the [email protected] Deacon Tony Wagner Gospel, promote peace and justice, and use our MASSES time, talents, and treasure Organist & Director of Music Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm to advance God’s Kingdom. Andrew Barnick Sunday 7:45 am, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, 5:30 pm [email protected] Weekdays Monday through Friday 7:00 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15 am CCD Wednesday Miraculous Medal Novena & Joan Purucker Evening Mass 5:15 pm [email protected] Saturday Morning Mass 9:15 am RECONCILIATION Mothers’ Day Out & Nursery Saturdays 3:45 – 4:45 pm Gina Craw ROSARY [email protected] Monday 5:00 pm and Saturday 4:30 pm Senior Center PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR Patty Lezotte Wednesday 6:00 pm [email protected] SACRED HEART PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL Youth Ministry 1210 Monte Sano Avenue Michael & Missy Lammers Available to all parishioners to spend time in the Joanna Watwood presence of the Blessed Sacrament and is open [email protected] 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Secretaries BAPTISMS Mary Bowles Karen Brooks Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays and Sundays. Preparation classes are held usually each month. 3OHDVHFDOOWKHRI¿FHWRUHJLVWHU$QRI¿FLDOELUWK Finance Rich Peritore FHUWL¿FDWHLVUHTXLUHG [email protected] WEDDINGS Facilities Arrangements should be made at least Cris Edge four months in advance. [email protected] NURSERY Available at the 10:30 am and 12:15 pm Sunday SCHOOLS Masses for ages 6 months to Pre-K4. A pre-school St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School religious program is offered during the 10:30 am www.stmaryssaints.org Mass for 3 and 4 year olds. Laura Webster, Principal EMERGENCIES PARISH MEMBERSHIP [email protected] &DOOWKH2I¿FH Welcome new members! $IWHU+RXUV 3OHDVHVWRSE\WKHFKXUFKRI¿FHRUFDOOWRUHJLVWHU Aquinas High School ZZZDTXLQDVKLJKRUJ MINISTERIO CATOLICO HISPANO Active parishioner status is determined by the following: Misa en Español: Domingo 2:00 pm, Iglesia You are registered with the parish; You attend Sunday Maureen Lewis, Principal de Saint Teresa of Avila, 4921 Columbia Road, Mass and Holy Days regularly, You use parish envelopes POHZLV#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ Grovetown, GA weekly to indicate your mass attendance, You have a Tim Przybysz, Admissions Director Domingo 4:00 pm, Iglesia de Saint Joseph, 6WHZDUGVKLS&RPPLWPHQW&DUGRQ¿OHHYHU\\HDUDQG WSU]\E\V]#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ 2607 Lumpkin Road, Augusta, GA You honor your pledges of time, talent, and treasure. Deadline for bulletin is COLUMBARIUM 7RUHFHLYHWKHVWHZDUGVKLSEHQH¿WVRIRXUSDULVK Monday at noon. Send information by email For more information, supported school, a family must be [email protected], fax or phone. email [email protected] active parishioners for at least one year. 0RQWH6DQR$YHQXH$XJXVWD*$(PDLOVPRWK#NQRORJ\QHW:HEZZZVWPDU\RQWKHKLOORUJ 3DULVK2I¿FH )D[ 6XPPHU+RXUV0RQGD\±7KXUVGD\$0±30)ULGD\$0±30 :HHNO\6FKHGXOH 'HFHPEHU 6XQGD\'HFHPEHU Second Sunday of Advent Is 11:1-10; Ps 72; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12 Family Promise DP )U5RVV †Helen Smith CCD 9:00 am CAF/SMCS Youth Master’s Table Soup Kitchen 10:30 am DP )U0DUNKDP †Vola & Harry Jacobs Church League Basketball 12:30 - 5:30 pm G SP )U$UQROGW †Joe Ward Youth Choir Practice 4:00 pm C Men’s Basketball 5:30 - 7:00 pm G SP )U.QLJKW Mass for the People 0LGGOH6FKRRO<RXWK1LJKWSP*&$) All Priests / Lewis King, Theology II* 0RQGD\'HFHPEHU Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary *Q3V(S/N Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Rosary & Miraculous Medal Novena 7:00 am †Sarah Anne Craig Walking Aerobics 9:00 am SC 5:00 pm C 9:15 am †Dick Mulherin - 25th Anniversary MDO 9:00 am - 1:00 pm SA †Dr. & Mrs. Joe Mulherin Bridge 10:00 am SC Rev. Louis Lusier, OS Cam & Rev. Romanus Ezeugwu, MSP / Luke Bowdre, Theology I* 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHU ,V0W 7:00 am †Karen Goldner MDO 9:00 am - 1:00 pm SA 5RVDU\0LQLVWU\SP 9:15 am j3DVTXDOH9HULFHOOD Schola Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm C RCIA 7:00 pm PH Rev. Robert Schlageter, OFM Conv & Rev. Mark Ross / Francisco Gamboa, Theology I* :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU Memorial of Saint Damasus I, Pope ,V0W 0HPRULDO$FWVD-Q 7:00 am Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm NO PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR Walking Aerobics 9:00 am SC Advent Penance Service 7:00 pm C 5:15 pm †Edith Moore MDO 9:00 am - 1:00 pm SA Parish Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm PH Bridge 10:00 am SC Rev. Stephen Gergel & Rev. Juan Carlose Castillo / Kevin Braski, Pre-Theology II* 7KXUVGD\'HFHPEHU Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; Lk 1:39-47 7:00 am †Anka Potocnak Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Children’s Choir Practice 3:30 pm PH †Jon Kemper MDO 9:00 am - 1:00 pm SA Prayer Group 7:30 pm FCH 9:15 am Christmas Movie 10:00 am SC Youth Holy Hour 9:00 - 10:00 pm AC Rev. Bob Benko, OFM Conv. & Rev. Brian O’Shaughnessy / Michael Downey, Pre-Theology II* )ULGD\'HFHPEHU Memorial of Saint Lucy, Virgin & Martyr ,V0W 0HPRULDO&RU0W 7:00 am †Mary Cooney Rotchford - 15th Anniversary; Walking Aerobics 9:00 am SC †Owen & Helen Schweers Widow & Widowers Dinner 5:30 pm PH 9:15 am †Rebecca Clark; †John Quinn Rev. Paul O’Connell & Rev. Richard Hart / Ziemowit Janaszek, Pre-Theology II* 6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHU Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, Priest & Doctor of the Church 6LU0WD 0HPRULDO&RUD/N 9:15 am †Jim O’Meara 70,<DP3+ Retrouvaille 7:00 pm SC SP )U.QLJKW †Shirley Dimenna; †Clifford Carey Reconciliation 3:45 - 4:45 pm C Rev. Vicente Terrazas & Rev. Robert Cushing / Noah Pace, College IV* 6XQGD\'HFHPEHU Third Sunday of Advent Is 35:1-6a, 10; Ps 146; Jas 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11 DP )U.QLJKW †Audrey Lavin; †Helen Smith %UHDNIDVWZLWK6DQWDDPQRRQ3+ CCD 9:00 am CAF/SMCS DP )U5RVV Mass for the People Church League Basketball 12:30 - 5:30 pm G SP )U0DUNKDP †Joe Ward Youth Choir Practice 4:00 pm C Men’s Basketball 5:30 - 7:00 pm G SP )U$UQROGW †Helen Zielinski -13th Anniversary; †Dortha Wolfe Live Nativity 6:30 pm in front of PH Most Rev. Bishop Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv / Jared Miller & Fred Williams, College III* A = SJC Atrium BR= Bride Room MC = SMCS Media Center SA = St. Anne’s Hall UR= SJC Upper Room AC= Adoration Chapel C = Church N = Nursery SC= Senior Center *= Please pray daily for our AH=Annunciation House CAF=SMCS Cafeteria NX= Narthex SH = Scout Hut Priests & Seminarians. MR1=Meeting Room 1 CL= SMCS Computer Lab 2 2I¿FH SJC = St. Joseph Center †=Deceased MR2=Meeting Room 2 FCH = Fr. Charlie’s House PH= Parish Hall SJDC = St. Joseph Day Chapel j Living YC=Youth Center st)ORRU G = School Gym R = Rectory SMCS = St. Marys Catholic School St. Mary on the Hill 'HFHPEHU As we begin the second week of Advent, let us recall our motto for this season: we are climbing God’s holy mountain. Our readings give us inspiration and focus for this journey towards holiness. Our first reading from the Prophet Isaiah continues the theme of journey towards the holy mountain, the Kingdom of God. The prophet gives us a beautiful glimpse of this mountain, where Christ will reign forever. It will be a place of peace, justice, and harmony among all God’s creatures. “There shall be no harm or ruin in all my holy mountain... [This] dwelling shall be glorious.” Our second reading, from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, encourages us to focus our preparation in this way: “Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.” How has Christ welcomed us? By becoming one of us through His incarnation, one with us through the Eucharist, and freeing us from our sins through His death and resurrection so that we can finally live with him for all eternity in Heaven. The idea of welcoming others as Christ welcomes us is the essence of Christian hospitality. This kind of hospitality involves seeing people as God sees them and being ready to invite others into our lives whenever and however God asks; it is an attitude we take with us wherever we go, whether at home, at the parish, or out and about at work, school, or in the community. This kind of hospitality is a vital aspect of stewardship living. Fully embraced, it has the power to transform our lives and the lives of those who experience it through us. The practice of Christian hospitality is also a way for us stewards to answer the call of John the Baptist in our Gospel passage from Matthew. John has the honor of preparing the people for the arrival of the Savior and the coming of the Kingdom of God.
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