• i-I THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1967 TWBNTy-POtJR iilanrtrPBtpr iEwwUtg l^waUi Avengu Daily Net PNflB Rni ; The Weatiiei* . For Ijhe WoBta Ended Showers, tapering oft' this Cub Scout Pack 2 of Second CMptember 98, 10e7 evening, low in 60s; partly A bout Town Congreg:ational Church will I ‘ cloudy and cooler tomorrow, have its first meeting of the high in 60s. •t. X l u r « Bpiwsopal OuUd season tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. 15,207 win ■ponaor a Rupun^gv Sale in FeUowship HaU of the Mmehester^A City of Viliage Charm nnmAar, Oot 5 at 9 a.m. in church. Boys interested in Join­ (Classified Advertising on Page 21) ...PRICE SEVEN CENTS MaUl HaU at the church. Those ing the pack may attend the VOL. LXXXVI, NO, 306 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1967 wlafaliic artlclea picked up may a ^ n d the meeting and should can ICra. C9aude Porter of 39 be accompanied by at least one Hyde St.^ or Mrs. Arthur Bur- parent. nap, 90 ICcKee St NeiU HaU is adjacent to the Park St en­ Good Old Days? ^ trance to the church. Miss Arlene LaPenta of 60 Wedgewood Dr. and Oary Heard Oa k l a n d ; o a n f. ( a p ) i - B o i n b —T he new presllideinlt o f The Elks Club wlU serve of 281 Henry St. are membeta :* ; ' Mints Oomege fb r 'Wionien re­ cherrystone clams, steamers, of the Upsala Choir at Upsala College, East Orange, N.J. minded the gWIs ia|t. their clam chowder and baked stuff­ III ed clams tonight from 7 to 9 U.S.DJI. CHOICE convodaitton th is .flAh whialt at,4>e clubhouse. The event is the good old days reialUy Members of the Ladies of St. for Conversion were like. ■ op «i to members, wives and James’ wiU meet tomorrow at Among the ruHeh con­ their gfuests. 6:40 a.m. at St. James’ Church r WASHINGTON (A P)— longer the proper way to meas- 1970s will be. Sources say .this is fronting fiounider Susan. to attend the funeral of Miss a fair picture: Mars T eacher Return Most U.S. single-bomb nu- strategic strength, MUXs When She eWtended The Salvation Army will have Alice Gorman, a member. —Air Force Minuteman III: a meeting: of Its soldiers and STEAKS clear missiles will be con Without publicly detailing Mit Holyt^e Oollege more 600 missiles, three warheads members of its adult groups Katherine W. Lander Mary E. Matson verted in five years to hy­ their capabilities, McNamara than 100 yetans a go, sold Members of the Eighth Dis­ ordered Into production the Air each, plus special packages of D r. Roiberlt J. 'Went, w as tonight at 8 at the citadel. dra-headed weapons capa­ trict Fire Department will have • Force Minuteman III, which decory warheaids and penetra­ this: a department meeting tomor­ Merit Semifinalists ble of striking several ene­ tion aids. Total 1,800 warheads. Advertisement— will be sunk in concrete- hard­ "No Studenlt itiay have First D ay row at 8 p.m. at fire headquar­ Miss Katherine W. Lauder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ —Air Force Minuteman I I : SHORT my . cities simultaneously. ened firing silos, and the Navy’s male acquainttances unless Coventry Scholarship» Fund ters, Main and Hilliard Sts. liam Lauder Jr. of 118 Prince­ 400 missiles, one warhead ea^h and Miss Mary E. Matson, both Pentagon sources say. Poseidon—successor to the Po­ they are retired missionar­ home tour. Sat. Sept. 80. 12-S ton St. with decoys and “ pen-aid." To­ of Manchester, are among the By 1972, according to a rough laris—which can be launched by ies or agents of benevolent Uneventful p.m. Tickets $2.00. Vinton’s Miss Matson is a senior at breakdown outlined by Penta- submarine beneath the sea. tal 400 warheads. store and Country Store. Route More than 100 members of the nine local secondary school stu­ —Navy Poseidon: 31 subma­ societies.’’ Senior Citizen’s Club attended Bast Catholic High School. She . g<wi sources, the current force of Sources have told 'The Asso- Elsewhere 81' Coventry. ■ dents named semlfinaltsts in the is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1,710 missiles will be packing up elated Press the Minuteman HT, rines with 16 2,600-mile range a meeting and instaUation ban­ 1987-68 National Merit Scholar­ SIRLOIN Poseidons each, at least 10 war­ Henry Matson of 261 Spruce St. to 7,600 or more deliverable nu­ A 6,300-mlle-range missile, will quet yesterday at the Senior Cit­ ship competition. They were heads per. missile. Total 4,960 NEW York (AP) — clear warheads. carry three nuclear warheads, izen’s Center, Myrtle and Linden unavoUalble for a group picture By quaiifying as semifinal- warheads. Teachers who struck the iists, the girls have advanced This huge increase of atomic while the Poseidon will haul 12 Persons Sts. Mrs. May ’Tlnan was master of the Manchester winners —Navy Polaris: 10 subs t»dth nation’s largest public 1c SALE of ceremonies. An anniversary to the second stage of the com­ or power was ordered by Secretary more than 10 warheads. which appeared in yesterday’s 16 single-bomb missiles. Total of Defense Robert S. Mc- school system for 14 days cake was presented to Mr. and petition. ’They will be eligible to ’The latest Air Force missile 160 warheads. A rrested in Herald. Natnara to counter the Soviet returned to the classroom INOW GOING ON Mrs. Luigi Pola of SS School St. Miss Lauder, a former Man­ qualify for four-year National may eventually comprise 60 per Union’s antimissile system and —Grand total of land-based today, but those at an East Mr. Pola is second vice presi­ chester High School student, Merit Scholarships by substan­ cent of the land ICBM force. and submarine-launched war­ to insure that its accelerated of­ Thirty-one of the Navy’s 41 Po­ Dope Raids Harlem school were sub­ ARTHUR DRUG dent of the group. Group sing­ will spend her senior year tiating their scores on a second heads: 7,320. fensive missile production is laris subs are being converfed ing and card games followed situdying at the Overseas School test. Merit Scholars will be an­ PORTERHOUSE Sources regard this figure as jected to a community more than matched. to Poseidon, which requires a WESTON (AP) — At least a the dinner. in Rome, Italy. She Is the nounced next May. conservative. group’s ”scrc-«ning proc­ ’The move toward huge num­ larger launch tube. dozen persons—most of . them According to this tabulation, ess.” One was turned bers of nuclear warheads re­ teen-agers—were arrested In Lb These numbers make possible more than 6,000 warheads will away. Four others asked to CHUCK STEAK Center Gut 59c flects the McNamara philosophy narcotics raids by state and lo­ an adequate, if unofficial, pro­ be Navy weapons. that the best defense is a good cal police in lour Fairfield Coun­ be transferred. • jection of what the U.S. strate­ At the city’s other schools, offense. ty towns ’Thursday night and gic missile force of the early (See Page Twelve) early today. nowever, there wae Utile or no CARPET AND ’The 86 billion antimissile sys- State Police Commissioner trouble, according to Thomas F,. teiVi announced by the Pentagon Nevlns, assistant superintendent chief last week is designed to Leo J. Mulcahy said today the TEMPLE'S FLOOR COVERING ralds’'on alleged narcotics push­ of echools. Police were at all 308 MAIN STREET thwart any attack by Red China schoole when teachers reported MANCHESTER in the early 1970s. ers and users in Weston, Stam­ Air, Ground Action ford, Norwalk and Darien for work, he said. QUALITY MERCHANDISE — QUALITY WORKMANSHIP SWIFT’S PREMIUM FULLY COOKED McNamara considers it vir­ stemmed from an investigation A careful survey of all dis­ tually Impossible to establish a of several months. tricts, Nevlns said, showed ev­ missile shield good enough to What ix)lice described as one erything to be calm and normal stop the swarms of decoy-ridden Growing in Vietnam of the largest caches of narco­ except in the East Harlem inci­ warheads which a technological­ tics in recent years was seized The Nation^s H ipest Award dent, at Intermediate School OUR ly sophisticated enemy could 201. SAIGON (AP) — ’The U.S. southwestern section for the at a home occupied by two men President Johnson yesterday presented the^edal of Honor to Army Sgrt. David unleash. Command reported today fresh seventh time. in Weston. Those arrested in A union chapter chairman at FIRST HAMS C. Dolby for heroism in Vietnam. The 2L^year-old sergeant who ie from Oaks, Intermediate School 201 was ANNIVERSARY SALEi Dr. John S. Foster, the Penta­ air raids on the North Viet­ ’The headquarters reported for Weston were Jonathan Shea, 20, SHANK gon’s chief scientist, said in tes­ namese port of Haiphong and a the first time this month "no and Sean Phillips, 18. ’They were Pa., took command of his unit from his^ying platoon leader and rallied his men met at the door by Ralph Bess, timony before' Congress laist surge of ground fighting in significant shelling" along the taken into custody by undercov­ to hold their positions in May of 1966. (AP Photofax). a Negro member of the school’e QT. FLOOR WAX spring that the U.S. strategy for South Vietnam, particularly in demilitarized border with North er troops of the narcotics squad planning board, who blocked his PORTION path and said: "Not over my OR countering a Soviet missile de- the important northern prov- Vietnam, where U.S.
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