Stabilization of Laterite Soils A. REMILLON, Director Brazzaville Branch of the Laboratories for Construction and Public Works of The French Government Introductory Remarks by the Chairman: Laterite soils are typical for the wet tropics and are widely distributed in such ai-eas as India, Indonesia, Indochina, Malaya, Burma, Western Australia, Madagascar, Central Africa, the Guianas, Brazil, Cuba, and others. They normally possess good tilth, and with plenty of solar energy and water available, they are, if properly fertilized, capable of excellent crop yields and may well be destined to contribute in a major degree to the food supply of a rapidly growing world population. A great need exists for a suitable network of low-cost roads in these areas already in their present under• developed condition and even more so if their proper agricultural development is to proceed. Laterite soils differ widely from the soils of the temperate regions with re• spect to their physical and chemical properties. It is in these soil areas that the greatest discrepencies have been observed when soil-stabilization methods de• veloped for certain temperate climates have been unjudiciously applied. This is especially true for granular soil stabilization. Remillion, who is director of the Brazzaville Branch of the Laboratories for Construction and Public Works of the French Government, has attacked the prob• lem of stabilizing laterite soils from the point of view of the scientifically well- trained, responsible executive engineer. Significantly, he has gone to the heart of the problem. Instead of trying to adjust for his conditions standards developed for temperate climates and soils of such climates, he makes a fresh analysis based on the actual properties of his soil materials and on the classical work of Talbot in the design of concrete mixtures. The analytical conclusions are com• pared with actual road performance, and the resulting design recommendations are as scientific and as practical as one can wish for. • LATERITE formations cover an impor- Processes and factors of alteration tant portion of the tropical and equatorial Mineralogic examination reveals that zones. They may be present m the form ^.^^^^^ independent alteration of red c^ys or of laterite proper. processes occur simultaneously in lat- The atter may or may not be covered ^^^^^ formation. On one hand, the normal with an iron-oxide carapace. weathering of feldspars lekda to the Laterites form na ural soil-concretes formation of clays; on the other hand, the hat are utilized wide y for the construe- ^^.^ lateritic alteration leads fir^t to ion of runways and highways, m the fol- j^J^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ lowmg we stall consider only the Uterites ^^^^.^^ alteration is a conse- proper, excludmg the mdurated oxide tj^^ hydrolysis of the feldspars shield or carapace and also the lateritic ^j^^ elutriation of the alkalis and of part of the iron in the form of the bicar• bonate. This elimination is favored by the GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS great purity of the waters (hydrotimetric degree generally lower than 3) and by an oi«„4/. n^^ryr^^ti-t^., io«.o-4f«.= elevated temperature (about 86 F). The Muieralogic Composition of laterites j^y^^^^^^ ^^^^ transform into oxides Microscopic examination of laterites under the effect of solar radiation (ultra- derived from the alteration of rocks in violet) and possibly also under the action place shows that these materials are com- of iron bacteria. posed of: pure silica (Si02) from eolian The concretions or pisoliths that con- sands; and hydrous oxides of aluminum stitute the skeleton of the laterites seem (AI2O3 X 3 H20)andof iron (2 Fe^Os x H2O - to have formed around hydrargillite crys- Goethite). tals that served as crystallization nuclei. 96 97 These nodules always have a higher spec - Granulometric analyses and Atterberg ific gravity than the average of the mate• limits rial. Several examples of these are given in For the separation of the fine particles Table 1. from the nodules wet sieving is necessary. These results and the analyses made on In addition, for the hydrometer analysis the different fractions show that the nod• deflocculation of the fine constituents is ules are almost exclusively composed of required. 140-1 55 BLOWS 30 BLOW \ 15 BLOWS 25 BLOWS 15 BLOWS 10 BLOWS 100 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS: S=Z 87 LL=33 6% PL»22 7% IP'I3 9% 90 -SL'16 6% - WATER CONTENT IN PERCENT I'O IIL 20 Figure 1. troctor Test. the oxides, while the fine particles are Although some laterites can be easily still in the form of the hydrates. dispersed by means of ammonium or sod• ium phosphate, in many cases this is not successful. TEST METHODS AND PROPERTIES OF Regarding the Atterberg limits, it must LATERITES TABLE 1 All laterites possess peculiar mechan• Values of specific gravities: Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3 ical properties; this necessitates mod• ifications in the test methods. , Fraction 2 76 3.13 3.13 The nodules are always friable and of ^0.5 mm 2 73 2.75 2 65 porous structure. 0. S - 0.1 mm 0.1 - 0 05 mm 2 71 2.64 2 63 The fine particles are always floccu• ^0.05 mm 2 65 2.63 2.60 lated. 98 be noted that the mixing of the particles rial for each point of the Proctor curve. during the determination of the liquid limit Figure 1 shows Proctor curves for dif• leads, on one hand, to a breaking up of the ferent compactive efforts. Figure 2 shows fines and, on the other hand, to a slight that, if plotted on semilog paper, the deflocculation. variation of the dry density as a function These deflocculated fines absorb an of the compactive effort can be expressed additional amount of water. It is, there• by a straight line. fore, difficult to give exact values for the Atterberg limits, since the limits obtained Classification of Laterite Soils by experiment depend on the modifications The majority of laterites generally IP 00 *>oo loipoa sdQoo loqpoo WORK OF COMPACTION IN FT-LB8 PER CU FT Figure 2. Variation of Maximum Dry Density as a Function of the Work of Compaction. which the material has undergone in the possesses the following characteristics: course of the determination^. (1) less than 35 percent passing the num• All granulometric curves of laterites ber 200 sieve; (2) liquid limit less than 40; show a discontinuity between 2 andO. 5 mm. and (3) plasticity index larger than 10. This discontinuity indicates that the nod• The general types of laterites, there• ules do not form in a continuous manner fore, fall into Class A 2-6 (AASHO Des• from the fines, but that they form around ignation M 145-49). The fraction smaller crystallization nuclei as has been indicated than five microns usually has a liquid limit above. from 50 to 60 and a plasticity index from In addition, the majority of granulo• 15 to 30. These fines, therefore, corre• metric curves show that laterites contain spond to an A-7 clay. Although classes as an appreciable quantity of fine windblown A 2-6 soils, laterites generally rank in sand. road construction at least equal with soils of a Class A 1-b. Proctor Test The fragility of the laterite nodules is UTILIZATION OF LATERITES FOR THE such that it is necessary to use new mate- CONSTRUCTION OF UNPAVED ROADS •See: "Laterite Soils and Their Stabilization" b; Hans F V71nterlnn;n and E. C. Chandrasckharan, Proc. 30th Ann Many tests have been made on sections Meeting, Highway Research Board (January 1S51). that during the dry season formed cor- 99 STONE GRAVEL SAND CLAY 50 20 10 S 2 001 EQUIVALENT PARTICLE DIAMETER IN MH ai Figure 3. Granulometric analyses: Samples from unsatisfactory sections of unsurfaced roads. STONE GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY Arycaarmt i Medium Fine « uyfinc lOOXl- 90 Rr no IS Wl II 1 ) PE RR RMANE i; £ 70 ^0 K JO 1.0 I 30 100 SO 20 10 5 2 05 0.2 01 aOS 002 001 Sf> 2,1 If EQUIVALENT PARTICLE DIAMETER IN MM Figure 4. Samples from satisfactory sections of unsurfaced roads. STONE GRAVEL SAND CLAY LMITING OURVCa AOCORDINa muBorr 100 so 20 10 5 2 I 2fi Ifl EQUIVALENT PARTICLE DIAMETER IN MM Figure 5. Granulometric analyses: Uisurfaced Roads. 100 rugations and also on sections that during Maintenance of Nonpaved Highways the rainy season either showed lack of stability or excessive slipperiness. Typ• The maintenance of nonpaved highways ical curves for each of these conditions is generally done by motor grader. This are reported in Figures 3 and 4. The treatment leads to a disintegration of the curve envelopes of materials that give upper portion of the highway. If the re• satisfactory performance have been de• spective materials are in too advanced a rived from a number of granulometric stage of alteration, it is no longer possible analyses and are reported in Figure 5. to shape the affected portion without in• In the small-size range, these en• corporation of clay. velopes differ from the formerly accepted This phenomenon is due to the fact that curves of Talbot. The mortar content the laterite placed on the road surface must exceed the values indicated by the loses part of the fines in the form of dust Talbot curves if the road surface is to re• and also to the fact that certain laterites tain a good riding quality. The clay con• placed on roads age and lose their plas- tent must lie between 10 and 25 percent. S INCHE 1 z Z 1 i MC-(D CUT BACK N % GAL8./8Q.Y0 ATIO —12 £X o-*' 111 R a. SATU 10 08 N 06 JRATIO I SAT 04 02 WATER CONTE NT M PERCENT 0 / / 5 10 IS Figure 6.
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