Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics: making the vacuum concrete Fabian Essler (Oxford) Oxford, June 2013 Tuesday, 25 June 13 Lev Landau “This work contains many things which are new and interesting. Unfortunately, everything that is new is not interesting, and everything which is interesting, is not new.” Tuesday, 25 June 13 The Field is real! hbar>0! Tuesday, 25 June 13 The Field is real! hbar>0! Tuesday, 25 June 13 Here: Relativistic QFT as an emergent (rather than fundamental) phenomenon. Tuesday, 25 June 13 Length/Energy Scales: Organizing Principle of Physics high energies ⇔ short distances low energies ⇔ large distances Think of this in terms of probing a physical system by e.g. light: to resolve what happens at length scale a, the wavelength λ must be smaller than a. short distances → small λ → high energies as E=hc/λ Tuesday, 25 June 13 Length Classical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics Standard Model ToE? Tuesday, 25 June 13 A Reductionist View of the World Quantum Field Theory Quantum Mechanics Chemistry “If we understand QFT/ToE, we understand everything.” Tuesday, 25 June 13 A Reductionist View of the World Quantum Field Theory Quantum Mechanics Chemistry “If we understand QFT/ToE, we understand everything.” Depends on what “understand” means... Tuesday, 25 June 13 Following 30 minutes: Quantum Field Theory Quantum Mechanics Quantum Field Theory interesting perspective on QFT (and perhaps the reductionist view) Tuesday, 25 June 13 Example: Lattice Vibrations in Crystals Crystal: atoms in a periodic array Interaction between the atoms (e.g. Coulomb) V (R~ 1, R~ 2,...,R~ N ) → causes oscillations of atoms ↔ ~ (0) ~ (0) Crystal mean (“equilibrium”) positions R1 , R2 ,... Tuesday, 25 June 13 Lattice Vibrations of a Linear Chain (0) equilibrium positions: Rj = ja0 . a0 a0 a0 a0 (0) oscillations: rj = Rj R − j . r1 r2 r3 deviations from equilibrium positions Tuesday, 25 June 13 • Main interactions between nearest neighbours • Oscillations around equilibrium positions typically small: |rj|≪ a0 N 1 − V (R ,R ,...,R )=V + (r r )2 + ... 1 2 N 0 2 j − j+1 j=1 X (0) (0) (0) ◇ V0 = V (R1 ,R2 ,...,RN ) ◇ The linear terms add up to zero ↔ equilibrium positions ◇ ...→ small cubic, quartic etc “anharmonic” terms Tuesday, 25 June 13 N N 1 Lattice vibrations p2 − H = l + (r r )2 + ... 2m 2 l − l+1 Xl=1 Xl=1 Kinetic energy Potential energy |{z} |{z} → N coupled harmonic oscillators! @ Quantum mechanically: pl = i~ − @rl SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations Tuesday, 25 June 13 Lattice vibrations Solution of the Classical Problem 2 Newton’s @ rl m = (rl+1 rl) (rl rl 1) equations: @t2 − − − − r (t)=A cos(kla !t + δ) Ansatz: l 0 − ●● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● Works if ● ● ● ● ●● ● SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations periodicity in k ↔ periodicity of the lattice Tuesday, 25 June 13 finite number of atoms → finite number of normal modes Tuesday, 25 June 13 Quantum Mechanics Each ω(k) gives a simple harmonic oscillator (in an appropriate coordinate) → 30 25 20E • 15 10 5 -4 -2 2 4 x quantized energies: Tuesday, 25 June 13 Ground State (“Vacuum”): zero-point energy: 1 wave function: (r1,...,rN ) exp rjMjkrk / 0−2 1 Xj,k @ A 3.0 2.5 Probability distr. 2.0 1.5 nd of 2 atom 1.0 0.5 1 2 3 4 Tuesday, 25 June 13 Excited states: Single particles (“Phonons”) N wave function: (r1,...,rN ) cos(kln)rn GS / "n=1 # X Two phonons: Tuesday, 25 June 13 Quantum Field Theory N N 1 p2 − H = l + (r r )2 + ... Recall that 2m 2 l − l+1 Xl=1 Xl=1 @ pl = i~ − @rl Tuesday, 25 June 13 Quantum Field Theory Define N m @ 2 2 Hamiltonian H = a Φ(la ) + Φ([l + 1]a ) Φ(la ) 0 2 @t 0 2 0 − 0 becomes Xl=1 h i N ,a 0 , Now consider the limit !1 0 ! !1 2 L = Na0 and ¯ = a0 fixed volume vibrations remain ≪a0 Tuesday, 25 June 13 L m @Φ 2 ¯ @Φ 2 H dx + ! 2 @t 2 @x Z0 " ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ # m @Φ(t, x) 2 ¯ @Φ(t, x) 2 corresponding (t, x)= L 2 @t − 2 @x Lagrangian density " ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ # Massless (relativistic) Scalar Field Tuesday, 25 June 13 Lattice vibrations Which part of the physics does QFT describe? • Large distances compared to “lattice spacing” a0 • Small frequencies ω(k), i.e. low energies SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations i.e. normal modes in this region Tuesday, 25 June 13 Which part of the physics does QFT describe? length a0 atomic scale “emergent” collective wave-like excitations non-relativistic relativistic Physics QFT Tuesday, 25 June 13 Which part of the physics does QFT describe? length a0 atomic scale “emergent” collective wave-like excitations non-relativistic relativistic Physics QFT “Emergent Physical Law” Tuesday, 25 June 13 Measuring the collective modes: inelastic neutron scattering 6/18/13 AccessScience | Search : Neutron diffraction Print | Close Window ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE: Neutron diffraction Add to 'My Saved Images' Fig 2. 6/18/13 AccessScience | Search : Neutron diffraction neutron gives energy ω and momentum k to the crystal Print | Close Window → excites a single normal modeE NCifYCL OωPEDIA AandRTICLE: N euktron d“match”iffraction Add to 'My Saved Images' Fig 4. Fig. 2 Neutron diffraction patterns from polycrystalline manganese oxide, MnO, at temperatures (a) below and (b) above the antiferromagnetic transition at 122 K (−240°F). At 293 K (68°F), only nuclear reflections are observed, while at 80 K (−316°F), additional reflections are obtained from the indicated antiferromagnetic structure. The atomic magnetic momentPhonons in this structure are dir ecspectrumted along a magnetic axis withi n thofe (111 ) pCulanes. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved. Privacy Notice. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use. Additional credits and copyright information. Tuesday, 25 June 13 Fig. 4 Phonon dispersion curves for copper at 49 K (−371°F), which relate phonon frequency ν to phonon wave vector ζ along major symmetry directions indicated in brackets. Solid circles are results from inelastic neutron scattering experiments and smooth curves are calculations based on an axially symmetric interatomic force model extended to six nearest neighbors. (L and T correspond to longitudinal and transverse modes of vibration, respectively , while π and Λ represent modes of vibration with both longitudinal and transverse components.) Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved. Privacy Notice. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use. Additional credits and copyright information. www.accessscience.com/overflow.aspx?SearchInputText=Neutron+diffraction&ContentTypeSelect=10&term=Neutron+diffraction&rootID=795113 1/1 www.accessscience.com/overflow.aspx?SearchInputText=Neutron+diffraction&ContentTypeSelect=10&term=Neutron+diffraction&rootID=795113 1/1 Lattice vibrations 6/18/13 AccessScience | Search : Neutron diffraction Print | Close Window ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLE: Neutron diffraction Add to 'My Saved Images' Fig 4. SS 09 - 20 140: Experimentalphysik IV – K. Franke & J.I. Pascual Lattice vibrations Fig. 4 Phonon dispersion curves for copper at 49 K (−371°F), which relate phonon frequency ν to phonon wave vector ζ along major symmetry directions indicated in brackets. Solid circles are results from inelastic neutron scattering experiments and smooth curves are calculations based on an axially symmetric interatomic force model extended to six nearest neighbors. (L and T correspond to longitudinal and transverse modes of vibration, respectively , while π and Λ represent modes of vibration with both longitudinal and transverse components.) Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved. Privacy Notice. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use. Additional credits and copyright information. Tuesday, 25 June 13 www.accessscience.com/overflow.aspx?SearchInputText=Neutron+diffraction&ContentTypeSelect=10&term=Neutron+diffraction&rootID=795113 1/1 Main Points so far • Quantum mechanics of atoms in solids can give rise to collective excitations, which are described by a QFT • The lowest energy state (“vacuum”) has a non-trivial wave function. Tuesday, 25 June 13 Main Points so far • Quantum mechanics of atoms in solids can give rise to collective excitations, which are described by a QFT • The lowest energy state (“vacuum”) has a non-trivial wave function. Much more exotic physics and QFTs can arise in this way! Tuesday, 25 June 13 “Splitting the Electron” Consider electronic degrees of freedom in “quasi-1D crystals” Sr2CuO3 low energy electronic physics due to outer electrons on Cu atoms (black) anisotropy → e- move essentially only along 1D chains Tuesday, 25 June 13 Basic model: Lattice: on each site either 0, 1 or 2 electrons (spin!) . Electrons can hop to neighbouring sites . Electrons repel through Coulomb interaction . Tuesday, 25 June 13 10.3 Continuum Limit 367 can be derived directly from the current-algebra (10.27)-(10.29) as is shown in [12]. Under an appropriate choice of renormalization scheme the RG equations (to all orders in the coupling constant) can be cast in the form [503] (see also [115, 164, 302]) ∂λ 2λ2 r = , (10.30) ∂r −4π λ2 − where r is the RG length scale. The RG equations (10.30) imply that λ dimin- ishes under remormalization. This means that if we start with λ > 0 as is the case for the spin sector of (10.24), then the current-current interaction flows to zero. In other words, the interaction of spin currents in Hs is marginally irrele- vant and hence we will ignore it in what follows. Taking it into account would generate extra logarithms in certain formulas below. On the other hand, if ini- tially λ < 0 as in the charge sector of (10.24), then the interaction grows under renormalization: it is marginally relevant.
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