Greater Gwent Biodiversity Action Group Glamorgan Biodiversity Advisory Group Gwent-Glamorgan Recorders’ Newsletter Issue 1 October 2008 Recorders’ Forum Meetings Welcome to the 1st Issue The Glamorgan meeting individual to represent Re- Project), Kerry Rogers of the joint Gwent- took place on Saturday 26th corders at the Glamorgan (Otter Spotting in Gwent), January. Adam Rowe Biodiversity Advisory Group Rebecca Price (Gwent’s Glamorgan Recorder’s started proceedings with a (GlamBAG). To date, no Living Churchyards), Newsletter. SEWBReC update. Further representatives have come Camilla Smith (RSPB presentations were heard by forward. If you think you Heads of the Valleys Lap- Historically a Recorders’ Ray Woods’ (The State of could fulfil one or both these wing Project), Kate Stinch- newsletter has not been pro- Biological recording in roles, please contact SEW- combe (Wildlife Sites/ duced for the Glamorgan Wales: a personal view); BReC. SINCs in Monmouthshire), Dan Forman (Mustelids in and Trevor Evans (Flora of area, but at the last Gwent ——————————- Glamorgan); Greg Jones Monmouthshire). Colin and Glamorgan Recorders’ (Myriapods and Isopods in The Gwent event took place Titcombe ended the pres- Forum Days we discussed Glamorgan); Colin Chees- on Saturday 26th February. entations by giving a fasci- and agreed that we would man (Heads of the Valleys Once again Adam Rowe nating talk entitled produce the first joint Gwent- Lapwing Project); and Judith started proceedings with a ‘Conservation in Gwent: A Glamorgan newsletter in Oakley (Seashore Sight- SEWBReC update. The Personal View’. Colin con- ings). A thought provoking keynote speech was pro- cluded his talk with a quote 2008. presentation was given by vided by Prof. Steve Or- from Ian Stewart that it We hope you find it an inter- Dr Hefin Jones from Cardiff merod from Cardiff Univer- isn’t the planet we need to University (Climate Change: sity ‘Climate change and look after, it’s ourselves. esting read. If you have any the implications for Wales & Welsh rivers: hot gossip or The planet will be here comments or suggestions, its biodiversity). Dr Jones sound science?’ Prof. Or- long after our species has please do not hesitate to get discussed the implications merod concluded that stud- gone! of increased climate tem- ies show that there are clear in contact. Full minutes of the day peratures for Wales, and effects on Welsh rivers from emphasized the importance have already been circu- climate change and that ad- lated and are available for recording species in the aptations, resilience and Inside this issue: from our website, but if you field in order to study the resistance are still poorly effects of climatic changes. would like to receive a SEWBReC News 2 understood. Further presen- copy please contact SEW- We also had a discussion tations were heard from on finding a representative BReC. Biodiversity Blitz Days 4 Dave Cooksey (Blaenau of the Glamorgan Recorders Gwent Dipper & Grey Wag- to sit on the SEWBReC tail Project), Sorrel Jones Lapwing Monitoring 6 Rebecca Davies, Board of Directors, and an (South Wales Dormouse SEWBReC Ghost Hunters Wanted 7 Mapping Madness in Glamorgan 8 Recorders’ Forum Meetings 2009 Gwent Water Voles 11 The 7th Glamorgan Re- take place at the University quests/suggestions for Valleys Bats & Cardiff Bay Pips 12 corders’ Forum meeting of Wales College Newport, items to be included; or will take place at the Caerleon Campus on Sat- would like to give a short Aphids 13 Best Western Heronston urday 7th February 2009. talk on your recording work Hotel, Ewenny, Bridgend or project please contact The meetings are free and The South Wales Mammal Atlas 13 on Saturday 31st Janu- SEWBReC as soon as open to all interested par- ary 2009. possible. Gwent Living Churchyards 14 ties. Detailed programmes The 9th Gwent Record- will be distributed shortly Rebecca Davies, Wildlife Sightings 16 ers’ Forum meeting will but if you have any re- SEWBReC Issue 1 SEWBReC NEWS October 2008 SLA/Funding We currently have SLAs Greater Gwent area; but Trunk Road Agency, and crease our staff compli- with 8 out of the 12 Local unfortunately there are still Gwent Wildlife Trust. ment and in turn improve Authorities in our area. large gaps in Glamorgan. our support to recording Our supply of data prod- Discussions have taken groups. We also continue to re- ucts and services to com- place with two of the re- ceive support from several mercial bodies also goes maining four local authori- other bodies such as from strength to strength, ties, and we remain opti- SEWBReC Staff Countryside Council for and we continue to ex- mistic that we will have Wales, Forestry Commis- ceed our targets each agreements in place in the sion Wales, Welsh As- month. near future. We therefore sembly Government De- almost have complete It is thanks in part to this partment of Economy and coverage of SLAs with increasing support that we Transport, South Wales Local Authorities in the have been able to in- Say hello...wave goodbye At the end of August, we promoted to lead on the plan- the Wildfowl and Wetlands Warwickshire Wildlife Trust waved goodbye to our Data & ning application searches, Trust in Llanelli, and has also one day a week, working with Enquiries Officer, Rebecca updating the SEWBReC web- assisted on the Channel 4 their planning and marketing Johnson. Rebecca started site, and co-ordinating volun- programme ‘Wild Thing I Love departments. with us in 2006 to work on the teers. You’ on bat mitigation in We are also pleased to have CCW data mobilization con- South Wales. Our new recruits taking on the been joined by Lloyd Davies tract, and was then promoted mammoth task of mobilizing After completing a BSc in on a part time student place- to lead on planning application the CCW data and other du- Countryside Management at ment for the next ten months. searches and the SEWBReC ties are Alice Britt and Elaine Aberystwyth University in His work will initially be fo- website. Rebecca has now Wright. 2004, Elaine went on to work cused on data input, but his moved on to work for an eco- for HSBC, initially as a cus- role will expand into other logical consultancy in Oxford- Alice recently graduated from tomer service representative, areas during his time at SEW- shire. We wish her well in her Sussex University with a MSc before being promoted to an BReC. new role. in Biodiversity Survey. Alice internal auditor. Alongside has previously volunteered at SEWBReC Staff Lindsay Bamforth has been this, Elaine volunteered at the The four Welsh LRCs go to the Royal Welsh Show Following the launch of the onstrated services we Janet Imlach network of the Local Re- could offer farmers and (BIS cords Centres Wales in other landowners with a (Biodiversity Cardiff last November, we laptop demonstration of the Information felt we would like to pro- distribution of species re- Service for mote and publicise the cords held by the four Powys and work of the LRCs further at LRC’s. The stand was Brecon Bea- the Royal Welsh Show in manned each day by a dif- cons National July. We were hosted by ferent combination of mem- Park) Man- the Wales Environmental bers of staff from the four ager) Compact whose tent was LRC’s. © BIS situated in the 'countryside' Thanks goes to Cofnod for section of the show. Our the Farmland species re- Above l-r: Dave Cope (BIS), Adam Rowe display aimed to encourage cording cards, SEWBReC (SEWBReC), Janet Imlach (BIS), Rob Davies recording wildlife in the for the general design and (WWBIC). LRC Wales stand at Royal Welsh Show countryside with all-Wales materials for the display recording cards showing 6 stand, and WWBIC for the BAP species often found Page 2 laptop demonstration. on farmland, including hare and lapwing. We also dem- SEWBReC’s Data Issue 1 One million records and still counting... The SEWBReC database Society with 20,000 records SEWBReC would passed the 1,000,000 record from 2007. Other major mark on the 8th January 2008 changes in the data holdings like to say a big with thanks to another set of come from the continued data thank you to all the bryophyte data from Sam mobilisation project with CCW, Bosanquet. The species in which is responsible for around recorders, question was a bryophyte re- 30,000 records being entered individuals, groups corded by Sam Bosanquet: San- this year. and organisations ionia uncinata (sickle-leaved hook-moss). It was spotted on Other major additions to the that have database in the last 12 months waste ground in Abersychan. contributed data to Sam notes that, "Sanionia unci- come from the Glamorgan Bird nata is usually found in spe- Club, Cardiff County Council, SEWBReC – without cies-rich limestone grassland, Sanionia uncinata (Sickle-leaved Hook-moss) and the Gwent Fungus Group. your invaluable data on montane crags, or in willow Once again, many thanks to and co-operation, carr, so its presence on an area The database now contains everyone that has submitted of disturbed roadside turf was over 1.1 million records. Of records to us over the past SEWBReC would remarkable. There are a reason- the 150,000 records that have year. not exist. able number of records of it from been added since January, a north-west Gwent, but all from significant proportion come David Slade, SEWBReC natural habitats." from Gwent Ornithological Top 10 Species Charts—Gwent (VC35) The top ten Rank Common Name Species Records is the most recorded insect at Monmouthshire Bat Survey most recorded 1 Yorkshire-fog Holcus lanatus 1660 26. data, which has lots of records species in the 2 Sweet Vernal Grass Anthoxanthum odora- 1517 for very precise grid references county is now The other table shows the num- thanks to the recording method.
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