The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884 THELAWRENTIAN VOL. CXXXI NO. 7 NOVEMBER 1, 2013 UNIVERSITY CELEBRATES INAUGURATION OF SIXTEENTH PRESIDENT MARK BURSTEIN Inauguration Value of liberal panel works to arts addressed define civility in second panel Rose Nelson Xue Yan Staff Writer Staff Writer _________________________ _______________________ As part of the weekend-long On Friday, Oct. 25, an celebration of President Mark Inauguration Discussion Panel Burnstein’s inauguration, a panel was held in the Music-Drama took place on Friday, Oct. 25 Center in the Stansbury Theatre. regarding the role of universities The topic was “The Issue of in relation to a rise of incivility in Difference and the Liberal Arts.” public discourse and the impor- In the panel, invited speakers tance of civility. included three Lawrence univer- The panel was made up of sity professors: Dominica Chang, Milwaukee County Executive Chris associate professor of French; Abele ’94; Christopher Eisgruber, Peter Glick, professor of psychol- President of Princeton University; ogy; and Henry Merritt Wriston, William Plapinger, Chair of Vassar Professor of the Social Sciences. College Board of Trustees; and Other speakers included Harold Claudena Skran, Professor of Jordan ‘72, former chair of the Government and Ediwn and Ruth Board and emeritus trustee at Weest Professor of Economics Lawrence University, and Terri and Social Science at Lawrence Harris Reed, Vice Provost for University. It was moderated by Diversity and Inclusion at George Terry Moran ’82, ABC News Chief Washington University. The Foreign Correspondant. moderator was Jill Dolan, Annan The panel began with the Professor in English, professor of panelists introducing themselves theater in the Lewis Center for and briefly outlining their under- the Arts and program director in standing of what incivility and Photo by Max Hermans gender and sexuality studies at civility mean in the context of the Burstein in formal presidential regalia just before marching into Memorial Chapel Princeton University. discussion. Due to their diverse Dolan started the panel by backgrounds, each panelist had a with Chair of the Board of Trustees Terry Franke ‘68 for the inauguration ceremony. asking whether it is the role of unique view on how incivility is liberal arts education to help affecting society, as well as wheth- students prepare for the diverse er or not this is a new issue. Alumni, faculty, and students communities and work places in Early on in the discussion, the world today. If so, how can the Moran suggested the possibility educational institutions approach that there is not necessarily more the challenge from a curricular incivility in the world now than officiate inauguration ceremony and extracurricular perspective? there was in the past. “The direct- Chang believed that educa- See page 2 for full article by News Editor Alyssa Villaire See page 3 See page 4 Students celebrate inauguration through volunteering, musical events awesome that we were able to a student-run party to celebrate have these Conservatory groups Burstein’s inauguration. Those Danny Davis perform for Burstein’s inaugu- who attended entered an Esch- Staff Writer ration. At another liberal arts Hurvis filled with blue and white ______________________ school, you may be able to do streamers, balloons and other Students organized diverse many things for an inauguration, decorations and were able to activities to celebrate the inaugu- but rarely does a school have so enjoy food, beverages and dancing ration of President Mark Burstein. much musical talent at its disposal to the music of the bands Snort, On Friday night, Conservatory to celebrate such a large event. It’s Porky’s Goove Machine and Holy groups performed at different part of what gives Lawrence it’s Sheboygan. locations for Lawrence Performs. character.” In between acts, LU Improv Lawrence Jams was a student- The following concerts were performed skits to encourage organized party held in Warch. held: Classical and jazz groups audience participation in the per- On Sunday, President Burstein played at Harper Hall; brass formances. Additionally, a raffle joined students volunteering at groups played at Main Hall; was held for students to enter, Riverview Gardens, Appleton’s woodwinds played in the Steitz which included prizes such as a local urban farm. Hall Atrium; acoustic/bluegrass dinner with the president or a free The inauguration weekend for performances were held in the parking space for a year offered by Lawrence kicked off with perfor- Mudd Library; and funk groups Vice President for Student Affairs mances by various Conservatory performed in the Viking Room. and Dean of Students Nancy groups. Conservatory sophomore Lawrence Jams, held in Esch Alek Wasserman said, “I think it’s Hurvis from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m., was Student volunteers dig beds in a greenhouse during “Lawrence Volunteers” on Sunday. See page 3 Photo by Abedin Rafique INSIDEVIEW: Sports Features A&E Op-Ed Swim season New dating app Artist Spotlight: Morgan assesses This week’s top takes off sweeps campus Olav Bjørnerud schedule bragging news and views PAGE 4 PAGE 6 PAGE 9 PAGE 11 2 NEWS 1 Nov. 2013 THE LAWRENTIAN Inauguration ceremony includes diverse welcome for Burstein fill this trust.” Jones Benedict ’99, alumni repre- other Lawrence community mem- Franke was followed by In his speech, the president sentative James Spofford Reeve III bers from all over the world to a reading from Plato’s “The Alyssa Villaire connected Lawrence’s challenging ’95, Appleton Mayor Tim Hanna watch the inauguration live. Republic” by Benedict and Reeve, News Editor _____________________ but inspiring founding days to the and senior Nick Paulson, presi- Franke opened up the cer- which was initially met by know- present. He said, “The dynamics of dent of the Lawrence University emony by “updating [his] obser- ing laughs from the audience. Lawrence was witness to a our founding, including resource Community Council. vations on Mark based on his 115 After this, Paulson briefly spoke historic event this past Saturday, constraint, human ingenuity and Additionally, Shirley days since he assumed office on as a representative of the stu- Oct. 26 as Mark Burstein was the importance of excellent lead- Tilghman, President Emerita and July 1.” Franke spoke to Burstein’s dent body at Lawrence, saying inaugurated as the university’s ership, continue to be themes that Professor of Molecular Biology unique set of work experiences, he was looking forward to seeing sixteenth president. The audience shape the institution today[…] at Princeton University, and which includes time as an execu- Burstein “beaming his way across at Memorial Chapel included cur- Like our founders, we also live in Catharine Bond Hill, President and tive vice president at Princeton campus.” rent students, alumni, staff and an uncertain world, on the bound- Professor of Economics at Vassar University, vice president of sev- Mayor Hanna was next to community members, all of whom ary between what is known and College, filed into the chapel with eral departments at Columbia take the stage, and he brought were ready to give a formal wel- what is new, where different ideas Lawrence’s new president. The University and experience in eco- forth more laughs from the audi- come to Burstein, who took office and concepts intersect, and new two of them were invited to speak nomic development and public ence as he discussed the marriage at the beginning of July. possibilities exist. For us, as it was at the inauguration ceremony finance. He also cited the presi- of Amos Lawrence, the founding Burstein was inaugurat- for them, such a situation is criti- because of their friendships and dent’s strengths and noted that funder of the university, to Sarah ed formally by the chair of the cal for individual growth and for professional relationships with these qualities line up with many Appleton, the original namesake Lawrence University Board of a thriving learning environment.” Burstein. of the adjectives used to describe of the city. He used this relation- Trustees Terry Franke ’68 and Along with the traditional Among the audience at Burstein during the interview ship as a metaphor for the ties Associate Professor of Spanish procession of faculty, Burstein Memorial Chapel were Margot process, such as “engaging, smart, between the university and the Rosa Tapia. This was followed by marched into Memorial Chapel Warch, widow of Lawrence’s four- sensitive, open, transparent and city, saying that the only rea- the president’s inaugural remarks. with the ceremony’s presenters. teenth president Rik Warch, and self-confident, but not arrogant.” son Appleton exists “is because “I start today humbled and This included the chair of the President Jill Beck and her hus- Lastly, Franke emphasized the Lawrence exists.” energized by the trust you, the Lawrence University Board of band, Rob Beck. The ceremony president’s commitment to the But what was arguably the Lawrence community, have placed Trustees Terry Franke ’68, presi- was also broadcast via the inter- liberal arts, a key characteristic most memorable part of Mayor in me,” Burstein began. “I will do dent of the Lawrence University net, allowing the overflow crowd they looked for during the presi- all that is within my ability to ful- Alumni Association Christine in the Warch Campus Center and dential search. See page 12 Many celebrations, one reason to celebrate: Inauguration weekend in photos Clockwise from top left: Porky’s Groove Machine performs at Lawrence Jams (photo by Abedin Rafique); Burstein gives his inaugural remarks (photo by Max Hermans); volunteers shovel mulch at the Lawrence Volunteers event at Riverview Gardens (photo by Abedin Rafique); Burstein and others pose with the cardboard cutout of Burstein at Lawrence Jams (photo by Abedin Rafique); the formal reception for the inaugu- ration (photo by Abedin Rafique); a standing ovation was given after Burstein’s inaugural remarks in Memorial Chapel (photo taken by Max Hermans).
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