Anales de Biología 42: 147-159, 2020 ARTICLE http://dx.doi.org/10.6018/analesbio.42.16 Cadmium affects the regeneration of the leafy vegetable Talinum portulacifolium stem cuttings in nutrient solution Thangavelu Muthukumar & Selvam Dinesh-Babu Root and Soil Biology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641046, Tamilnadu, India. Resumen Correspondence El cadmio afecta a la regeneración de los esquejes en solución T. Muthukumar nutritiva de la verdura de hoja Talinum portulacifolium E-mail: [email protected] Investigamos el efecto de varias concentraciones (0,0-5,0 ppm) de Received: 13 February 2020 cadmio (Cd) en la capacidad de regeneración; las características Accepted: 20 July 2020 morfológicas y la acumulación de Cd en los esquejes de tallo de la Published on-line: 4 December 2020 verdura de hoja Talinum portulacifolium cultivada en cultivo hidro- pónico. El Cd retrasó la brotación de los esquejes en un 7%, la ca- llosidad en un 8% y el enraizamiento en un 38%. Las diferentes concentraciones de Cd afectaron significativamente a los pesos fresco y seco de las partes de la planta, excepto las raíces. La acumulación de Cd fue mayor en los tallos que en las hojas (2,22 vs 0,57 ppm). El índice de tolerancia calculado osciló entre el 59% y el 88%. Basándose en las observaciones, se concluyó que el Cd interfiere con la regeneración de los esquejes de tallo de T. portu- lacifolium e implica preocupación sobre el consumo y el uso tera- péutico de esta hortaliza de hoja que crece en suelos contamina- dos. Palabras clave: Callo; Crecimiento; Metales pesados; Hidropónico; Enraizamineto; Índice de tolerancia. Abstract We investigated the effect of various concentrations (0.0-5.0 ppm) of cadmium (Cd) on the regeneration ability; morphological charac- teristics and Cd accumulation in the leafy vegetable Talinum portu- lacifolium stem cuttings grown in hydroponic culture. Cd delayed sprouting of stem cuttings by 7%, callusing by 8% and rooting by 38%. Different Cd concentrations significantly affected fresh and dry weight of plant parts except roots. Accumulation of Cd was more in the stems than in leaves (2.22 vs 0.57 ppm). The calcu- lated tolerance index ranged from 59% to 88%. Based on the ob- servations it was concluded that Cd interferes with the regeneration of T. portulacifolium stem cuttings and imply concerns on the con- sumption and therapeutic use of this leafy vegetable growing on polluted soils. Key words: Callus; Growth; Heavy Metals; Hydroponics; Rooting; Tolerance index. 148 T. Muthukumar & S. Dinesh-Babu Anales de Biología 42, 2020 Introduction plant growth and the duration of the experiments but also lowers the space required for carrying the Pollution of natural resources like water and soil experiment. Other advantages of hydroponics by heavy metals (HMs) is a major concern for include maneuverability due to the distinct char- plant and human health because of their longtime acteristics of the liquid medium, easy observation persistent effect in the environment. HMs is one of the intact root system and undisturbed monitor- of the most dangerous environmental pollutants as ing of changes in the root zones (Zhi-xin et al. most of these HMs are toxic even at very low con- 2007). The bioavailability of an HM in the soil is centrations. Pollution of the environment by toxic mainly affected by the total content of other HMs HMs has undisputedly become an issue of world- in the soil, chemical and physical properties of the wide concern after industrialization due to its soil and also the plant species (Shahid et al. toxic and long lasting effects (Friberg et al. 2019). 2016). So in order to get a clear understanding of Humans are directly exposed to HMs due to the the effects of a particular HM, researchers have consumption of crops and vegetables grown on focused their attention on the hydroponic system HM contaminated soils and even ground water are (McBride et al. 2016, Wang et al. 2016). Hydro- contaminated with HMs (Jackson & Alloway ponics help to understand the direct and exact 2017). effect of Cd or other HMs on plants as there is no Among the various HMs that pollute the envi- interference from other soil factors. Moreover, we ronment cadmium (Cd) with no known biological will also have an idea on the ability of plants in function is toxic for both plants and humans absorbing, concentrating or precipitating toxic (Jackson & Alloway 2017, Shahid et al. 2016). metals from polluted effluents (Dushenkov et al. Low concentrations of Cd occurs naturally in the 1995). soil and Cd originating from metal industry, plas- Talinum Adans, belonging to the plant family tics, sewage and phosphate fertilizers increases Portulaceae, consists of herbaceous succulent the presence of this HM in the soil (Shahid et al. plants. The leaves of several Talinum species are 2016). The high mobility of Cd in the soil renders edible and are widely cultivated in tropical it 2 to 20 times more toxic than other HMs regions. The genus Talinum consists of 15 species (Friberg et al. 2019, Khan et al. 2017). Even at of which five occur in India (Swarna et al. 2015). low concentrations, Cd can negatively affect plant Talinum species like Talinum fruticosum (L.) growth, metabolism of sugars, assimilation of sul- Juss. (Adefemi et al. 2012, Babyemi et al. 2017, phate and activities of different enzymes (Shahid Ebong et al. 2018, Kumar & Prasad 2015), Tal- et al. 2016) and cellular activities like cell prolif- inum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. (de Souza et al. eration and their differentiation in humans and 2018) and Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.) animals (He et al. 2017, Waisberg 2003). In India, Asch. ex Schweinf. (Sekhar et al. 2007) were soils and ground water affected by various anthro- examined for their ability to accumulate or toler- pogenic activities have Cd concentrations of 12.8- ate different HMs. 90.0 mg/kg and 40-280 µg/L respectively (Kubier In the present study, the model plant T. portu- et al. 2019). lacifolium Asch. ex Schweinf., is an erect under- De-contamination of Cd from soils is receiving shrub and the leaves of this plant are cooked and increasing attention from the public as well as consumed as a vegetable or used raw in salads governmental bodies, particularly in developing (Jansen 2004, Nair & Henry 1983). Moreover, the countries (Khan et al. 2017). Plant based tech- leaves of this plant are also used for treating eye nologies are applicable for removing HMs from diseases; roots are used for curing cough and gon- areas of low concentrations with shallow soils and orrhea and the whole plant is believed to possess water, although longer treatment time may be aphrodisiac properties and relieve constipation required (Clemens et al. 2013). However, when (Jansen 2004). In India, T. portulacifolium is using a plant based system it is important to found in Assam, Western and North-Western understand the toxic effects of Cd on the plants India, and Peninsular India (Nair & Henry 1983, and also the ability of plants to grow or regenerate Sankara Rao et al. 2019). Further T. portu- in such toxic environments. lacifolium is popularly propagated through stem Hydroponics not only reduces the period of cuttings for cultivation in home gardens and Anales de Biología 42, 2020 Cadmium influence in Talinum portulacifolium regeneration 149 Kumar and Prasad (2010) suggested that this plant Preparation of the Cd solution species in hydroponic media could serve as a tool The concentrations of Cd used in the present to study various aspects of environmental pollu- study was based on a trial run where stem cuttings tion. As a multiutility plant, the influence of Cd on of T. portulacifolium were grown in a wide range the regeneration of T. portulacifolium and its effi- of Cd spiked nutrient solutions (0, 5, 10, 15 and cacy to accumulate the heavy metal would enable 20 ppm) for 20 days. As the stem cuttings raised us to understand the risks associated with the col- in Cd concentrations beyond 5.0 ppm failed to de- lection and consumption of this leafy vegetable velop and even cuttings raised in this Cd concen- from Cd contaminated/rich soils. Therefore, in tration exhibited toxicity symptoms like browning this study, we focused on the effect of different and reduced regeneration. Hence the Cd concen- concentrations of Cd on the regeneration and mor- trations for the present study were fixed between phological characteristics of T. portulacifolium. In 0 and 5.0 ppm. Cadmium chloride (CdCl ) formed addition, the ability of T. portulacifolium to accu- 2 the sources of Cd and the solution containing Cd mulate Cd from the hydroponic solution without was prepared by dissolving known quantities of the interference of other soil factors was also CdCl in Hoagland nutrient solution. Required examined. 2 concentrations (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 ppm) of Cd was prepared individually Material and methods by diluting the stock solution (1000 ppm; 2.036 g of CdCl2 in 1L) using Hoagland nutrient solutions. Plant material and experimental design The treatments are hereafter coded as Cd0.0, Herbaceous stem cuttings (~120 mm long and ~10 Cd0.5, Cd1.0, Cd1.5, Cd2.0, Cd2.5, Cd3.0, Cd3.5, mm thick) of T. portulacifolium were collected Cd4.0, Cd4.5 and Cd5.0. Hoagland nutrient solu- from plants growing in pots containing uncontam- tion without CdCl2 (0.0 ppm) served as the inated Alfisol soil at Bharathiar University Cam- medium for growth of control plants. pus (11º2'20.4792''N, 76º52'35.1084''E), Coimbat- Plant growth measurements and harvest ore, India.
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