THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IS UNION CWNTY fylsECOND YEAR—No. 5 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, OCTOBER 11, 1951= Published Every Thursday 30 P»t••—» Cmta irough Takes Young Women of the West field YWCA [Ranks Closed Columbus Day cond Step To Local banks will be closed all Council Appoints day tomorrow in observance of Columbus Day. Town offices in Juild Sewers the Municipal Building also will be closed, The Public Library will To Advertise remain open all day. Superior Officers For Bids On Adult School Colonial Homes Group Park Section Plans Fall Meeting Name Captain, MOUNTAINSIDE—The Mayor Registers 650 The fall meeting ot the Colonia1 md Council took the second step Homes Association will be held in Lieutenant On n the path toward acquisition of First Classes the YMCA Monday evening. unitary sewera for the borough Thc committee on constitution Police Force 'uesday night when they author- Held Monday and by-laws, appointed last April led Clerk Kobert La;ns? to && will report. This committee has ertise for bids on Contract Two, More than 050 people have been at work all summer and will A police department post vacint Hillary trunk sewers for the signed up for the fall semester of submit a complete revision for 14 years was filled Monday night ;cho Lake Park section. The the Westfield Adult School which consideration. when the Town Council appointed esolution calls for opening the started Monday night. Approxi- Edward Van Winkle, president Lieut. George S. Wragg a captain ids at an adjourned meeting mately 60 people registered on of the association, has requested on the force. The new captain low 1. • opening night. that members bring to the meeting becomes the first officer of that Courses completely filled include new property owners who have rank since the retirement of Capt According to the plans and Edward Nelson in 1937. pacifications, the second section " Modern Dance," Piaiioranging, JACK I. CAMILLO moved into the area during tho I trunk sewers is to come through Intermediate," and "Tailoring". pust yetir. The association now has In another Police Department cho Lake Park and join those It is still possible to enroll next 268 potential members with a book reorganization move, the Council ow under contract of construc- Monday for any of the remaining Campaign Names vnlue of real estate of over three promoted Sgt. Albert Hann to km in Kenilworth and Cranfovd. courses. Single admissions may be million dollars and a tax: ratable lieutenant. Naming of the new obtained at the main office for of one and a half million, superior officer is a follow-up by he Cpuncll also passed resolu- "Westfield Leaders in Major In- ions seeking approval of »thls Division Leaders Council of the appointment of dustries" and "The U in U. N." Albert Pfirrmann as police chief tcond section by the Union Coun- for $1 per program. Single admis- i Park Commission, the State two weeks ago to succeed retired sions for the "Psychology of Hu- Camillo Heads Points Out Needs Chief John R. Schreiber. Addl-, loard of Health and the water n.an Relations" may be purchased tional promotions reported will be olicy division of the Department for $1.50. Business Group made later. f Conservation and Economic Otto G. Lindberg, president, Of Government levelopment. General Drafting Co., Inc., will Two major developments in Captain Wragg, 45, was ap- An amendment to the zoning lecture on "How Your Iioad Map United Campaign structure were Rotitriaits Hear pointed to tho department April idinance covering restrictions on Is Made" in "Westfield Leaders in announced this week by Carlton 1, 1931. He was made a sergeant it sizes was passed on first read- Major Industries," which has at- II. Bunker, general chairman. County Clerk In 1040 and a lieutenant Jan. 1, lg The residence A and B tracted more than 50 people. "The Jack J. Cnmillo, local attorney, I960. He resides at 1083 Rahway lies arc now limited to 16,000 This photognph, Ulun Uit week at the Weitfield Young Women's Christian Association, shows two U in U. N." will present Roberto has assumed the chairmanship of "People must take an actvle raiue. quavc feet, with a minimum of of the "young women" who are enrolled in activities there. Kendueles, public information offi- the Westfield business division. part in representative govern- Lieutenant Hann, 52, joined tho 00 foot frontage. An ordinance cer of the World Health Organiza- Mr. Camillo, long active in civic ment," Henry G. Nulton, Union force 27 years ago. and was mida howing this change waa passed Westfield Rescue Squad tion, who will speak on ''"What's affairs, is the present commander County clerk since 1036, told a detective in 1040 and a sergeant first reading at the last Coun- W.H.O. To You?" of the local American Legion post. members of the Westfield and In 1941. He will be in charge of il meeting but has been super- Women Of All Ages Offered Seeks New Members The lecture topic of Dr. Grif- Assisting Mr. Camillo, as team !ranford Rotary Clubs Tuesday he detective bureau, succeeding i«led by Tuesday night's change fith W. Williams in "Pnychology captains, will be: RoBort Barrett, at their joint meeting in the West- jicut. George Morton whose re.. rtiich includes a statement allow- The Westfield Rescue Squad un- realtor; Al Burse of Martin's Toy field YMCA. tirement was approved by tho i\g the Planning Board to make Varied Program By YWCA der the direction of Captain Erv- (Continued on Pago 2) Store; Irvine Johnstone, Jr., local "Somowhore along the lino," he ouncil at its last meeting two lime change if members deem it ing Arundale, 723 Clark street, attorney and William G. Grander said, "someone has sold us a bill weeks ago. The new lieutenant lecessary. Second hearing* on "Young women", according ,to group which has distinguished it- Wcstfleld, announced today a drive of William G. Grander, Inc. water- of goods that we arc a democ- esjdcs »t 400 Birch lace. his ordinance will be held Nov. 13 Mrs. Chas. E. Morrell, Westfield self in many aquatic events. Tecn- for volunteers for membership, Ladies Day Out proofing products. racy. But," he urged, "repeat in Council passed oh first reading U:o passed Tuesday night and YWCA president, "are not thought ago club members now nmber 400, Active holders of American Red "We are relying on the local your minds tho pledge of alleg- an ordinance setting; the annual ield for second hearing on the of here in terms of the number of with a varied program planned ac- standard, advanced and instructor businessmen to come through in iance to the flag and note that salary of the police chief at 15,200. was an ordinance vacating years they have lived, but rather cording to the expressed desires of certificates arc eligible for active Sets Classes their usual fine fashion by helping wo did not pledge to a democracy Final hearing is scheduled for Oct. itrvard parkway, a paper street in terms of the growth and pleas- the girls themselves, membership at once. the community rqach its goal in but to a republic." 22. The starting salary of a police n the Echo Lake Estates section. ure each year can bring. The por tj,e young' business girls First aid training classes are Classes and hobby groups in this campaign their support He went on to define a democ- chief was fixed about 20 years ago Council approved the apportion- pre-schoolers, the pigtail crowd, wh0 flnd themselves missing thc being organized as required. sports, homemaking and a variety has always been a prime factor racy ns a place where the rights at $4,400 for the first three-year unt of $7127.28 in assessments the teen-agers, the business girls, natural opportunities for recrea- Application for membership can of cultural interests were organ- in the success of the United Cam- of men are recognized, such as period. Thc figure was left un- « property owners affected by the housewives, and thc 'retired' t(on' whtch they knew m their be made either at the American ized at the first fall mooting oi paign." | England where, however, thc bur-changed when a new police ordin* |ejjvjng of Virginia avenue, and housewives in our Tuesday Friend- Bchool daySr the YWCA offers it Red Cross Headquarters, Elm Ladies Day Out Tuesday morning den of governing falls upon those street or any evening at the Wpst- These bu8iness|nen who have ance was written about a year isiinSjlateiT"''' the ' assessment ship _ Club—they are all 'younf; program, of - 1'futi after 4ve!! %t.the-W58»tneld YWCA. .4.cofEeo taken these important positions few people who are not chosen ago. ...... ., women' for whom the YWCA pro- Thursday evenings will belong to 'TfflJi^ Headquarters on North hour at 9:30 a. m,, during which Mmufaion for its work. This In the campaign organization are representatives of everyone. Ho A petition, protesting "ever In- vides an opportunity to build new tho business girls this year, Mrs. the general business of the meet- indicative of the high level of denned a republic as being self- creasing truck traffic" on North ta consisted of Wilton interests and new friendships." | Morrell said, and a wider range ing was conducted under the chair- ffovernmont in addition to recog- R Uniting, Thomas Hyde and workers throughout Jthc entire and South Euclid avenues and Although full (ledger YWCA' of activities will available. By manship of Mrs. Frank Horn, was nizing the rights of fellow men.
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