,, ', ·.· .• \. ,· .._' ' . .I . Magnolia ; ... ', Copeland :"' Queen Chosen ' . , . Takes Over I '. ··n· ·,. I (See Page 5) ' I~ , at Bursar Post ·"e~·.,~ e~: 4iiue 1~U& M~" Volumne XXXVII, Number 13 Wake Forest, N; c.. ·M:onday, February 4, 1952 Telephone 4056 ' * * * . ' ·· Copela·nd Elevated· Di_sputed.Council V~Je kel{'ious Emphasis Program Opens ·' . 'T.... .. p· . o· r·· ·:a·. I '. .· . Uphel~; Rule ~ha·~ge ··· (). ost . · urs~r ,Drafted for Ahoskie Native Is Also Seminars ·Will Be Conductedr ' Secretary· To Board Revision Of· Constitution · Of'Trustees :Would.Charige Defini­ By Haworth, Humber, Pearce tion of Ple.dg~ Work 'I Worth' Oo'peilmd was: elected' bursar .and secretary of Wake 'For­ . .The ~ecutive cOmmittee of the 'Beliefs That Matter' And "Christian In Politics" ' est· cOllege by .tqe Exej:utive Com· Faculty has upheld the controve~ial .mittee of the Board of. TrusteRS. at . ·decision of· the Student Council ac­ Are This Week's Topics; 'Christian Marriage' a special :meeting last WeJ!k; C~pe·. IJ~~~:~ ·four.· students of cheating Talks Scheduled February 18-20 ' .~· land succeeds the late E. ·lB. Earn­ ll 'before exam period; .it was shaw, who' served i~ these c~;~~~~~ disclosed last week. ' . for 46 years, assisted by ( The annual Religious Emphasis Program sponsored by the Baptist Student Union will begin today when Dr. Swan Ha­ ·\ durlrig the la:;t five_ ~ars .. 32-year-old bursar. is, ·the son worth addresses the entire Student Body during the regular · ;Mr. and· Mrs. A. Lee Copeland Chapel period. The first two of a series of simultaneous semin­ .Ahoskie ..He was graduated magna cum,'laude. from Wake Forest in ars will be held tonight. Another series will follow in· two 1939 and received his master's de-. weeks. gree !D. 1941. · - The .accused stud~nts: ~er~ alleg..; Dr. Haworth, pastor of the First 'e a't... Wak·e ForeSt Cope.Jtind edly acquitted because.:the work Baptist Church in •Lumberton, and Whil on which they had collaborated wa.S Dr. ·Robert Lee Humber, Interna­ was a member of Kappa Phi nri.t specifically de8ignatecfas predge _ _2~~~~~~~~~~~-l--~~~~~~~~~-- tionally known advocate of world pa, national honorary edlllCa>tion · the constitution. defines. such · Spring Totals federation, will lead seminars Mon­ fraternity. and was an ass.lStl~n'& as .exams. quiZzes and that so Th ... .··.. .. .. ·· S . PI day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this week In the Music-Religion ~~~ee ~!~~S~~De~~~tmalen;l.:Jta.Wlt:•U.J . desig~~~~~b\v~~~p~<:!~~fued ' ..· eat . .j .· 5.. e1ects .pr1ng:· ay Building. an outStanding math student. · -------------- At the same time the Legislature, Reach l,348 ' Ta:oght Math HeJ,"e . in its current revision of the Con- · !Mrs. J. Winston !Pearce· will come 9 0 to the campus February 18-20 to • Registration. Off Nine lead the second portion of the Em­ alF!fa~ !~ i:t~~~rthi~;n;:e ~~ Wake 'forest Students :s~~:\oc~~~~ ..mew~~~trs~:fis~~ C·a. st,·· .. c&·o· ·o· ses New Leaders phasis program. Mrs. Pearce will Department. During World War II regarded as pledge work unless oth- Per Cent From .conduct a seminar entitled "Youth Copeland wa:; in the Navy for four 66aS Per Cent ·Above erw!Se designated ·by the' professor." . ;'I years. He was an instructor at the This change ,along with Breeden, · Swain Take Fall Term Looks at Christian Marriage." , · Navy School at Columbia ·Unlversi- made by the Legislature last se- . -· · · Bill Waddell Becomes !Dr. Haworth's seminar, "Beliefs ty and served on·· various staffs, Bloodm·' Obl"le· Quo· fa mester, wlll be included in ·the re- Leads In; /'Lady's President, Swain Is By L. M. WRIGHT JR. That Matter," will meet in the Lit­ both at sea and on shore. vised constitution when it comes up Registration at Wake.Forest Col· tle Chapel at 7 o'clock each night I Not For .. Bnrnm· g" during the three-day session. Ken­ When he. returned to Wake For. for the vote of the Student Body r;-- Vice President lege took another drop this semes­ , · ht 1 · the !M th · By L. M. WRIGHT JR. · in the near future. · · ' neth Bridges will be student con·· est, he again taug · n . a Wake Forest College students do- . By IDA .KAY}.JORDAN . Bill Waddell, senior from Galax, ter, according to the 1,348 total re· venor. Department. · In ·194.6 Jl.e. was ap- nated 333 pints of blood to the !After upholding the council de- Bob swain, junld~ from Atlsnta, va., was elected president of the leased last week by Registrar Grady <Dr. Humber's seminar, "The pointed assistant to .the·bursar and American 'Red, Cross when the clsion, ·the Executive Committee re- Ga., and Luanna .. ·iBreeden, senior College Theatre Thursday night at S. ·Patterson. The figure is incom· Christian in Politics," will meet in low- secretary and held that position un- Bloodmobile Unit visited the camp' I~ased the following statement: from !Rutherfordtoii, will portray the first meeting of the group for the Recreation !Room of the Music­ til his recent appointment as full us Monday, January 1'4. ~ quota of the lead roles in ~e forthcoming the spring semester. plete, however, and some late regis­ Religion Building at 7 o'clock each ·bUrsar and secretary. 200 Pil\ts had been established for "In the light of all the facts in 'College Theatre production of chris- Bob swain, junior from Atlanta, trants are expected to boost the fig­ night with Dan Fagg as student gers. Sports Fan unit's visit. Donations exceeded the case, tlle Executive 'Committee topher Frye's "The ~Lildy's Not For Ga., will be vice·president, and ure slightly. convenor. Dr. Humber will address "I Copeland is one of the four m:em.- the quota by 1·33 pints or 66.5%. of the Faculty does not feel that it Burning." - .; Eleanor Geer, sophomore from the Student Body during Chapel ours· The 1,348' total represents a nine with bers of the faculty conimlttee for would be justified in overriding the swain will play the part of Them- Boone, will be secretary. Betty Hoi- Wednesday. publications as well as a member The visit was the first made to decision of the Student Council." as Mendlp, a disCharged soldier, liday, sophomore from Enfield, as per cent loss in the 1,473 registra­ !Both the spea:kers will ·be avail­ ~}·'re of the Concert•Lecture Committee the Wake Forest campus in recent ·~t:udents Vote ~n and Miss ~reeden. \las the part of historian will round out the slate tion listed for the fall semester. able for private conferences and as lOW( and the scholarship commitl;ee. year5:.It was ,SP,9J:¥1Qrfd by the Stu- The diSpute ov.er the mterpreta- Jannet JourdemaYJie. : of officers for the spring semester. discussion leaders in the classroom. dent Government.· Bob Loftis served tion of ·the Constitution and tl!,e ac- other members·· of the cast are Registrar Patterson stated that Dr. Haworth, who ·became pastor !An avid sports fan, he follows all as chairman of the special commit- quittal of the four students ·brought Bill Satterwhite... as· 'Richard an In addition to holding elections, the figure had not dropped quite as of the Lumberton First Baptist the athletic .events of the College tee ·which arranged the details and sudden postponement of :>t~dent orphaned . 'clerk;. Ellene . Holbrook, the Theatre group adopted a new driv·· much as had been expected. No church in November, is a 1927 grad­ teams. In 1949 he went with the obtained pledges. · voting on the document, or1gmally sophomore' froin· Albemarle;· as Ali- point system which will credit each uate of Wake Forest College. He ~uto- baseball team to Wichita for. the 377 Volunteer. scheduled for January 15. A new zon !Eliot; Jim Abernathy, sopha-· person who works in a specific po- breakdown of the figure was avail­ lion served as a trustee of the Baptist natlonal ba:;eball· tournament. One Actually, 348 students pledged to date· for the student vote has still ·more·from Winston-salem, as Hum- sition on any p~oductlon with varied able last week, because, as Patterson Theological seminary for ten years local. observer said that "whenever give 'blood. But. during the six"hour not been set, as ·the Executive Com- phrey · Devize· · and Mitch Ra:bil amounts of pomts until he has ac. said, "I've been so busy writing to and as a member of the Executive and. wherever Wake Forest is, stay of the unit a total of 3'17 turn- mittee hEJ,S recalled the Constitution junior ·from Maxton as· Nichola~ cumulated 40 points, which is the draft boards, I've hardly had time Board of Mississippi Baptist for.four ~R! there's .worll~: Copeland giying full ed up to make 'voluntary donations for further·sttidy of. Article 13, re- 'Devize . --.; ' . ,.- minimum number necessary for full years. support." · ' · ' · of· :blood. '·OnlY. 333 ·Pints-: were .. tak• Iating··to ·rules of conduct. HoweveJ:, .. _, The:~-:remiDn.der :~; tlk·. cast -.in- _memb.eJ:'Ship in t]}e group,. ~o keep. the running total" en, hO\Y!lver, slilce. the unit. had · Student· Body president.. 1· · · • '" '.r ., .- ~ . ~ • • . 'Dr. Haworth received his Th.M ma. d e. preparat ions for .receiving sar'd a 11 revsi I ens . s h ould prob' - ·'cOXford udes Pat.as Banks,Margaret sophomore. Devize· fromJim Waddell IS' currently· di'rect!'ng the · Lowest Since 1945' - and. his-''Th.D '.from the ·Southern j· Of the 1,348 total, 93 are regis­ Baptist· Theological seminary. For more than that amount. ,. a:bly be completed in time for a vote Taylor,' freshman from Snovi Hill prod~ctl~~ of "The La?y's No~ For four years ·he served as pastor of sometime next week.
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