E664 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 17, 2021 the new challenges, and strengthening the critical to continue this investment in FY22. and Col. Puckett radioed in an artillery strike contacts between the two communities as It will be the next step in a series of positive to stop the enemy’s advance. Over the course conducive to reunification, in a way agreed developments since the Statement of Intent of six brutal enemy attacks, Colonel Puckett to between the United States and Cyprus. that the U.S. and Republic of Cyprus signed incurred severe wounds on his left shoulder, The last UN-led attempt, which took place in November 2018. Since then, Cyprus has as- in Crans-Montana in 2017, aimed to achieve a signed a defense attache´ to the Embassy in feet, thighs, and buttocks. Although severely just and viable solution to the near 47-year Washington, the Cyprus Center for Land, injured, he was still able to command his com- division of the Republic of Cyprus, ended Open-Seas, and Port Security (CYCLOPS), pany and call on artillery to avert enemy at- without reaching an agreement because of an innovative security site that has been tacks, before being carried to safety by two of Turkish intransigence. Instead of helping to partially funded by the U.S., is scheduled to his troops. provide stability by promoting a just settle- begin operations in January 2022; and the Colonel Puckett was originally awarded the ment supported by both Greek Cypriot and U.S. implemented a partial lifting of an arms Distinguished Service Cross for his actions at Turkish Cypriot communities, Turkey con- prohibition on Cyprus. The U.S. must fully tinued to insist on antiquated and obstruc- Hill 205, but John Lock, a retired U.S. Army and permanently lift its arms prohibition on officer, and assistant professor at the U.S. tive stances, such as its insistence to main- Cyprus and remove Cyprus from the list of tain the Treaty of Guarantee with a right of countries to which arms sales are prohibited Military Academy, discovered Colonel future unilateral Turkish military interven- under International Traffic in Arms Regula- Puckett’s story and believed it met the criteria tion. tions (ITAR) and calls for appropriations to be awarded our nation’s most prestigious More recently, during the latest 5+1 infor- language to direct this of the U.S. Depart- military award, the Medal of Honor. In 2003, mal meeting in Geneva at the end of April ment of State. Mr. Lock began the strenuous process to have 2021, aiming to assess whether there was suf- The IMET program advances the profes- Colonel Puckett’s initial award upgraded to the ficient common ground for the resumption of sional military education of the Greek and Medal of Honor. After being met with unfore- the negotiations, Turkey fundamentally Cypriot Armed Forces. It enhances inter- changed its official position on the form of seen opposition, Lock submitted a petition for operability with U.S. forces, and in Greece’s an upgrade to the Army Award Corrections settlement of the Cyprus problem, insisting case, NATO forces. Through the training of on a ‘‘two-state-solution’’ to solidify its oc- Greek and Cypriot military and noncommis- Board. In 2020, the petition for Colonel cupation of the island, contrary to UN Secu- sioned officers in a multitude of professional Puckett was approved, and on Friday, May 21, rity Council resolutions and the stated posi- military education and technical courses in 2021, Colonel Puckett was awarded the Medal tion of the United States government. the U.S., IMET offers strong U.S.-Greece and of Honor by President Joseph R. Biden for his Furthermore, Turkey hinders the humani- U.S.-Republic of Cyprus mil-to-mil relations. valiant and commendable service to his Na- tarian work of the Committee on Missing It is an effective and wise investment toward Persons (a previous recipient of USAID sup- tion. a key component of U.S. security assistance. port) by denying access to areas under its oc- During his 22-year career, Colonel Puckett It also helps the U.S. because it contributes cupation, including Turkish military zones, received several illustrious awards and com- toward the strengthening of U.S. security in- in order to excavate for the remains of 996 mendations for his outstanding leadership and terests in an important part of the world by Cypriots still missing (including four U.S. training and promoting the heroic actions in the line of duty and on behalf citizens) following the Turkish invasion of professionalization of the Greek and Cypriot of his fellow servicemen. To date, he has re- Cyprus in 1974. Armed Forces. ceived the Distinguished Service Cross twice, Congress should call on Ankara to con- Thank you for the opportunity to present along with two Silver Stars for valor, two structively support the reunification efforts, them in our written testimony to the House. in accordance with the UN Security Council Bronze Star Medals, and five Purple Hearts. Resolutions calling for a bizonal, f Similarly, in 1992, he became one of the first bicommunal federation, as well as for a solu- people to be inducted into the U.S. Army tion that embodies the full respect of the IN HONOR OF COLONEL RALPH Ranger Hall of Fame. principles and laws of the European Union, PUCKETT, JR., USA (RET.) Former Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm of which Cyprus is a member state. The new once said that ‘‘Service is the rent that we pay state of affairs ought lo safeguard that a re- for the space that we occupy here on this unified Cyprus would have a single inter- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. OF GEORGIA earth.’’ As one of our nation’s most decorated national legal personality, a single sov- military heroes, Colonel Puckett has paid his ereignty and a single citizenship. Finally, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rent many times over and continued to give a AHI welcomed Secretary of State Antony Thursday, June 17, 2021 Blinken’s testimony to the House Committee prodigious amount of love and service back to on Foreign Affairs on March 10, 2021, where Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I his community following his military service. he stated ‘‘American diplomacy will be fully rise today to extend my personal congratula- As a retiree, Colonel Puckett has remained engaged’’ on the issue of a Cyprus settle- tions to an extraordinary man, leader, soldier, actively involved with military affairs, including ment. veteran, and true national treasure, Colonel as a volunteer with the Ranger Brigade as AHI is also concerned with energy secu- well as serving as an executive with Outward rity. AHI contends the U.S. must continue to Ralph Puckett, Jr. USA (ret.). On Friday, May support the sovereign rights of the Republic 21, 2021, Colonel Puckett was awarded the Bound, a nonprofit educational organization of Cyprus to explore and develop the re- Medal of Honor, our Nation’s most prestigious that exposes students, especially those from sources within its EEZ free of any third- military award, by President Joseph R. Biden cities, to wilderness settings. party interference and to underscore the im- for his valiant and commendable service to his Colonel Puckett has accomplished many portance of avoiding any actions that esca- nation. A dinner congratulating him on this things in his life, but none of these would have late tension. As mentioned, Turkey’s threats momentous achievement will be held at The been possible without the grace of God, and in Cyprus’ EEZ endanger U.S. companies. In National Infantry Museum in Columbus, Geor- the enduring love and support of his wife, addition, Turkey’s illegal actions in Cyprus’ gia on Friday, June 18, 2021 at 6pm. Jean; and their children, Martha and Thomas. EEZ raise tensions and security concerns, Madam Speaker, today I ask my colleagues hindering any real chance for the resumption Before receiving this momentous honor, the of settlement talks. Tifton, Georgia native had already established to join my wife, Vivian, and me, along with the International Military Education & Train- an impressive career in the U.S. military. Colo- more than 730,000 residents of Georgia’s ing (IMET)—Greece and Cyprus. AHI rec- nel Ralph Puckett, Jr. graduated from the U.S. Second Congressional District, in recognizing ommends FY2022 funding for Greece’s IMET Military Academy at West Point in 1949. As- and commending Colonel Ralph Puckett, Jr. program at $1.5 million and the Republic of signed as an Infantry Lieutenant to occupation USA (ret.) on receiving the prestigious Medal Cyprus’s IMET program at $500,000. The rec- duty in Japan, he volunteered for the Eighth of Honor and his lifetime of service to his com- ommended funding levels are in line with the munity and his nation. authorization of appropriations passed in U.S. Army Ranger Company when the Korean The Eastern Mediterranean Security and En- War began. On November 25, 1950, the then- f ergy Partnership Act. For Greece, the coun- First Lieutenant began a multiday operation REMEMBERING REVEREND try experienced 11 fiscal years (FY2006– with the Eighth Army Ranger Company, a DOCTOR MARCUS GARVEY WOOD FY2017) of a steady decline of its IMET fund- company of 51 U.S. and nine South Korean ing levels. It resulted in the drastic decrease soldiers, against a plethora of Chinese troops in the number of Greek military students on Hill 205. During the initial daylight assault, HON. KWEISI MFUME participating in the program. An investment OF MARYLAND Colonel Puckett exposed himself to enemy of $1.5 million in FY22 will help address that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fire, rallying pinned down U.S.
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