rn Packaging your ADM Jeremy .. Sa, Chief of Naval Operations From Seaman to CNO, 1956 photo D 4”r Any dayin the Navv J May 18,1994, is just like any other day in the Navy, butwe want you to photograph it. 0th amateur and professional civilian and military photographers are askedto record what's happening on their ship or installa- tion on Wednesday, May 18, 1994, for a special photo featureto appear in theOc- tober edition ofAll Hands magazine. We need photos that tell a story and capture fac-the es of sailors, Marines, their families and naval employ- ees. We're looking for imagination and creativity- posed shots will be screenedout. Shoot what is uniqueto your ship or installation, something you may see everyday but others may never get the opportunityto experience. formation. This includes full name, rank and duty sta- We're looking for the best photos from the field, for a tion of the photographer; the names and hometowns worldwide representation of what makes theNavy what of identifiable people in the photos; details on what's it is. happening in the photo; and where the photo tak- was Be creative. Use different lenses - wide angle and en. Captions must be attached individuallyto each pho- telephoto -to give an ordinaryphoto afresh look. Shoot to or slide. Photos must be processed and received by from different angles and don't be afraid to bend those All Hands by June 18, 1994. Photos will not be re- knees. Experiment with silhouettes and time-exposed turned. shots. Our mailing address is: Naval Media Center, Pub- Accept the challenge! lishing Division, AlTN: All Hands, Naval Station Ana- Photos must be shot in the 24-hour period of May costia, Bldg. 168, 2701 S. Capitol St. S.W., Washing- 18. Submit processed color slides; black and white neg-ton, D.C. 203743080, Questions may be addressed atives; or 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 color or black and white prints.to PHC(AW) Joseph Dorey or J02(AW) Laurie Butler at Photos should be printed for magazine quality. DSN 288-41 95or 202-433-4209. Submissions must include full credit and cutline in- ""~""""""""-------- F Y- F Y- F Y- Y- Y- F Y- F Y- F Xerox this form and attach a completedcopy to each photo you submit Photographer's Full Name: Rank: Duty Station (include mailing address and phone number): Photograph Title: Caption (what the photo depicts): People in the photo (include first and last names, rankdratings, warfare designators and hometowns): MAY 1994 NUMBER 925 PERSONNEL LIBERTY CALL 4 BuPersNavywide Personnel Survey results 19 “Clear and Present’’ acting 8Combatant assignments for women begin 22Tom’s tomes 24 Journev to Africa TECHNOLOGY TRAlNING/EDUCATION 10 Old gator burns ,.. but doesn’t turn 12 Paperless plan: Trees breathe easier 28 USS Bluejacket has real feel 30 Thelast “R-POC” 32 An academic investment - MGlB COMMUNITY 36 HARP - Planting a seed 40 USS Kitty Hawk - champing at the bit 14 Soothing ruuff edges 44 That’sgotta hurt 2 CHARTHOUSE 27 TAFFRAILTALK 46 BEARINGS 48 SHIPmTES On the Covers Front cover: The new Chiefof Naval Operations ADM JeremyM. Boorda. Insetphoto: PNSA Boorda upon graduation from Personnelman“A School, Class 5B-56, Naval Training Center, San Diego, July 27, 1956. Back cover: Flag bearers from Company 21 5 make the final pass-in-review at RTC San Diego. See story on Page 30. Photo by PH2 M. Clayton Farrington. Next Month: More on ADM Jeremy M. Boorda 1 We're listening at BuPers Would you be int&e&d in extending on Which of the followin educational ser~lcespv~d by ~avy Lmpus ~cesare MOST Important to you? seapayirm#?d%. 44% 29% Nae:EnlistedNHWO;OnIcerN13Y) If youhave usedihe EjUPERS ACCESS How much do you agreeor disagree computer bulletin board, please rate the system. wfth the following statements? 34% ALL HANDS How do youmiatethe quality of each of the Family Support programs/ Navy family support services improve services at your presentduty station? quality of life forme and my family. "Good" or "Mw Good" Enlisted Officer Enlisted Program 199119921993 1991 1992 1993 57 28 01 90 91 92 93 92 91 90 Year I -0- Enlisted +Officer I Overall, I am satisfied with my quality of life. I am satisfied withmy current child care arrangements. 100 I 77 77 63 57 01 I 90 91 92 93 93 9290 91 Year I am gladI chose theNavy over In general,I like thework other organizations. I do in theNavy. 100 86- 87 84 - 83 71 70 71 69 0 90 91 90 92 93 Year 90 9391 92 Enlisted -Officer I Year I Enlisted "Officer I In generalI can afford the things I or my family need@). I think I am adequately paid for thejob I do. 100 I I 100 0 49 01 I 90 91 90 93 90 93 Year Year Enlisted +Officer] f - Enllstea -oftlcer I I 0 MAY 1994 5 I PERSONNEL I would leave theNay at ?heend of my current enlistmenWob lgatlon~fsultable civilian employmentwere available- -c- P z -. ._ . .”” - c le - 0 iI A g re e Disagree Neither Disagree Agree How much do you agreeor disagree with Please rate the IMPORTANCEto you/your the following statements on downsizing? family of each of the following concerns related to base closutrdship decommissioning: “Agree” OT “Strongly Agree” Statement Enlisted Statement Offir Edyseparation will bring finandal problems. Negetiveeffectonqdioflii. If offered financlal lmentive,I would accept Morale Is sufkling. ReRnalsfor job placementare available. Damslzlng will be fair. Mgativeeffecionieadiness. Navy will be capable afknvards. The possibilityof active duty pay caps Spending cuts, downsizing,base closings, and eliminationof cost of living and forced separationdretirernents are: adjustment (COLA) for retirees are: Making Navy career 68 Making Nevy career 62 less attractive. less attractive. , 1 70 1;. 1) I m 4, 42 Making me anxious. Making me anxious. 52 -51 ~ Hurting my morale.-150 49 Hurting my morale. Hurting my effectiveness. 32 Hurting my effectiveness. , ~ 01020304050607080901 0102030405060708090 Percent of Agreement Percent of Agreement I I Enllsted IMllcer I I I Enllned IOttlcer I How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about health promotion programs? What are the mdst important reasons for you to stop using tobacco products? “Aaree” OT “Sbonak Aaree” Not trying 27 31 Expense to me 14 Navy should continue to offer obesity treatment. InconveniencePeer ”“H~~~ r66 , , Know whereto get help forSomeom who is suicidal. Smoke” command Know whereto get help quiltingtobacco. Personal desire cost to non-users ’ I have accessto enough nutrition Other information. 010P3040506070~901I Treatment for obesii is readily available. 4470 52% Percent of Agreement Stress reduction skills are encouraged. 35% 42% I Enllsted IOfflwer I L 6 ALL HANDS The Navy is improving equal opportunity The Navy is improving equal opportunity 100 I loor 7 ~ 77 I "m. - Enlisted White Enlisted Black Enlisted Other Officer white OfficerBlack Officer Other EnlistedMale Enlisted Female Officer Male Officer Female I7 Agree IDisagree INeither A g ree Disagree NeitherDisagreeAgree 0 swrc8: Gfw and Enlisled PersWKld Source: Officer and Enlisted Personnei At my command, recommendations about reenlistment eligibility are fair. Gender discriminationis not tolerated at my command 100 82 80 69 69 60 72% 76% 60 2% 3yo 27% 21% :I - I 404 I I 64% 57% 4% 9% 33% 34% 72% 74% 1% 5% EnlistedMale Enlisted Female Officer Male Officer Female 27?h 21% A g ree Disagree NeitherDisagreec] Agree Source: officer and Enlisted Personnei I understand the Navy's definition of and regulations on fraternization. Racial discrimination is not tolerated at my command 100 I 1 -92 91 92 93 Year EnlistedWhite Enlisted Black EnlistedOther officer White OfficerBlack Officer Other "o- Enlisted "t Officer J a Agree IDisagree INeither SO~m:Mfic~~andEMStglPmnd MAY 1994 Combatant assignments for women begin ssignment of women aboardUS. Navy combat ships Sewing their country fiom the begins by June 1994, pending notification of Con- sea is nothing newto women, gress as required by the FY94 Defense Authorization Bill.A The first record of women Repeal of the Combat Exclusion Law (Section 6015,Title 10, US. Code) potentially opens assigning womento all class- aboard ships dates back to the es of ships. This expanded opportunity ensuresa more equi- table sedshore rotation for all sailors, and provides career War of 18129when they served paths for women that are consistent with those of their male counterparts. as contract nurses, Since then9 “We have been in the process of working through this women’s roles in the US. Navy issue and dealing with it in an effective and professional way,” said Secretary of the Navy John H. Dalton, “andwe’ll contin- have expandedto tenders, ue that into the future as women go aboard combat ves- oifers? &age shlps9rescue sels.” shlps andsupply ships. Women dif that herifage iation Boatswain’s Mat nd Recovery Equipment) ( info the next century - Gunner’s Mate (GM) unner’s Mate (Guns) (GMG) ab~comfM~&o mner’s Mate (Missiles) (GMM Sonar Technician (Surface) (STC ready in the Navy will be allowea to conver t Lothese ratings, and women may now enter these occupationalfields when enli ’ ’ N L 8 CIC USS John Young (DD973) USS Moosbrugger (DD98C USS Barry (DDG52) will rec,..a wor, I r, lnchon (LPH 12) are expected to receivewomen :al ye Plansforfuture assignment: ude two Spruance-classdestro! Arlel lurke lestroyer: Whidbey Island-class doc ships (LHAs and LHDs)in According to Dalton, 400 to 500 women will be aboard embarked as part of the ship’s crew. In addition, the Navy three aircraft carriers by the end of the year. “We will benefit plans to open new ratings consistent with the plans to em- from the experience of having women on board noncomba- bark enlisted women aboard combatant ships.
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