The Teaching of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil: 1930–1970 46 docomomo 49 — 2013/2 docomomo49.indd 46 18/03/14 18:11 he objective of this article is to present the scene which gave rise to the consolidation of the teaching of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil in accordance with the precepts of Modern TArchitecture. Between 1930 and 1970 professional training and practice were intimately re- lated to Brazilian political, social and economic contexts. This fact has led to the structuring of this article into three periods. In the first (1930–1945) the debates concerning the strengthening of the profession that took place. In the second (1945–1960) the courses disassociated themselves from the teaching of the Academies of Fine Arts and the Engineering Schools. In the third (1960–1970), despite the economic growth of the previous decade, the recognition of a Brazilian architecture and the consolidation of the system of teaching based on the precepts of Modern Architecture, Bra- zilian society saw itself turn into a dictatorial political regime. The years 1930 to 1970 were critical in strengthening Brazilian Modern Architecture, as well as being the decades that saw the launch- ing of the basis of a teaching that echoes to the current day. By Ana Maria Reis de Goes Monteiro 1930–1945: The Affirmation of Brazilian ifesto About the Modern Architecture [figure 1], amongst Architecture and of its Teaching according to others, contributed so that the Modern ideas that were the Precepts of Modern Architecture circulating gained followers among professionals and p to the beginning of the 1930s the teaching of students of the subject. To this, add the first visit to Brazil Architecture in Brazil can be divided into three by Le Corbusier (1929) and the teaching reform at the phases. In the first, starting from the middle of ENBA as proposed by Lúcio Costa, which gave rise to the Uth the 17 century, Portugal established Military Academies introduction of the canons of Modern Architecture to the in Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, São Luis, Recife and Belém. teaching of Brazilian architecture. The military engineers trained there were responsible for In 1930 Lúcio Costa, who had already aligned him- religious and civil architectural projects and works and self to the corollary of Modern Architecture, assumed the 47 for the planning out of various cities. In the second, in directorship of the ENBA. He proposed the contracting 1827, the Architecture course was initiated at the Imperial of teachers and professors aligned with the concepts of Academy of Fine Arts (AIBA), in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Modern art, with the aim of developing a suitable Ar- The course, which was unique in the country, followed chitecture course for the machine civilization. From that the French academic model, aiming to create the archi- moment onwards, given that as until then the sources of tect–artist in the service of the Portuguese Court, which inspiration were the Concours d’école and the Concours had been transferred to Brazil in 1808. In the third, the Chénavard of the Paris School of Fine Arts, a different AIBA ceased to exist and the National School of Fine Arts theoretical and project reference came about. Lúcio (ENBA) was created in its place, mirroring the republican Costa intended a reform of teaching that would prepare regime that came into being in 1889. However, during “a School of a technical–scientific education, as far as pos- the first three decades of the 20th century the teaching of sible perfect, and to guide the teaching in to a sense of Architecture was little changed from the now extinct AIBA. a perfect harmony with construction. The classics to be As a counterpoint, 1894 saw the inauguration of the Poly- studied as disciplines, the historic styles as critical orien- technic School of São Paulo, an institution inserted into tation and not for direct application” (Costa, 1995). In a city in the free process of industrialisation. There, there September 1931 Lúcio Costa was released from the role of was no place for the architect–artist, but there certainly Director and disconnected himself from the ENBA. However was for the engineer–architect. his academic proposals had a profound influence on the di- However, from the 1920s onwards, events like the rection of teaching and on Brazilian architectural production. Modern Art Week of 1922, Gregori Warchavchik’s man- It was at that time when the Ministry of Education and Health was inaugurated [figure 2] and which saw the training of Oscar Niemeyer, Carlos Leão, Luiz Nunes, Jorge Moreira, Alcides da Rocha Miranda and Affonso < Figure 1. First Modern house in Brazil. Project by Gregori Warchav- chik, 1927, in São Paulo. Source: Yves Bruand, Arquitetura Contem- Eduardo Reidy [figure 3], names that transformed Brazil- porânea no Brasil, São Paulo, Perspectiva,1981. ian Architecture. The Teaching of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil: 1930–1970 docomomo 49 — 2013/2 docomomo49.indd 47 18/03/14 18:11 In spite of the architects sharing European ideas with respect to art, architecture and society, the Brazilian re- ality was quite distinct. The architects were concerned about their professional affirmation. The times gave rise to the expansion of various urban centers, creating new working opportunities. For an effective answer to be giv- en to these new demands it was necessary that training were specific and autonomous, and that more architects be trained. In this context new courses were opened1 and new strategies drawn up. 1945–1960: the Winning of Autonomy for Architectural Courses as a Reflection of Professional Affirmation It’s a fact that in 1945 [figure 4] the Brazilian Mod- ern Architect had been affirmed in the national field of culture and had won international prestige. However, Ar- chitecture courses still placed themselves in opposition to the precepts of Modern Architecture. At the time the Bra- zilian Institute of Architects presented a series of events which discussed the teaching situation and recommend- ed the creation of new faculties of Architecture within Universities. In 1945, as an outcome of this initiative, the Decree Law nº 7918 talked about the closing of the ENBA Figure 2. Ministry of Education and Health, the current Gustavo Capa- and the creation of the National Faculty of Architecture, nema Palace. Project by Lúcio Costa, Affonso Eduardo Reidy, Carlos whose regulations considered the organization of cours- Leão, Ernani Vasconcelos, Jorge Moreira and Oscar Niemeyer, es of Architecture and Urbanism2 across the entire coun- 48 1936, in Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Hugo Segawa. Source: Sylvia Ficher e Marlene Milan Acayaba, Arquitetura Moderna Brasileira, São Paulo, try, disassociating themselves from Engineering courses. Projeto Editores Associados, 1982. As a consequence of this the Faculties of Architecture and Urbanism at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University and at the University of São Paulo were created in São Paulo, though in a different context to that of the city of Rio de Janeiro. From the second half of the 1950s the academic com- munity proposed the implementation of the Minimum Curriculum for the whole country, based on the profes- sional profile developed by the Modern movement and disassociated from the teaching at the Academies of Fine Arts and Schools of Engineering. The Minimum Curricu- lum, approved in 1962, foresaw that the training of ar- chitects would include broad social actions that would show themselves through Architectural projects. At that time the Urbanism course was incorporated into Archi- tecture courses forming, from then on, the professional Architect and Urbanist. There were various innovative experiments such as those in São Paulo [Figure 5], Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte. In this context the Faculties of Architecture and Urbanism were created at the Federal Figure 3. Social Housing Mayor Mendes de Moraes–Pedregulho. Universities in the States of Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Per- Project by Affonso Eduardo Reidy in collaboration with Francisco nambuco, Paraná, Ceará, and Pará and also at the Uni- Bolonha, 1950–1958, Rio de Janeiro. Source: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Affonso Eduardo Reydy, Rio de Janeiro, So- versity of Brasília and at the Catholic University of Goiás. lar Grandjean de Montigny, 1985. Architecture came to be known as a “total” work of docomomo 49 — 2013/2 The Teaching of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil: 1930–1970 docomomo49.indd 48 18/03/14 18:11 5 art. In this scenario the house and all the everyday ob- jects were subject to being planned. The city came to be expressed as a functional unit in which its functions 6 should be rethought and planned, as it happened in Bra- sília. The argument was about the teaching of architec- tonic projects, rather than architectonic styles, and this necessitated the incorporation of the use of a language more in keeping with the architectonic projects that pre- sented themselves. Allied to such circumstances, political– will transformed Modern Architecture into an opportunity to show the world the modern face of a predominantly agricultural country. 1960–1970: Under the Regime of Exceptions In 1960 Brasilia was inaugurated. Lúcio Costa’s pi- lot plan [figure 6] associated itself with the principles 49 claimed in CIAM, especially in the Athens Letter. His proj- 7 ect expressed a functional rationality that imagined itself Figure 5. Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the State Univer- capable of stimulating the birth of a new man, of a new, sity of São Paulo. Project by João Baptista Vilanova Artigas and fair and harmonious society [figure 7]. Oscar Niemey- Carlos Cascaldi, 1961-1968, São Paulo. Source: Photographic Archive, Vilanova Artigas Foundation. er was charged with planning the institutional buildings [figure 8]. However, despite the concepts and utopias Figure 6. Pilot plan of the Brasilia Project.
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