South Tipperary Senior Football Final Match Programme 1977 CUMANN lUATH..cHLEAS GA!l. CILL SIOLAIN SOIlVENIR PROGRAMME 1952 _ t977 SOUVENIR 1952 PROGRAMME 1977 South Senior Football Final AT KILSHEELAN I I ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 161h I I I KILSHEELAN v. COMMERCIALS I at 3.30 p.m. I Referee: G. Ryan, lattin. I I ---e--- I I PRECEDED BY JUNIOR HURLING LEAGUE FINAL 1976 • I Cahir v. Mullinahone I at 2.15 p.m. I Referee: J. Collins, 5t. Mary's. I I • e I ~ Clar Oifigiuil, 2Op. I -------------------­tPr,nltlf Dy 51&1-.8'0'., CIO!'I"""I DAN CASEY (BUILDER) LTD. BALLYPATRICK, CLONMEL Building & Civil Engineering Contractors Telephone: 052 - 33138 • Carrick-on-Suir 370 ------------------_. CLONMEL FURNISHING CO. LTD. IRISHTOWN, CLONMEL Stockists of - _. - Top Quality Carpets by Leading Manufacturers IMeasuring and Quotations on Request ~URNITURE , A LINE. TROSCAN. OD5AREST. ETC. For, A Better Deal Call to Us at ' lrishtown Phone: 052 - 21254 FAILTE Cead mile faille 6 Chumsnn ILuith Chleas Gael I gCIII Sildln don a gcalrde go h~lr annso Innlu. ellig bllsn Is liche 6 shain, a chulreadh ar bun an cead celm olflgiull, d'oscaJlt na palrce seo. Cuis m6r 6tha8 dulnn I gCiII SlIdln Inniu go bfhull sploraid an G.A.A. go busn agus go laid!r annSa 6 sholn I lellh. Ba mh6 clulche agus folresnn crogs a chonalceamar annSD a chufr cUu agus call ar Chili SHeafn. Mile bulochas 6 chrof on gCumsnn seo do na fir misnhlla a chufr Ius leis an deagh-obair agus do n8 'lads' go 161r a spreag mulntir an pharolste seo chun leamllnt Ie sean-culh;r n8 h·Elreann. eill SlIei'" abu! The Committ€'e of Kilsheelan G.A.A. Club wish to 'extend a very special welcome to patrons attending to­ day's games. We are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the opening of :the Sportsfield in Kilsheelan <this year. Since the field was opened 25 years ago there have been count­ less games played here and it can truly be said that the field 'has served the ideals and purposes of the Association very well in that <time. The present Committee of the Club wish to pay tribute to the Committee of 25 years ago and ,preceding Committees whose foresight and dedicat€<l work have resulted in the facilities we enjoy to-day. Patrons allending to-day's games will be entertained by the PortJaw Pipe IBand. This Band is in existence for 4 years. It is their second visit to Kilsheelan this year. The Club wishes them every success. 1--------1 • William Gibbs' I Ballypat,lck I Ike's & Mike's AGRICULTURAL • ENGINEER • B!'IR & DANOE HALL • AND GENERAL • • IRON WORKS • Ballvdine ",.. • ACETYLENE a ELECTRIC • • WELDER • • TUBULAR GATES. ETC. • CEILlDH DANCING • every Sat. & Sunday • Ag ent lor Ag ricultural • Machinery and Parts • night • • • -------- Phone: 052 - 33143 • 1--------1 • • M. Kehoe • FOR BEST QUALITY • The Gap Lounge Bar I SAND & GRAVEL I Kllcalh • • • call to: • HIGH·CLASS LICENSED VINTNER IThomas Gihbsl and • Lowe, Ballypat,lck • • Clonmel • GROCER • • 1_---• ____. •1 Opening of Kilsheelan G.A.A. Sportsfield Kilsheslan Spof1tsfield was ofiicrally opened on Sunday. August 31st, 1952, by 1he then President of the. Association. Mr. M. V. O'Oonoghue. Prior to the opening ceremony the new park was blessed 'by Very Rev. N. Power, P.'P. Kilsheelan Before the opening ceremonies, bands Jed a parade of Club members, officials and notables to the fi eld, where Mr. O'Donoghue was rintroduced to the large attendance by Sgt. P. J. Marron, President of the Club. In the course of his address, Mr. Q"Donoghue said-: "The strength of 1he ,Association lies not in 1he huge attendances in Dublin or elsewhere, nor in the magnificent arenas which have been constructed in 1he big centres, but in 11:00 clubs and our playing fields, without which the Association would indeed be a hollow one." He said ,1hat Kilsheelan had given to <the other clubs and parishes of Ireland a splendid ~xa mple of living inspiration, of self help and self reliance. They had procured a field, improved it, laid ,it out and €.quipped il; all tha-t was done on their own initialive without any help, financially or otherwise, from the higher councils of the Association. Following the opening ceremony, the 'National Flag was raised by Mr. Jerry Q'Keeffe, Chairman of the Munster Council and Joint Secretary of the Soulh Board. The Club lIag was raised by Mr. Paddy Larkin, Chairman of the Club. The Clonmel Boys' Glub Pipe Band played "Faioth of our F'athers" and the Kilsheelan 'Accordeon Band played ,the National Anthem. During the afternoon these two bands, toge1 her with the Kilcash Fife, and Drum Band, p.layed se­ lections. In games arranged to mark the occasion, SI. Pat(ick's, Cloneen, defeated Kilrossanty in se nior football and Holy· cross beat Oarrick Swan. The Club ollicials and CommiUee at the lime of the openirtg of the new sportsfield were: President: 5ot. P. J. Mar.fOO; Chaim1an, Paddy Larkin; Vice-Chairmen, J. Cummins and Ed. Keane; Treasurer. J . Pren­ dergast; Secretaries. John Roche and Ed. Prendergast. Committee: Wm. Coffey, Con. Ryan, Patrick Tobin, John Kehoe, Matt Walsh , Denis Crotty. Jam&s Strang, William Geoghegan, Pat Hennessy. Francis Catlill, Michael Prendergast, Maurice Brennan-, Rd. Murphy, John Brennan, Thomas Larkin, Michael Logan, J. Phelan, Thomas Gahill. Trustees: Jerry O'Keelfe (Munster Cooncil Repr&Sentative), Michael Lacey (County Board), O. A. O'Shea (Co. Board), Pat Larkin and John Cummins (Kilshealan G.A.A.). Present Club Officials and Committee: P~sklents, P. Ayah and M. Ryan; Chairman, J. Kehoe; Vice-Chairm"p., Ed. Prendergast; Secrelarles. S, Nugenl & W. Robinson; Treasurer. W. RO binson. Commitlee: W. Siokes, P. O'Halioran, P. Keyes, S. Bolger, J. Cahill, J. Donovan, J. Ormonde, T. Lonergan. M. Dempsey, T. Larkin. J. Holohan. Silly Siokes and Sean Connolly have responsibility for under age competitions In the Club. ~............................ ~ ......................................... 1:- KILSHEELAN ! SPORTSFI ELO HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY '. MERCK SHARPE & OOHME (IRELAND) LTD . • ...........................................................................-,; >--------------------------------_._. __ ._.-._-----------_._._---------, Founding of KiIsheelan G.A.A. Club The Club was founded in ~he summer of 1925. The first meeting of lhe- Club took place in Burke's field, near wher~ W. Geoghegan's house is now situated. The Chairman elected at ,this meeting was Jim Coffey and S:cretary Bill O'Keeffe; a Committee was also formed. The Club played their first game against Cahir in Junior football at Ctonmel. Players prominent in the Club at that time were Jerry and Tom O'Keeffe, Paddy Sullivan, Mick Strappe, John Cummins, Bill and Pat Larkin, John Hunt, Martin and Jimmy ILomrgan, IMick Morrissey, Mick and John Kehoe, James Fleming, Jim Buller, Ned Lonergan, Bill Pur­ cell, Lar Kehoe, Pat Furren, IDenis Cro1ty, Mick D ~mpsey. The late 20's and early 30's were glorious years in the Club's history. Th e team played 30 games during this period without defeat. In ,the early stages, sevEral fields were used by the Club for praotice. One was Brennan's field in Seskin; another field used was Stokes' field opposite The Ormonde I Stores; /lwo fields belonging to Burwes were used. one near Gambonsfield and the other on -the Waterford Road si de. In the early stages th ere was great interest in the fortu nes of 4he Club and, in fact, larQe crowds turned up to watch ~he players in training. In 1930 the Co. Senior Football Cham­ pionship was won; this was repeat.ed in 1933. Then came the long wait (35 years) until the title came back to Kilsheelan in 1968. This was followed in 1970 by a Sou'th title victory over to-day's rivals, Commercials. In 1972 the County final was again won, Ardfinnan being defeated in a great decider. T'he Club was also 10 the fore in Hurling, producing many fine, players and winning a number of Junior and Intermediate ~itles. In 1958, Tom Larkin brought back the first All-Ireland Senior Hurling medal to the Parish when he played at centre forward against Galway in the final. Othe-r fine hurlers to play for the Club were Philip Kehoe, ~he late percy Larkin (RLP.)- perhaps one of -the ,fin·est dual players ever to play for the Club-Paddy Hennessy, John Donovan, Billy Stokes 400 Coffey brothers. P. O'filalloran, Jim Morrissey, D. Keyes (R.I.P.) and, of course, the present inter-county hurling star James Kehoe started his career with Kilshe;elan . I ••••• (, ' = . -' -' ~ -... ------. .. "' -_ .. - HEARN' S HOTEL PARNELL STREET, CLONMEI.. TELEPHONE: 21611 . "" '. :',= , " • "" ------------------~ • GROUP • • Wish to congratulate the • Kilsheelan G.A.A. Oub • -.• on the 25th Anniversary of the • , • opening of their Field . •------------- ______• 1 TO-DA Y'S GMlE Kilsheelan go into to·day's game as the underdogs. We showed very poor form earlier in the year when losing several games and failing to field learns on some occasions. However, Championship time brought about an improve­ ment. We had a good win over Fr. Sheehys In the lsi round. In the semi-final, against Felhard, we had a narrow 1-pol.,t win aller a pOor game. A good deal of training has been done In the meantime under Trainer T.l.arkln. The selectors, Sean Connolly. Phil O'Halloran and W. Robinson, have been in attendanCe and should be In a good position to field the best team for the final. The team has a nice blend of youth and experience. At least five players on the panel are In th~. under·21 category. Two of the longest serving players are Johnny O'Halioran and Dick Strang, who have about 50 years service to the Club between them.
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