, Serving the Stm. University of Iowa The Weather Campus and FaJr, reel", .... Ie. lul­ mid &ella,.. Fait .... __- Iowa City &!naN ~ Wea .d" at owan H"b ...., ...; .... ... m."bll... ,.. II; ...... U. • Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Tu.eday. June 11, 195Z-Vol. 86. No. 181 of .. [. Speakerst~ Exp~~in Cr.eative A~s ~:~s ::n~a~:~~ Swedish Flying Boat Shot Down Han~~-~::~e':c:~t!~~~ ~~~:I~~~::s:.SkOO Pr Ident Virgil M. ;~~l~;:m:~::: ;~:r r::~~ Angry Swedes At su I Lectures In a letter to Hancher. George Parks president of locI I 12 of the A&:e and Survivors Insurance pro- • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFL), gram. Jam Streets The 25th annual Iowa Confer­ cltoo the high cost of Hvlng for the Increase. The union asked that the The Jell latlon is esUmated to ence on child development and boost be eUective July 1. parent education will begin at SUI Hancher was out of the city Monday and other university oUiclaIs cost $300 million a year. It was thls morning, with 500 I persons declined comment. passed by voJce vote. T P t tAt expected to attend. The unIversity employes recejvOO a $30 monthly raise last year. Speaker Ray bur n (D-Tex.) 0 ro es c Five specialists in the teacblng The current wage scale for non-academic employes Is $195 to $215 ruled that I roll call vote on the of creative arts will lecture at a month tor janitors, while mechanics, plumbers. carpenters and other measure will be taken today. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN ~ - the sessions Which are directOO to skilled laborers receive $1.82 an hour. Leaders had aueed not to take Two Soviet jet flghtel'll, one tiring give people in tbis community. any record votes Mond.y because burau from 20 m(ll. cannon, blasl­ of the ab5("nce of members par­ ed an unarmed Swedish air force UclpaUng In the Malne primary " nylng boat from the akles Mon­ Supports, No Controls election. day, plunging I~ Into the BalUe. Under the proposed higher rates, The crew of leven, Indudln, two . tbe minimum monthly payment to wounded, wal relCued by a amall a pel"SOn qualiUed to receive so­ fr Ighter. In Ike's Farm Platform clal security bencnts would rise Immediately, .n arou ed Swed­ DENVER (A') - Gen. Dwight D. tram ,20 to $25. The maximum Ish lovernment, reflecUng the Eisenhower gave his tentative ap­ that could be paid to anyone anger of Ihoutln" jeerin, crowds farm products for e nUal family would be rals d from $150 proval Monday to a midwestern ot which surrounded lb. Sovl t em­ Republican farm proposal calting raw materials. to $lQ8.75. The senate has not yet bass.Y here, prote ted thi. "aet of for r,deral crop supports without 4. Expansion of agricultural re- acted on the bliL violence" and demanded .wltt Ward BarkaD controls llmitlng prices or pro­ search, especially In crops, Uve- The bill calls for boo ting pay_ punishment of "those respon­ Interested In child development, duction. stock, soil conservation. [lood con- menU to virtually all retired per­ sible for the outrage." an Insight Into the ways music, The General told tbe American trol and marketing. sons now on the social security Monday night. 5,000 enra,ed art and drama can enrich the Agricultural Edltors' assocla Uon 5. Approval or farm r-owned rolls by $5 month or 12~ J)Cr d mOlllliratora yelling "We will Uves ot children. at a breakfast meeting that the and farmer-managed cooperatives cent, whichever Is largcr. Stalln ha.nged," jammed the The conference is sponsored by plan. originating In Iowa. looked and rural eleclrlflcatJon. Per ons r Urln In lbe tutur .treet outside the Sovl t embassy the Jowa Child Welfare Researcb good to blm, but he wanted to 6. ReorgonlUltlon of the depart­ WOUld ee~ In additional $S a and set bonfires. They al40 cb.nt­ station at sm, and will be held discuss it further with those "qho ment of agriculture to eliminate month above the pre ent !ormul Red Light-Bombers Buzz German Barges ed: "Down with the rommunlstlc today and Wednesday. are experts on farm matters. duplication and waste. and there would be proportionate w8rmongf'TlI." The crowds were Discusses Creative Side The plan also would limit the End Price VoDU'O boosts for wlvcs. widows, chHdrcn IAN JET PLAN soom over Ul Havel river, wldrb ronM til border ~tw n the R an forceQ to retreat by police squads. IUId F~DCh &ora or BerUn, darina' a ,neen. Inelden, Utai preucted Ute IIUTe 0' two border eom­ Frank Wachowiak, assistant authority of the Secretary of Ag­ 7. Economy In government ad- and other beneficiarIes. ,nunJUea. Monda,. two SovIei Jei '''''~ allot do",o a wedlth a1rforee n,l ... boat over the BatYa PIaDt W.. arthlftg professor and acting head of art riculture In making policy Jud,,­ mlnlstratlon of the farm program. At th Lime of th, Ittack about In the UniverSity schools will dis­ ments, and give more control at 8. Full production. an end to cuss the creative and eslbetic side lbe state level. It would reorgan­ 60 mil a ott lbe Soviet-held Es­ price controls, and adoption of tonian couto In an area where the ize the department ot agricultur(' sound mon tary and Iiscal poU­ Italy Approves Plan to bring about greater el!lclency, Yea r' s Worst Battle Russians ar reported to be bold­ Eisenhower said. cies. British Party Leader Urges Ing va.t Ie. and air maneuvers. Interested in Farme,.,. 9. Adequate provision for farm To Pool Coal, Steel . the Swedish plane was lCarchlng He declared a deep personal In­ credits, preferably at local sources Rages Against 451h for a Swedish air force U'ansport terest In the nation's farm rs but but with federal backing when With 5Other Nalions plane mwlng &lnce Frld y with said he would be "at sea" If he necded. (realion of World Tribunal ellht men lboard. ThiJ plln , too. tried to discuss the technical 10. Provide agriculture with a - nOME (IP) - Italy Monday gave As Chinese Counler I lleved to hive been .hot surance of freedom of t'conomle down down by the RUJIIlan •. problems of agrJculture. He asker! the tlnal stamp of parllamcniary Clement DaVIe., member of the ------------­ SEOUL (TUESDAY) IA') - Big the editors' help In addini to hls opportunity and social equality IIPproval to thc Schuman plan to British parliament. uld here Prime Minlater Tlge Erlander aU nlltion •. Chine e gun. began pounding Al­ knowledge ot farm matters. which would insure conditions to pool lbe coal a nd steel 01 tbe West Monday nI h t that an Inlernatlon­ Undcr the UN, there h s been dcmanded that Soviet emblssy lied lines again MondllY nliht A tentative farm program wJll oncouraie youths to remaIn on European continent. al law and a tribunal must be one Improv~ment over past or­ otflclall atop spying aellvll.le in Wachowiak 8eker be presented by Eisenhower to the farms. It wal th sheth and final nallon created In on! r to bave peace. ianlu.tlons let up to preserve while a Communlll b t~allon thi' country wbere seven Swedes GOP national conventlon In Chi­ marked time In the 6-day-old bat­ went on trial nd , (or ~In, o. ctivities at the opening to raUty the rcvolu lonary proJl"Cl Tho Ie cler of Britain'. tJPeul PC~C;. Da viet addC<1. When tb cago noxt month as a po sible lor an cconomle IInkln, unprecl"o PIl'ty, speaking on "World Gov­ Itultion in fiorth Korea arOle, tle lor a Kor an western front vltll defen secrets slan session of the conference Tues­ farm plabk. I,ents. At thlt trial, the accused day morning at 9:45 In Old Cap­ Payne Talces Lead dented In European history. ernment," dellverOO the opening there was unity amon, more than hili mass. A memorandum from Elsen­ Parliaments of the other na.­ leelur of the summer sslon 50 nallons In condemnIng tbe ringleader pleaded guilty to itoL Manuel Barkan associate pro­ bower's public relations chief, The Chin 5e hov count rllt­ fessor in the school of tine and In Maine Primary tlOfll involved In lb plan. France. series on lbe uth campus of the uggressor. charges of espionage and making Robert Mullen, said the program West Germany, Belgium, Luxem­ Iowa Memorlal Union. M .... Subml. Dlfferell tacked each day .Ince 45th dl­ preparaUons to wreck Sweden's applied arts and head of the art calls for: education area at Ohio State uni­ PORTLAND, ME. (IP) - Gov. bourg and the Netherlands. al­ D vie said, "We sbould agr Hope lor pe.ce, however, r Is vI ion Infantrymen won the top of defense plans In ca of Wlr. I. Constructlve and extensive Fredcrlck G. Poyne took over the ready had endorsed the treaty to give up part of our sovereignty upon an reemenl by all n.tlo the "T" .haped hili west of Cbor­ At Hanaoe, Finland. wbere the '/ersity, will deal with social an~ 50 11 conservation. cOOlmu,llcative' aspects of the arts lead from Sen. Owen Brewster their foreign ministers sllned In and create one c trlt authority, to .ubmH dirt rene to antral liveD rOlcuOO Swedish airmen 2. Greater control at the state won. The American drove back at the same session. early Tuesday os unortlclal tab­ Paris Aprll 18, 1951. world legal authority Ind to abide were taken a fler beJ.n, fished I vel, including establishment 01 onc tribunal that will be respect­ the Chin e b ttalion again Mon· Lecturer at lbe ulation of the RepubUcan senator­ Italy wound up the necessary ed." He continued that undf!r the by the decisions of a tribunal let trom the cold BaWc seas by a a bi-partisan board to take over ial primary vote neared comple­ day mom In, a(ler seven hour.
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