FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963 TAVERN QUARREL ENDS WITH KILLING Argument Leaves East Side Gym ,J Local Man Dead Muddle Con.tinues Jackson Adams Jr, 23, Frederick W a 1 k , suffered fatal gunshot wounds Sunday night, -------------------------i ·in an argument at a tavern at 704 S. Pine. Adhering to a -now accustomed pattern of de­ According to police, the shooting accu r e d vious politicking , the project of thecontrover­ Peters on-C 1 ack about 10:18 p.m., and Adams died at the R.B sial East Side Gym is ostensibly "in the mill." Green Hospital at ll:45 p.m., the same day. Virtue lly snubbing the prof erred qood of fie es Taken into custody and charged with m u r­ of the WISEMEN'S LUNCHEON CLUB whose Nuptials der in the shooting was Mrs. Clarice Adams, excellent liaison Facilities ironed out some of same address, wife of the deceased man. the considerable varian:es betwi!en the Negro Police say Adams was shot twice with a. 45 community and City Hall w!th respect to the caliber pistol, following an argument, in the gym project, the Me A II ister Facti on abetted by tavern. the usual psychophants rammed through a sorry Mrs . Adams was returned to County Jail on exc use for what is pathetically referred to as last Monday night, following formal charges, the "East Side Gym." unable to make the $5, 000 bond set by Jus­ In the near-conspiratorial "ground- breaking" tice of the Peace A. A. Semaan, Monday. Farce at which "select representatives" of the Negro community were to have partie ipated ... the program was stacked by those, now habitual Iackie~ to City Hall's schemes, whose presence lends the illusion of valid Negro support. As for those persons and organizations wno led the Fight For a more creditable gymnasium for the Negro community, they were either ignored TbeQueen o;· el<:'e relegcted to insignifican ~ mentions in the official program. Almost as if in revulsion tothisyetanotherde­ ception o: the Negro community, the elements Is Dead rebelled Forcing cancellation of the grou,d­ breaking ceremony "because or rain" it was no­ ted. Now insult crammed upon injut·y, rumor has it that grC'•.ond-breaking and dedication will be lumped r 1ether, c I early indicative of the Fla­ grant di>dOP'l held in City Hall For the Negro community. Hagglingand w!1ittling, City Hall has reduced the original qym plan From 1800 to a reported 320 seating capacity, surficient For a good ( See Inside) sized tea party. Also eliminated were the pro­ posed game rooms, leaving a hulking barn pro­ jected instead of the requested plans For a mo­ dest Functiona I gym. It is a dubious credit to the Forces of hypocris> that there are always Negro "judases" to be re­ c ruited For less than the traditional "30 pieces 0 i silver" ... a verbal pat on the head usually s:.~ff ices For them to undermine and discredit the efforts For Negro progress . San Antonio is no different; the transition From "Un.: le Tom" to "Un: le Thomas" here is but a matter of degree ofsophistication w;th the greater stigma attac h­ ing to the Ia tter since his survival is not Force­ By Albert Pena ably threatened. "Sweep out th Courthouse." This was the Dogs tJsed On slogan Commissioner Sam Jerrie used last year when he ran candidates against County Song stylist, "OueenoftheBiues'· Dinah Wash­ Judge Charles W. Anderson, the majority of ington died Saturday morning, From what auth­ Marchers the Commissioners' Court, and other Count¥ orities believetohave been an overdose of sed­ officers atives. Protesting the brutal policies of racial segre­ The Jorrie broom turned out to be a very Dick "Night Train" Lane, her husband since gation in South Africa, Asian women in flowing small whisk broom, and it barely raised a last July, star Detroit Lions halfback,cancelled wnite saris, a symbol of mourning, wereset up­ littk dust And since that time, all the Jer­ his scheduled appearance in Sunday's NFL game on by vicious police dogs. rie dirt has been swept under the rug, all is in Chicago. In their desperation topreserve white supremo... forgiven, and Jerrie sleeps in the same rc:om Miss Washington whose top-Flight singing has cy 1 despite world condemnation, South African with the people he was going to sweep out! thrilled blues fans throughout the world for al­ wh ites have resorted to every type bestiality im­ But now the Courthouse faces a broom , in twenty years, leaves two sons by previous mar­ ginable, torture and mass murder included. more capable hands .. the Republican Party! riages, George Jenkins, 18, and Robert Gray- Re-inforced with a dedicated organization, son, 15. · ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963 .. THE BEAUTY OF MERGING CULTURES I. Mr . Joe Scott (standing- head of work­ sh.op For "Equal Employment Opportunities). w;th Mr. Carl Rick, re presen tative For US. Civil Service Commission. Seated Father Erwin Jurasc hek -who wa. For t en years head of Bi shop's Committee .. For Spanish Speaking, and Mrs. En carnac ion Armas, local co-ordinator For the National .. Youth Council Installs Council of Spanish Speaking ... 2 .. 1 tor: Mr. Carl Rick- U.S. Civil Service; Mr. Joe Scott- of Linco ln Jr. Hi g h Sc hool; Rev. F·· thers John Wagner (present director of Council of Spanish Speaking) and Erwin Juras­ c hek; Mrs . En c arnacion Armas, co-ordinat or of Nat'l. Council; Mr. Carlos Watson, Socol Worker of Brooke Army Medica I Center; and Mr. C harles Cuellar- Presiding over gene10l session of the conference - Saturday: Dec . 14, 1963. MCALLISTER RELENTS; APPOINTS BELLINGER Be latedly a cced ing to public pressuresdemand­ ing desegregation and Negro participation in the total community, Mayor McAllister has ap­ pointed Mr. ValmoC. Belli nge r to hi s "red car­ p e t commi ttee. " H owever re lu c tant may have been the mayor to make this appointment, experi enced observ­ ers unanimously agree that Mr. Bellinger, a dutiful supporte r of the mayor's policies, was the most likely prospect For the pot. Thus now, official visi tors to San Antonio will see the vi sua I Facade of what is not substantial­ Rev. Emerson Marcee shown administering th ly Foe t . oath of oifice to the newly elected NAACP ~ees, Patrici.a Allen beinq proxied by Betty eoples, Ka he Hogan, Gloria Peoples, James Youth Council. officers.. F.rom left to right the are Barbara M1ller, Patr1 c1a Mitchell Yv y Fanner, Harold Smith Estelle Burns and State , onn e Advisor Mrs . Margare't Smith. ' "J h ~ .1..' u 1 t i n:1 NAACP YOUTH COUNCIL INSTALLS OFFICERS Extract from AMERICA--Diocesan News~aper ?;'li6uJe Edition, "WHY NEGROES USE PRESSURE' At the regular NAACP Youth Council meetinq "···The sit-ins demolished barriers that mor­ hel~ S.unday, December 15th, at Willow Park 3uJJon & 3uJJon al appeals were powerless to shake The threat Chr1st1an Ch~rch, 118 Honey, officers were 'Jun~tu[ 2);t~cdoti elected and 1nstall ed. of consumer boycotts has sent som.e blue-chip c~rhorations searching desperately For Negroes CA 6-7213 Miss Barbara Miller is the new president 0 d other new officers are , vice-president Patric~a ~~t management talent. Picketing at building Sl te.s has done more to disturb the complacency Mitc hel.l; rec ording sec retary Yvonne Dees· cor­ 0 responding secretary Patricia Allen· assi~tan t ~ ld}o'-whiteconstruction unions and politicians ~ ° ° II the . ca i ol i ng and exhorting of the AFL­ sec retary Katie Hogan; treasurer Glo~ia Peoples• 1 sergeant-at-arms James Fanner- reporte r Harold' 0 executlve council How ironical it is tho t. the Negro--the hewer Smith and photographer Estell~ Burns. CORRECTION of wood. and drawer of water--should be obi e Rev. Emerson Marcee administered the oath of ~o use his economic power to exactconcessions Erroneous ly re ported in last week's SNAP was office to the new officers and Mrs. Margaret h'om the white man. Com pared with the whites' that Mrs. Othello LaFall made the introductions Smith, state advisor. IS economic leverage is pitifully small; but it for the SILHOUETTE SOC IAL CLUB when in The Youth Council pla.ns to charter a bus to repres~nts power nevertheless. No industry that Fact it was Mrs. Calvin G entry who performed go to the NAACP Nat1onal Convention ne t dellsdlrectly to consumers--as does the auto in- July and interested in makinq this this function so admirably. eve~yone i~­ ustry, or the c lathing industry or the Food and portant meet1ng begin NOW to plan to ~hould beveraqe industry--can afford 'to ignore eleven reserve rou~d -tr1p seats on the bus which will cost approx1mately $54.00. per cent of the popu loti on and $20 bi IIi on Plus 1n pure hasi ng power. ( FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963 y:B.T.Bonner II Negro Judases Council Promises Obstruct Justice CITY COUNCIL PROMISES The Austin City Council will have had the In 1895, in Atlanta, Georgia, Booker T. Wash­ hearing on a toothless desegregation ordin - ington set the stage for all frightened Negro By:B.T.Bonnerii ance when this is printed. The hearing will citizens . Many have said, " Booker T. Wash­ have been held in the auditorioum on T h urs­ ington could have done better in that day and Christmas is not Santa Claus, Santa C 1 a us day, December 19th, in the council room, at time.
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