. ; ... ' .. .ST Z-F"tOT(Mtt 7 ENEGADE www.therip.com ~~~~::-=::~=-=========~~~~=--~----.._Vot 79 • No. 5 .... ...,_~ ...... -------- .............................Bakersfield College _. .......... ,............................................................. November 7, 2007. By KYLE BEALL "I was ac1u;:11ly working with Uni­ responded a~ well. aff,:,.-t our ,'ood services in the cafete­ aware of the fas leak, rr:any felt in­ A1.:cording to Tim Carroll, manag­ and GABINO VEGA ROS/1RIO visiorr to shoot our new Spanish-lan­ ·~ ga.s was turned oft' to most of ria area, t..!cau<;e they didn't have the comenieocc!(l by the cafeteria being e10f mainltnanc~ and oper.itions, the Rip staff writers guage commercial," said Chiang. "I the campus at approx.;mately 3 p.m., gas lo have hot water, to y, .i.sl1 dishes closed. }_:.as line that was leaking was "aban­ could smell it. Ii smelled like ;1 was after the leak wa.s coofinneci and lo­ with." Anastasia Jones said, "1 thought it d<J\. ~" when lhe BC library was an­ A gas leak was detected on the Ba - coming up from the dirt, and I was caled by PG&E. Chiang said that it aflected the wa.s c!O!,(Xf ~ause of Halk,y.:een." nexed in the ''/Os, even though it was kersfield College campus by Amber ~oncerned, so I called Pu":Jlic Safe­ Whi \.~ most of the campus was chemistry labs, bui that they were Brenda Cruz, business admini~::r-,,. st:ill pressurized with gas. Chiang, director of maiketing and ty." unaffect'XI, the cafeteria was closed able to !.witch to another type of fuel. tion ma.iof, said, '"Yes, it does affect In order to fi:w. the leak, Slater . I' . I [ ___ .. f ''5 public relations, in front of the Cam­ According lo Chiang, Public Safe­ Oct. 30-31. llie athletics departmelll w~t witl1- me. a1 w.rvmg. s,.r,,,u .rom ~ to Plumbing inc. capped the reww gas pus Center, in the grass) ~ next to ty respondt<l promptly to lhe scene. "8¢:.m se the tern J)(.rlltun: s t: ave out ho: showen and the. pool WllSn 'L $6 a <U.)' in the c..feteri.a. I c;m't go [nc where it branches off to the caf­ I.he Student Services Building, Oct. BC's Maintef\anCC aod Operations been so mi!d., it didn't affect any t~!­ hw.ed. any;r,here IJe\-aus,,; I t:c.,', '.1ave any ele11a. ~ 19, around 11 :5~ ~.m. and the Baker.sfield Fire Dt partment ing Of coo!iog," said Otiang. "It di<l While most BC !,tudt-:ts ~ere un- tinle." ' Repair, were completed Oct. 31. '11TE 11\Fl'ERMA ' Hans Einstein talks Valley Fever • Cousin of Albert Einstein shares his expertise with BC students and faculty in the Firesi<le Room. \ By KATtfERINE J. Wttm [email protected] Sports editor Coccid1oidomycosis. It's abo known as Valley Feve~. whkb is caused by Coccidioidcs im­ mitis., a soil-dwelling fwtgus re--...em­ bling mildew or yeast . ERIK AGUllM/M RIP H""~ ~. F;n<itl"'in; ~.c;or of Hans Einstain speaks In the clinical medicine, emeritus, for the Fireside Room at BC Oct. 24. University cf Soutbt':m California. lectured · ~Id C ll • gcotiRa. northwest Mexico, Califor- m . 0 o egc s .. ;_ .... <>-.-.•,........... .. v..1~. __. ......__ Fllllli4e Room ()cL 24 as a conun- · .... "..,... ~· ·-J· ...... """"" ned ~>art of BC's Eminent Speakers areas with dry weather and .,•.... ....A,., VJ sen·es . · soils. The S!hara, Gobi NY! Negev He said that Coccidioidomycosis deserts~ ~rtile areas as well. Most is often called "Cocci" fOf short and recently, Brazil has ~perienced the is also known as Posada-Wemicke's growth of that panicularfungus. Ein­ . disease, desert fever, San Joaquin fe- stein mentioned that if an area con· I ver~ desert rheumatism, California's tains creosote buS:1es, then that is a disease aoo coccidioidal gra.'luloma Valley Fever-prone area. The sagacioos, yet spry and el.fi.c;h- Accooling to Einstein, the mold !coking elderly mar., cousin to Albert develops hyphae with chains of at· Einstein, and chainnan of medicine thn:)9onidia, and winds clisperse the a. Kem Medical c.enter, showed a artbrospores, which are inhaled by :.lio,,;-i~,~~ 19th~.,tu.-y phc:o of 'fU!nerable people. From within the a swollen-faced, cauliflower-skinned lungs., lhe arthrocon.idia soon~ Argentine soldier who was the first the parasitic stage and forms sphet­ reoorded victim of the disease. Ein- ules. Accorc[ng to Einstein, each stein also showed a slide of the first spherule has within it eildospores, American. case, which occurred in which c-000 oorst and then release 1896. The le5ion-ridden afflicted man more ~-A 10-14-day incu­ After weeks of battling wild/ires in Southern was a Portuguese fisherman working bation period starts before symptoms in the San Francisco Bay m,a. ~· Ca/iforn'ia,firefighters distributed American flags to "No, this is not Mike Stepanov- After the in!;ubation period, suffer- the houses that were burned in. Modjeska Canyon, ich 's high s.-:hool graduation picture," ers C~pt'..rie(li;C coughing fits, fe-:ers, Orange County, during the Santiago Canyon Fires. Einstein quipped, refening to the chills and chest pains: As lhe cond.i­ new director for the. BC Fou.idation tion worsens, the afflicted indivich.'al Right: The rczd sky on Oct. 29 is an e.xwnple of who introduced him. The aud~ ex~rienccs myalgia. pleutaldfusion h.ow the smoke from the fires affected Bakersfield's chuclcJed. and meninb'ismus. already polluted at1rwsphere. Wearing a blue jacket, gray pants Ein">~ein sho·,,:ed a slide of a che...~ and strangely inrongruous running X-ray with a cloudy area indicat­ shoes, Berlin-born Einstein descrfoed ing infection as well as an enl<trge­ For full wildfire coverage, see The Plug on page 9 Cocciclioides imrnitis as a fungus 01 ment of th¢ lymph nodes. Einstein mold and member of the mushroom remarlced that the progression of the Photo above: Erik Agtii!ar family, which grows best in ,ueas clisease resembles tuberculosis. Photo right: Marcinda Coil 1. The Rip such as Arizona, New Mexico, west The chest in the X-ray belonged T~xas. parts of r.enu.J Alfac!ie.:t, As- ~ ~!~$TI'.!fo!, ~ 3 r(oach rec ·;,,;~;.,- .. ,. Day of the Dead celebrated at BC 8y MA..~ANN KOPP ~ stepped foot into the Americas. mkopp@baJ:er#kldcolleRe.edu Back when,~ before the Aztecs, (of three ati _ . :~ .. -· Rip staff writer the pcopJt woold hold several w.ys tv remcmbet their dead.'' tl'Je Bakersfield College M.~.JZE Accoromi to Ibana, altars would ,fZ&!E~~· Club ·brought ~ cclehtatl n of me be constructed and decorated with parhlW-,·111~~-- l ..,. Dia de Los Mue:tos to the BC cam· the bcloogings of ancestors to the re· ~ Co0eae a.ssi:ttmt their d-n"*"- pus from Oct. 29-Nov. 2. spective families. 7· · Will .ooecb e.t Dem tod bis 1"hey L'f; Ill hcakby, md WC Several altarS were set up al the Pan of the belief w~ that :.'.: of- ;· ·~~.me psetsts of tbtte can '1 wait liO get them home." Campus Center and ..... m decorat­ . ferings laid out would be enjoyed by ' lime ;iih -. ill Dl.""f!: l! ~ ~~ :Xar: c...,jd. ed \vith pictures, candles, flowers, the spirits who were being honored, drtie. The babies had to rem&i1 at :1crbs, food, water, stuffed animals, whether it was by partaking in the 1be 1riplets. Sophie, Mia IUKl UQ..A ~ Ceuttt for ~ to anj other relics to ce~.te the de· "food and drink offerings or OU'le1S. Gracie, ,.ere bom or: Oct 26 at 4 ~ da :' aft.er bi.rm for >-3..."e~ ?ft'· parted. M.E.Ch.A secretary fa'a Fuentes l l:4C r.rrL at~. ucu. Me-di;;;aJ Signs were displaye<l on some of cxplair,w th8t she makes food offer­ - ea.a-. ·'Cbn~ hai> been dnvmg cad,; the table.s, eduw.ting passersby on ings at her Dia de Los Muertos alt:u •••11.a: 'nle ~ and ~ ID UCLA (!.ail.y to dled wh.al was on display. /\.s one part st.:t· a.r home md that this is her sec-0nd f/f~,·~ ba,s,cu.S (ll a.:aa. aad \'i:it widl Ibcm." ed, · 'Concra.ry to poP'Jlar opinion, ihis yeM doing so. lbom ll i:~; • • . 0-. said. holi<lav celebrates the lives of those "I started celebrating el D\,1 de :':.· ~before Th'°! SCtpl 'ilia.~ Q.ciL'd for the who have p.a5SCd on. rtni:; is a day of Lo5 Muertos just la.st year because, ; ~ - J,,,...v.a ~ 9Chtx\aW t> Dcaa\ r.r..ty • wen. happine.s.s, nvt one of sorrow." before thtn, I did.1 '1 know coo much an. a: LA. '*- OiJl!ri' ln ""He. .,.. real ~ 1Ni Ix ' .·..,....._r_,, * ";'vi A.iZE's emphasis is en, tradi­ about i t,n s.a.id Fuentes. I had thttie Little 2irls. - OC'll E.5tJ u. I innc1l, pre-Coiumbian ever.ts. Ille "! h3d saw some things about the , i ' ' - f .....,., -for Dea. ' oorblil .. , ..-u1 Ille' I BC n!illUii8 t.d: S*d. Dia de Los ~1ue11os," sa:d :\IAIZE holiday or. TY. and in book,, and it I -- ,....__,_. - ....... !...- £.- - ....: .... -~ I ,,... I ""-'- .,..,......& ~ ~- .s.-..,........ f~,,..;n~•..-1 .......... ''" I .-,....,..;,v.;1 (() fr,llnw ...:~,~ ....... ~ -·- - - -- --- - ---" ~--.. : '..,,.,, ,., IR ·was a1,1e to meet ttie ~ .:I idea of what the gi'ru rru.gh! we 're hOP.Oring i,, a day th.at goes the tradiLion," fu.:ntes cootir.ucd.
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