JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY, 1996, 30, 1185-1192 A note on manna feeding by ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) M. J. STEINBAUER Co-operative Research Centre for Temperate Hardwood Forestry, Locked Bag No. 2 Post Office, Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7005, Australia (Accepted 27 June 1995) The production of manna is often associated with the feeding injuries of the coreid, Amorbus obseuricornis (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Coreidae). The manna produced as a result of the injuries caused by A. obscuricornis is extremely attractive to ants and it is often taken right from underneath feeding bugs. Observations of a number of Tasmanian ant species feeding upon eucalpyt manna, suggest that this substance is an important source of carbohydrate for the ants. The possible significance of manna secretion is considered. KEYWORDS:Ants, Formicidae, Coreidae, Heteroptera, eucalypt manna, rapidly induced response, Tasmania. Introduction Manna is a saccharine secretion exuded from stems and leaves of certain trees that is produced following injury caused by insects. The exudate, which forms white nodules upon crystallizing, generally consists of 60% sugars (namely raffinose, melibiose, stachyose, sucrose, glucose and fructose), 16% water, 20% pectin and uronic acids (Basden, 1965). Manna has been recorded from a range of eucalypt and Angophora species, including Eucalyptus punctata, E. viminalis, E. mannifera, E. maculata, E. citriodora, E. tereticornis, Angophora floribunda, A. costata (Basden, 1965), Eucalyptus obliqua (Green, 1972), E. nitens (S. Candy, pers. comm.), E. regnans, E. tenuiramis, E. amygdalina x E. risdonii hybrids and E. delegatensis (pers. obs.). Manna has been shown to be produced as a result of injuries inflicted by a number of insect species (Table 1), and according to Basden (1965) could not be artificially induced. As manna is a rich source of carbohydrate it is a very attractive food for many animals. Birds, such as honeyeaters and silvereyes (Paton 1979, 1982; Recher et al., 1985), and arboreal animals such as Leadbeaters Possum (Smith, 1984) often feed on manna. Similarly, the attractiveness of manna to ants has been noted previously (Smith, 1897; Green, 1972; Bashford, 1992). Although adult ants are liquid-feeders and most forage for carbohydrate-rich plant exudates (Andersen, 1991; Taylor, 1991), the importance of manna as a source of nourishment for foraging ants does not appear to have been studied in detail. Results Table 2 summarises observations made of ants feeding upon eucalypt manna 0022-2933/96 $12-00 © 1996 Taylor & Francis Ltd. 1186 M. J. Steinbauer Table 1. List of insect species known to cause manna secretion and the eucalypt species concerned. Insect species (Order: Family) Eucalypt species Reference Hyalarcta huebneri (Westwood) not given Basden, 1965 (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) Phylacteophaga eucalypti (Frogg.) not given Basden, 1965 (Hymenoptera: Pergidae) Perga dorsalis (Leach) not given Basden, 1965 (Hymenoptera: Pergidae) beetle larva (unidentified species) E. punctata Basden, 1965 (Coleoptera) Chrysophtharta bimaculata (Olivier) E. nitens S. Candy, pers. comm. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Eurymelid (unidentified species) E. nitens Pers. obs. (Hemiptera: Eurymelidae) Psaltoda moerens (Germar) E. viminalis Elliott and deLittle, 1985 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) Amorbus obscuricornis (Westwood) E. obliqua; E. viminalis; Green, 1972; Elliott and (Hemiptera: Coreidae) not given deLittle, 1985; Bashford, 1992 (respectively) Fi(,s !, 2. (1) Numerous ants of the h'idomv.,'me.',~ a~ceps group feeding on liquid manna (arrowed) from E. obliqua at Ridgeway (scale line - approx. 35 ram). (2) An ant of the Myrmecia gulosa group feeding on crystallized E. ohliqua manna (arrowed) after rain, Ridgeway (scale line = approx. 20-0 mm). exuded as a result of the feeding damage caused by A. obscuricornis. Ants belonging to the Iridomyrmex anceps (Figs 1, 4), Iridomyrmex species, Myrmecia gulosa (Fig. 2), Camponatus nigroaeneus (Fig. 3) and Myrmecia piIosula (Figs 5, 6) groups were observed feeding upon liquid and crystallized manna exuded from the feeding injuries caused by A. obscuricornis. Because A. obscuricornis will feed on a given eucalypt tree for some days, possibly weeks, ants will keep returning to these trees in order to locate manna. For example, at the Forest Resources concession (Table 2) ants kept returning to trees infested with Amorbus for a period of some weeks. Often these ants come in close contact with the feeding bugs in order to ingest manna (Figs 4, 6). A number of ants were observed to take the manna exuding from around the bug's inserted labium (Fig. 5). Manna feeding by ants 1187 FIGS 3, 4. (3) An ant of the Camponotus nigroaeneus group feeding at an abandoned Amorbus wound on E. obliqua at the Forest Resources concession (scale line = approx. 8.5 ram). (4) An ant of the lridomyrmex anceps group taking manna from the wound caused by a feeding A. obscuricornis adult c~, Ridgeway (scale line - approx. 3-5 ram). FIGS 5, 6. (5) An ant of the M. pilosula group taking liquid manna from near the inserted rostrum of an A. obscuricornis c~ on E. obIiqua, Forest Resources concession (scale line = approx. 1 l'0mm). (6) An ant of the M. pilosula group taking dried manna (arrowed) whilst resting on the back of an A. obscuricornis ? on E. obliqua, Forest Resources concession (scale line = approx. 11.0mm). Although ants belonging to the genus Myrmecia are solitary predators (Gray, 1971) no incidences of predation of adult A. obscuricornis were observed. This is despite observations of individual M. pilosula carrying prey during the period when adult coreids are active. The bugs displayed little agitation in the presence of the ants which is evidenced by the fact that they did not withdraw their labia and try to leave. On one occasion an ant was seen to ingest Amorbus excreta found in the vicinity of a feeding adult. The records presented illustrate that ants were able to find manna throughout spring and summer at the sites visited. According to Basden (1965) the exudation of manna occurs throughout the year but is more common during spring and early summer. Table 2. Observations of ants feeding upon manna exuding from eucalypt wounds caused by the feeding activities of A. obscuricornis. oo Date Location/Weather Observations 1 Nov. - Ridgeway, Tas. (42°55'S 147°17'E) - numerous ants of the Iridomyrmex anceps group feeding upon liquid manna 1994 - overcast with light rain exuding from injured E. obliqua shoots - two ants of the Myrmecia pilosula group and one ant of the M. gulosa group feeding upon dissolving manna encrustations on E. obliqua shoots - 8 adult d'c~ and 6 adult 22 of A. obscuricornis feeding upon this same tree 4 Nov. - Ridgeway, Tas. - numerous ants of the Iridomyrmex anceps group feeding upon liquid manna 1994 - sunny and warm exuding from injured shoots near feeding bugs (same tree as 1 Nov. 1994 observation) - tree infested with numerous A. obscuricornis adults 11 Nov. - Forest Resources concession (42°43/S - lone ant of the Myrrnecia pilosula group feeding upon manna from an E. obliqua 1994 147°45/E approx.) sapling (approx. 5 years old) infested with 2-3 A. obscuricornis adult ~z? and 1 - windy but mild adult ant took manna from stem whilst perched on the back of the A. obscuricornis adult 2 and from around the bug's labium - same ant observed ingesting excreta on a Gahnia spp. below an A. obscuricornis 18 Nov. - Forest Resources concession - observed a lone ant of the Myrrnecia pilosula group remain in close proximity to a 1994 - sunny and warm feeding A. obscuricornis ~ for approx. 30 rains, intermittently ingesting liquid manna from around bug's inserted rostrum and nearby encrustations (same tree as the 11 November 1994 observation) - bug apparently only occasionally agitated by ant's presence - ant showed no interest in ingesting bug excreta when released - an ant of the Iridomyrmex species group observed feeding upon liquid manna 6 Dec. - Forest Resources concession - two ants of the Camponotus nigroaeneus group observed feeding from around the 1994 - sunny and hot inserted labium of an A. obscuricornis adult 3 feeding upon an E. obliqua sapling (different tree to that of the 11 and 18 Nov. 1994) - bug seen to move to site where ants were aggregated to resume feeding - ants remained near bug for duration of observation (approx. 10 min) - tree infested with 2 A. obscuricornis adult c~3 and 2 adult ~?~? Table 2. Continued. Date Location/Weather Observations 14 Feb. - Forest Resources concession - an ant of the Camponotus nigroaeneus group observed feeding from around the 1995 - overcast, mild and humid inserted labium of an A. obscuricornis adult ~ feeding upon an E. obliqua sapling (same tree as the 6 Dec. 1994 observation) - 2 to 3 other ants of the Camponotus nigroaeneus group observed feeding at abandoned Amorbus wounds - tree infested with 2 A. obscuricornis adult ~ and 1 adult ~ 17 Feb. Darcy Link Rd. (43°211S 146°49~E approx.) - observed a number of ants of the Iridomyrmex species group foraging in a 1995 intermittently cloudy with showers E. obliqua/E, regnans (approx. 4 years old) O Q one ant observed feeding at an abandoned Amorbus wound - tree infested with 4 fifth instar A. obscuricornis nymphs 28 Mar. - Forest Resources concession observed two ants of the Myrmecia pilosula group feeding on manna exuding from 1995 - sunny and warm a wound to E. obliqua caused by the feeding activity of a fourth instar A. obscuricornis nymph - on two occasions when the nymph came into contact with these ants it reared up on all legs and appeared very agitated by their presence, however, the ants did not harm the bug 1190 M.J. Steinbauer Discussion Manna appears to be a very attractive source of carbohydrate for a number of Tasmanian ant species. Given that eucalypt forests have few such rich carbohydrate resources other than nectar from flowers and/or extrafloral nectaries, and that the availability of these substances can be very seasonal (Paton 1979, 1982; Smith, 1984; Recher et al., 1985) in the case of nectar from flowers it is hardly surprising that ants will take manna from any available site, even from close proximity to feeding herbivores such as A.
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