Controlled Manual Block Signaling With Train Control Missouri Pacific Eliminates Train Orders by Directing Train Move­ ments With Signal Indications HE Missouri Pacific is installing a system of con­ trains, the remainder being freight trains. A ruling T trolled manual block signaling on 50 miles of grade of about 1 per cent in each direction in this SO­ single track between Leeds, Mo. (Kansas City) · mile district limits the train load. The draw bar pull of and Osawatomie, Kan . Superimposed on this block sig­ the Mikado 1,400 class locomotives used in this territory naling is an automatic train control system, which is is approximately i0,000 lb. In the direction of heavy being installed in compliance with the order of the Inter­ traffic, the maximum grade is located within 20 miles of state Commerce Commission. The intermittent inductive the initial terminal (Osawatomie), therefore full tonnage train control of the National Safety Appliance Company can be handled with the assistance of a helper which is was installed as a part of the wayside equipment, while cut off at \Vagstaff. The line has numerous sharp 19 freight and 10 passenger locomotives have been curves that will necessitate heavy reconstruction when a equipped with the engine apparatus. Following the com­ second track is necessary. pletion of the installation on the first 25 miles between The results desired by the present installation of sig- West End of Martin City Passenger on Main Line Passing Dodson with Uoth Train- East End of Kenneth Passing Track Order Signal and Block Signal 2998 Clear Passinc Track Leeds and Kenneth a representative of the Interstate naling were : ( 1) to provide a section of automatic train Commerce Commission made an official inspection be­ control as required by the order of the Interstate Com­ tween September 1 and 12. merce Commission; (2) to increase the track capacity of The complete signaling system provides for the direc­ this section of single track by rearranging the sidings tion of trains by signal indication, thereby reducing and relocating the water stations and signals accordingly; considerably the number of written train orders with the ( 3) to direct the movement of trains by signal indication, ultimate purpose of eliminating orders entirely. The di­ thereby reducing the use of written train orders . rectional control of train movements between stations on this single track is provided by electric locking of the Requirements for Train Control and Signaling controlled manual levers in the stations. All of the In the section now being signaled there are four pass­ signals are associated with the stations and passing ing tracks and the end of double track. Operators are tracks, no intermediate signals being used although dis­ located at Leeds, the end of double track on the Kansas tant signals are provided in some cases. Citv Terminal, at Dodson, and at Kenneth . Train move­ The controlled manual block has been superimposed ments between Leeds and Dodson are directed by signal on the previous manual block system without any addi­ indication exclusively, the signals being cleared by the tion or rearrangement of the men manning the manual co-operative action of the operators at the separate block offices. The spacing of the sidings will be rear­ offices. Train movements into and out of Hytex passing ranged in accordance with the actual performance of an track are likewise directed by signals which are under average l"rain in a peak load period. joint control from Leeds and Dodson. A similar system Operating Problems to Be Considered is used between Dodson and Kenneth . The wayside track magnets of the train control system are located at This single track division between Kansas City, Mo., the signals. Therefore unless an attempt is made to pass and Osawatomie, Kan ., handles a total of from 38 to 51 a signal in the stop position, a train in a routine trip will trains a day, which includes 10 scheduled passenger not encounter an operation of the train control system, 423 Digitized by Google 424 RAILWAY SIGNALING Vol. 17, No.11 except at the two non-interlocked railroad crossings. When a train is approaching a meeting point an indi­ The Interstate Commerce Commission requisites for cation is given of the line-up at the lap switch by means train control require either that a train must be stopped of the distant signal at the outlying switch. This signal before reaching the home or stop signal when the latter also governs the movement of an approaching train, if is in the stop position, or else a stopping distance must it should be desired that the train enter the siding at the be provided in the space covered after the train passes outlying end, which case would occur if more than one the signal. Without the forestalling device (paragraph train in the same direction was to meet a superior train. 1-b) a stopping distance must be provided at a single The lap siding with all switches handled by an operator track meeting point, which condition can be met in two provides a practical equivalent of an equal amount of ways: ( 1) by extending the overlap on the main track double track. This has been proven to be the case by a inside the switch at which the inferior train takes the circumstance in which, with four meeting points at one siding, or (2) by interlocking the switches at the inner station, only one train out of eight was required to come end of a lap siding to give parallel moves, requiring to a stop. This result is, of course, brought about by trains to enter the sidings at the inner ends of the laps. the combination of the stretch of double track of a length ,.,. '•·· ' t I• j ;!;_.... -·.J· I . • - .. - ..- - ·----. - -. --' Typical Relay Case Showing Single Left to Right: L. S. Werthmuller, aHist­ A Comer of the Relay Cabinet at Cell of Edison Storage Used for ant signal engineer; R. R. Ragland, train Kenneth, Showing Track Repeat Track Battery and Time Element control examiner; 0. R. Unger, signal in­ Relays, Control Relays, Terminal Relay to Control Speed Limits spector and T. W. Cheatham, division supt. Arresters, etc. The forestalling device on the locomotive is not used on equal to twice each siding, with the fact that the inferi­ the Missouri Pacific, therefore either the overlap inside ority of the trains at the meeting point is not established the inferior switches or the interlocking of the lap in advance by train order or time table as to right, class switches is used. or direction. Instructions to take siding by direction of There are two non-interlocked crossings betwe·en Leeds the train dispatcher are, on the one hand, as a rule, is­ and Dodson at which the track magnets are permanently sued to the trains by signal indication at the block sta­ set to stop all trains in order to enforce obedience to the tion where the meet or pass is to be made, and on the STOP sign. When a train must pass a stop signal to other hand at intermediate or blind sidings when the enter a siding the train stop apparatus will not be in train is stopped by a stop signal, bell, telephone or other effect to stop the train, provided the train is within a indication at the head-block of the hand-thrown entering few feet of the switch before the route is changed. switch. Through the method of diverting to the siding the train which first arrives at the meeting point, there is Advantages of Lap Sidings and Method of Operation the possibility of avoiding a stop not only for the op­ At the single track meeting point for a lap siding the posing train which holds the main line but also for the train enters the siding at the inner end of the lap. If train on the siding, when the meeting point for both of the arrival of two opposing trains is separated by an ap­ the trains is a good one. preciable interval of time so that the first train has had The control of the use of the sidings is in the hands time to get in the clear, the other train is given the main of the block operator under the direction of the train line. If the trains arrive so closely together as to require dispatcher so that there need be no misunderstanding as it, both trains are diverted into their respective sidings. to the arrangement of the meeting point insofar as the The switches at the near ends of the laps are handled by use of the siding is concerned. Superiority of the train mechanical levers in the telegraph office. It is planned from station to station is conferred by signal indication. that the operator shall control the switches at the outer When a train is to take siding at the first switch, the ends of all passing tracks by means of remote control, stop signal is displayed. If the switch is hand-operated, power-operated switch machines, therefore the trains can the trainmen get in touch with the operator by telephone pass out to the main track without stopping, providing or by bell signal for instructions. If the switch is han­ the block in advance is clear. dled by the operator through a remote controlled low- Digitized by Google November, 1924 RAiLWA Y SIGNALING 425 voltage movement, a slow speed indication by semaphore be moved, then ask Kenneth for an unlock connection (battery). When the battery is received it will unlock the instrument, dwarf signal is displayed for the train to enter the siding showing an unlock on the indicator.
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