The Denver Catholic Register WEDNESDA Y, APRIL 26, 1978 VOL. Llll NO. 37 Colorado’s Largest Weekly 36 PAGES 25 CENTS PER COPY • f i ANOTHER HOLOCAUST? A Pastoral Letter Dear Family in Christ: ^^oncerned citizens from various parts of our Country and the World This author represents a group are planning a peaceful demonstration at Rocky Flats, Colorado on April of respected moralists who are not 29-30. Personally, I am not very fond of demonstrations but I do share passivists but they tell us that any their concern atout the real dangers of nuclear war and radioactive con­ use or even threat of use of nuclear tamination. For this reason, I am asking the Catholic people of Northern weapons is immoral because these Colorado to consider the authentic teachings of their Church and to weapons are intrinsically un­ review a few recent statements relevant to our present situation. controllable and have massive, deadly consequences. Father Winters writes: “We need adequate In 1962, Pope John XXIII said: “Justice, right reason and humanity military strength to defend human, urgently demand that the arms race should cease; that the stockpiles cultural and political values that which exist in various Countries should be reduced equally and have been achieved thus far in the simultaneously by the parties concerned; that nuclear weapons should be process of human development. Yet, banned.” (Pacem in Terris, No. 112) we cannot any longer afford the illu­ sion that nuclear “weapons” "Pope Paul VI At the Second Vatican Council, the provide such security. Bishops of the World wrote this: In asking you to consider these statements, I am deeply sensitive to ht “The horror and perversity of war are immensely magnified by the the fact that some 3000 people gain their livelihood at Rocky Flats. For so multiplication of scientific weapons. them, the goals of the planned demonstration pose a threat to their daily SI For acts of war involving these needs and no one can fault them for their fears and concerns. Every o weapons can inflict massive and in­ person and institution which supports this demonstration at Rocky Flats can do no less than to fight for a transition of this facility that includes >es discriminate destruction far ex­ ceeding the bounds of legitimate financial security for the workers and their families. defense . Any act of War aimed indiscriminately at the destruction Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the current situation is the of entire Cities or of extensive areas fatalistic trance that has paralyzed large numbers of us. We pretend that along with their population is a we are powerless and so we seem to merely wait for the inevitable. We crime against God and man himself. are living in a state of nuclear emergency that threatens human ex­ It merits unequivocal and un­ istence. We need to awaken from our trance and send a message to our hesitating condemnation.” leaders: “Start working for a safe and peaceful future.” (Gaudium et Spes, No. 80) -Pope John XXIII Why do I ask you to consider the statements which contain the authen­ tic teachings of our Church? The Catholic Church is the oldest Christian In 1976, the Bishops of the United States wrote: “The Church has guide in moral behavior on the face of our earth; and, it clearly teaches traditionally recognized, under stringent conditions, engaging in war can that nuclear warfare is immoral because it is a direct contradiction of its be a form of legitimate defense. But modern warfare, in both its Founder’s Teachings who said He came that we might have life and have technology and its execution, is so savage that one must ask whether war it to the full. Essential parts of nuclear weapons are being constructed in as it is actually waged today can be morally justified . The right of our Community, and we share in the responsibility for the danger it legitimate defense is not a moral justification for unleashing every form represents to all who live in our global village. of destruction . With respect to nuclear weapons, at least those with massive destructive capacity, the first imperative is to prevent their In preparing this statement, I make no pretensions. I am not a mover use.” (“To Live in Christ Jesus” ) or a shaker of World opinion. We must rely on our leaders to send our l a i l message to Russia and China and other nuclear powers. We have to start Pope Paul VI in 1976 wrote a message for World Peace Day, and he somewhere; and, you and I can at least serve as starters. Our voice may said: “Let ill-fated and dishonorable arms, such as atomic weapons, be be heard as one crying in the wilderness of a people who seem to be proscribed. Let the terrible art which can manufacture them and store silently and stoicly resigned to the inevitabiiity of a nuclear holocaust. them to terrorize peoples be outlawed. We pray that the deadly device may not have killed peace while seeking it.” Those of you who watched all or a part of the 9Vi hour T.V. documen­ tary drama The Holocaust last week will remain deeply disturbed by the — 1 And later, he called the entire armaments race which is draining the incredible inhumanity that took place in our generation. If only we could resources of the World, ” . a danger, an injustice, a violation of law. a erase this shameful chapter from the record of human history but we form of theft, a mistake, a wrong, a folly.” cannot. However, the spectre of another and perhaps more shameful holocaust has appeared on the horizon of the present day. We dare not In a recent book, entitled: “Ethics and Nuclear Strategy?”, Father stand idly by when the possibility of a nuclear massacre threatens our Francis D. Winters, S.J.. states that the traditional rules for a just war Community, our Country and our World. do not apply to the nuclear situation. In fact, he feels that the words “weapons” and “war" should be abandoned in speaking of nuclear con­ Your brother in Christ, flict because the development of military technology in the last 30 years has so transformed the instruments of war that they require new names /- to represent a new reaUty. .Archbishop of Denver •I i ARCHBISHOP’S OFFICK 200 .Josephine Street Schools Under One Head Denver, CO 80206 Administration of all Catholic schools on the Front Archbishop Casey announced the change for all Range will be consolidated in one office July 1, according elementary and secondary schools, merging them into a Official single office instead of three separate administrative of­ “ ■■■ AIM'OINTMK.M'S to Archbishop James V. Casey. Rev. Robert Mann, to be administrator, St. Patrick’s fices for Metro Denver, the northern section and the Church, Minturn, and to be in charge of the .Missions at Vail, southern section. Kagle, and Redcliffe. Brother Foster Zibilich, director of schools for the Rov Joseph Carb<jne, O.S ,M., to be pastor, Our Lady of Denver area, will become director of school services for Mount Carmel Church, Denver Rev. Robert V. Nevans, to be administrator pro tern, St. all Front Range schools — six in the north, six in the south Therese Church, Aurora. and 38 in metro Denver. SCMKOULKS AR( IIUISIIOP JAMKS V. CASfiY The two other area directors will continue as coor­ Sunday, April 30, 10:30 a m., Denver, 10:30 Community, dinators for their areas — Bill Skehan in Colorado Springs Cixicelebrated Mass. Confirmation. I'astoral Visit and Sister Mary Kenneth Lewis in Longmont. Sunday, April 30, 5 p m , Denver, Mt Carmel Church, Knights of Columbus State Convention Concelebrated Mass Father Thomas J. Woerth, Vicar for Education, Monday, May 1, 11 a m., Denver, .Mullen Home for the Family Life and 'Vouth, said the new system will provide Klderly, Concelebrated Mass, Feast of St Jo.seph the for better management and better use of personnel in the Worker, Luncheon to F'ollow. schools. r Tuesday, May 2-4, Chicago, Palm er House Hotel, National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Spring Meeting “The money will be going to people, not into ad­ HISHDP (iKOlU.K R. KVANS ministration,” he said. Friday, April 28, 8 a m , Denver. Catholic Pastoral Center, Colorado Oiuncil of Churches Meeting. With the new system, Father Woerth said Brother Friday. April 28 , 3:30 p m , Denver, Catholic Pastoral Foster’s staff, which is headquartered at the Catholic ■•i Center. Kncuentro Ikiard Meeting Pastoral Center at 200 Josephine St., will no longer be Friday, April 28, 7:30 p m , IX-nver, Annunciation confined to the Denver area but will go wherever needed. Church, Concelebrated Ma.ss and Confirmation Sunday, April 30, 12 Noon. Creeley. St Mary's Church. He said the consolidation has been discussed for Concelebrated Mass and Confirmation some time. In the 1960s, Father Woerth said the school Sunday, April 30, 2 p m . Creeley, St. Peter s Church. Concelebrated Mass and Confirmation administrations were divided. Many schools in the Tuesday, May 2-4, Chicago, Illinois, National Conference Archdiocese have closed since then, he said. of Catholic Bishops, Ceneral Mieting lilSIlOP Hit HARD ( II AMFFN (See Pages 13-24 for a special section on education Saturday, April 29, 7:30 p in , Burlington, St Catherine's Brother Foster Zihitich and vocations). Church - Concelebrated Mass, Confirmation, Sunday, April 30, 10 a m , Stratton, St Charles Church - Concelehialed Mass, Conlirniation Sunday, April 30, 2 p in . Cheyenne Wells, Sacred Heart Wouldn't you Church Concelebrated Mass, Confirmation Sunday, April 30, 5 p in , Linion, Our l^dy of Victory Church Concelebrated Mass, Confirmation; Hugo.
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