.. THE. EAST . INDlA~:.· 'HOUSE ITS· HISTORY·'AND:.·ASSOCIATIONS<' }, --r== THE EAST· INDIA·· HOUSE . ' ITS HISTORY . AND. 'ASSOCIATIONS BY WILLIAM FOSTER. >·c·~·I.E_ WITH THIRTY-SEVEN ILLUS'(RATIONS O!J tk6 !Jig'h'lllay is a d17 'lllay, · And ifs T1Jea17 walHftK, tker6: So tke '6Y71Jay shall lJe m7 ·'ZIJay:...;. /.eah lane and meado'ZIJ fair. LONDON - JOHN LANE THE BODLEY HEAD LIMI!ED · First Published tn I924 MADB: AND PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY MORRISON AND GIBB LTD., EDINBURGH PREFACE HERE are still some who like to saunter along the byways of history- paths that lead no­ where in particular, yet have their own quiet T attractions. To such the following pages may appeal. Topics of importance they do not pretend to touch, being in fact little more than gossip about the domestic side of the East India Company's long history. If excuse be needed for putting forth these gatherings­ the result of a fairly intimate acquaintance, extending over forty years, with the Company's records-it may perhaps be found in the fact that they illustrate the working of a typical trading body in the City of London during two and a half centuries, and that is a subject on which compara­ tively little is at present known. A few of the articles have already appeared, though they have since been considerably revised. The account of Lamb's official career was published in Macmillan's J.l! agazine as long ago as 1897 ; the portion of the chapter on 'The Examiner's Department' relating to James Mill has appeared in The Scottish Historical Review, and the articles on John Hoole and the Royal East India Volunteers in the Westminster Review and the United Seroice Magazine respectively. I am indebted to the editors and pro­ prietors of those periodicals for permission to utilize these portions afresh. Several of the illustrations are taken, with permission, v PREFACE from pictures and plans in the India. Office. For the two sketches that appear on pp. 53 and 134 I have to thank the proprietors of 'Ihe Gentlewoman ; while the view of Hoole's house is reproduced from 'lhe Daily Chroniclt with the sanction of the editor and of the artist, Mr. Ernest Coffin, to whose skilful pencil is also due the illustration of the . Da. Bois monument. The portrait of James Mill is taken from one in Dr. Bain's biography of him,. which Messrs •., . Lorigmans,. Green&: Co. have kindly· allowed me to copy • vi CONTENTS CHAP. ·· PAGB ..~ \ I. SIR. CHR.JSTOPHER. CLITHER.ow' s Hous1 • • I ~ .. II. CR.AvEN HousE • , . zo III. THE PuRCHASE OF CR.AvEN HousE • fO IV. THE PLAGUE AND THE GR.EAT FIR.E, • • ,.,.. ,,.' 57 V. THE Wuvus' RioTs " .. 68 VI. THE STAFF IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENT'UR.Y. • • So l VII. SoME PETTY CAsH BooKs • • . ~ 91 VIII. CHAR.LES Du BOis, TR.EASUR.ER. • .. 113 1 IX. THB REBUILDING 1N I 7%6-%9 ' • us .. X. THt LATER. HisTORY oF THE BuiLDING· ... 136 XI. Ma. AuDITOR. HooLE ... ISS' '\" XII. THE RoYAL EAsT INDIA VoLUNTEERs • I6S .xur. Ma. LAMB, OF THE AccouNTANT's OFFICE • • i75 XIV. THE ExAMtNEa's DEPAR.TMENT... 193 XV. THE STAFF IN THE NINETEENTH CENroaY •. • u6 INDEX • •· 2+3 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES THE EAsT INDIA HousE, 1711 • ~ . From a drawing by GEORGE VERTUE. PACING PAGB• Sut CHRISTOPHER. CLITHERow • u From a painting by MARC GEERARTS. LoRD CRAVEN • • zz From an engraving by R. COOPER, after a painting by HONTHORST. THE DISTRICT IN 1677 Z4 SKINNERS' HALL • . • .. 106 From an engraving by M. BARRENGER1 after a drawing by T. H. SHEPHERD, THE Du Bors ToMB IZZ From a drawing by ERNEST COFFIN, THE DuTCH VIEW u6 From an engraving by J, B. Put.HAM. · THE OVERLEY VIEW uS From the original in the British Museum. THE EAST INDIA HousE, 1766 From an engraving by T. SIMPSON for Entick's History of lmuim&. THE CHAIRMAN's SEAT • DIRECTORS' CouRT RooM • From a water-colour drawing by T. H. SHEPHERD, at the India Office. PLAN OF THE INTERIOR IN 1796 • 136 THE EAST INDIA HousE BEFORE REBUILDING • _ 13 8 From a water-colour drawing by THOMAS MAL TON, at the India Office. THE EAST INDIA HousE AFTER REBuiLDING 138 From a water-colour drawing by THoMAS MALTON, at the India Office. A SALE AT THE EAsT INDIA HousE • '140 From an aquatint by STADLER, after a drawing by ROWLANDSON and PuGIN, . A GENERAL CouRT 142_ From a water-colour drawing by T. H. SHEPHERD, at the India Office. ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PACUfO PA~ LUDDH.lLL STUIT ABOUT 1840. • • • ....... From an e11graving by J. HOPIUNS. alter a drawing by T. H. SHJ:PKUD (Wooos' Yil'wl ill Lmul011). TH& EAsT !NDU. Hous& ·AS CoMPLITID • • • • 146 From an engravinJ b1 W. WALLACE, alter a drawing by T. H. SHEPH.UD (M•l'.liJ' Lmdo11). A TacuT I'OI. TH& Lau.AI.Y • • • From the original in the India Office Library. JoHM Hoou • • • • • • • 162 From u engraving by WILLIAM DANIELL, after a drawing by GEOJlG& DANCE. Hoou't Hovs1 • • • • 164 From a drawing by ERNEST COFfiN. -.· A PusENTAno• ol' CoLOvas • • • • • 168 From a water-colour drawing by HENllY MATTHEWS, at the India Office. TH& Uatroa.M or THI R.E.I. VoLVNTIIR.S • From a drawing by ROWLANDSON. ' TH& E.AST boa.& Hovsa •• 1800. • • • 180 ,rom S1kel Yii'IIIJ of l.Mtdo110 by WATTS and MEDLAND. CH.An.ES L.AMB • • • • • 188 Sketched and engraYed b7 J. B. P'UUIAH. JAMES MILL • • " • • • • 200 From a drawing thai belonged to Mrs. GROTE. THOMAS Lova PI.ACOCE • • • • • • 21 o From a _painting by HENllY WALLIS. In the National Portrait Gallery. JoHM STVAJ.T MILL • • • • • • :u6 . From a painting by G. F. WATTS, in the National Portrait Gallery. ' bEST.A.ND JUSEKTID TO MILL •. • From a photograph at the India Office. JAMEs CoBB • • • • • • 238 From an engraving by CHAPMAN, after a painting by DllVMMOND (Europea11 Marasi11e). BLOCKS IN THE TEXT rAGa FaoM Aa.AS's PuR or LoNDOM • 4 Pus OF 0JUGIN.AL S1n • 6 AM OLD CLOCit • • • • 53 From a drawing by HOWAllD PENTON. AllMs oF THE Ow CoMr ANY • • IO:Z Aa.Ms oF THE NEw (AND UNITED) COMPANY • 103 THE M.lNTELPIECE IN THE Cova.T RooM • 134 From a drawing by HowAllD PENTON. PLAN OF THE DEVELOPMENT OJ' THE SiTE • • 146 X INDEX Abraham, Thomas, 49· Beadle, the, 8, SS n., 81. Abul Hasan, Mirza, 147· Beechey, Sir William, 147• Accountant, the Company's, 8, 81-2, 85. Beer, 108. Acton, James, So. Beillars, Commodore, JJo-J. African Company, 53· ·Bell, the, so, I 32 n. Albein, Benjamin, 64. Benbriges lnne, 3· Allen, William, zo n. Berkeley, Earl of, 43, 95· All Hallows, Barking, 33-+ Bethnal Green, 64 n.. • All Hallows, Honey Lane, 114. Blackborne, Robert, 55 1 84! All Hallows, Thames Street, 131 n. Blackwall, xs, 231. Anabaptists, 99 n. Blake, Admiral, 30. Anchor Tavern, 119. Blue Warehouse, the, 63. Andrews, Thomas, 35, 40. Boat-hire, 97, JOI• Anne, Queen, 49, no, 129. Bohun, George, 72-3. Anstruther, Mr., 168 •. Bonds, security, 1771 188. Apprentices to the Company, 85. Bonfires, 110. Astell, William, 173 {z). Booth's Tables of Interest1 188. Aston, Charles, 45· Boothby, Richard, 11. Atwell & Co., 87. Borely, J. B., 147· Auber, Peter, 196, 227, 238. Bosson, John, 132. Auditors, 8, 9, 8z, 85-6, 159, 194• Boswell, James, 158--9, 163-4• Aungier, Percival, So. · Bourchier, Charles, I s8. Bowen, Adam, 18. Babylonian Stone, 150. Box, Ralph, II S· . · Backwell, Alderman, 88. Bramston, John, 18. Bacon, Francis, 9 n., 21. Brassey, Thomas, 153· Bacon, John, 137, 139· Brawnd'a Tavern, 96. Bailiffs at the East India House, 233 Brigginshaw, Robert, 51 1 136. Bain, Professor, 2o8, :us-72 223. Britannia, the, 172. Balloting box, 98. Broad Street Ward, 107. Bank of England, 53 (z), 89, 232. Brougham, Lord, 206-7. Banks, Thomas, 137· Broughton, W. G., 239· Baring, Sir Fran~s, 138, 176, 235· Brown, Sheriff, 18. Barley Mow) the, 172. Bruce, John, 238. Barnard, Captain, 170. Buchanan-Hamilton MSS., 149 Barnardiston, Sir Samuel, 64. Buckingham, Duke of, 21. Barton, Bernard, 185, 189. Buckingham, J. S., 212. Basire, James, 151. BUlkley, Dr. E., 121. Bateman, Anthony, 35, 100. Burnet, Dr., 59· Bateman, Robert, 35· Burney, Martin, 177. .· Baxter, --, 52. Burroughs, Christopher, so, 51 n., 130. Beachcroft, --,51. Bye, Thomas, 185. Q* 24-3 INDEX Calhuac:k'a Tavern, 119. Cockerell, Samuel P., 144. Calicoes, printed, 6g, 72, 74, 76-7, 79· Coffee-pot freeented, 95• Cambell, Sir Thomas, 12. Coke, Chie Justice, 21. Cam~ridge, Duke of, 169, 171. Colebrooke, Sir George, 234. Cameron, Charlet Hay, 206. Cole brooke, H. T., 149· Candlestick• given to Skinners• Com• Coleridge, S. T., 92, rSJ, 184, 189-91. pany, 106 •· · Committee Rooms, 137, 140, 147· Canning, George, 196. Control, Board of, 143, 196, 204, 209, Carlton House, 144. 219· Carlyle, Thomas, 195 ••, 214, 218. Cooke, Sir Thomas, 88. Carteret, Lady, S9· · Coote, Sir Eyre, atatue of, •37· Cashier-General, the, 8, 36, 46, So, h,. Cornhill, 65 ; Street, 3· Ss, 87, 94, 104, u6, uS; quarters Cornwallie, Lord, portrait of, 137 ; for, 54· · statue ·of, 147• Castle,-, SS· Corporation of London, 47 n., go, Cecil House, 21. 105 n., 14S· Chair, Chairman'a, 134· Court Room, Directors', 53, 134-5, Chamberlain, Sir Thomas, 41. 138. Chambers, John, 183, 185-6. Court Room, General, 52, 137-8, 14<>-1, Chancery Lane, 119. 217; used 11 a Sale Room, S:Z, 140; Chandoa, Lord, 166 •· atatue• in, 137, 147• Charles I, 1<>-2, 27, 42, 58. Covent Garden Theatre, 144. Charle1 ll, 23, 4<>-3, 88, 11 S• Craven, 1econd Baron, 48.
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