VOL. Xivn—No. 21, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, May 26, 1939. $2.00 A YEAS tGlengarrians See King and i Queen on Royal Tour #8,000^at|Alexandria, Sunday, Give IN MAGNIFICENT SETTING CANADA GETS ROYAL SALUTE Whole Empire Heard His Majesty Monarchs Real Highland Welcome Speak From Winnipeg Wednesday '/V .- "■ ■- Flowers Presented by. Little Tots During Seven- 1 pill % .. Royal Visitors Given Warm Reception At All Minute Stop Here.—Queen Asks Ontario Points—Now Getting For Pipe Music x Prairie Welcome Winnipeg, May ^4—British subjects in the four corners of the world today Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth came to Alex- heard King George, speaking from the centre of Canada in an Empire Day ad- andria Sunday afternoon and during- their seven-minute stop, here, won a dress, declare that spiritual dignity and material happiness of human life must be : lasting plaice in the hearts of over 8,000 wildly cheering subjects who hiad general before the Empire can claim to be of service to its own people and the assembled from every section of Glengarry and many outside points to do world. them honor. Throughout the entire visit and until the train was lost to view. He said the Empire’s wealth and power were but instruments, and the end was -Their Majesties remained on the observation platform plainly visible ta » all <(freedom, justice and peace in equal numbers for all, secure against attack from present. While yet retaining their regal bearing, the king and Queen dis- without and from within.”. played a warm, democratic friendliness as. they smiled acknowledgement o£ The King’s speech of more than 800 words, the longest he ever had broadcast^ the welcome which came from their loyal Glengarry subjects, and their was carried not only to British subjects around the globe, but'prindpal radio chains gracious, kindly manner could not but evoke a warm response In all. in the United States, France and many other countries took the words of the King Those were thrilling moments which will ever be remembered by ail to their listeners. present and which will serve to tighten the bonds which tie this section of His Majesty’s speech was delivered in a rich, resonant voice. He spoke slowly Canada so closely to the Throne. as always and had difficulty on only two occasions, when he was pronouncing the The jubilant roar which rose as the train pulled to a stop was spontan- words ^society” and ‘ inspiration.” The faith in reason and fair play shared by the United States and the British eous and prolonged but a wave of silence succeeded It as the awe-struck Empire “is one of the chiet ideals that guides the British Empire in all its ways crowd first glimpsed their King and Queen. It was a solemn, Impressive today,” the Monarch said. moment and the assembled people seemed stricken with a surge of Intense No man would ever again conceive the British and American peoples resorting loyalty and affection which a noisy demonstration might profane. There to war to resolve their differences. were scattered attempts at organized cheering during the stop; but not un- “The journey which the Queen and I are making in Canada has been a deeply til the train had begun to move did the assembled Glenganians feel free moving experience and I welcome this opportunity of sharing with my subjects in again to express their pent-up emotions in wave after wave of cheering. all parts of the world some of the thoughts and feeling which • it has inspired in me,” the King said, As was to be' expected, the welcome > His Majesty spoke midway through from Glengarrians was of a Scottish a day of intense activity» during which nature, the skirl of the pipes being tne Their Majesties Express he and the Queen rode about Winnipeg first sound to reach the ears of Their Queen Acknowledges Gilt in in an open car. j ^ Majesties. A banner bearing the in- Eager Toronto Throngs Greet; Royalty scription “Caed mile faille do Glen- Pleasure With Reception lelier To Anne TORONTO, May 2^- An acclaim- gardh” might have been interpreted In an exchange of telegrams be- A souvenir of the Royal visit which ing Toronto made the King and by the Scottish Queen as “A hundred tween John D MacRae,, M.P., and will be prized highly, arrived in Queen late for their train tonight, thousand welcomes \ to Glengarry.1’ Prime Minister Mackenzie King re- yesterday’s mail for little Anne McIn- finally giving-them a vociferous send- Alexandria was but a service stop Jative to the visit of* the King and tosh, who accompanied by Master off for Western Qanadjj^, on the royal tour, but the visit of Queen to Glengarry, Sunday, tne Lowell Ostrom, made a presentation Their Majesties attracted the whole Prime Minister refers to the pleasure In three separate tours approxi- of flowers to the Queen during the mating 32 miles, the. King and countryside and cheering throngs lin- of Their Majesties with (he reception stop at Alexandria. The memento is a ed both sides of the railway from five which was accorded them here. Queen heard, saw, and felt the letter written by the Lord Chamber- to ten deep over a half mile stretch Mr. MacRae telegraphed on Mon- loyal greetings of 1,500,000 of their lain to the Queen and expresses her Flowers Are Presented. day expressing, through the Premier, people. The city’§ normal popula- appreciation of the kind thought. tion was more than doubled by The hope that Their Majesties the gratitude of Glengarrians, to Their The letter which was written and, the influx from • other Ontario . would make a personal appearance ' MaJesties- for th^lr gracious appear- mailed on the Royal Train as it sped: areas. was quickly realized and the joy of!81»?? here. The acknowledgement was .westward, regc^ as foltogg; Highlight of the Toronto yisit was the many present reached its peak when ^ac^a0 on Tuesday I am commanded by the Queen the appearance of the Dionile quintu- Her Majesty the Queen accepted from1 Mr. MacRae’s message read: to write and thank you for the plets but Their Majesties had a full the hands of Anne McIntosh, little Rt. Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King day which included: Officiai' "Welcomes daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. D. McIn- Aboard the Royal Train. gift of wild flowers from the of the Province and the Cityj Presen- tosh, a basket of trilliums. Little Miss On behalf of the people of Glen- woods of Glengarry. tation of Colors by the Queen to the McIntosh and Master Lowell Ostrom, garry county, whom I have the Her Majesty desires me to say Toronto Scottish Regiment; Luncheon son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ostrom honour to represent, I wish to ex- that she appreciates very mucb at Hart House; Visits to assembled were lifted to the observation plat- press our sincere thanks to Their your kind thought. children at Riverdale Park and C. N. form to make the presentation which -Majesties for their gracious ap- Yours truly Exhibition grounds; Visits to Christie was entirely unscheduled. Ann ask- pearance in Alexandria, on . May Framed in the doorway of the dominion Parlia- nified, stands at his majestys’ side as he takes the AIRLIE Street Military Hospital and the ed Queen Elizabeth to present her 21st. nent Buildings at Ottawa, following the solemnly salute- during the martial ceremony which followed 'istoric ritual within, the King and Queen make a that in .the Senate. Prime Minister Mackenzie King Lord Chamberlain to the Queen. Woodbine race track. t * regards to the Princesses, Her Ma- JOHN D. MacRAE, naenificent nicture. aa the Queen, charmingly dig- stands farther back in the arched doorway. Ottawa War Memorial Unveiled. jesty replying, “Thank you darling,” M.P. for Glengarry. OTTAWA, May 22.—Ottawa said a and asking the name and age of each. Efficient Service Recognized reluctant farewell to King George and The card which accompanied the The Prime Minister replied: Hew Tabernacle Blessed Mr. Angus MacDonald, formerly of Queen Elizabeth yesterday. The blue flowers bore the names of the two ’J.'D. MacRae, M.P.. ¥ Company Honor Glengarry Representatives Fourth of Kenyon, Glengarry, now and silver Royal train hearing Their children and the following text: “May Apple Hill, Ont. At St. Finnan’s Cathedral Haye had much pleasure in plac- V, i Master Mechanic on Hornepayne Majesties on their Canadian tour left it please Your Most Gracious Majes- Gu;rd al Kingston His Excellency, Most Rev. Felix Cou- Meet Their Majesties Division of Canadian National Rail- ing your telegram. May 21st, before i; ■ at 2.35 pm. E.D.T., with the Royal cou- ties to accept these wild flowers from Some fifty strong, Genghrry’s per- turier, OF., DID., Bishop of Alexan- ways, will have charge of the engines Their Majesties who are pleased John D, MacRae, MF., E. A. Mac- ple waving from the rear platform and the woods of Glengarry, the trilllum sonnel in the SD. Sc G. Highlanders, dria pontificated at the 8 o’clock Mass and crews, comprising the Royal Tour, with the reception which was ac- GiUivray, MLA. and Miss Joey Mac- the band playing‘‘Will Ye No Come floral emblem of Ontario.” “D” Company, spent Sunday in King- in St. Finnan’s Cathedral, here, As- on its eastward trip from Western corded them at Alexandria* Gillivray, were Glengarrians fortun- Back Again?” The departure climax- Chats With Royalty ston with other units of the regiment, cension Thursday, May 18th, when he Canada, and will tide the locomotive MACKENZIE KING.
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