A. Riehardson. Jr.; Docey \y„ lini Alice M. Dow as Flora and Stella JfOK by Bingen, A W. Wit bee. llangur; Brown, who holds the office of < eres. ^"fU> Gilbert «3ssf?»a3as5SBKS!ss!55:<i Society Todd, lig by Todd, Charles as lady assistant steward. Commit- 'T^rlctiHiTiil Steward: Cordon .... Russell, by Guy /\x- tee on applications, \V. It. Hafey, ('• I worthy, J. Robt. Clark, Weterville; C Cleveland, W. IS. Whittier, who re- bin v Holotta, by Bingen, George R. Pal- ported favorably on the names of sev- mer, Sangerville; Peter J., in ,A,r rrnsK $20. bg by Pet- en applicants who were instructed er the Great, S. J. Parker. St. Al- Hie admitted to h ' Har Pomona degree and BIGGER K BETTER In Ruth Merrinmn, rnt I V'b* bans; by Merri- Tfcls with the open- i »!■1. Lightning membership. man C, P. 1). Nelson, Dexter; »: ? W"’ in tnlim. ( lull ! Georgia, ing ceremonies occupied the morning Inn, P. D. Nelson, I M II Richard- j Spaundler, Dexter session. *»slu'y:,rI'. 2.B5 TROT AND PACK, I TUSK ses- » \.■■-xa.nlro, li. j $150 At the opening of the afternoon « Somerset Central si Prince Dell, bg. Asa Grant; Golden res- 'Sa j sion the officers occupied their Agricultural Society 'Xk"'^ <:nan.VK I Seal, clis by I’ddie Tory, Harry Clukey; pective chairs executing the offi- ■ Dr D. by fv K I- I Baroness Marjorie, by Baron Review, cers' drill. were adopt- l‘f c.i, !.v Twilling- ; Resolutions S .....:<s A. Riehardson, Van Gain, rs liv ====_===_ ■*. > r Azof! j Jr.; ed in favor of holding the 192.'! ses- Cr m—T-n—— n—r-rntr rr n —».i T~— wum.,anr- iimiii ■hi i» ■■■ ■ W 1 A. K. i Vassa. Van Dashev, Libby; Dandy .lint, sion of tite national Grange in Port- K rg Van A. K. West- C .1 Worthed by Dusbey, Libby; land This action is being adopted on Axtell, bin Dy Roland Axtell, R. by the Pomona Carl- W.. hg h.\ Granges throughout W. Tibbetts, New Slmron; Queen Wig 'the state. in ltehalf *t5 u -then & Son w. R. Hafey i D1 Bee (’has. Foss k! Hull Noble gin, kin by Todd, of We-serunsett Grange gave the wel- Littl, Foxeroft; Martha Watts, bin, Chester come address and W. B. Whittier of n Mango? Cook. Pittsfield; Cinnamon, rg by King Skowhegan Grange, gave a response ArnM imtcben, Philll Jb” Patch, Mcrvlr. Dyer; Veuvon Pateh to the welcome and imparted inform- hm by King Patch, Walter Hubbard: ation regarding tlie organization of TTRSE $10. Ward. 11 r ANn PACK. I John McWard, lig by John subordinate Granges in the state. Golitei K, \<a Grant; W. Maxwell, Bangor; Gordon Russell This session of the Pomona was as- T. Bushey; Wa- Ed.'li- T"rv. [ by Guy Axworthy, .1. Robt. Clark, 'igned a a patriotic meeting and the t run Revie w, I Lori- 10 Ha tervilie. exerriM S were in harmony with that * Galo, by lr Van rg purpose 'constating of songs by An- Jim, A k I.ibliv; Dandy nette Moody. Winifred Gardner and Wes- 'Ll,-. A li. l-iliby; Irvin Smith; remarks were in order Axtell, R. > ftfbv Roland PATRIOTIC PROGRAM by t Cleveland, F. P. McCollor Lew Sliai/m: Queen Wig- at ; II. 1 til-aid; recitations by L. G. Foss, gee Todd, Charles a*i I Carrie L. French; “What Chester iiartlia Watts, bin., iwen on of the most dungerous in- Patch, PRESENTED Lon, rg by King stam and experiences of your Ar- Patch, bm, Wal- F. yeuvnn Meeting of Somersel Pomona Held my lit-," was answered by S. M<-Ward, bg by L John Willi W'esserunsett Grange Emerson, th- only ex-soldier of the W. Maxwell, Bangor; Civil war present. There was a Ax worthy, J. Lll. by Guy 1 Members of Somerset Pomona gn- play ki -it .pi the stage tie members Water villu; Georgia of We illustrated A the red in average numbers at Wosser- mrunsett Grange; Nelson, Dexter. I L i>. I). ball Tuesday, songs by .Mildred Smith; cornet solo 175 junsett Grange Septem- pace, I TRUE, $ W. 1! a tableau I AND I her 12 and held a regular meeting | by Hafey; represent- Direct Braden; Ste- i Goddeks of by with tin- master, overseer, leelurer, ing ncle Sum and the Bangor; j Ethel A. W, .McKusic, steward, treasurer, | Liberty; songs on tlie stage by Dr. assistant cliaplain, I by Nortlierman, : America closing a iirg secretary, gate-keeper, Pomona and Flewellyn tinging Prince Dell, bg, Asa most inter' roan: Ceres present. The vacant (jbaira sting program. Heleobas, blkg by Bob Athens Grange, _,r: were by C. C. Cleveland as Next meeting with C. J. Worth- supplied ieallowancei. A. Kmerson as iTuesday, Sept. 20. dim steward; Martha (jfcres; jangor; laiis Ortolon, Aiwortliy, M. H. Rlchard- 1 Gilbert Todd, bg by L,i; gg,- ———————>■ — 1 lies Steward; Dorcey W„ ,' 1 a. W Wlthee, Bangor; A. Richurd- by Beltninsler, rfill,-; Harmless Marjorie, Wa- gevjew, A Richardson, - » lolotta. bm by llingen, Geo. 4 4 Sangerville; Ruth Merri- Big Days Big Nights ly Merriliian C., P. D. Ncl- | | 'AND PACE, PURSE, $175 A. iv, bg by Guy Axworthy, |c, Bangui: Hal .1., blkg by Wua- 29 V. Mi'liiisic. Bangor; I 1 D. K. 26,27,28and i,i Dr. Sept. ,j Niirlbcrniail, Bangor; ileleobus, blkg by (f. J, Wort hen & Son, Bau- jisthiman. bg by Coastman, ilmyra; Sister Ozoff, bin by iirhardsim. Jr.. Waterville; Hi,., by Tmldington, A. Ri- jr. Waterville: Jessie V„ Wa- ter, A. Richardson, Jr„ - »y Coffman, by Mariano, A. Bolotta, ^ jr„ Waterville; Sa.11- Hii. Geo. R. Palmer, AUTO ANI1 PACE, PURSE $150 A. W. RACESg U by Direct Braden, Baroness Marjorie, [ Bangor; A. Richardson, Jr.; | Review. i, rg by Van Ilashey, A. K. will be rs of Echo Todd i (lain, by Van Ilashey, I ieone a bay gelding, witti'fl record 2.20>4. by a lot of Elaborate Exhibits Educational Weston Axtell, bni by Pair. This is a horse with III ^ by; among the acers at the^kowhegun §j events. The | R. W. New in his racing itell. Tibbetts, rush and creates, a vast amount of Interest lartha Watts, Chester will drive, ___P lira, owner, Hugh Hight of NorridgeWock, lamon, rg by King Patch, _ tr, Hart land; Yeuvon Patch, tg Patch, Walter Hubbard, ■yiiriinir WiiWiMfaiffiMMMI , Prince Hell, bg, Asa Grant, Nine bhn Me Ward, bg by John $3000 W Maxwell, Bangor; Gor- >11, by Guy Axwortliy, J. | -Q | b, Waterville; Peter Jay, by Classes Purses Great. S. J. Parker, St. Al- r AND PACE, PURSE $200 g g U by Robt. J., Ur. A. K. Races Annie A bin by Lightning I Running Every Day | uhey, i.nis Ortolon, cbm by worthy, M. H. Richardson; ibg by Alexandra, 11. Cron- Cay, bg by Guy Axwortliy, [isle, liangor; Prince Dell, tint; Alvv Coemun, by Mar- Sichardstin, Jr.; Jeannie Toddington, A. Richardson, Azoff. by Azof!', A. Kichard- Ros. Proctor Two Machines Direct bg by Wells, Readfield. flying SZ AND PACE, PURSE, $175 —Courtob.v of Lewiston Sun j !. bg by Guy A. Axworthy, of Fiend<• of Farm- K'irl Ir ■> ni V.. tlio gray stallion property Henry J tt; Prince Dell, bg, Asa of'the light harness horses in Canada and the Wherman, bg by G. Nortlier- ington. known to patrons records than any other horse living or dead 9K. Jessie states Holder of more track Eastman; IT., by he at the ... ... s money winning paenr will .exhibited daily I world Continuous the largest Vaudeville 1 it,A. Richardson, Jr.; Bar- and Ct St jorie, bin by Baron Review, Skowhegan Fair. St -——- g Ct s? | Balloon Ascension-Double Parachute Drop 1 «_:« 1 BASEBALL *SS FOOTBALL, Friday &§ >__8 —Courtly of Lewiston Sun « & Tl. II. Reed. a sensational mare ! I to Right Mav The Great 2 121'. property of \V. M. Fort Falrlleld, eirei.il. Jledgowood Lassie, by Hedge wood Hoy 2.01. tow ... in the Maine and New Mrunswiek ; | Exciting Lively 1* Stable. Rockland Maine. Weston Axtell by Roland tbirsilld W. .I. Kahev. Lewiston, in Fran/. Simmons | Col. Forrest, owner George Ran- |lJH. owner U A Tibbetts, New Sharon. .Junior Forres..2.16% by winner at Waterville and Lewiston, In Mai- kport. in l >u 11,-n string. Carle 2. JR1.* by .Joint C., Ilangor. j iTowle's Stable, Augusta, Me. | ^ ----- k.. a ,w. I I -:- LARGE AUTO SHOW § | Citizens" Band St. Cecelia's Orchestra | 1 DANCING - - Afternoon and Evening I __ _ 8 *__ _____ 1 BIG EVENING PROGRAM i < " —Courtesy of Lewiston Sun | * j Pau-h 2.1.7i,4, i,y Dan Patch owned and driven by Franz Simmons, Rockland. A1 Crews 2.1414, tot 4j Wells Stable Read field Peter Tailin'' (3) 2.1714. the most promising colt in Aroostook County, Musicy Vaudeville Magnificent Display of Fireworks now 4 Sevens & Putnam Bros’, Howlton. (41 Dulce Belle 2.2014, a former Brand circuit troiter, | J i Malcolm & Towle Augusta (5) Helen Sterling 2.19>4 by Hal Sterling, member of Webb’s Stable, of J owned by \V A Hunks Augusta. («) Charles W. 2.15>4, winner of forty races and the pride the i 113>able, Bangor. 3 _ I l ; .
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