November 1, 2020 Solemnity of All Saints Mon—Fri: Sat: 4:00pm— 6:30am | 8:00am Mon: 9:00am—5:00pm 5:00pm Sat: Tues: 9:00am—5:00pm 8:00am | 5:15pm Vigil Wed: 9:00am—5:00pm Wed: 8:30am—8:00pm Sun: Thurs: 9:00am—5:00pm 7:00am | 9:00am | 10:30am Fri: 9:00am—4:00pm Mon—Sat following the 8:00am Mass 12:00pm Spanish | 5:15pm 233 West Gay Street, West Chester, PA 19380 (610) 692-2990 | www.saintagnesparish.org Page 1 - 171 Rev. Anthony Costa, Pastor Director of Sacred Music & Liturgy: Rev. Daniel Arechabala, Parochial Vicar Jill Lewis, Rev. Wilfred Emeh, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Rev. William Chiriaco, Resident Priest Deacon Thomas Shurer School Principal: Sr. Michele Smith, IHM, Deacon Dwight Johnson [email protected] Director of Religious Education: David Serrano-Gonzalez Parish Office: 610-692-2990 [email protected] Parish Fax: 610-692-9623 School Office: 610-696-1260 Coordinator of Christian Initiation: PREP Office: 610-436-4640 Mary Ann Corcoran, Day Room Office: 610-429-0697 [email protected] Parish Convent: 610-692-9430 Director of Social Outreach Services: Spanish Apostolate: 610-344-7224 Barbara Kirby, [email protected] English—Second, Third, and Fourth Sundays Director of Spanish Ministry: at 1:30 PM Sr. Mary Filan, IHM, Spanish—First Saturdays at 11:30 AM and mfi[email protected] First Sundays at 1:00 PM Pre-Jordan Class (Located in TPH) Cemetery Manager: English—First Sundays at 12:00 PM Samuel Riccardo, Jr., Spanish—Fourth Thursdays at 7:00 PM [email protected] Superior of Convent: Sr. Barbara Browne, IHM x To register for Pre-Cana: www.philamarriageprep.com Facilities Manager: x To schedule a wedding at Saint Agnes: Lane Miller, www.saintagnesparish.org/plan-a- [email protected] wedding Business Manager: Charles Maruzzella, Homebound members of the Parish or their [email protected] family members can notify the Parish Office Parish Accountant: (610) 692-2990 to make arrangements to Tracey Maniscalco, receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation [email protected] (Confession), Holy Communion, and/or Anointing of the Sick. We are happy to Communications and Pastoral Assistant: accommodate both short- and long-term Cecilia Cicone, needs. communicationscoordinator @saintagnesparish.org 1050 Pottstown Pike, West Chester, PA. Parish Secretary: Sam Riccardo, Jr., Superintendent Carmen Lytle, 610-692-4421 [email protected] Page 2 - 171 Deb Aelsch, Virginia Basilio; Joan Beck; Jack Bragger; Marilyn Buckley; Rachel Car- SUNDAY: Solemnity of All Saints roll;Barbara Carrozza; Christine Cavaliere; 7:00 AM:+Our faithful departed parishioners Marge Christanell; Jeannette Cichy; Christine 9:00 AM: +George Finnerty Cole; Noel D; Bill Davenport; Carol De 10:30 AM: +Steve Barnes Marco; Charlie Deegan; Roseanne Doyle; 12:00 PM: +Domingo Mulero Meg Gorbsky; Georgia Grab; Helen Hartman; 5:15 PM: +LTC George Finnerty James Jaenisch; Maren Kaniewski; Elizabeth MONDAY: All Souls’ Day Kephart; Jean Kerrigan; Timothy Kollhoff; 6:30 AM:+Our faithful departed parishioners Kathi Lafferty; Chuck Loughin; Bill Lynch; 8:00 AM: +John Feconda Chase Masters; Gil Matthews, Jr.; Sr. Dorothy TUESDAY: Weekday Mayer, IHM; Brian L. McCorkle; Victoria 6:30 AM:+Our faithful departed parishioners Neidigh; Ann O’Connor; Scott Paris; Eliza- 8:00 AM: +Margaret Frances Blescia beth Pinkerton; Kim Pizii; Michael Pizii; WEDNESDAY: St. Charles Borromeo Charles Porter; Steve Roberts; Carmelo 6:30 AM:+Our faithful departed parishioners Scuncio; Mary Sena; Tracie Shelton; Diana 8:00 AM:: +Gerardo Salazar Stull; Dorothy Sweets; Elizabeth Tipton; THURSDAY: Weekday Candace Tomes; Zachary Trexler; Breelyn 6:30 AM:+Our faithful departed parishioners Valentine; Rosalina Vito; Mary Ann Walsh; 8:00 AM: +Margaret Frances Blescia Lynneann Washlick; Baby Abby Whelan; FRIDAY: Weekday Catherine Yankech; Marie Corso Zielinski 6:30 AM:+Our faithful departed parishioners 8:00 AM: +Peter Robert Blescia SATURDAY: Weekday 8:00 AM: +Peter Robert Blescia USMC: Pvt. 1st Class Santos Araujo, Sgt. Joshua Feliciano, Pvt. James D. Franciotti, LCPL Noah Michael Harris, Sgt. Isaac Pineda USAF: Capt. Timothy J. Baldwin, 2nd Lt. Jessica Clark, 1st Lt Andrew Johnson, Major Lt. Adam M. Sema, LCPL Anthony Serrato, 1st Lt. Kathleen Styron, Lt.Col Kathleen Loe- per-Sullivan, Lt. Col. Jared Yankech USN: Ensign Peter A. Herlihey, PO-3 Sean Leeder, Lt. Commander Gerard Mauer III, Ensign Paul Mauer, Lt. Ted Pease, Lt. Charles G. Schappert CTR2: Alexandra Haney CTR3: Reilly Haney USA: Capt. Thomas Berkman, Major Jessi- ca Bayer Chominski, SPC Matthew Conway, Specialist Ian Donoghue, 1st Class, David P. Estes, Private 2nd Class, Specialist Jason Hall, 1st Lt Eric Lugo, Sgt. James Mac Fadden, 1st Class, PFC Alexander Sarcione, Major John Paul Snook, Capt. Walter R. Snook Page 3 - 171 Aer many months of campaigning the gen- This Sunday, November 1st we celebrate All eral election is about to come to a conclu- Saints' Day. This solemn holy day is dedicat- sion. We are called to faithful citizenship by ed to the saints who love and intercede for being informed and prayerfully reflect upon us in heaven. This day in a special way cele- the many serious moral issues facing our brates all those who have entered heaven, country at this time. As we vote this week let including saints who have been formally us pray for our country. A Prayer for our canonized by the Church and those who are Nation before an Election is below. not. The Commemoration of All the Faithful In Christ’s love, Departed (All Souls' Day), is observed on November 2nd, and is dedicated to those Fr. Costa who have died and not yet reached heaven. During November we are called to remem- ber in our prayers all those who have gone O God, we acknowledge You as before us in the hope of the resurrection. On Lord, not only of individuals, Monday evening at 7:00 PM we will offer a but of nations and governments. Mass of Remembrance for all those who We thank You for the privilege have died over this past year. All are wel- of being able to organize ourselves political- come to be with us as we pray for God’s on- ly and have a government of and by the going consolation and peace for all of our people. We thank You for Your law, which families who have lost loved ones. our Founding Fathers acknowledged and recognized as higher than any human law. We thank You for the opportunity that this When the boilers were tested we discovered election puts before us, to exercise our sol- an immediate need for two new steam boil- emn duty to vote. Lord, we pray that we, ers for heating the Church and School. The Your people may be awakened. Let us real- old units are approximately twenty-five ize that while politics is not our salvation, it years old. With the guidance from our Facil- can be a path to the common good. Awaken ities Committee one of the units was re- us to know that we are not called to be a sect paired at a cost of $18,250 in order to bridge fleeing the world but rather a community of us until we replace the second boiler. The faith renewing the world. Awaken us that medium to long-term plan is to then con- the same hands lied up to You in prayer vert the aged School steam system to high are the hands that pull the lever in the vot- efficiency heat pumps in sections as the indi- ing booth; that the same eyes that read Your vidual AC units need replacement. This re- Word are the eyes that read the names on placement process has already been done in the ballot, and that we do not cease to be the recent Cafeteria project. Further along in Christians when we enter the voting booth. this plan we would then replace the steam Awaken us to a commitment to justice, to boiler to a high efficiency hot water boiler the sanctity of marriage and the family, to solely for the Church. During this study we the dignity of each human life, to care for also identified the need to replace the aged the poor and to the truth that human rights automated temperature control system that begin when human lives begin. Lord, we re- allows for pre-programing and remote ac- joice today that we are citizens of Your king- cess control of the heat and cooling in both dom. May that make us all the more com- the Church and in TPH. mitted to being faithful citizens on earth. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Page 4 - 171 FLAME OF LOVE OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY prayer group meets Wednesdays, 11 – 12 AM in St. Agnes’ Chapel. In a message to Elizabeth Kindel- Are you considering becoming Catholic? mann, the Blessed Mother said, “Make Explore and grow in the Catholic faith Known to the whole world a new prayer. through our RCIA program to discern if God Through the recitation of this prayer you will is calling you to become a full member of blind Satan and save souls. The Flame of Love Hail Mary goes, “Hail Mary, full of the Catholic Church. For more information, grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed is the email Mary Ann Corcoran fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother at [email protected]. of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of the Flame of Love over all hu- The KofC Council manity now and at the hour of our death. #1333 Home Associa- Amen.” The Blessed Mother also promises, tion Social Club and “If at any moment someone prays three Hail Banquet Hall are both Mary’s while referring to the Flame of Love, OPEN for business! they will free a soul from Purgatory.
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