PHYSICAL REVIEW E VOLUME 55, NUMBER 6 JUNE 1997 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published in this volume are listed alphabetically. Full titles are included in each ®rst author's entry. For Rapid Communi- cations an R precedes the page number. The letters (C) and (BR) following the page number indicate that a paper is a Comment or a Brief Report, respectively. References with (E) are to Errata. Abarbanel, Henry D. I. — ͑see Huerta, Ramon͒ E 55, R2108 and Jin-Qing Fang — Synchronization of chaos and hyperchaos ͑see Liu, Clif͒ E 55, 6483 using linear and nonlinear feedback functions. E 55, 5285 Abdullaev, F. Kh. and J. G. Caputo — Propagation of an envelope Aliaga, J. — ͑see Gruver, J. L.͒ E 55, 6370 soliton in a medium with spatially varying dispersion. E 55, 6061 Alig, I. — ͑see Mayer, W.͒ E 55, 3102 Abel, T., E. Brener, and H. Mu¨ller-Krumbhaar — Three-dimensional Allahyarov, E. A., L. I. Podloubny, P. P. J. M. Schram, and S. A. growth morphologies in diffusion-controlled channel growth. Trigger — Damping of longitudinal waves in colloidal crystals E 55, 7789͑BR͒ of finite size. E 55, 592 Abramson, Guillermo — Ecological model of extinctions. E 55, 785 Allain, C. — ͑see Senis, D.͒ E 55, 7797͑BR͒ Acharyya, M., J. K. Bhattacharjee, and B. K. Chakrabarti Allegrini, M. — ͑see Bezuglov, N. N.͒ E 55, 3333 — Dynamic response of an Ising system to a pulsed field. E 55, 2392 Allen, Christopher K. and Martin Reiser — Bunched beam envelope Ackerson, Bruce J. — ͑see Paulin, S. E.͒ E 55, 5812 equations including image effects from a cylindrical pipe. Ackland, G. J. — ͑see Adam, C. J.͒ E 55, 5641 E 55, 7591 Acun˜a-Campa, H. — ͑see Cha´vez-Pa´ez, M.͒ E 55, 4406 Allen, L. — ͑see Loudon, R.͒ E 55, 1071 Adam, C. J., S. J. Clark, G. J. Ackland, and J. Crain Allender, D. W. — ͑see Galabova, H. G.͒ E 55, 1627 — Conformation-dependent dipoles of liquid crystal molecules and ͑see Seidin, R.͒ E 55, 4302 fragments from first principles. E 55, 5641 Alle´s, B. — ͑see Beccaria, M.͒ E 55, 3870 Adamashvili, G. T. and A. A. Maradudin — Nonresonance optical Allie, Stuart, Alistair Mees, Kevin Judd, and David Watson breathers in nonlinear and dispersive media. E 55, 7712 — Reconstructing noisy dynamical systems by triangulations. E 55, 87 Adler, P. M. — ͑see Coelho, D.͒ E 55, 1959 Alon, Uri and David Mukamel — Gel electrophoresis and Adrover, A., W. Schwalm, M. Giona, and D. Bachand — Scaling and diffusion of ring-shaped DNA. E 55, 1783 scaling crossover for transport on anisotropic fractal structures. Alonso, Juan J. — ͑see Ferna´ndez, Julio F.͒ E 55, 750 E 55, 7304 Alt, H., H.-D. Gra¨f, T. Guhr, H. L. Harney, R. Hofferbert, H. Afanasjev, V. V. — ͑see Soto-Crespo, J. M.͒ E 55, 4783 Rehfeld, A. Richter, and P. Schardt — Correlation-hole Afraimovich, V. and G. M. Zaslavsky — Fractal and multifractal method for the spectra of superconducting microwave billiards. properties of exit times and Poincare´ recurrences. E 55, 5418 E 55, 6674 Agamalian, M., J. M. Drake, S. K. Sinha, and J. D. Axe — Neutron Altenbernd, D. — ͑see Gibbon, P.͒ E 55, R6352 diffraction study of the pore surface layer of Vycor glass. Alves, L. L., G. Gousset, and C. M. Ferreira — Self-contained E 55, 3021 solution to the spatially inhomogeneous electron Boltzmann Agranovich, V. M., S. A. Darmanyan, A. M. Kamchatnov, T. A. equation in a cylindrical plasma positive column. E 55, 890 Leskova, and A. D. Boardman — Variational approach to Amati, G., R. Benzi, and S. Succi — Extended self-similarity in solitons in systems with cascaded ͑2͒ nonlinearity. E 55, 1894 boundary layer turbulence. E 55, 6985 Aguilar, Marı`a — ͑see Sturman, B. I.͒ E 55, 6072 Ammelt, E., Yu. A. Astrov, and H.-G. Purwins — Stripe Turing Agullo, O., A. D. Verga, and G. M. Zaslavsky — Chaotic advection structures in a two-dimensional gas discharge system. and transport in helical Beltrami flows: A Hamiltonian system E 55, 6731 with anomalous diffusion. E 55, 5587 Agullo`-Lo`pez, F. — ͑see Sturman, B. I.͒ E 55, 6072 Amritkar, R. E. — ͑see Roy, Manojit͒ E 55, 2422 Aharony, Amnon — ͑see Netz, Roland R.͒ E 55, 2267 Amuda, R. — ͑see Daniel, M.͒ E 55, 3619 Ahlers, Guenter — ͑see Bajaj, Kapil M. S.͒ E 55, R4869 Amundson, Karl, Alfons van Blaaderen, and Pierre Wiltzius ͑see Hu, Yuchou͒ E 55, 6928 — Morphology and electro-optic properties of polymer-dispersed ͑see Liu, Jun͒ E 55, 6950 liquid-crystal films. E 55, 1646 Ahluwalia, Rajeev — ͑see Puri, Sanjay͒ E 55, 2345 Andelman, David — ͑see Netz, Roland R.͒ E 55, 687 Aihara, Kazuyuki — ͑see Ikeguchi, Tohru͒ E 55, 2530 Andereck, C. David — ͑see Colovas, Peter W.͒ E 55, 2736 Akcasu, A. Ziya and James Paul Holloway — Fokker-Planck Anders, Andre´ — Ion charge state distributions of vacuum arc plasmas: description of electron and photon transport in homogeneous media. The origin of species. E 55, 969 E 55, 6753 Anderson, D. — ͑see Malomed, B.͒ E 55, 962 Akhatov, I., R. Mettin, C. D. Ohl, U. Parlitz, and W. Lauterborn Andrade, J. S., Jr., D. A. Street, Y. Shibusa, S. Havlin, and H. E. — Bjerknes force threshold for stable single bubble Stanley — Diffusion and reaction in percolating pore networks. sonoluminescence. E 55, 3747͑BR͒ E 55, 772 Akhmediev, N. N. — ͑see Soto-Crespo, J. M.͒ E 55, 4783 Angelini, G. — ͑see Burnell, E. E.͒ E 55, 496 Albano, Ezequiel V. — Displacement of inactive phases by the reactive Angle`s d’Auriac, J.-C. — ͑see Meyer, H.͒ E 55, 5380 regime in a lattice gas model for a dimer-monomer irreversible ͑see Meyer, H.͒ E 55, 6608 surface reaction. E 55, 7144 Ankerhold, Joachim and Hermann Grabert — Dissipative quantum Aleiner, I. L. and A. I. Larkin — Role of divergence of classical systems with a potential barrier. III. Steady state nonequilibrium trajectories in quantum chaos. E 55, R1243 flux and reaction rate. E 55, 1355 Alexander, Francis J. — ͑see Boghosian, Bruce M.͒ E 55, 4137 Anoardo, E. and D. J. Pusiol — Local molecular order in the biaxial Ali, M. K. — Synchronization of a chaotic map in the presence of smectic mesophase of HpAB: A proton-14N cross relaxation common noise. E 55, 4804͑BR͒ study. E 55, 7079 55 7814 55 CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX 7815 Anta, J. A., E. Lomba, and M. Lombardero — Influence of three- Balkovsky, E., G. Falkovich, and V. Lebedev — Three-point body forces on the gas-liquid coexistence of simple fluids: The correlation function of a scalar mixed by an almost smooth random phase equilibrium of argon. E 55, 2707 velocity field. E 55, R4881 Antal, Tibor — ͑see Szabo´, Gyo¨rgy͒ E 55, 5275 Ball, R. C. — ͑see Farr, R. S.͒ E 55, 7203 Antoni, Mickae¨l — ͑see Elskens, Yves͒ E 55, 6575 Ballabio, L., G. Gorini, and J. Ka¨llne — ␣-particle knock-on signature Aoyagi, Toshio and Katsunori Kitano — Effect of random synaptic in the neutron emission of DT plasmas. E 55, 3358 dilution in oscillator neural networks. E 55, 7424 Banavar, Jayanth R. — ͑see Colaiori, F.͒ E 55, 1298 Apostolico, F., L. Gammaitoni, F. Marchesoni, and S. Santucci ͑see Vergeles, Maxim͒ E 55, 1998͑BR͒ — Resonant trapping: A failure mechanism in switch Bando, Masako — ͑see Nakanishi, Ken͒ E 55, 6519 transitions. E 55, 36 Bandyopadhyay, Jayanta K. — ͑see Yerrapragada, Srinivas S.͒ Aranson, Igor, Michel Assenheimer, Victor Steinberg, and Lev S. E 55, 5248 Tsimring — Large-scale flow and spiral core instability in Bang, O. — ͑see Berge´, L.͒ E 55, 3555 Rayleigh-Be´nard convection. E 55, R4877 Bankoff, S. G. — ͑see Da´valos-Orozco, L. A.͒ E 55, 374 Araujo, Mariela — ͑see Gonza´lez, Orlando͒ E 55, 2222 Bannur, Vishnu M., Predhiman K. Kaw, and Jitendra C. Parikh Arecchi, F. T. — ͑see Boccaletti, S.͒ E 55, R4845 — Statistical mechanics of quartic oscillators. E 55, 2525 ͑see Boccaletti, S.͒ E 55, 4979 Barbee, Jr., T. W. — ͑see Wan, A. S.͒ E 55, 6293͑BR͒ ͑see Boccaletti, S.͒ E 55, 5393 Barbero, G. — ͑see Galatola, P.͒ E 55, 4314 Arino, O. — ͑see Pakdaman, K.͒ E 55, 3234 ͑see Stelzer, J.͒ E 55, 477 Arnold, David V. — ͑see Warnick, Karl F.͒ E 55, 6092 Bardos, G. — ͑see Kun, F.͒ E 55, 1508 Artuso, Roberto, Giulio Casati, and Italo Guarneri — Numerical Bari, Maria Di, Dino Boccaletti, Piero Cipriani, and Giuseppe study on ergodic properties of triangular billiards. E 55, 6384 Pucacco — Dynamical behavior of Lagrangian systems on Finsler Ashcroft, N. W. — ͑see McCarley, J. S.͒ E 55, 4990 manifolds. E 55, 6448 Ashkenazy, Y. — ͑see Horwitz, L. P.͒ E 55, 3697͑BR͒ Barnett, D. M. — ͑see Ueshima, Y.͒ E 55, 3439 Assenheimer, Michel — ͑see Aranson, Igor͒ E 55, R4877 Barnhoorn, J. B. S. — ͑see Burnell, E. E.͒ E 55, 496 Aste, Tomaso — Random walks on disordered networks. E 55, 6233͑BR͒ Barrat, A. — Directed polymer in random media in two dimensions: Åstro¨m, Jan, Markku Kelloma¨ki, and Jussi Timonen — Dynamic Numerical study of the aging dynamics. E 55, 5651 fragmentation of a two-dimensional brittle material with quenched Barrat, Jean-Louis — ͑see McNamara, Sean͒ E 55, 7767͑BR͒ disorder. E 55, 4757 Bar-Shalom, A. — ͑see Oreg, J.͒ E 55, 5874 Astrov, Yu. A. — ͑see Ammelt, E.͒ E 55, 6731 Bartnik, Andrzej — ͑see Skobelev, Igor Yu.͒ E 55, 3773͑BR͒ Atai, Javid — ͑see Chen, Yijiang͒ E 55, 3652 Bartoli, F.
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